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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Nonsense. But good that we finally hear these sentiments and whats in the belly of the HAG.
  2. Absolutely, but how can you plan anything when all land is private owned and there is speculation on land prices. They need to nationalise land first.
  3. Somalidu every 9 years revolution ayee ku dhawaaqan tii hore meesha ka saarta. 1960: independence, democracy. 1969: military rule, dictatorship 1978: birth of SSDF, the first armed rebel group(SNM, SPM, etc followed). 1987: Start of the destruction of Somalia and mass killings of Somalis(started in Hargeysa). 1996: the hight of Warlordism in Somalia. 2005: Start of the Islamic Courts Union. (started in Mogadishu, Al shabaab followed later). 2014: ????? Will 2014 be the year of federalism or the birth or will we see the birth of a unified government all over Somalia?
  4. Alpha, you forgat your famous word to emphasize your disaproval of Eurotrash, akhas.
  5. Abtigiis;962720 wrote: Gabbal dayanimadu haday tahay sax iyo qalad ba qofkaan coloowno ama aan wax ka tabanayno ha lagu tuuloo oo yaan loo aaba yeelin waan ahay gabbal daye! Adigu se waad qafiiftay baryahan oo arintan Kismaayo maradaa kaaga dhacdaye isdaji ninyahoow. Xassan inuu dalka dib ugu celiyo 90 kii oo qabiil qabiil la isu haysto waa arin xun oo in la dhaleeceeyo u baahan. Laakiin taas macnaheedu ma aha Axmed Madoobe Addis Ababa u dacwo tago ama wax walba oo eedeeyn ah oo xassan loo soo jeediyo aan u riyaaqno. I think we should be principled and that means he we supported today on some issues we can denounce him the next minute based on the issue at hand. Sadly, we call that flipflippoing in this forum. The constitution is not CHANGED; a committe tasked to finalize few outstanding details did its job; it is upto the Somali parliament to either accept the recommendations or to reject it! That is the fact i shared with you. Puntland and Kismaayo ha la waydiiyo kuma qorna dastuurka; anigu se waxba kama qabo hadii la waydiiyo si dadku u heshiiyo. Marka fadlan let us function outside our political predilictions. The other day Baashe was also saying Abtigiis is a crowd pleaser simply because i did not share his hardline position on kismaayo. War hede reerku suu wax u wada? Qofku miyuuna fikirkiisa xor u ahayn?! I don't like President Hassan's fixation on Kismaayo and honestly I believe he is beholden to hardlinere within his community ( which is bad fo somalia), but also I don't like Axmed Madoobe and his ilk running to foreign capitals and working against the national interest! I think that is treason. Xinn, I can go to philiplines or west africa and earn salary too. I have no interest in the misery of Somalia. If at all, i am contributing to its revival. That was a cheap line. Laakiin, baryahan waad qafiiftoo, waan kuu dul qaadanayaa. Danta big foot iyo cid kale waxay ku jirtaa danta guud ee Somaliyeed; wax reer gaar ah helo oo xal waara keenaya majiro, markaa danta Somaaliyeed yaan loo baab'in dan reereed. This also applies to Xassan who seems to think it is the end of the world if the D block dominate Jubbaland. Kan leh intuu D qabsan lahaa jubooyin ha la isdilo iyo kan leh intuu H arintaa naga hor istaagi lahaa, ha lagu kal tago meesha ama Itoobiya iyo Kenya ayaan u galayaa waa isku mid!!! Qaladka ugu weyn se Xassan baa leh oo isagaa masuuliyada weyn saaran tahay! +1
  6. Haatu;962618 wrote: How are the Faroole elections coming along? Faroole elections. I am really curious if the people will accept that.
  7. Mad_Mullah;962775 wrote: Kismaayo is at least only controlled by one foreign army unlike Xamar with it's Uganda/Burundi/Sierra Leone. Siera Leone troops are (also) in Kismaayo.
  8. xiinfaniin;962640 wrote: ^^Xaaji Xunjuf Hassan Sheekh is busy with Kismayo , once that settled he should have no problem landing as many airplanes as he wants in Hargeysa Few weaks ago you were rejoicing a plane with goverment officials from Mogadisho send back from Kismayo Airport. Xagee ayaa ku raacna.
  9. Carafaat;944814 wrote: Faroole appointed 5 of the 9 members of Puntland "Electoral Committee". The oppositions knows there wont be fair eledtions with such a partial Electoral Committee. Xubin ka tirsan guddiga Doorashooyinka Puntland oo iscasilay Garowe( Waxaa manta si rasmi isku casilay Eng. Yuusuf Xaaji Saciid oo ahaa xubin ka tirsan guddiga kumeelgaarka ah ee doorashooyinka Puntland. Eng. Yuusuf Xaaji Saciid oo kamid ahaa guddiga kumeel gaarka ah ee doorashaooyinka Puntland ayaa sheegay inuu iska casilay xilkii uu ka hayey guddigaas sababo jira awgood.Eng. Yuusuf oo saxaafada gudaha xiriir la sameeyay ayaa sheegay in Qoraalkiisii iscasilaada uu goor horeba u gudbiyay guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Puntland islamarkaana uu ka sugayo xilliyada soo socda jawaabtii aqbalaada. Inkastoo uusan Mas’uulkani faafaahin dheeraad ah ka bixin sababaha uu isku casilayo hadana wuxuu ka mid ahaa xubnaha ugu firfircoon ee guddigan, wuxuuna horay xilal kala duwan uga soo qabtay Puntland iyo dawlada Soomaaliyaba.
  10. Even folks in Jowhar are demanding an inclusive admin. Clan based administration does not work in Somalia because they are not inclusive, divers and transparant.
  11. Eventhough its unfortunuate that they were robbed in Nairobi. Hopefully this will even motivate more to move and to meet in their own country.
  12. Mintid Farayar;962459 wrote: Guys, Don't let the hecklers(i.e. Mr. Broken Crystal Ball) distract you from the issue at hand. It's an interesting competition shaping up. While both sides are driven by clan-interest, what's most interesting is that one side has completely abandoned all public pretense at a larger Somali-wide interest and openly agitates for the clan-hegemony of the Siyad Barre days. All chips are being called in from 'cousins' in the neighboring countries, whether Abdi Illey or Yusuf Haji... Meanwhile, there are a lot of other powerful Somali interest groups on the sidelines who will be forced to take sides by the attempt at a reincarnation of Siyadism... Looks like another opportunity lost for Somalia to rehabilitate itself. Muxuu yidhi, doqonkii lumey ee la soo helay..... I still think issues can be resolved. Its only a small group consisting of Xiin and co beating on the clan federalism drums. The central goverment can still gather greater awareness and support by facilitating inclusive regional reconciliations. Something Somalia hasnt seen so far.
  13. xiinfaniin;962465 wrote: ^^Xaaji xunjuf, No one is celebrating, it is just so happens some folks never learn how to govern, and always abort the whole thing in its early gestation. Wuu sii daayay odaygu baryahan.
  14. Mad_Mullah;962453 wrote: The Block were the ones that made Somalia civilized and one of the strongest countries in Africa. Inshallah we can do it again. No more bragging about Turkish schools/orphanages/hospitals/Bazars/pavements etc. The idea of building Blocks is that all block are equally important for the construction. But you think some blocks are more important then others.
  15. Alpha Blondy;962364 wrote: ^ that's my family, you know. we're a bunch of celebrity hungry folks, ma istidhi? Xaaji Xunjuf might be your relative as well.
  16.!" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  17. Ambassador Hotel waxa shaqeysa dhalinyaro reer Moqadishu ah, Maansoor waxaan ku arkay Oromo ka shaqeenisa. Addis Abbeba waxa ka shaqeysta reer Somaliland badan, Hargeysana waxa joogta Oromo and even Amhara ka shaqeysata. Labour mobility is not restricted to specific borders only.
  18. Qabiil is a power sentiment.
  19. Maybe, its because of the hair that makes people think that ONLF is fighting in Jubbooyinka.
  20. Haatu, thanks, will watch it tonight. Check this movie about Roosevelt.
  21. Mad_Mullah;961909 wrote: Somaliland is successful because it's only one tribe. That's why they are fighting in Khaatumo. Somaliland is one tribe. But Khatumo, Makhir iyo Puntland are three tribes.
  22. It's been the making of many leaders; the revival of Somaliland's most prestigious and successful boarding school offers a unique place for east Africa's brightest students. But urgent investment is needed to ensure the future of the British Empire's 'farewell gift' In 1957, in his school, Ali Mahdi was asked to envision and write about Somaliland in the year 1999. A gifted Mahdi imagined: "Big railway junctions materialising from nothing, and multitudinous railway lines from all parts of the country focusing on the national Port, Berbera. The exploitation of the mineral wealth, at last achieved, and great industrial cities growing up around the newly-built factories, and the small village of Las Anod, becoming the Birmingham of the East. Hargeisa, still being the Capital, increasing in size and challenging the older cities of the world in a splendour, glory and renown." Mahdi was the product of Sheikh Secondary School - the farewell gift, which the British Empire left behind for the citizens of Somaliland. The school was built on the evergreen highlands of Sheikh; a small town in the northwestern region of Somaliland. Because of its cool climate throughout the year, it was deemed as a serene and apt residence for education seekers. The British invested in this boarding school by outsourcing qualified teachers on good salaries, providing a fully equipped library and laboratories, and selecting students who were regarded to be cream of the crop. The school gained remarkable status and was considered prestigious, similar to Eton College. A considerable number of Somaliland's prominent leaders, including the current president, Mohammed Ahmed Silanyo, were some of the early graduates in the 50s. Unfortunately, after 56 years Somaliland is nothing like Mahdi has foreseen. The country has gone through various changeovers in the last 50 years, including a civil war, which imploded the entire region. As a result, the education system went through a period of despair. Sheikh School was not spared from the damage. In 2003, SOS Children's Village, an independent charity that works to protect the interest and rights of children, stepped in, once Somaliland salvaged peace. They entered into a bilateral agreement with the government to recuperate Sheikh Secondary School. The charity sponsored students through private funds from individuals. A survey conducted by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 2008, found that one of the main reasons for not attending secondary school are lack of school fees (73.3 percent), marriage (55.4 percent), work at home (29.2 percent). Encouragingly, Sheikh students are far from these influences and are kept in safe haven, where education is a priority. Ahmed Shawky, 25, was one of the first students who graduated from Sheikh School after it was restored. "Sheikh paved the way for many graduates to get better jobs without acquiring any university degree," Shawky explains. He proudly shared that he was one of the top 10 students in East Africa and among the best in the world, when the results were announced in 2006. The first 53 students, 8 of whom were girls, entered Sheikh School based on the high marks they scored in the national examination. They were also selected from the top 100 bright students who hailed from all over the Horn. Rasala Abdikadir, one of the 8 girls who graduated years ago said, "Sheikh School is the only boarding institution in the country that provides separate accommodation for both genders." She declared that the cultural biases have created a huge gap between boys and girls, but "girls naturally posses a talent and unquestionably can get to where boys have reached and even be in higher ranks," she explained in eloquent English. Today, Sheikh School is housing 38 girls, despite the limited female designated buildings. Ever since revitalising, the school has helped in producing visionaries. These graduates have the know-how factor and are able to venture into the world without the fear of failure. Thousands of miles away from London, Khaled Abdulsalam, 24, was pleased to revel his success and reminisce the good old days in Sheikh School. He currently lives in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he is studying Construction Technology, but he also established his own business with three other friends, two of which are female graduate from Sheikh School. "I found the largest Somali network marketing group and we now own two franchises. We sell health products like herbal cosmetics, food supplements and health appliance from Tiens Biotech Group in Nairobi, Kenya." Khaled's business supports almost 30 independent distributors across Somaliland. He believes that they are supporting the health of many families, who don't have access to adequate healthcare system. When asked whether his business is supporting Somaliland's economic development, he firmly said: "We are helping Somaliland youth by providing a chance to establish their own business. This will unleash their entrepreneurship potential, especially leadership skills, which the economy of Somaliland is limping for so far." He plans to come back to his homeland, join the construction industry and one day launch his own company. Khaled is not the only one who cannot wait to come back. Mohammed Bakal, ex-graduate, is presently in Egypt, studying for his second degree in agriculture and majoring in community development. "I'm interested in development sector as we need more work to do in this filed, especially in the rural areas where more than half of our population reside," said Bakal, mindfully. Students in Sheikh School never used to worry about funding their studies if they were unable to pay. SOS Children's Village funded almost 90 percent of the fees, while parents were encouraged to contribute the remaining 10 percent. Adam Muse, Sheikh School headmaster, revealed that this no longer the case. The current economic crisis in the West is limiting contributions from private donors. "Despite the track-record and the equal opportunities we provide for both genders, many local international charities are not interested in funding secondary education," said Muse disappointedly. He added: "Even food donation is not something they are willing to fund, as they rather focus on primary education projects." To reaffirm the reasons he succeeded, Abdulsalam rightfully said: "Somaliland is the best place for young people who have big dreams with good education [as key factor] because life changing opportunities are so copious and the country is still growing."
  23. All UN Aid agencies should be banned from the Somali penisula. 20 years wexe so kordhiyeen ayaa iska yar. Somali dhibtooda ayee ka ganacsadaan oo si kordhiyaan. From food market distortions, to empowerment and funding of warlords, to making people dependent and hooked on aid. I am sure we would fare much better without these UN Aid agencies. Somaliyeey tashada!
  24. malistar2012;961649 wrote: The whole Puntland is a sub sub sub clan admin , when will the people of other then Farole kins rule Puntland .............. From Rip Abdulahi yusuf to Cade muse and Farole are all the same trbe ................................... Even from a clan point, you are incorrent inaar. Puntland leaders hadee cid qadiniyaan ama talada u diidiyaan wuxu u diidiyaa inadeerkii. Oo inadeerkii wuu ka tashan karaa sida Khatumo. Laakinse Xamar Waa magalo madaxdii umada Somaliyeed, hadii la qabyaladeeyo Magalo madaxda, umada Somaliyeed oo dhan Ayaa lagu xumeeniyaa. Dhibta Xamar ka dhacday 20kii sano, waa dhib Soomali oo dhan gaartay. Waanu wada xaqnay, xaqooti wada noqonay, taas dadka ku kaliftay iney ku laabtaan gobolada qabiilkoodi kasoo jeeday, among them Somaliland, Jubbaland, Puntland. Puntland maha muyaradii qaranka, maha magalo madaxdii dalka, maha hogaankii dadka, Xamar ayaa ah. Wax fahan inadeer. Marka sidan si ka fiican ayaa la idin ka sugiyaa hagoow.