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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. At the end of the day they are atleast talking with eachother rather then with Kenyatta and IGAD. And they will need to show leadership and reach a compromise. And whatever that compromise is, somehow I dont think Somalias future governance structure will be decided by a few clan militia men in Kismayo. As some are hoping for.
  2. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Qaali Ladan
  3. Eng.Cabdiwaaxid Cabdiraxmaan Cabdiqaadir has been appointent as Minister in the Siilanyo goverment. He was the Director of the Somaliland Road Authority(SRA), under his watch the second Hargeysa bridge was rebuild, many new roads were paved in the capital and construction started for many new roads like the new road to Djibouti(north of Hargeysa), the road between Burco-Oodweyne-Hargeysa and the road to Salaxley has been largely finished. Congratulations to Cabdiwaaxid and may Allah guide him in his new position.
  4. Hassan Sheick says: Somalia waa laba gobol, Waqooyi iyo Koonfur.
  5. Munaasabad si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimay oo lagu xusayay 26-ka June markii ay xornimada qaateen Gobolada waqooyi iyo markii u horeysay oo Calan soomaaliyed la taagay ayaa xalay ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho, gaar ahaan Xarunta Madaxtooyada. Qaban qaabada munaasabadan oo ka duwaneyd tii hore kadib markii gudiyo qaran loo saaray ayaa xalay si jawi degan oo ammaan ah ku qabsoontay, waxaana abaarihii 12-kii habeenimo ee saq dhexe la taagay Calanka Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya. Munaasabada ayaa waxaa ka qeyb galay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Prof. Jawaari, Ra'iisul Wasaare Saacid, Golaha Wasiirada, Xildhibaano, saraakiil iyo marti sharaf kala duwan. Khudbado ay ka jeediyeen munaasabada Madaxda ugu sareysa dalka ayaa waxay kaga hadleen munaasabada 53-guuradii ka soo wareegatay markii gobolada waqooyi xornimada qaateen iyo is raacii gobolada koofur iyo waqooyi ee 1-da Luulyo.
  6. Beelaha iyo oo ka mid ah beelweynta HAG ayaa maanta kulan ay ku yeesheen magaalada Muqdisho kaga hadlay arrinta ku saabsan Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys oo maanta gaaray degmada Cadaado ee Gobolka Galgaduud, halkaasoo xarun u ah Maamulka Ximin iyo Xeeb. Imaam C/llaahi Khaliif Rooble oo ah Imaamka beesha oo kulankaas saxaafada ugu warbixiyay ayaa sheegay in kulanka looga hadlay xaalada ku soo korodhay Gobolka Galgaduud ee uu maanta Xasan Dahir gaaray. "Adeer kulanka wuxuu ahaa, waxyaabaha ku soo kordhay Galgaduud, oo xasan dahir yimid, maamulka ximin iyo xeeb ayuu hada la joogaa, Xasan Dahir waa nin shabaab ahaa, maadaama in meesha yimid lagama maarmaan waaye in laga tashado, arrin culeyskooda leh weeyaan"ayuu yiri Imaam Khaliif. Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya ka codsanayaan inay cafis u fidiso, isagoo xusay inay muhiim tahay in xaaladiisa laga tashado, maadaama uu ka soo jeedo Gobolka Galgaduud, nin Soomaalina yahay. "Waxaa laga tashaday sidii dowladda cafis loo weydiisan lahaa, waa nin Soomaali ah, dowladda albaabkeeda waxaa u furan tahay dib u heshiisiin, waxaa soo jeedinay inay cafis u fidiso inay soo dhoweyso, beelaha meesha degan dowladda ayay taageersan yihiin"ayuu yiri Imaam C/llaahi Khaliif Rooble. Si kastaba ha ahaatee arrinta ku saabsan Sheekh Xasan Dahir ayaa aheyd mid aad u hareysay siyaasada dowladda iyo warbaahinta gudaha iyo tan caalamka, waxaana arrinka ugu weyn ee muuqda yahay in wadaadkan mayalka adag uu haatan baxsad ka yahay Ururka Al-Shabaab. Somali news leader
  7. Xiinoow, why do always start calling names when you loose the debate.
  8. The irony is that you were calling for Jubbaland to cutt all ties with Somalias goverment and your leaders rather discuss Jubbaland with Kenyatta then with Hassan Sheick. On the other hand Somaliland has been engaged in a dialogue with Somalia for the past year now. Many are even calling you the undercover separatist opposing Somalias unity.
  9. xiinfaniin;964520 wrote: The conflict between Mothers in the North and the H block in the East is not about power sharing. It is about separatist vs unionist. And only few weeks ago you were rallying behind Kenyatta against Hassan Sheick. So far for being a Unionist. naga daa dee.
  10. The new appointent Ministers are quite divers in terms of tribal background. 3 new Ministers are from Khatumo 2 new Ministers are from Makhir 4 new Ministers from Awdal/Seylac And the first HAG Minister in the Somaliland cabinet.
  11. “ Dalka Soomaaliya 53 sannadood oo uu xor ahaa Madaxweyne Somaliland ahi ma qaban jagada Madaxweynennimada Soomaaliya " I didnt know that.
  12. Alpha, they are extremist terrorizing world leaders and religious leaders with their ambush tactics. see how they the disrupt the Pope's weekly address.
  13. Another Femen attack live during an Al Jazeera intervieuw.
  14. They even tried to attack the leader of the Orthodox church.
  15. Here is another vicious attack on the German Prime-Minister Angela Merkel and Russion Prime-Minister Putin.
  16. 17 new Ministerial appointments while 12 Ministers where fired or changed positions, so he created 5 new Ministers and 2 new Presidential Advisers in the process. I wonder how many ministers SL in total has.
  17. Mad_Mullah;964104 wrote: Just like people care more about Iraqi government business over Kuwait/Jordan/Saudi government business. But that does not mean they're stronger. It's just that people prefer watching drunkards fight over men build and study. La-taliyaha Mdaxweynaha ee Arrimaha Doorashooyinka iyo Asxaabta) Axmed Cabdi Maxamuud (Xaabsade) Xaabsade stayed years in Somaliland and Hargeysa without a Ministerial position. He was just a civilian under Riyaale from 2007-2010. Presidential Advisor on Elections is not a bad position, considering all is about elections in Somaliland.
  18. Baashi;964105 wrote: Nonsense! What a sore loser! Sida gaari raadkii, ninyahow gees walbaba u jeeda Labada ginni aan is galin, ninyahow jeeb isgu geeyey, Ninyahow galabta ila joogey oo misana Godey ka sheekeeyey, Wallee laba garaadloow annigu kaama guro sheeko! This prima donna has not only discarded the very party he himself co-founded with other prominent Somalis but he also flip-floped on a number of issues no principled person would not or could not discarded for political expediency. When asked why this sudden change of heart please listen to his responses carefully for they are quite revealing -- very telling and speak volumes of what character he is!!! I hope the reporter will ask him more pointed question next time around -- what he makes off the appointment of foreign minister and the director of central bank -- who both hail from that neck of the wood! He cofounded nationalist party on unity platform, preached chapter and verse to make the case for unitary state knowing fully well the clannish game played by his kind and clan formula on which power-sharing scheme are based upon. With that knowledge he run for presidency and badly lost the contest. He lobbied for cabinet position, a membership for the commission tasked for Somalia-Somaliland dialogue. When he couldn't secure a foothold in the new admin in Mogadishu, he did what shrewd politicians (the kind that has no principles) always do and that is he changed colors. He is now positioning as a bona fide member of secessionist crowd. Walle laba garaadloow kaama guro sheeko . Baashi, The professor is one of the few Somali idealistic politicians. You have to admit that he went till the last mile and even went against the wishes of his own constituency for so long. I don't think his ideals have changed but he may underestimated the political reality of the Somalia dominated by particular parts of the 4.5. This may have changed his discourse but not the end goal which was and is to serve the Somali people. Many have changed their discourse before him (General Qaalib, Sifir, Sultan Mahamed Sultan Abdiqadir, Xaabsade, Xaglatoosiye, etc) and even whole communities. Somalias goverment today is de facto a government for the southern regions. There is not even a single man in the cabinet from any of the Somaliland communities. that is the political reality today.
  19. It doesnt have to be an object like a statue. For that would be an easy target for Al Shabaab. A memorial can be a park, hugh block of stones or even the name of a street or even a plaquette in the wall of a building. Think creative.