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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. my concern is not with oil beign found. but with the financial ponzi scheme behind Range Resources intended to propagate the oil discovery so people buy this stock and loose their money. just like 2009, 2011 and now again. Oil exploration is conducted on many places in the world and there is oil in Puntland. But nowhere else are people encouraged to buy shares of a company with only a percentage ownership of the oil exploration contract. how else would it loose value from 30 dollar to 2 dollars in 2009; people have a short memory to forget this scheme has been done 2 times before.
  2. those shares will hit sky high with the annual propaganda and fall deep and loose value to being worthless. People loosing their money like in 2009,2011. When share was sold for 29 and then lost value to 2dollars.or in 2011 in went from 22 to 6 dollars. Wonder how deep shares will fall this time after your usual propaganda.
  3. Thanks Blue, walaalkiis, Nuune and Somalia I was a great day. I have celebrated with a small group of friends, we went clubbing an then to private party and danced, stayed up till next morning like we were 19 again. But then the next mornig I became all depressed realizing that actually I am not 19 but a grown and adult men of 29 years old! All my life, i looked forward to reach this age. I even imagined to become a millionar, being married, having 7 children and contributing to worldpeace. But non of that, during the day I live the live of an middle aged career man, working my *** off, and in the evenings and weekends I live like a horny and unhealthy teenager. I bare little responsibility, have no wife, no children, contribute nothing to world peace. And suddenly you turn 29 and all your dreams are over.Then you start thinking about all the things in life that you haven't done yet. I still haven't traveled to Brazil... I still haven't published a book. why am I wasting my time? I'm almost thirty! What if I'm thirty and all my friends are married and I'm not?!" Maybe this doesn't happen to everyone, but it certainly happened to me. All in all, I think twenty-nine is an age where you discover who you really are. and at the that will make us stronger. This year I gathered all my strengtths and I came out as a Unionist. After months of discussion and debate's my family have finally accepted their son is a Unionist and loves Banadir more then Berbera. Eats pasta rather then bariis. Most of my friends are Unionist or closet Unionist so they are fine with me being open to them, but there are some who sometimes call me faq.ash or Xamarawi. But I can deal with them, their arguments are flawed or short sightened, give them some time and they will turn around. So what are my plans for the coming year? I am planning to finish growing up and behalf like an adult middle aged man. wear more adult and less teenager cloths, less parties in the weekend and more Somali stuff. Inshallah I wanna start taking driving lessons and get myself a lisence. I promise more serieuz, longer and quality SOL threads, less Puntland bashing and more constructive advice. Planning to visit Banadir this year inshallah. And maybe if Allah permits I will find myself a that Xamarawi wife, that can balance my life and bare my children. Or else will ask Nuune to send me a jinn wife.
  4. burahadeer;806128 wrote: ^^^ that happens everywhere to varying degrees.Look at multi corporations & big COs...they pay less than ordinary workers % wise.Infact there was report last week that 49% of americans hasn't filed federal tax last year.I do every year & am no where near rich. is that being honest according to you
  5. good page indeed. foreigners dont know and care about our clans.
  6. nice reastaurant. I am dreaming of my own Carafaat night club at the beach where all the celebrities will hang around
  7. we are loosing more and more sensible people to the greedy oil virus. makes me thing of the gold rush. we need to find an anti virus.based on logic and common sense
  8. Now I am getting curious. even the weblinks of Somalina have been removed. tolow maxaa la qariniyaa oo LST spin gareeniyaa. xayesiiska mashruuca saliida kaliya ayaa la ogolyahay miyaa sheekadu.
  9. translating at the Docter for family is something many of us went through. funny schets
  10. Wadani seems quite popular in awdal. i suspect a habro alliance.
  11. NASSIR;806043 wrote: Carafaat, When are you going to move to Garoowe and meet your uncle Faroole? he is not my uncle. waa seedigan, xaaska ayaa inadeer nahay. and the man did great things in Garowe.
  12. hargeysa dukaan iyo bakhaar ayee mooday dhaqaalo abuuris.bad economic policy
  13. would be nice if Turkey PM visits Garowe. would give the town bigger boost. I visited Tblisi in 2005, 3 weeks after Bush visited the city. the city was crumbling before the visit. all the places where the delegation visited were painted, build and reconstructed very well. it gave the city a big boost.
  14. burahadeer;806081 wrote: meesha soo eeg & you be surprised...yes lot poor people but also lot who live good,no starvation thou & no different from otha 3rd world countries,actually quite an accomplishment in light of what somalis went thru lately.Anyway great someone with billions earned honestly unlike stinking politicians stealing from the poor. I dont think one can earn millions honestly in poor countries like Somalia. Unless you dont pay taxes, create monopolies, manipulate prices, low wages speculation or earn riba on loans. I have been there and always come back much poorer money wise and richer qalbi wise.
  15. NASSIR;806030 wrote: Xiimaaye, You indeed framed the question rather deceptively and narrowly. First the region of Maakhir which spans from Ceerigaabo to Boosaaso does not have lesser population centers. Maakhiris reside in major cities in Badhan, Ceerigaabo, Dhahar, Boosaaso, etc. 2nd, SL militia incursion took place on a number of times in the recent past and they were defeated and pushed back. Chief among these clashes was one in which a large contingent of heavily armed militia led by their defense minister was defeated near the city of Dhahar. The late defense minister was immediately fired by his chief Riyaale and the decision was interpreted as humiliating to him and the clan from which he failed from. A flurry of protests ensued which questioned Mr. Riyaale's loyalty and reminded secessionists of his NSS background. See to it Mr. Xiimaaye, there's is no need to take shots at reer Maakhir, for they are peace loving and independent from tendencies that violate the rights of other people. I dont think he was targetting Maakhir.
  16. egal aun. but Siilanyo has a chance if he re unites the people.
  17. wonder who is controlling the airport that day, it regurly changes hands.
  18. so what is your suggestion, keep clan states for couple of centuries. dont think it will last
  19. Mario B;805871 wrote: Clan constitution don't count. According to XX definition his cousins from Gaashamo are Somalilanders but Taleexi's cousins from Garowe cant become Somalilanders. illogic me thinks