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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;961766 wrote: ^^ Hada wa tu is nacday i have never seen her singing SL songs , did she ever compose an SL song , ever are. I prefer the HAG farxiya fiiska , Farxiya fiiska is more of a Somalilander than this chick. Xaaji, kadaa dee. Amee reer Somalia ama reer Jabuuti tahay. Ma khasab baa iney u heesto SL.
  2. Ma fiicno qurunka caloosha ku jira ina TV yada laga soo daayo. Universal needs some proper moderators to filter out these kind of sentiments.
  3. These guys were not even experienced Airport staff. They looked more like South-African ex-paramilitary merceneries.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;961690 wrote: ^^ Abtigiis could be right , but this pirate might give the HAG political strategists a few idea's:D HAG supremacy very funny lol Xaaji, HAG ma waxa heysaa strategy la'an?
  5. Abtigiis, Good suggestions.this would solve the regional Jubba issue. But does not adress the 'federal' issue that is underneath this political conflict on the table. How would you suggest Faroole, Madoobe and Culusoow deal with eachother? Who is in charge of Somalia, the States or the central goverment?
  6. Alpha Blondy;961206 wrote: ^ LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you chew khat? you're alright, you know. i like. i like very much. i've learnt so much about your personality, ma istidhi? i insist we chew together in my house when you come to Hargeisa. :p:p LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...... Isku xishood niyoow. For these comments only, Saffers folks can demand quite a some of 'xaal'. And my folks are fed up contributing Xaal for every slip up. We are still collecting for that last incident with the teenage girls.
  7. Indeed. Will be a difficult job. Good luck to the committee. P.S. I hope they try to maintain the divers character of Somali region. And focus on forming inclusive, effective and robuust Admins that can set-up service delivery.
  8. Alpha Blondy;961602 wrote: this is EXCELLENT. i'm very happy to see the arts being promoted in Mogadishu. as i'm sure you could appreciate.....artists and cultural pioneers have a pivotal role to play in the rehabilitation of our broken social fabric. artists are the personification of society. through different forms of self-expression, they can create wholly new ways of re-inventing our broken social fabric. we MUST encourage their involvement and seek their expert opinions in peace-building and rehabilitation efforts. we need talent which has been organically sourced to be given the platform to express their artistic talents to 'repair and rehabilitate' our broken society. certainly, the arts are a crucially medium which could make a huge contribution to nation building efforts - to create a national character and psyche. we MUST establish a platform to reinvigorate the arts scene across the Somali peninsula and to uplift our cultural icons to an esteemed position. Alpha, mogadishu ma ku kacsatay. I told you before to visit Mogadisho inaar. You will see Art is much appreciated there.
  9. Mogadishu is the undivided capital of the Somali people. Its the home and birth place of millions of Somalis, from all kind of diffeent clans and walks of life. Among them yours truly. Nonetheless it is un acceptable and a farce that the capital of the nation is politicly dominated by one single clan. Even Hargeysa, the second capital, has a Governor from Sool region.
  10. Homunculus;961509 wrote: Thank you, it's great to know stuff like this, but I still keep hearing that most development money is concentrated in Mogadishu, do you think that is wise? Good question. There has been hardly any invest or development in Mogadishu in the last 23 years. It was even to unsafe for NGO/UN to visit, till the last year or so. Where Somaliland and Puntland where peaceful enough for NGOs and the respective governments to work on development projects in the last decade or so. So I think its fair the government focuses for now on Mogadishu and gradually on the rest of Somalia. P.S. Of the 90 districts of Somalia, 16 are in Mogadishu where Puntland has only 11 or 12 districts. So you cant compare Banadir region with any other Province or City of Somalia. Waa Muyaradiii Dalka.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;961546 wrote: You should not read so much into to it the Brits know who to contact if they want Somaliland resources. They know themselves the Amisom guarded government cannot sign anything off, that is under SL. Still Somaliland contacts with the Brits goes through he addis ababa Embassy channel, So they can so much ambassadors to Mogadishu it doesn't change the situation. By the way this Nicholas chap guy is not a bad fella, he helped with the division of the sudan when he was the British ambassador to sudan . And you forget to mention that he did something with Congo and the resource rich Eastern Congo where neighboring countries like Rwanda are military involved.
  12. Halane Base, Villa Somalia, Aden Abdulle Airport, Jaziira Beach, its all part of Mogadishu. Atleast they are paying a tribute to Somalia and visiting the capital. Better then meetings in Nairobi.
  13. xiinfaniin;961572 wrote: Jubaland: Kenya Defence Forces not supporting us 13 Jun 13, 2013 - 3:09:03 AM NAIROBI ,Kenya 13 June,2013 (SD)-The simmering tension between the Government of Mogadishu and that in Nairobi over the establishment of Somali’s breakaway State of Jubaland has gotten intervention from a likely source. State of Jubaland President, Sheikh Ahmed Madobe, has said Kenya is not behind the establishment of his newly breakaway state. Madobe, who was recently elected President of the semi-autonomous region, defended the Government of Kenya and the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) from claims of backing his administration. I n an interview with The Standard, the Jubaland leader said the establishment of a federal state in the South of Somalia was in line with Igad’s four-year marshal plan of restoring stability in Somalia. He said the creation of a strong administration based on federalism was mooted in Addis Ababa four years ago during an Igad meeting that was attended by the then Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and presidents from the region. Someone should provide Madobe with the recent IGAD positions.
  14. Nuune, I will cut down on the smillies if it bothers you. Regarding President Hiiraale. I didnt You support him, I thought Baasto was to your liking. For I really dont care who is/will become President of Jubbaland. As long as the process is inclusive and transparent. And in order to prevent diffrent competing clan maamuls and diffrent Presidents in same region, it is a must that this process is facilitated by an arbiter( the central goverment in this case).
  15. MoonLight1;961367 wrote: in other words HAG area. inta kale ma rootaa? it would have made sense if they said between Xamar and Garowe because that is where the chinese 1972 road ends. A 750*km highway connects major cities in the northern part of the country, such as Bosaso, Galkayo and Garowe, with towns in the south.[2] In 2012, the Puntland Highway Authority completed rehabilitation work on the central artery linking Garowe with Galkayo.[3] The transportation body also began an upgrade and repair project in June 2012 on the large thoroughfare between Bosaso and Garowe.[4] Additionally, renovations were initiated in October 2012 on the central artery linking Bosaso with Qardho.[3] Plans are also in the works to construct new roads connecting littoral towns in the region to the main highway.[4] The part between Galkacyo and Garowe has been recently rehabilitated. No need to tribalise everything.
  16. warsamaale;961280 wrote: Xaaji habaar is overcompensating, he know his clan comes a distant third in the affairs of somalidom, keep dreaming adeer Wonder who are first and second? And who exactly determined those positions?
  17. xiinfaniin;961430 wrote: Excellent move from Ahmed Madoobe. As I noted in another thread , this Conference will be a mere face saving exit for Hassan. Those who opposed Jubbaland will be disappointed. The Conference aint about Hassan, Ahmed iyo Faarax. You take it to personal. Its about the Central Goverment taking her responsibility to facilitate the construction of Regional admins, as the constitution dictates and has been underlined by IGAD in her recent Mission Report. In other words, no clan states in Somalia. Only real admins facilitated by the Central goverment.
  18. After 22 years of chaos who would have thought that foreign delegations would visit Mogadishu again.
  19. xiinfaniin;961360 wrote: It has been a long journey for Carafaat to finally accept the reality that is Jubbaland. The liberation of Jubbaland cities is a work in progress ---naturally the political legitimacy should precede the imposition of authority over Jubbaland territory Xiin, Carafaat acceptance is irrelevant. He is merely an online character in foreign lands. Its the locals that need to be convinced. And so far you have three Presidents in Kismayo and non of them has set a foot outside the few square kilometers the Kenyans control. I really think you are fighting the wrong enemy. you should focus on fighting AL Shabaab, convincing the locals, reaching out, and reach a consensus with the other "Presidents" and expand the authority outside the Kenyan held territories.
  20. Somalia;961361 wrote: Khaatumo's time shall come but unlike Jubbaland, there's no consensus on the ground there, so it can't be fruitful like the Jubbaland conference. There are three diffrent Presidents in Kismayo and there is no concensus among them(even fighting last week). Atleast the 3 Presidents of Khatumo have a concensus. check mate.
  21. Somalia, Even Khatumo controls more land and districts then 'Jubbaland' and even exist two years longer but I don't see pirates campaigning for Khatumo. Second, the focus should be on trying to get more legitimacy by control and power on the ground(like Khatumo does). Not trying to get your legitimacy through the backdoor by lobbying Kikuyus in Nairobi for recognition or coinciding with the pirates agenda. For sure it will lead to futility.
  23. Awale Adan caasimad mugweynoo misaankeedu culusyahoo meel wacan ku talo muuqeedo dheeryahay madaxii dalkeyniyo muraadisa ba tahay xamar kama maarmoo muruqan ku faaniyo garabkegii midigeey meel baa I bugteey muqdishooy mawlaan baryee muqdishoo meel baa I bugtaay muqdishooy magacaagii dheeraa muqdshiyooy ma soo celin marinkii dalxiiskee, ee jasiira loo maro jubba milcsikeeidiyo, muusigii curruubiyo marinkiii afgooyee, canbaha iyo mooskiyo meel kastaba yaalaan,ku mashquulsanahayoo wali aan ku maqanahay meelbey bugtee muqdishooy, Mowlaan baryaye muqdishooy, magacaagii dheeraa muqdshiyooy ma soo celin Heestani inaba caadi maha.