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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. The government of Puntland appears to be even more entangled in the piracy operations than already known. Leaders of pirate gangs are protected by the government or even formally integrated in the military structures (whatever that means). Moreover, it seems proven now that president ‘Faroole’, the minister of interiors Ilkajiir as well as Samatar, the Minister of Internal Security (he was reportedly fired last week[1]), have been on the paylist of pirates. As the report details in its case study of a pirate leader called Hanaano and his role in the campaigns for the Presidential elections in Puntland in January 2009 (p. 41):* “According to multiple independent sources, Hanaano contributed over $200,000 to Ilkajiir’s political campaign. Ilkajiir ultimately lost the election to Abdirahman Mohamed “Faroole” — who benefited from much larger pirate contributions to his political war chest — and was awarded the post of Minister of the Interior.”*
  2. Nonsense article. Siilanyo spoke in the closed part of the meeting. Only some leaders sproke during the public opening speech.
  3. President Guelleh spoke in English and he made a quite impressive and sincere speech. Not shying away from self critisism. President Guelleh: -called this Conference the most inclusive, best prebared, most constructive and the best chance best chance for the international community to contribute to Somalia state building. -he called in the most strong wordings the international to come NOW rather then later with alternative's for replacing AMISOM. And that supporting, training, equiping a Somali army that will replace amisom is the only real tangible result the international can contribute to. Djibouti troops are part of AMISOM and this was a despera cry from Djibouti. He remembered the failed UNosom troops that left and contributed nothing to leaving behind a Somali security force. -the President warned all groups, party's and others who oppose the Somali peace process or try to form obstacles for Somalia, will fail this time. He sounded very resolute and quite emotional on this point. -At the end he called for Somaliland and TFG to hold talks. I think he was not merely expressing an opinion.
  4. ture%3Dplayer_embedded&feature=player_embedded&v=FUz9IpqtOaI&gl=GB" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  5. By all standards, Mayor Tarzan has done and achieved tangible results, more then was excpected. He is my favourite from the list. P.S. You should add Hiilqaran to the list.
  6. Clearly AMISOM troops and trainers. They do mention specificly the kingpins of Piracy. Good step foward to go after the big kingpins on land(Nairobi, Djibouti, Nairobi, Dubai, etc) th rather then poor youth on high sea who suffer for the crimes of those Kingpins. Sayid, I told you. All eyes are on Qardho.
  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;793672 wrote: People often say that Somalia's problems cannot be solved by outsiders i think Somalilanders and their experience in making peace between clans regions can play a role not saying they can change Somalia.But perhaps they can bring back some trust between the communities in Somalia Since Somaliland and Somalia were once a united country.Our good friend from Djibouti IOG always supports one side against the other when it comes to sharing power in Somalia between the various communities. Somaliland was the balancing factor even when it was part of Somalia. They can play that balancing role as Somaliland now and days but this can come when there dialogue between the Somaliland leaders and the leaders of Somalia and when there is mutual understanding we shall see inshallah naftada kheyr ba lo sheega. Agree. Somaliland should assist And support Somalia. This is not the time for talk about recongnition, first there has to be a goverment for Somalia. And Somaliland will support till then.
  8. Sayid*Somal;793656 wrote: Rumour has it - that the somali delegation from the regions (read PL, SL &ASWJ) were asked to produce their written speeches before hand and once the british government saw what they were going to talk about - decided to hold the second part of the conference in private and spended the whole time telling off the somalis. But that is only rumour and waxaa la yidhi from people were actually. futhermore - Somaliland got with it come for]; money and the rest of the somalis left with promises, Sayid, give it up your divide and rule tactics wont work. There has been an greement before they even came to Londen. And Somaliland received funds not for free. Details will be made public soon.
  9. Sayid, The financial board is a big step forward. Funds were never in direct control of Somali administrations and management by dozens of UN agengcies with no transparency and little influence from Somali goverments and donors. So donors given their funds directly and controlling themselves is a step forward in transparency, effectiveness and efficiency. And the other points a redicilous about major progress against piracy. And saying Somali's want diffrent things interms Of structure and opposing against representative admin. You heard what Hillary said, anyone who obstructs this process will be dealt with. So be carefull with your obstructions here. Everyone's eyes are on you.
  10. Thanks Archdemos, Nyere is a true example of a leader to build a culture and compromise.
  11. Blue is gone and she dissapointed in Khaatuma crew here on SOL. Rudy, tell her that there are exceptions to the rule.
  12. Next to UAE, Holland, Denmark and Norway were mentioned. Transparent countries who have no history of mismanagement in Somalia. No Italy.
  13. Maaddeey;793359 wrote: Geelle: Somalia and SL have to talk! They will meet up soon before summer. That is major outcome of this process. I knew months ago about it.
  14. Where is Shariif in group picture. And what is your analysis Dr Osman? I want to your take on this. And what did you think of Siilanyo's presence? Do you think he is a Welcoming guest in fututre of Somalia dealings?
  15. I love Puntlanders, you guys are fun, Somali Politics would be boring without you. But this nonsense has to be undressed, many Somali people buy this propaganda you tell them. And we want a better Somalia, we need a more sincere politics. So we can hold another and our politicians Acountable.
  16. Waan tahay oo ka cunteeyay. Waa qaboow. Laakinse I expected it was bigger, but Sheick ayaa ka weyn.
  17. If there is one think I am good at is organise the best parties. My party's are famous throughout the world. I do one party each decade and that party is considered historic. I have organised the first ever 18 May party in Holland, back in 2001. And it was the mother of all current Somali Indepedance, State, Maamul and clan party's. For Puntland, Mareeg, Cowl, Udublad, even Djibouti's organise their independance party rather then tradtional chewing party and military parade. So, I decided to help and support Somalia with my skills. I booked my ticket and go to Somalia coming summer. My first stop is Muqdisho where I will throw a Unionist Indepedance Party on 26 June. This will be most extravagant party since Italians left Lido club, the biggest party the city has seend in 20 years. I will arrange artist like Sahra Ahmed, Seyneb Cige, Fuad Cumar, Nimco Dareen, Fiska, Wayaha Cusub, Nimco Yaasin, Ahmed Naaji, Abdiqadir Juibba, Nuur Dacaleey, DJ laangare,Maryan Mursal, MC Xafada, luul jeylaani. The most diver standup the city has ever seen. With video messages from K'naan,Omer Gulleh, Siilanyo, Farmaajo, Mo farah, Rageh Omar. Opening speech bySheick Shariif, and special act from Mayor Tarzan. Dress code: white, green, red. This party will mark 2012, Muqadisho's rise from it's ashes and the celebration of the Union that means so much to many Somali's. On the 1st of July or 1 luulyo I will organise inshallah the first and biggest Union Party in Hargeysa. Siilanyo will do the opening, First wive will make emotitional and historic speech about importance of Unity and family is build unity and without unity in the family we are lost, every Somali will cry and shed a tear. Sheick Shariif will make a video message with a speech that will rock Somaliland's emotional balance, folks in mafrish, masajid and maqayad will be moved and shed tears. Luul Jelaani will do the opening act with her unforgetable sound and Niiko, Maryan Mursal will sing her Somalia u diida ceeb and and throws herself on the ground of the emotions, xudeydi will do some Qaraami, Jibba will sing his Hargeysa song, Nimco Dareen performs her new Dhaanto song called "Bada Berbera ayaa ku Barjamay". Dress code: Blue, with white touch. Party will be 4.5 proof, girls from all 4.5 corners will be invited. This party will rock Hargeysa, will be talk of the town for the years to come and blue will be the favorite dirac colour for coming fashion season. The fadhi ku dirir's discussion topics will change from Kulmiye's latest to Kismayo's current. This party will shake Hargeysa on its foundations and days later Hargeysaawi's will put the airplance down from its socket and put it away in a Museum, resurrecting a new monemunt in the form of the Somali STAR.
  18. Sayid, I know Qardho very well. Even the cats there use qabiil to get their ways. But the time Of abduction through 4.5 formula's, Using clan and clan maamuls to get something is over. One, one vote, one region. I suggest you reconsider moving to Baydhabo or Beletweyn if you wanna get a set, there aint enough in Qardho.
  19. Looool@italians. Aduun lama socdaan. Ilaahayow kuwaa dib hanagu soo celin.
  20. Sayidoow, and that is were we disagree. Maybe you consider clan based ideologies progress, I hope not. For I hope we can start with a new begining and with real progress and not institutionalizing wrong and futile ideologies.
  21. Somalia, I dont play with kids certainly not with Mudug kids. Wee cabeesanyihiin iyo hubeysan yihiin. So, I choose life.
  22. I dont understand why Siilaantyo is standing seperately from Somalia. Walee dont like that. It looks strange and uncomfortable.
  23. Aboow Maddeey, Shabaab tusaale badan ayee na tustay oo aan ka baran karno. Oo aan meeshaa kasii qaadi karno. Si aan u lumintheir legacy like the ICU legacy, we need cimaamado like you and join the New Somalia and teach us.
  24. That is coming to an end. Even the blind can see that. Some think Federalism can save clan enclave.