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The Economist: Somalia's Future - A Ray of Hope
Carafaat replied to Mintid Farayar's topic in Politics
Mintid, if this was a stockmarket. My shares are increasing, yours are stagnating. If this continues for another year. We should talk merger or acquisition. Any preference? -
What's this google privacy Sheeko?
Carafaat replied to Nin-Yaaban's topic in Developement | Projects
there is NO privacy on the internet. man, even the SOL moderators can check your details, your browse history, etc. -
Private sector development, Fund Private sector initiative's, set-up financial guarante scheme's, etc. We dont have a Central State, but we do have a private sector and the worldbank is mandated to work with with whom it may concern. And look at them pretenting to have a Director for Somalia. they have in 20 years, done 0. Man, they have even been working in South-Sudan for years even during the war. its a pure PR organisation that wants presence where it can show off. So Somalia, say with me. F**** the Worldbank.
http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/AFRICAEXT/0,,contentMDK:20246200~menuPK:5366307~pagePK:146736~piPK:146830~theSitePK:258644,00.html Johannes Zutt Country Director Comoros, Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia, Rwanda, Seychelles Johannes Zutt, a Dutch national, has been active in development since 1990. His early experience involved program planning, and monitoring and evaluation for UNICEF and UNDP in eastern and southern Africa. During this time, he was also involved in numerous country studies as well as in the UN Study of the Impact of Armed Conflict of Children (1995), and the OAU-sponsored Eminent Persons Investigation into the Rwanda Genocide (1998-99). In 1999, Mr. Zutt joined the World Bank, where he worked as the Country Program Coordinator for a number of countries, including Angola, China, Malawi, Mongolia, Mozambique, and Zambia, and was the team leader for numerous country strategies and projects. In 2006, Mr. Zutt was appointed the Adviser to one of the Bank’s two Managing Directors, and in January 2008 he was asked to serve as the acting head of the Department of Institutional Integrity (INT), which is mandated to investigate allegations of fraud or corruption related to Group-financed projects. In January 2009, Mr. Zutt was appointed the World Bank Country Director for Comoros, Eritrea, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles and Somalia. Mr. Zutt has a J.D. from Harvard University and a D.Phil. (in philosophy) from the University of Oxford.
Holiday aaah???? In the 2 years I worked in Hargeysa never took a holiday. I considered those years working there as a holiday.
Bob, I asked them if they were the Sijui's I heard so much about. meant it as a compliment. they became angry and said I have insulted them deeply. The kikuyu police has rescued me from Waamo folks.
Juxa;797187 wrote: why buy just take katiinad jabiye and go to central stationka So Ngonge was right about you being uncivilized and turning you in to an English Lady.
Every Somali citizens has the same rights everywhere on the Somali penisula. These human rights are guarded in the, Xuuqul Somali or Somali rights. There is a high court for Xuquuqul Somali, were every Somali has right for support legal support.
Gheelle, I really couldnt understand them. And imagine I consider myself a Somali Kosmpolitan.
Je hebt carnaval net gemist.
Wing Wizard;797170 wrote: I always maintained the assumption that @hsmpress was run by desperate 12-year old kid. yes, its Che.
Clan Wise, let every clan or sub-clan, sub-sub-subclans create its own traditional clan Guurti under a tree, the Khaatuma tree's. The goverment will have no involvement in clan issue's and clans have no involvement in goverment and administrative issue's. Every tuulo, region, State will get its own goverment funded Khaatumo tree. Only on the friday's, after prayer, clan issue's can be discussed under the Khaatumo tree. there local, regional and national Khaatumo clan meetings. There even will be inter-clan meetings under Khaatumo. The Khaatumo capital of Somalia will be Taleex, once a year all the Somali clan leaders come together. the clan debates will be broadcasted live. The Clan Constitution will be a drafted by a national Guurti consisting of every Suldaan, Garaad, Islaan, Baashi, Boqor, Ugaas, etc. There will be a 5.0 formula be used. Art.1. of Constitutions louds, there will be seperation of Clan and State. Guurti will guard this fundamental law. There will be a Somali High Court for Clan issue's consisting of lawyers and Guurti members. One can even complain there or charge someone for clannism(or qabyalad).
Domestic wise. we get two kind of political systems. Somaliland and Somalia each with its own domestic system, laws, Parliament. Hargeysa is the capital of Somaliland and Muqdisho is Capital of Somalia.
Internationally we stay Together!!!! So we have one Foreign Policy, one International Football team, One AU seat, one UN seat, one Olymic team, one Embassy in each Foreign Country (Somaliland and Puntland will close all Foreign or Offices/integrate representatives with Somali Embassies), one trade policy, one sort of import tarrif's and export fee's on livestock(no more competing to the ground), one currency(SL gives up its stable and low inflation currency, Hargeysa gets in exchange seat of the Central Bank). Moqdishu is the International capital, houses all the Embassies and Foreign Ministry.
The country needs a new brand name. Nobody will buy goods from the old countries name. the Previous name has been internationally ruined by War, Famine, Pirates, Dictators, Somaliland, Puntland, etc. So we create a new country, new look, new brand. And we call the country New Somalia. nuova-Somalia neu-Somalien nieuw-Somalia new-Somalia جديد الصومال (Somal Jadiid or Ardul Somal) nouvelle-Somalie 索馬里新 новые сомалийские Mpya Somalia סאָמאַליש נייַ 新しい ソマリ Sounds and looks good in all major languages. I am from new-Somalia
Somalia, got any resource he was behind the collapse of Cairo, Arta and the rest? I am sure he was and is capable of.
I know bro. Truth is, we could do so many things together. You have certain qualities and I you know I am the best. so lets join hands. Xaaji Xunjuf rather joins Djibouti, but I have a preference for Somalia. Djibouti is another mirqaam nation with no qualities.
Maayarka Caasimadda Hargeysa Eng. Xuseen Maxamuud Jiciir oo ka hadlay hawl-galkaasi wuxuu yidhi “Dalkeenii imika waxa la doonayaa in caasimada ay u ekaato magaallo madax oo ictiraafkii ayaa inagu soo dhow. Marka ma doonayno in billic xumadda iyo dadkan is-dhexyaala oo waddooyinka la baneeyo oo dadka xuquuqda lihii waa dadka dhismayaasha leh oo cid hortagi karta laba rabo I told you guys. Recongnition has always been used as a domestic instrument to make people more cooperative to demobilizing and disarm by visiulizing and promising a better future. Now even to clear the roads from illegal kiosks.
This thread is dedicated to visualize, explain, discuss and argument a Vision of New Somalia.
Abdul;797150 wrote: Why would you want a 19 year old Ambassador?? He hasnt even given up on his toys. Somalia, could kick those Russians. I am sure he even could convicne them we are the biggest African country in the world, we have the most dangerous Force and our country has the size of Russia, I am sure he even would beat them in bluffing through Russian Roullette. Man, if Somalia, Dr.Osman and XX teamed up they could convince the Russians Somali's are actually ethnicly Causians in the origin. That would secure us couple of sub-marine's.
he was bragging about SSDF while they were on the run from Siad Barre and went to Ethiopia and Siad even chased him there. It's embarrasing, still he manages it to brag about it.
I gave you a compliment. you have something of Yeey in you.
But this thread isnt about Puntland. It's about Somaliland and why I think it doesnt have what it takes to become a Country on the World Stage. It would emberass itself.