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Everything posted by Carafaat
Duke, This meeting marks indeed a significant turning point. Siilanyo has truly stolen the show and is indeed making history for all Somali's. Good of you to admit you were wrong on Mayor Tarzan and President Shariif. For they have truly done an amazing job after what Yeey's and Xabashi have done to the city and the people. But that is now all behind us.
Duke, first of all Galkacyo City has not one admin it has atleast 2 admins and third admin was recently declared. Check your facts. Second Mudug is a Somali region and its people are Somali's. Just like Somalia needs one goverment. Galkacyo needs one local goverment, one police force and not multiple clan militia's. Strange that you are so eager to share Muqdisho and one central goverment in Somalia and are not calling for one admin Gallkacyo. Is that because your lot forms the majority and thus you clanish instincts stand in the way of any goodwill? Duke, Galkacyo is the place where your lot should show your leadership skills and your sincerity for Somalinimo.
Wiilka Somalia wuxu ka dacwooniyaa abtiyaasha/Baraxley ayaa so weerartay Airportka. Adiguna waad kasii dartay oo Iminka ma waxa ku fanisaa abtiyashay ayaan airportka ka qabsaday. Have you no shame! bragging about clannish divided city, with one neighbourhoud controlled by one clan militia and another in the next. Its the 21st century and some still seem to think as if cities are like pastoral land one can simply divide the admins amond reero. Result, yet another part controlled by a third clan.
British PM: Our Plan is Not to Recognize Somaliland
Carafaat replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Sayid, together with other world leaders Siilanyo will speak tomorrow how to solve piracy in Puntland and other issue's of Somalia. Maybe he will even offer to send troops down. -
Sayid*Somal;793014 wrote: Your whole argument is lost with bringing Qardho into your argument On serious note: If Somalis can add baris and baasto together with banana and called it " Federation " - By God they can have federal regions - provided all somalis can share it like they share the food. Sayid, We tend to confuse the issue regarding allocation(nr seats, funds) and souvereignity(authority or power of governance madax banaanid). Even without a Federal system one can have a system were the seats, power and funds is divided between regions based on a formula. But Federalism is a political concept in which a group of members are bound by contract or convenant arranring the authority of the central governing authority and constituent political units. Now the biggest discussion and issue's so far in Somalia is the division and formula's for 'sharing' the seats, funds and oil as you correctly stated. But not if police, borders, taxation, education, health, monetary and economic policy, army, foreign policy, culture, etc is a souvereign issue for the regions thus the authority of the State or of the Central goverment. Markaa, basta iyo bariis waa wada qeybsaninaa. Taasi problem maha. Laakinse markaa federal noqoto yaa so iibiniya, yase kariniya, yase so salaxi iyo yaase kadib naga qaadiya weelka?
British PM: Our Plan is Not to Recognize Somaliland
Carafaat replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
Tomorrow the world including Somaliland will be discussing how to get Somalia back on its knees, and wipe pirates out of Somalia. The irony of this is that Xiin and Duke are happy that others will be discussing how to solve their issue's and still they have the illusion that Puntland is a Federal State that can deal with its own issue's(Piracy). Well if that was the case then this whole Conference would be useless. -
Somalia, Germany has a long history going back centuries of being a Confederation of Lander(countries). After the second world war, some authority was reinstated to the Bundeslander after being fully central under Hitlers third Reich. Germany is not fully Federal rather it has a central federal goverment where the central goverment still decided through the basiclaw which areas a the responsibility of the States and which of the Central goverment. Therefor it has a decntralized Central State meaning the central State decided what mandate is of States(Lander), if oil was to be found in Germany the central State would decide how it would be divided. Faarah, you say everyone should deal with its own territory. Well if that was the case then there would be no need foreign troops nor foreign marine vessels and mission in to Somalia's territory. No competing maamuls asking TFG for mandate on their own regions?
Duke, the topic of this thread is about a disputed Airpport! Never in the history of mankind has an Airport been disputed, attacked and changed hands so many times. Even In the old days in the divided city of Berlin Airports, roads and infrastructure were not disputed by East and West. And you are claiming here that it is ok, business is booming and its not as bad as it looks. Cajiib walee!
MMA, ine macaa waqooyi macaa ka shaqeenin wee iska cadahay. Somaliland waa ta leh waan ka go'ay Somalia, SSC Maakhir waa tan leh waan ka go'anahay Somalia.
When the MP mentions Somaliland, hear hear MP's shout. If Parliament had any influence on recongnition SL would be recongnized in no time.
Every single region and city in Somalia is inihabited by diffrent clans and sub-clans. In an ideal federal model it would mean regions or states would have worked out their internal issue's and disputes among themselves without outside interference and they regions would come to their own self-governing political construct. And engage with other regions and states and reach agreements based upon full mandate from its regions and own constituents. If you look now closer to Somalia, -Jubba's and Gedo, diffrent admins compete for control of same territory while large portions don't feel represented by these admins(Jubbaland and Azania). They have not come to any agreement or consensus among themselves and will need outside mediation. -Hiiraan, diffrent maamuls representing diffrent sections of community are competing for the control of Beletweyn and even recently fought among themselves.One section accusing other of collaborating with Al Shabaab. -Bay and Bakool, mainly consist of peace loving agricultural communities living side by side for generations and therefor complete self-governance without outside interference and mediation will risk likely to end in family feuds over land becoming political paralyzing. -Mogdishu is the undispputed capital of all Somali's. What happens in Muqdisho affects the rest of the country and therefor would be unwise for all Somali's not to have a stake in Muqdisho as stakeholder. -Mudug, Galgaduud, divers region with equally divers cities. Eventhough its free from Al Shabaab, still folks have not managed to come to solve its own disputes, leading to most clan based maamuls in Somalia. Take for example galkacyo with its 3 admin's, who represents Galkacyo in the federal model and have people given mandate to any political construct not holding guns? -Puntland, Eventhough Faroole is the biggest advocate for a Federal Somalia and seeing himself representing the State. Looking closer Puntland is a mere clan alliance rather then a State. Not even having nor seeking mandate of all Galkacyo or Mudug. Does Faroole even represent Northern Galkacyo as Farmaajo stated that he doesn't and he he didn't even visit since 2009. Golgogob even founded its own State and the Puntland State even being uncapable of resolving issue's within the alliance in Mudug, Bari, SSC, Maakhir, Ras Caerys. And some even Qardho saying they want their own State. This proves that even Puntland can't even be regarded as a Federal State being unable to reach consensus over its political construct, to seek nor gain mandate of its constituency or control its territory. And groups seeking support from TFG as they have been unable to work things out with the same political construct representing them. So why is Faroole advocating for Federalism besides that it gives him personal more power then he actually posesses or has been given as mandate by constituency? And how can it be a model for other Somali regions when it hasn't even worked in Puntland?
Somalia: An Opportunity that Should Not Be Missed Africa Briefing N°8722 Feb 2012 OVERVIEW The next six months will be crucial for Somalia. The international community is taking a renewed interest in the country; the mandate of the feeble and dysfunctional Transitional Federal Government (TFG) expires in a half-year; and emboldened troops from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Kenya and Ethiopia are keen to deal the weakened (though still potent) extremist Islamist movement Al-Shabaab further defeats. This confluence of factors presents the best chance in years for peace and stability in the south and centre of the country. To achieve that, however, requires regional and wider international unity of purpose and an agreement on basic principles; otherwise spoilers could undermine all peacebuilding efforts. The crisis has been climbing steadily back up the international agenda. The one-day London Somalia Conference on 23 February will bring together senior representatives from over 40 countries, the UN, African Union (AU), European Union (EU), World Bank, Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD), Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) and League of Arab States. Somalia’s Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) will participate, as well as the presidents of Somaliland, Puntland, Galmudug (regional governments) and representatives of the largest armed group, Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a (ASWJ). It should prepare the way for desperately needed greater coordination, especially with Gulf and regional states, as well as between AMISOM and the UN. Coordination is required because the mandate of the TFG is set to run out in August 2012. Although it has failed to achieve any of its core objectives, many officials desire another extension, such as it received a year ago. But it is unreformable – too many of its members benefit from the fully unsatisfactory status quo. It must not be extended. Instead, the London Conference should agree on a new political framework and principles for governing Somalia. This is important, because AMISOM and regional forces have made impressive gains against Al-Shabaab and are poised to renew their offensive. Nevertheless, their greatest challenge will probably be not to drive the militants out of major cities and towns, but rather to secure peace thereafter. Al-Shabaab, though weakened, is far from a spent force; its militant jihadi ideology is radicalising young Somalis at home and abroad; veteran foreign jihadis are exerting ever-greater influence; and recently its emir pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda and global jihad. But it is no longer the only threat to stability; the resurgence of inter-clan competition and warlordism is as serious. While there is an understandable inclination to strengthen the central state in Mogadishu (in the form of the TFIs) and its security apparatus, past and present transitional administrations have failed to bring stability, in large part because many clans do not support the reestablishment of a strong central government. A more decentralised political framework and local inter-clan reconciliation are required. The root cause of Somalia’s many troubles – terrorism, piracy, periodic famine and constant streams of refugees – is collapse of effective governance, with resulting chronic conflict, lawlessness and poverty. The most effective and durable solution to these ills is to build gradually an inclusive, more federal government structure that most clans can support. Otherwise, Al-Shabaab (or some similar successor) and other disparate groups of would-be strongmen with guns will exploit continued dissatisfaction with Mogadishu and innate Somali hostility to “foreign occupation”. This coming six-month period is a critical time for Somalia. To make the most of the opportunity to end more than two decades of chronic conflict, the international community should: q increase AMISOM’s force strength and provide more resources. To maintain momentum and consolidate gains, AMISOM should quickly assume full tactical and operational command of the AU, Ethiopian, and Kenyan missions and coordinate closely with Somali allies. Any major offensive should be accompanied by a political strategy to win the support of local clans and social groups and stabilise those areas in which they are present; rebuild internal cohesion among core members of the International Contact Group; enhance the role of Turkey and other Muslim nations in the stabilisation effort, so as to build Somali confidence in the process; endorse closer UN/AU cooperation and insure that the two organisations’ Special Representatives work closely together; endorse the formation of a truly inclusive So mali deliberative body, one that represents all clans and most regions of the country, and can establish an interim government to replace the TFG if necessary; create a Local Stability Fund to help local administrations that are economically viable, can administer and impose law and order, are committed to peace and renounce terrorism and are willing to engage in an inclusive dialogue and give priority to cross-clan alliances that seek to establish viable administrations; create a joint financial management board and consider establishing within it a governance and economic management program for the major national sources of revenue, such as Mogadishu port and airport, as well as Kismayo port, based on the kind of partnership between local government and internationals to promote transparency and accountability that lowered corruption in post-civil war Liberia. Once funds enter the treasury, Somalis should transparently decide their use; and encourage the Somali authorities to indicate continued willingness to negotiate a political accommodation with or incorporate into a national/regional security force Al-Shabaab commanders and fighters willing to renounce terrorism and work towards peace, since this would weaken the group further and could help stabilise newly recovered areas. Nairobi/Brussels, 22 February 2012
Looks nice place Saalax.
Alpha, I didn't know you had political ambitions. Wouldn't you want to make history as the father of Somali Arts and Culture? My ideal job would be teaching students philosophy under a tree on the Mountain of Sheick. In the spirit of Greek thinkers like Aristotles and Socrates. But on the other hand running a Beach Hotel in Muqdisho or Marka sounds also great.
Hargeisa Film Photo Art Festival 2012
Carafaat replied to Alpha Blondy's topic in Developement | Projects
Alpha, I assume this elitist project is your initiative? -
Defeating Al Shabaab military is just the beginning, but beating Al Shabaab's ideology is more important.
Waxaan inaa hogaamiyo peace mission of Burco and Lascanood folks to Galkacyo. Dhexdexhaadin ogol ma ka tahay?
Xaajiyoow, ma anaa reer xamar ii baree.
Somaliland needs advice from Puntland on how to create more port Revenue. http://www.haatuf.net/2009files/3355.html
Somalia, ma Gaagaab and Biixi ayaa niman aqli badan ah? Come on man, you can come with something don't follow ignorent old men.
Maaddeey;792233 wrote: Carafaat, 'soo dhowaaw' micnaheeda waa: 'waa nagu daahday ee sii soco hee' Sheekadu ma saasa? Somalina, Niiko is a dance of joy only to be done on joyfull moments. I think we can regard this moment in history as joyfull. Don't you agree.
Somalia, adeer, if you indeed care about Galkacyo, its people and its future. Then I suggest you try to adress how one can solve things rather then taking a stand against a section of the population. For that is only futile and does not end the viciouz cycle of violance of airport changing hands.
Many questions on Somalia and mainly on Somaliland now live on the BBC broadcasting the Prime Ministers question time in the House of Commons. Can someone find the weblink.
Faroole is not to blame for the division of Galkacyo. Only Galkacyo folks can be blamed for poising their young ones with the clannish virus potrayed here by Somalia and Duke and after to decades still not over coming their division. You guys need to start a dialogue and think constructivly how to unite Galkacyo rather then further divide inche by inche. I propose peace keepers mission from Burco, Lasanod and Erigavo. Consisting of elders and peace enforcement mission.
Somaliland Holds Lessons For London Somalia Conference
Carafaat replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Somalina, Indeed you are right. Guinne Bissau holds also lessons for Somalia. But those lessons are useless unless you are a stakeholder. And Somaliland is a stakeholder. Markaa so dhawoow nooh, ha is martiyeen.