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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Deeqa Bilan Muqdishaay Na Daadihi
  2. Qaali Ladan Muqdishaay Guul.
  3. Fatima Haryan Muqdishaa u xiisay
  4. Amin is a talent walee. Inta Somali is jiid jiidiso, Kikuyu uun ayaa ka faidsaniya.
  5. Gabbal;961240 wrote: I am actually exceptionally surprised this is coming from the American Enterprise Institute; the intellectual mouthpiece of the neocons in the US. I would completely understand if this came from somewhere else like Think Progress, but AEI is a think tank that I would usually believe would take Ethiopian/Kenyan interests over Somalia in any situation. I may be getting ahead of myself, but if AEI is writing this there must be a consensus being reached on foreign policy towards Somalia's new resurgence which is very much hoping to empower strong state rule. I mean the AEI is blatantly anti-Kenyan and anti-Ethiopian interference in the Somalia of this circumstance in this article when the AEI and its Dick Cheneys, Rumsfelds, Wolfowitz, and Pearles were the ones who, through proxy patronage, gave neighboring countries (Ethiopia) all the license to "contain" Somalia (ICU). I am interested to see how this becomes a reflection of the West's foreign policy engineering in Somalia when push to take a stand on the current issue. Maybe, its because of the influence of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
  6. Abtigiis;961302 wrote: I disagree. The Economist article is about the whole of Somalia, the other one about Kismaayo only. So, you cannot expect the same details in the two articles. I also think Abdi Hire offered a sensible middle ground. In the absence of the institutions that will interpret the constitution and the processes that will have to be done before finalizing the formation of regional states, I think it could be beneficial if an INTERIM Jubbaland administration is recognized, not for three years, but for 1-2 years, on the condition that Ahmed Madoobe will first extend a gogol for the clans who feel excluded and will ensure they are included. It is not perfect, it may not even be fair, but I think given the current stalemate, it is the most practical recommendation. The Economist article confirms what everybody who understands the context knows: that the center will remain a weak entity for some time, and regions will be strong. President Hassan is fighting fait accompli and therefore swimming against the current. The 'Jubbaland' admin hasn't even set a foot outside the few square kilometer of Kismayo, but already claiming the sole authority over three provinces. If one would focus on liberating and the control of all those regions and compromise with all political opponents in the region(Baasto&Barre), one would not even have to ask anyone for recognition of their mandate and sole authority over the region but be a de-facto authority to be reckon with.
  7. Puntland waxa lagu yaqaanay siyasad iyo fadhikudirir. Baryahan laakinse wax kasta wee ku surowda.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;961143 wrote: Its not a secret khatumo is a vassal state of Somaliland , this is just Somaliland dealing with its issues. Nothing biggie. Pirates are not supporters of Khatumo , pirates support Jubbaland but are against Khatumo. clan federalism is funny.
  9. N.O.R.F;960980 wrote: Ah, Bashi welcome back. Apologies, I tend to call a spade a spade. Waa la iska qirtaa saxib Are you talking about the same constitution you didn't think needed discussinglast year? The same constitution that was stolen in the dark and replaced by another version, according to Faroole.
  10. Dowladda Puntland ayaa dagaalka Kismayo ka dhacay ku eedaysay DF Somalia inay lahayd qorshaha lagu soo abaabulay. Ka dib markii uu maanta 09 June,2013 Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Gen.Cabdisamad Cali Shire dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Garowe isagoo ka soo kicitimay Qardho ayuu saxaafada kula hadlay madaxtoyada kagana warbixiyay safarkiisi Bossaso, Qardho iyo xaaalada Kismayo. “Dagaalka Kismayo ka dhacay mid iska dhacay maaheen, waxaan aaminsanahay inuu ku yimid abaabul iyo qorshe ay ka danbaysay Dowladda Dhexe ee Federaalka Somalia” ayuu yiri Gen. Shire. Wuxuu kaloo raaciyayey ku simaha madaxweynaha Puntland “DF hadii ay sidaa ku sii socoto oo la baalmaro dastuurka Soomaaliyeed wixii lagu heshiiyay Puntland waxay ka fiirsan doontaa wada shaqaynta ay la leedahay DF”. Wasiiro, Xildhibaano, taliyaal iyo saraakiil kale oo ka tirsan dowladda ayaa banaanka hore ee magaalada Garowe ku soo dhoweeyay madaxweyne ku xigeenka oo uu wehelinayay taliyaha ciidamada difaaca Puntland Sareeye Gaas Siciid Maxamed Xirsi. Safarkiisi gobolka Bari ayuu ku tilmaamay Gen. Shire mid guul ku soo dhamaaday ka dib muddo bil ah oo uu kulamo la yeeshay qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada gobolka Bari. Dadweynaha Puntland ayuu ugu baaqay inay ilaashadaan midnimadooda isagoona xusay inay jiraan dadaalo badan oo la isku dayayo in la wiiqo Puntland oo bilo ka dib 15 sanno jirsanaysa. Magaalada Qardho ayuu ka hadlay oo kulamo dhankooda la yeeshay Gen. Cadde, odayaasha dhaqanka ee gobolka Karkaar iyo xubanah ururka Horseed oo gudoomiye ku xigeen uu ka yahay. Dagaalka Kismayo ka dhacay ayaa shalay Cabdinaasir Seeraar ku sheegay Shirqool laga soo abaabulay Muqdisho oo ay ciidanka Jubaland fashiliyeen. waxana maanta degan xaalada magaalada ka dib maleeshiyaadkii markii banaanka looga saaray.
  11. Only low lives would post such pictures and spread rumours. Admin should remove this thread.
  12. xiinfaniin;960713 wrote: ^^The Fiqi guy has been politely sent to Mogadishu Or shall we say he finally realizes it seems that his stay in Kismayo has proven to be counter productive ,. to say the least. Today Mr. Fiqi flew to Mogadishu Does Africa Airways fly from Kismayo to Moqadisho?
  13. Stuff and nonsense. More feminism and women will wonder were all the man went to.
  14. He is a Kenyan national serving the interest of his country and his constituents. He has said nothing wrong.
  15. Alpha Blondy;960167 wrote: its fairly obviously isnt it? :mad: the bloody Saaxil Supersonics were full of laan-gaabs like reer sahal and abokar cisse. this is the doing of Abdulshakur, the new reer sahal mayor of Berbera city. :mad: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Alpha, are you telling me that even the football teams are tribalised? Berbera used to have a lot of carab and hindi players.
  16. Inshallah kheyr iyo cafimaad.
  17. Interesting history here. To bad that a lot of the history has been clouded by tribal motives.
  18. Alpha, how the hell did the Saaxil team loose from Badhan of all places? Loosing from Makhirians. This is embarrasing walee.
  19. In contemporary sociological and anthropological literature, the definition of tribe varies widely and with conflicting identifications ranging from common language, common culture, same ancestral lineages, or common rulers. It implies a collection of individuals who are joined together by the factor of territory, blood, language, culture or history. However, the generic meaning of tribe in strictly genealogical perspective is an in-word identification of someone through an exclusive and male-based claim of assumed common ancestorship. What norms and rules accompany this way of being in the world is,primarily subject to the particular interests prescribed by the clan. In contrast, tol or tolnimo, in its literal meaning, conveys cohesion, construction, knitting, or joining things or individuals together etc. In its customary usage, tol implies rectitude, compassion, unity against injustice and against external aggression, and civic belonging beyond the immediate kin. Ibn Khaldun (1967) described this social cohesion assabiya (communal solidarity) as the fundamental bond of human society and the basic motive force of history. According to him `asabiyyah is neither necessarily nomadic nor based on blood relations. In the modern period, the term is generally analogous to solidarity. Tolnimo, in fact, could form the guiding ideal for the moral bonds of membership and leadership that are the basis for the principal of community (Selznick 1992; 2001). Thus, though tribe and tol have common primordial roots in traditional sense, they are very different in the conceptual imagination and, most significantly, in practical application. * In his keynote address during the pioneering Tol convocation held in Minneapolis in April, 2010, Professor Ahmed I. Samatar laid out the cardinal distinction between tribal mentality and that associated with kinship or more specifically tolnimo in its Somali roots. * He asserted this:* “The first (clansim), connotes what Somalis would call qabiil and, thus, is motivated by small-mindedness and the ‘Othering’ of those who don’t belong to the assumed male-centered genealogical tree; the latter is grounded on the concept of tol that, to be sure, acknowledges primordial ties but, more importantly, stresses the following:* optimum protection of individual and communal welfare, and meeting of obligations to other communities (from the intimate neighbor to the most geographically distant of the Somali people) in a larger context of peace,* social justice and generosity….In short,* qabiil *is always negative, if not degenerative, and lends itself to internal fissures and hate for the non-member. Tol, on the other hand, is elastic and, therefore, conducive to group solidarity yet always linked to deep empathy for strangers. We believe such a perspective transforms the way many contemporary Somalis relate to each other and, thus, bodes well for engagements that enrich constructive plurali
  20. NGONGE;959565 wrote: ^^ As things stand and with comedy Jamaal being the only candadite to challlange Kulmiye, I doubt that Siilaanyo needs any help to win a re-election (even though I don't think he'll stand for another term). Why do you disregard Wadani as a challenger. They are quite popular in the country now.
  21. I just came back from my local Somali maqayad and the latest gossip is, Siilanyo is running for re-election and the Professor will be his running mate ensuring him a win.
  22. MoonLight1;959291 wrote: well yes we have problems in the south, its a vast country with multiple tribes, multiple languages, different ethnic groups, and many cultures so the problems are complex and it will take a while to sort it, contrary to your triangle ruled by one clan, all the heads of the 3 parties are one clan, the head of the parliament is from that clan, all the major ministerial portfolios e.g interior & foreign ministers are from that clan, its a one man show yaa xaaji. so please don't compare a nation to an enclave. What triangle? The thread is about Professor visit of DILA and BORAMA. You seem to have missed that.
  23. It doesnt make sense for Somalis to discuss internal issues on Kikuye territory. Those days are over.
  24. Marku Xiin yiraahdo waa la i necebyahay. waa marka laga saxsan yahay, oo u jawaab heynin.
  25. Why would the Federal Goverment hold talks about Jubbaland in NAIROBI of all places. While IGAD recommended all the Jubbaland stakehokders to go to Muqdisho. This is a step back to the days of Shariif holding talks on every internal issues in Kampala, Addis, etc.