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Everything posted by Carafaat
Taleexi, tuuloyinka maqan waa kuwa Al Shabaab heysato inabti. lets join hands and free them from Al Shaytaan. that would be really a mission for Unity.
Somalina, we can share Inter-govermental institutions. but you can keep the Embassies.
*ANWAR*;785939 wrote: Carafaat, you are one funny Howlwadaag boy!! ;) ;) Anwar, aboow, ciyaal xafadka howlwadaag waa kuwa u qatarsan. saas kumaa ogeen?
12x2.8 is 33.6million dollar on a total budget of 60 million. Its correct Abdi.
Bob, maxaa dhacay. Adi ma ila adid. Inta macawiis iyo dacas xirto aa lug ku maraa meel kasta. Horey aa u smeeyay. Cid wax ku dhihisa ma jirto, macaa meel kasta shaaha laguu qaadaa.
A_Khadar, one have to admit that after LA in 2007 many really thought that SSC folks really joined SL. But SSC and Khaatumo have showed everyone that SL unity has a price and that is Unity with Somalia. Khaatumo is the strongest political signal the SSC have given to Somaliland and Puintland. But If SL en So achieve agreeement, I don't see why SL and Khaatumo Couldn't. Don't you think?
When did 3mln become 380mln on annual basis. Its like 36mln on annuial basis which corresponds with 60procent of buidget.
Xaaji, We changed to constitution to join brothers in Shir. For meeting Museveni we didn't need to change the Law. Xaajiyow nabada qaado, siilanyo gogol ayuu fiidiyay. Dagaalka iyo cidiyo ku dgaalanka jooji
Xaaji, military is getting old, they get paid 70 dollar a month(while burundese get 1000 dollar), and they cost Somaliland 60procent budget and we have an army of nearly to 40.000. They need some practical experience. Don't be xaasid, let them do their work.
A_Khadar, don't be sour and bitter. Umada Somaliyeed dhinac ka raac. Nabada ha diidin.
A_Khadar, inabti colaada jooji oo nabada dhinac ka raac. There is a time for war and time for understanding. I don't like party boopers. Waa uff.
http://somalilandpress.com/somaliland-to-increase-defense-budget-26414 My political gut feeling tells me SL will send troops to area's where Al Shabaab is ousted. Amisom will stay in main cities, airports and ports. That is why the British need Somaliland aboard, cause they know no other foreign troops will accepted and who else can better minggle with folks, structurize institutions and be independant between clans and fractions in South. For SL they are all Koonfurions.
A_Khadar, xal qaado adeer. Anaku waan qadanay midnimadee.
Maya, ta aduunka aanu qeyb kaga qadanino. Xaajiyow, aduunweynaha Somali qaawan ine hor istaagto maha. Anaga oo gacanta is heysana waa iney na arkaan.
Umada Somaliyeed wee is cafisay. Arntan shaqsi iyo dawlad shiisheeye ee ka dhaxeysa.
Qorax kuleel ookiyaalo madow u gasho. Rafaad raaxo lee a dambeesaa.
you banned him so many times from your site
Abtigiis;785770 wrote: Whatever the personal guilt of this man is, he is wronged in more than million ways by Somalis. Adeer, ilaahay intaad ka yaabtaan ninkan quudhsiga dadiisa loogeeystay awgeed ha loo saamaxo. Haduu 1000 uu dilay, tobanaan kun oo uu la dhashay ayaan dhimana nooleyn oo nolosha lagu cadhaabay through segregation, stigma and racism cad. Markaa waa in la saamaxo odaygan si dadka uu ka dhashay ayna ugu qaadan in tani daba socoto dhibaatadaii haybsoca ee lagu hayey dadkiisa. Agree.
Che -Guevara;785778 wrote: It's very big of you Cashier, :-) Could you now apologize as well?
haa, xaaji waa run. Midnimada tageer Xaajiyoow.
*Blessed;785761 wrote: Kaalay, sawdigii lahaa I'm going to leave my qabiil? Hada waxaad la timi habar taydaa ta hebel ka laan dheer. LOL. Meel ku joog yarow! SL delegation will be painting London red, green and white... Aabayo, hadee Somaliland wadan gaara noqoto aa ka baxaa. laakinse adeero Siilanyo ayaa mideena, markaa no need to leave clan. I'm disappointed in you, Carafaat! I remember nodding for of the posts in the forum where you seemed to have problems with tribalism and tribalists but from the above statement it's obvious that you're one yourself! Well, I guess in the end 'mahuraan waa caaws jiilaal'. Garnaqsi, I have an issue with 3 habar's. its not your concern, its between me and them.
Xaaji, good of you to support the President in Unity.