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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Cambuulo, goormees i casumee nooh? wiilka waa walaalka nooh. casuumada ka sugaa
  2. MMA, maag ogeyn arintaan. laakinse anigu waan yaraa, kolay family each kaliya arkay. waxba kama ogi beaches kale, bal nooga waran naked beaches? Cambuulo, abaayo ani inaa ciyaal xaafad ahay ma shaki aa ka taagan. adi xafadee eheed abaayo? Bob, aboow, Berbera is nice, but the temperament of the Idean Ocean cant be comparde to the tranquile RedSea. Indian ocean has character, seen nowhere else, every second and every minute is diffrent. Laakinse gabar reer Berebra waa lagu siina, laakinse wee gaaban yihiin. waa la qaad qaadi karaa.
  3. Che -Guevara;786353 wrote: Having ministries all over Somalia is not distribution of power and revenue. Concentrate on development and creating economic centers. Its just an example and besides. I dont think we will have that many big central Ministries, it will be more coordination offices with limited size, power. Did you know that most SL Ministries have offices in all of its 6 regions, add Puntland having own offices, future Baidoa, Kismayo having their own offices. what is left for the center, is only a small number of coordination staff.
  4. Wadani;786132 wrote: I would like to dedicate my first post on this forum to the people of Khaatumo State and offer an apology on behalf of all like minded Somalilanders who fail to see the political rationale and underlying moral justification behind attacking the towns of fellow Somalis who refuse to be a part of the Somaliland administration. If the people of SSC do not wish to come under the Somaliland umbrella and instead opt for autonomy and a regional administration that falls under the fledgling TFG, this is their God given right and any attempts at subjugating the inhabitants of the said regions through brute force will only backfire against Somaliland, as it already has. The Siilaanyo administration should have taken a lesson from the the intractable war America is engaged in currently in Afghanistan....the lesson being, u cannot win a war without winning the hearts and minds of the locals. Guns and bombs do not endear populations to the ideologies and goals of those perceived as invaders. This is a basic social phenomena, yet governments fail to acknowledge it and always suffer the inevitable consequences. Also, i would wish that my SSC brothers and sisters not let clan sentiments drive their intentions in this whole debacle, because i believe unfortunately that there are many who wear the Honorable and all encompassing garb of Somaliwayn, but only for reasons of political expediency. To them, a united Somalia is a secondary or maybe even tertiary goal, while the dismantling and subsequent destruction of Somaliland (read SNM clan) is their primary ambition. hear, hear. I have given you approval rating.
  5. Khaatumo and Awdal State shaking hands. Like the logo. P.S. Tolow mexee ku heshiyeen oo gacanta isku qabsadeen?
  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;786341 wrote: Anigu habartada garan mayo eeh laakin ninkanu wa suldaanki reer Somaliland eeh Ethiopia just joking adeer. I hope the Suldaan will be fine.
  7. Gaacuur;786346 wrote: -Fish City > Marka Cadey - Cultural City > Gaalkacyo - Education City > Shiikh or Sheikh - Military City > Baladwein/Baladweyne - Sports City > AFgooye - Trade City > Kismaayo - Oil City > Boosaaso - Tourism City > Baraawe good suggestions.
  8. Che -Guevara;786343 wrote: This is silly, there's and will be one capital and that's Xamar. havent you learned anything from our History or our neigbour Kenya?
  9. Tanzania was till recently not that far ahead from us. And they have applied this kind of policy with succesfull distribution and allocation of resources throughout the capital. We dont want another Muqdisho 1991 or what happened in Nairobi 2008. Therefor I say, bahasha ha la kala qeybiyo, wax dambe oo la isku qabsaniyo ayaa markaa iska yaraanisaa. good for stability. In Tanzania -Dodoma - Official Capital -Dar es Salaam - De facto seat of government (Embassies) -Arusha -Tourism/Safari capital, international court for Rwanda -Moji/Mwanza -Agricultural cities -Tanga -Port, fisheries, -Bagamoyo - Beach tourism etc
  10. Which of the Habro's? ma teena mise mid kale.
  11. Dr.Osman, why are you comparing me with Tarzan? However I like the man and he has a point. Somalia iyo kuligeen waxa meeshan na dhigay dulmi aanu geesanay, kolay anigu macaa eeda wee ii saaran tahay. We need to look at our selves and look how we can improve ourselves, pointing fingers has no use, yaa Boqor.
  12. Che -Guevara;786329 wrote: people. why are you putting down the oldman, laandheer ma,aha miyaa:D Oday ka laandheersana ma jiro, ya gaab.
  13. Last couple of days there has been a hugh discussion here on SOL, in the diaspora and in the country where the inter-govermental Somali wide institutions should be based. To prevent the previous mistakes of centralization, one needs to have a policy in line with the decentralization policy and regional allocation. There are many countries who have multiple capitals, Here is my probosal. -Moqdisho - Official capital - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Embassies, -Hargeysa - Legislative/Judical Capital - Somali wide Parliament,Guurti, High Court Other -Garowe Financial Capital - Central Bank, etc. -Burco Livestock trading capital -Livestock centre, ministry of livestock, etc -Baidoa Farming Capital -Farming institutions, INGO, etc. Min of Agriculture -Fish Capital.......... -Cultural Capital.............. -Education Capital.............. -Tourism cities..................... -Television City -Border Cities
  14. Jacaylbaro;786253 wrote: Mid baa Qayilay ,,,, Anna waxaan leeyahay "Guddi baa loo saarayaa arrinkaa" I agree. there should be a committe put on this issue.
  15. Yes, but traditional leaders opinion should be alteast listened to and not ridiculed.
  16. money printing needs to stop. its not in the interest of the people nor the poor. The poor who have their possesions in Shillings always use with the inflation, speculation and false printing. Authorities in SL en Somalia should use the same currency then it's in nobody's interest to printing false currencies,nor speculation with the weak shillings. One People One Currency One Central Bank
  17. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;786114 wrote: Suldaankaan seems in uu wax ogyahay than the average jaamac in Hargeysa who wants goosashadoonka. He is the Supreme Sultan, who was part of TNG and TFG and spend jail times in both administration of Egaal (aun) and Riyaale. So he definetly is in the know. In fact he predicted all the thigns happening now. Cant understand why Xaaji, Mintid Yare and Oodweyne dont support the Grand Sultan. Have they no respect for his lineage?
  18. Dr_Osman;786220 wrote: I dont see any grass on there No, there is no grass in Berbera. But there is a hugh oil field called the Berbera block.
  19. me to Anwar. I hope one day, my kids can enjoy those beaches withour worries just like I have.
  20. Nin-Yaaban, can you post some simple words plus translation?
  21. Anwar, its history we can learn from. we should forgive but not forget