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Somaliland: UDUB conflict resolution successful
Carafaat replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Hermet feel me in. Muxuu la khanaaqay adna maxaa la qososhay? -
Nassir, we know the history of the region. But it's the people on the ground who call the shots and they are definetly found somekind of a working relationship with the Ethiopians. So if you want war, then go fight it yourselves rather then stuffing yourself with Hamburgers from IHOP and Wafelhouse in LA and Boston.
Somali people really dont understand politics. If you want to see a Independent Somali region one day, which is at the moment part and parcel of Ethiopia then last thing one should do is to distentiate oneself from those favouring Ethiopia. Rather then creating unnessecery polarization between the people. This only benefits Ethiopians, last thing one woul do. So go to Jijiiga and dance the dhaanto with the brothers and engage in dialogue, create network, convince with your idea's how to reach end goal wether it it's through the gun(ONLF) against the system or working through the systems. Atleast calling Somali brothers all kind of names wont help.
Farmaajo oo ku dhawaaqey Xisbi cusub oo siyaasadeed (SAWIRO)
Carafaat replied to kingofkings's topic in Politics
Oodweyneh I guess Farmaajo organized a meeting with Puntlanders admitting mistakes and sweet talking Puntlanders. But you are right Farmaajo and folks belief in centralist State and diffrences with Puntland's fevoured Federalism remain. -
Farmaajo opposes Federalism and even greater role for Somali States like Puntland, Galmudug. And the same time he was being accompanied by the President of Jubbaland yesterday evening here in Holland. Wonder how he sees the future regional structure of Somalia. And why he 'pals' around with clan State figures, is it a Plannd B strategy if they fail to play a role in Muqdisho? To atleast have a say in the running of Kismaayo?
Oodweyne;798891 wrote: ^^ Carafaat , In fact, I think he (i.e., Che ) was brought up in Cabdicasiis or at least that side of old Xamar-cade; such Shangaani and further towards kaaraan and liido area of the city.. In other words, his was not one of the darwiish families who used to congregate in Caso Popolare and hodan district (taleex, etc) like most northerners in Mogadishu of those days.. . aniguna waxaan u heystay Basaasmareekan, kuwa labada dhinac ka dheeela. Ileyn si kale ayuu laba dhinac uga dheela.
Oodweyne;798886 wrote: Che , Well, that may be the case; but, still, you are missing the point in here. And, that is, this sort of political party owned by this gentleman by the name of Mr. Farmajo, will in turn give the likes of Mr. Gabbal of this world the "bragging right" that says, that finally, after long 20 or odd years later, they have a skin in the game of ruling Somalia, indeed.. :D Hence, there is no telling the sort of "psychological boast" even such a "political scam" will do for the likes of our friend. Consequently, if I were you I wouldn't knock or dismissed this idea so easily, indeed.. :D Indeed Gedo is back in the Game.
Oodweyne;798880 wrote: Che is from Buuhoodle in a clannish wise; but, he is Xamaraawi by birth and by upbringing, I believe.. Loooool@Niiko dancing Darawhiish boy.
That is only logic, they pay for it after all.
IC? Ismail Cumar?
Oodweyne;798773 wrote: , Well, I wish the best of luck to this chap; for he could be different from the others who had a silly scam of using Somalis misery to enrich themselves; even, if they have to show their faces for few months before they leg back to their cushy diaspora's existence. But, for what is worth, lets hope he shall be bit different than the legions who preceded him in this political scam of being here today and gone tomorrow. And, therefore, lets hope he is in it for the long haul in Somalia. But, still, I have may doubt; but, we shall see. However, I can't let passed the silly assertion of Carafaat that suggest this man could of gone to Hargeisa or even visit the likes of President Silanyo in his presidential place in Somaliland. Since, unless it's one of his silly argument, our friend, Carafat, well knows, that, the likes of Mr Farmajo is much closer in winning the US's lottery than being allowed to visit in Hargeisa or even break bread with the likes of President Silanyo in Hargerisa (of all places). But, then, again, sometimes it's difficult to take our Carafat that seriously, since, he has the habit of believing what he sees in his dreams in most nights, indeed... :D Abti Oodweymeh, habeen wanaagsan, If Cusmaan Kaluun can visit President Siilanyo in Hargeysa, if Jamaac Qaliib can have a Presidential welcome in Hargeysa, if Cusmaan Caato can have big business there, why couldnt Farmaajo have some thee in Hargeysa and request a meeting with AMM Siilanyo. Mise waanu qabyaladeenaa? Oo Libaaxyada uun ayaa loo ogolyahay?
Oodweyne;798837 wrote: ^^ :D And, pray tell us then; as to what "category" the likes of late Gen. Afweyne and Col. Yey fall in, in-terms of that subtle definition that you have told us about what those men you have described happens to be? Yeey would be Grand Mufti of Mudug. And Gen.afweyne Ayatolah of Somaliweyn.
Libaax-Sankataabte;798711 wrote: The discussion will be of constitutional nature and shall cover many areas including the following: 1. Presidency/PM/Ministerial allocation between North and South (Rotation, elections, etc) 2. Federalism (autonomous regions, etc) 3. Federal Capital City ( Hargeisa vs. Mogadishu) 4. Name Change (Somaliland vs. Somalia) 5. Wealth Sharing (oil revenue, etc) 6. Apology to the North 7. Framework for resolving future disputes Whatever the outcome, we hope it to be satisfactory to both sides. JB, the debt will be dealt with by the Federal government. Agree. And a cookie for JB and XX in the form of a referendum somewhere post 2015. Gives us time to repair the Union and steal the hearts of folks again.
Somaliland: UDUB conflict resolution successful
Carafaat replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Who is your man? -
I guess you get what you deserve.
More ignorant geeljire folks. So dissapointing. Ilaahay bilaash noomu itaxamin. Ever thought of that you are talking about completely two diffrent groups of Somali Bantu's? Next to the Somali Bajuni's. I really dont like this thread it shows how little we actually know about our own people and country. Even going as far as denying eachothers existence, idendity and Somalinimo.
wyre;798771 wrote: Why don't you come and visit the haram (cumrah) that would be cool Wyre, where is Haram and where is cumrah are there any somali girls and beaches? MMA, my neighbours are those dutch antilians(caribean folks), they behalf like animals and are quite noisy. So visitingn and Island full of baaboons is not my idea of holiday. If I wanna see baboons I can go to a Zoo or visit JB.
Maddeey is writing the biography of his uncle Dahir Aweys. Abdullahi yusuf cousin also wrote a book his uncle. Mudug baryahan Buugaag ayee qoraan laakinse ma akhriyaan.
Maaddeey;798776 wrote: ^Inbaay, Amxaaro jacaylkaan cusub ma lagugu daartat mise lafahay kaaga jirtay? Xornimo lama siisto xoogaa yar oo dhaldhlalaal ah, adigoo ku nool dullinimo, Xornimada waa loo dhintaa. Jaahilnimo aanu iska xoreeno aboow. Kadibna adigu kenya ayaa joogtaaye, noo xoree Eastleigh.ka xoree kuwan garka weyn ee sida Jahuuda aduunyoo bangiga ku uruursada
Duufaan;798761 wrote: carafaat he was there short time. but you can credit him, building security forces and building moqdisho roads by doing so empoying many people. although he come from Gedo where siyad bare from, he manage to win many hearts. I though he is from the Cabudwaaq lineage? Yes he should be commented for communicating with public and returning hope. But is PR and Propaganda and stealing single mothers hart enough to restore Somalia? Even when you read his thesis, I doubt if he understand the causes of the conflict and solutions. He rather seems ideologicaly not far away from other Siyadist.
Qandalawi, ceeb uma aragtid markaa maalinkasta mid inadeera dadku u xayessiinisid. Most people would feel ashamed of this kind of blindly defending aclan cousin. We all have inadeero's in Politics, but dont think they should need a cousins propaganda or defending, when they seek suppport from Somali's. And if Abdiwali is indeed as good, intelligent and result driven then he would not need clan cousinds propagating him here daily. Even LST came out with the big clan duurbaan. Wonder where the other Somali's are for they share of duurbaan? Its quite silent Duke, we know he has is smart and has title and degree's. But unfortuantly he and his cousinds have not trancended b lind clan politics. Shame of those talents walee.