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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Xaaji, so taan maalin kasta meeshan holland la isku yimaado. Mise qolada qabyaledeysan ee North America ayee historic u tahay toloow.
  2. Abtigiis;808779 wrote: lool qandalaawi. xaalku ma Puntland waa dawlad calanlo Cidi lama hadlaysee Cilad eebe keena Admin igu canaantoo Data daydii lumisee Caynkii araweeliyoo Cadow haygu noqonine Hayga masaxin dataa da Libaax ii calool dabac... Dhirin... dhiirin..dhin... dhiiriin Abtigiis ileyn wuu gabyaa.
  3. Actually I am learning to read iyo write Somali here on SOL. I am even learning af Maay Maay here on SOL.
  4. I was one of the many Somali's who opposed the Ethiopian invasion back then, and now supporting the TFG fighting Al Shabaab with foreign troops. If one thinks that we were wrong back then, then its justified to think so. But it was another time, little did we know of Al Shabaab and that it infiltrated the ICU, Moqadishu was safe back then, folks perceived the invasion as hostile, the Moqadishu fightings as one with clannish intentions, TFG filled and backed by warlords ousted by the people and for many diffrent reasons. So please dont compare this current time and the past, for they are not the same. And little did we know what we know now
  5. Samafal;809258 wrote: Allah ha u fududeeyo su,aalaha. Dadkana waxaa fiican inay iska cafiyaan wixii wax u qaba. amiin
  6. Hussen Carab Ciise is born and bred in Somalia. he has nothing to do with Somaliland.
  7. It's going to happen. Somaliland Police are prebared.
  8. Most regions in Somalia have been cleared by Al Shabaab troops by AMISOM and Ethiopian troops. AMISOM and the Ethiopian military forces are not capable and not suited to keep the peace within the cities and district of Somalia. Military cant do the work of the Police. The Police forces are separate from military forces, who's main task is the defense of the state against foreign aggressors. However, police are charged with civil policing, Law enforcement, So to maintain law and order, build up local law enforcement and to train local police force who can keep te peace, Somalia needs Somali Police forces to be deployed as soon as possible. President Omer Gulleh pressed the international community to come up with solutions as soon as possible or else AMISOM will end up like UNOSOM and risks paving the road for new warlords. Somaliland has a large and experienced Police security force. Many officers received their training and started police work even before 1991 and continued working the last 20 years. While on the other hand there is a large group of young police officers who have been trained the last decades, among them are the elite Special Police Units and many higher ranking officers were trained at the Ethiopian Police Colleges.who are very eager to get more responsibilities. Therefor I think Somaliland should provide assistence and send a Police Security Force to Somalia. Nobody can do the job better then Somali Police officers who can work among the population and engage with the local communities. Listen to Omar Guelleh emotional plea.
  9. Who gave Ngonge the MOD passwords:D P.S. Can the Moderators put back the earlier posts of this thread.
  10. MMA, ha xubin aan ka ahay. Abtigiis macaa wuu ku jira. Canada macaa dad ayaa ka yimi shirkii dhaweed. koley branch wee kuleeyihiin.
  11. Showqi;808579 wrote: Geedkaas waan garanayaa aniguba oo waliba waxaan laga ag waayin oo marwalba ka dul heesa shimbirta la yidhaahdo XX iyo goreyga la yidhaahdo Burahadeer,,, Geedka aan maqlay shimbiro kale ayaa ka ag heysa.
  12. Somalia;808328 wrote: My theory is that the admin is on a crusade to get some users that came after 2008 to leave by making the website less interactive friendly with its cool and hip add-ons. This theory is further proved by his constant denial of bikini pics as my avatar by not replying to my demands. I believe that is enough evidence on my part. I give the floor to the next commentator.
  13. It's widely known that Ceelafweyn folks are diehard Unionist. They have even given refuge to Cade Muuse and his militia and succesfully mediated peace between Abdullahi Yuusuf and Cadde Muuse.
  14. We should have a maximum age and not a minimum age. The battle will continue