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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. This kid did what many before failed to do. Shows how previous efforts were a joke.
  2. Showqi, aboow, aniga secessionist ma ihi, Kuwa wax dumiyana ma ihi. Aniga somaliweyn, africaweyn, aduun weyne aa rabaa ani wax la dhiso aan rabaa wax dumis wakaa kasoo horjeeda. Laakinse adi goorma Al Shabaab ka hadhay oo maamul qabiil raacday
  3. Qandalawi, I agree and to think that this was a Somalia conference and everyone by now agrees focus should be on South-Somalia.
  4. ElPunto;794340 wrote: That is really taking your eye off the ball. I don't know why the focus should be on Somaliland. Somalis have a disease of looking/busying themselves with others to the detriment of their own business. it's their business. Sidee wax leedahay, one country ayaanu nahay.
  5. ElPunto;794337 wrote: Carafaat - It depends on your perspective. Somaliland official policy and many in that entity wish to secede in any way possible without talking to any other Somali entity. That door has been closed. The reality is that many Somalilanders don't see themselves as part of Somalia. They go to pains to disassociate themselves internally and externally. It's not surprising then that a development which attempts to strengthen and reconstitute the rest of Somalia may be seen as negative in the quest for international recognition for Somaliland based on the chaos in the south. Indeed its a matter of perspective and from where I am sitting, Somalia is resturning and Somaliland is in the centre of the political debate irrelevent of its recongnition, real politics is played and clan politcs is history. Did you hear anyone mentioning clan sates?
  6. Taleexi;794289 wrote: Clan states are temporary. I want to one Somalia where every individual has a line of communication in the power pipe. No more, no less. Taleexi, Khaatumo should use it cards strategicly and wise and thing 2 steps ahead and not one step behind for then the cards Will loose their value.
  7. ElPunto, how can someting which is good For Somalia be negative for Somaliland? Dont Somali's have the same goal afterall?
  8. Elpunto, I saw the similaritie of waqooyi communities as well. Laakinse lagama jiiro, hadii kale waa ku xiiqiisa.
  9. Taleexi, the real winners from this are the Unionist from the north. It is them who have gotten Somaliland to the table of Somalia. And wasnt that always the goal? Do you want one Somalia or do you want 50 clan states?
  10. you held your ground quite well yesterday between the stone throwing kids. The bravest sijui I have seen so far, yaa Suldaan.
  11. xiinfaniin;794273 wrote: ^^ :D Oodweyne ha la ii daayo, meeshaan la'aantiis abaar waaye Fortuantly we live in diffrent timezone's. When I woke up this morning, waan yaabay. meesha waxaa ku mudaharadiiyay ciyaalkii Minnesota adiga ayaa hogamiye ileyn u ah oo nagu kiciya, ya Makhiri.
  12. STOIC;794268 wrote: Ngonge, indeed a butterfly has flapped It's wings for Somalia.The truth is NOT hidden.One need only to digest the news to know the profound sense of uncertainities that awaits the Unionists.The difficulties of devising a constructive dialogue with SL is waiting them.Their oscillation between apathy and anger towards SL is NOT going to help them.As for their leaders it is time to stop personal priorities to the detriment of national interest.No more bent recollection for them. Ya Sijui, A butterfly is the best description of the politics Somalia today needs. How creative of you to make this up. Your lot has always been the most practicle and creative among Somali's. What would we do without the Sijui's.
  13. Ngonge, indeed we can create a win-win situation in the penisula and that is were polititical foundations are laid not in the futile destructive politics of winner takes all. Yaa Ngonge, tell us will Siilanyo start talks with the current TFG or wait till september? My advice, Siilanyo should meet Sharif in front of all the world camera's and start building goodwill in the South. It would be the best gift we could give Shariif as he is the most sensible and reasonable leader Somalia has seen in 50 years(except for my uncle afcourse). P.S. Have you called our cousin Oodweyne, is he alright? Is he still on speaking terms with you? Mise telfoonka ayuu kugu dhigaa?
  14. Maanshallah Somalina, abaayo waa ku mahadsan tahay. But before XX soo boodo, is it Baydhaba mise Baydhabo?
  15. As a child in Xamar I was member of the 'Ubaxa Kacaanka', children of the revolution. I only remember we use to wear uniforms and sing to during 21 october. Dont remember much else of it. Are there any other members here? Does someone have pictures? Or stories from this obscure children group?
  16. Arab mentatlitity is so trivial. Dont you agree Ngonge?
  17. The first ship dumping waste were Italian ships and they had authoritization from Somali's. Its still the same Somali initiated piracy
  18. Archdemos;793749 wrote: Indeed! My claim to fame is I've had the privilege of meeting him and Mwinyi in my childhood Archdemos, are you sijui? I visited Tanzania years for a research project. Met many friendly and nice Somali's from Tanga, dodoma, Mwanza and Dar es Salaam. Even met Somali's in Zanzibar. Incredible country and folks those Tanzanians, we can learn so much from them.
  19. Somalia;793957 wrote: First of all. The monitoring report doesn't state it has evidence but merely interviews from people who say this is happening. We call this hearsay. And we have established that indeed they do not promote piracy, they simply benefit from it.
  20. Not very uncommon. Considering most SSC military personal were unsatisfied and left Puntland way before Khaatumo. Will this mean a Makhirian will leave Garowe?
  21. As a Unionist er here is my take on yesterday's Londen event and its significance. Note that my opinion is only my opinion and is not authomaticly shared by others. First of all this Conference main objective was not to find settlement for the somali political scores or but to secure international suppport and agree on a coherent approach of the international community in Somalia. This Conference was about Somalia, and not Somaliland and you cant claim it was anyone illusion that it would be about Somaliland. However I find Siilanyo's attendence, not that it was for the first time in 21 years anyone representing Somaliland participated in any Somalia Conference. Therefor it is a historic moment and I hope it marks the beginning of a future relationship. Siilanyo did the right thing by not engaging now in the current Road map for the clan states. Eventhaught many here regard or compare Somaliland with clan based states like Puntland, Galmudug and Ximan and xeeb. I can assure you that is not the polotical reallity and the international community seems to share that opinion. This Conference has only confirmed that fact, irrelevent that both have Land in the name. The international community called on Somaliland to talk with TFG. If Siilanyo would engage in TFG would not have a lot of political significance as it period is ending soon. But it would show good will to the Somali people and Siilanyo would do that what has been promised by every single Somaliland President over the last 20 years. That Somaliland is always ready to talk when there is a goverment in Somalia. TNG always denied SL existence, TFG compared it to clan states, but today political reality in Somalia change to the positive. Those calling for sincere Unity and the Union to be restored should see today as a positive step. But those calling for more clan states and disunity in SL in order to restore their form of a strange and whicked Unity, should see as a black day as the world clearly distuingishes real Goverments with leaders chosen by millions of Somali's and and clan representatives chosen by 66 clan representative's. For me personally it matters little what the international community, what matters os what works. And clearly distuingshen is made and cant be ignored. What is next: Somaliland has openstanding issue's before engaging in any talks with Somalia. It should solvee its domestic issue's in Buhoodle district. And the same goes for Somalia and the current clan states all claiming the same 2 regions(Puntland, Galmudug, ASWJ, Zimand iyo Xeeb and many more claiming these regions), all from Mudug and Galgaduud. I say put an end to these clans and work on a Central goverment with strong regions/states based on the old divers regions of somalia. If Bari and Nugaal would continue their cooperation under Puntland flags that is fine, but not reason for Federalism nor promote clan based states in the rest of Somalia(the other 11 more popated regions).
  22. frustration and emotions are blinding the political judgement of so many, maionly confused lot from Minnesota. You really think that Somaliland politics is so simpel that one man and STOIC in this case can express His clans vieuwpoints. If the world was so simple then Lasanod, Buuhoodle, Garowe, Dhahaer, Galgala, Golgodob would have the same administration and Xiinfaniin would be its spokesperson.Rather then the 6 diffrent admins claiming those places.
  23. What does it mean? Is he declared guilty of war crimes. Can someone explain this.