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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Che, saxiib, every individuel is accountable for what he/she says or does. Whatever someone writes, it should not be regarded as the collective opinion of the lot. Doing so will lead to generalisations, polarization and enforce the 'us' and 'them' thinking. And thats exactly the trap that we should avoid and few are hoping to create amongst us. I think the best thing we should all do, is speak up and correct eachother as much as possible. I will try to contribute to that.
  2. GAROODI;966275 wrote: That's good. Hiding is no good. I wanted him to come out of his shell he is no longer an anomaly. Just another defeated lot. Waryaa, what you are doing is incitement and unnecessery provoking. Discuss issues related to the thread.
  3. Che -Guevara;966204 wrote: Secessionists need SOL Q@ldan version so they have could have venting/therapy session there. Aaliyah, you are too polite. Lander calls Khaatumo Kastuumo, I suggest Sodomland for his tribal enclave but I would understand your hesitation, you have class. Che, baryahan maradii waad tuurtay. You dont even try to conceal it like you used to? :confused:
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;965854 wrote: 1Somalis dating Marrying Ajanabis frenjis 2Salafism versus Sufisim 3Arabism versus Africanism 4Somaliland versus Somalia 5The identity of imam Ahmed ibrahim al Ghazi Xaaji, you didnt include the biggest controversial topic in the Somali community,which is female O....., also called 'le petite mort' or 'the little dead'. Somali girls even deny the existence of such 'explosive love' and some even refuse to even discuss it.
  5. Habartani madax adkaa, wali ismee dhiibin?
  6. The African Union and IGAD must replace Kenya immediatly! How did these Kenyan troops that entered Somalia illegaly and without any mandate become part of Amisom in the first place?
  7. puntnomads;965589 wrote: Carafaat "why the later is requesting for Kenya to be replaced because they choose sides between different factions. " Has the government chosen Hiraale over Madoowe? Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. The goverment did not shell, bomb,arrest nor expelled Axmed Madove and co. In fact the goverment us trying to find a peacefull solution and even held talks and signed agreement with Axmed Madobe and his group.The Kenyans shelled and bombed one of the warring factions, they arrested and expelled Federal goverment officials. Kenya does not have a mandate for this. This will for sure create another backlash. Hortay, havent you learned anything from the Xabashi endevour in Mogadishu?
  8. puntnomads;965587 wrote: GAROODI "The government correct Kenya have no mandate to choose one side over the other" Tell me who gave the SFG the mandate to side with Hiraale? Can it choose to side with any warlord it wants? What is the difference between Hiraale and Madoowe in their eyes? Did the parliament give that mandate? If the SFG can make up a mandate, then why not Kenya? Hortay dadka qaar wax walba oo ku xumeen ah wee iskaga hadlaan. The Somali goverment has not shelled, bombed, arrested, refused entry nor expelled Axmed Madobe and co. The Kenyans did all that, so dont compare Kenyans shelling to the goverments efforts to find a solution for Kismayo.
  9. What is the source of this article?
  10. puntnomads;965443 wrote: Col.Bare Hiiraale oo shalay laga saaray magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ka hadlay warar sheegaya inuu xiriir ka dhaxeeyo dhankooda iyo Al Shabaab. Wareysiga uu maanta bixiyey Col.Bare Hiiraale ayuu uga jawaabay warar sheegaya in dhinacooda ay isu dhiibeen ama xiriir dhow laleeyihiin kooxda Al Shabaab, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan hada ku biirin Al Shabaab, balse ay jiraan waxyaabo badan oo ka dhaxeeya dhinacooda iyo Al Shabaab. Col.Bare Hiiraale ayaa markii ugu horeysay shaaciyey inay Al Shabaab ka wada shaqeyn doonaan ama ku midoobi doonaan la dagaalanka Kenya iyo sidii ciidamada Kenya looga saari lahaa dalka Soomaaliya. “….Anaga iyo Al Shabaab Soomaali baanu isla nahay dalka ayaa naga dhaxeeya, Kenya waa Gaalo dalkayaga ayey kusoo duushay, waxaan ku midoobi doonaa colaada Kenya iyo ka saaridooda dalka….” Ayuu Wareysiga ku yiri Col.Bare Hiiraale oo sheegay in hada isku aruursanayaan duleedka magaalada Kismaayo sidii ay dib ugu ulla wareegi lahaayeen Kismaayo. Waxaa xusid mudan Col.Bare Hiiraale wareysi uu shalay bixiyey xiligii uu magaalada kasii baxayey ayuu ku sheegay inuu nabad diyaar u yahay iyo in xal laga gaaro dagaalka Kismaayo. Hadalada maanta kasoo baxay Col.Bare Hiiraale ayaa u muuqda kuwo xoojinaya eedaynmihii maamulka Jubaland ku heystay Col.Bare Hiiraale iyo xoogaga isbaheystay. Maamulka Jubaland ayaa horey ugu eedeeyey in Dowlada Federaalka iyo kooxda Al Shabaab iyo xoogaga laga saaray Kismaayo isku baheysteen dagaalada ka dhanka ah maamulka Jubaland. Maamulka Jubaland ayaa sheegay in dagaaladii Kismaayo ka dhacay ay ku qabteen dagaalyahano ka tirsan Al Shabaab oo ay magaalada soo geliyeen Col.Bare Hiiraale iyo ciidamada hoostaga dowlada Federaalka, maalinimadii Khamiistii ayaa weerar miino ay xoogagaasi la beegsadeen ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo uu Col.Bare Hiiraale si toos ah u shaaciyo inay Al Shabaab ka wada shaqeenayaan la dagaalanka ciidamada AMISOM ee ka socda Kenya ee ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo. Dagaaladii labadii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay ka dhacay magaalada Kismaayo ayaa wuxuu u dhaxeeyey maamulka Jubaland ciidamadiisa iyo xoogaga isbaheystay oo uu Col.Bare Hiiraale kamid ahaa, iyadoona la xaqiijiyey in ciidamada AMISOM ee Kenya ay dagaalkaasi aysan ka qeyb qaadan. Horseed Media News Desk Any audio of this intervueuw? Where did he make these statemebts?
  11. Change topic to something more light. My Beesha Haradaan friends don't mind talking about any topic. Ask him questions on light business or political topic. For example, ask him what he thinks of the balance in the SL cabinet.
  12. Haatu;965544 wrote: Carafaat, what clans are fighting in Kismaayo? Isn't Fartaag the same clan as Hiiraale? Yes he is. And I wouldn't be surprised if Barre Hiiraale has an assistant from Wardheer. But nonetheless its obvious Barre has the support of the Gedo clan(see the reactions of Gedo SOL members on the fighting Friday) and even the Prime-Minister, hence why the later is requesting for Kenya to be replaced because they choose sides between different factions.
  13. Xaaji Xunjuf;965533 wrote: carafaat what is the difference between uganda an kenya Uganda has not (yet) meddled in the affairs between warring clan factions.
  14. Haatu;965530 wrote: Carafaat, the people of Jubbooyinka have no such hate for the Kenyans like the reer Xamar had for the Xabashis. These guys freed them from the tyranny from Al Shabaab and gave them the opportunity to form their own administration at their own pace. Haatu, both the Americans and Ethiopians came to Somalia with more "noble" causes like the Kenyans. But they started meddling in the fighting between different clan factions and we know how that ended, it created a backlash of Somalis turning against their 'saviors'. Till yesterday Kenya did not openly engage between the factions. This could result a part of the people resenting Kenya and then its a matter of time till the locals turn against the Kikuyu who came to save them against AL Shabaab. Just like the people earlier turned against the Ethiopians who came to save them from Al Shabaab, like the people turned against the Americans who came to save them from civil war.
  15. From Axmed Madobe's CV. Sheikh Ahmed Madobe was the leader of Ras Kamboni Brigades (the predecessor to Raskamboni movement) which was allied with Hizbul Islam. On 1 October 2009, armed conflict between Hizbul Islam and al-Shabaab began after a dispute between the Ras Kamboni Brigades and al-Shabaab over control of Kisimayo . ARS-A[clarification needed] and JABISO, which were aligned with al-Shabaab in Hiiraan and Mogadishu refused to support the Ras Kamboni Brigades, meanwhile Anole[clarification needed] remained neutral. The fighting also led to a split within the Ras Kamboni Brigades, with a faction led by Ahmed Madoobe fighting against al-Shabaab and a faction led by Hassan al-Turki siding with al-Shabaab.[4] The Battle of Kismayo was decisively won by al-Shabaab, which then expelled Madbobe's Ras Kamboni Brigades from the city .[5] In the battles that followed, in November 2009, Madobe's forces were overpowered by al-Shabaab and its local allies. It was then forced to withdraw from the Lower Jubba region and most of southern Somalia.[4][5] In February 2010, al-Turki's branch declared a merger with al-Shabaab.[4] Barre Hiiraale is a clan warlords and has always been a clan warlord. Laakinse kan Puntnomad ee Horseedmedia wax u qora, ee leh Barre Hiiraale waa Al Shabaab, should study Axmed Madoobe's CV before accusing clan warlords of being AL Shabaab.
  16. El Punto, be consistent saxiib. If you argument for justice, then do so for all war criminals.
  17. puntnomads;965493 wrote: Dabrow Kenya is fulfilling its mandate of fighting alharam and the SFG will soon have to praise the Kenyan assaults on Hiraale as great work in defeating Al-Shabab. How quickly thinks can change in Somali politics. From supporting Hiraale to distancing themselves within 2 days. What is the plan for Hiraale now? Barre Hiiraale is no friend of AL Shabaab. In fact Axmed Madobe is closer to the Shababist in terms of ideology and his previous dealings with the Shabaabist. Kenya is just choosing sides between two clan militias and that is not their mandate.
  18. So he send some suicide bombers to blow themselves up. But your uncle Morgan send planes to bomb Hargeysa and killes thousands in the course. Tell me again why Aweys actions are worser then Morgan? Doesnt Morgan deserve to be brought before justice and executed as well?
  19. Sooner or later Kenya will leave Kismaayo. Just like the Xabashis in Xamar left, just like the US forces in Xamar left. The anger amongst the masses against these Kikuyus is already increasing. its a matter of time, till this happens.
  20. ElPunto, that he is evil and has committed crimes is not the question. The question is why others who have even committed worser crimes wont be brought to justice or executed.
  21. Waryahe, just engage with your guest, rather then quitly observing, listening and analysing them without any interaction.
  22. That is unacceptable. Dambi kamuu galin Mareekan. Kii u gudbiya Dahir Aweys Mareekan ama u saxeexa, waxaan ku ogahay inu sagu laftigiisa dambiile noqoniyo.
  23. What the hell is the IGAD Sheick Technical Veterniry School. Couldnt they make up a better name for the school? I just received an email regarding their college program. IGAD SHEIKH TECHNICAL VETERINARY SCHOOL(ISTVS) offers a new 4-year course, awarding University of Nairobi Bachelor in Science in Dry-land Economics and Agro-ecosystem Management (BSc DEAM) and ISTVS also offers a 3-year courses, awarding Makerere University higher Diplomas in Livestock Health Sciences (DLH), and in Livestock Product Development and Entrepreneurship (DLPDE). For further information please find attaching files, if you interest please apply as soon as quick the time