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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. If Mursi believed in socialist, liberal, gay marriage or other anti-muslim ideologies he would not have been overthrown. But because Islam is his ideology, he was opposed by anti-muslims or secularist as I call them.
  2. Naxar Nugaaleed;967476 wrote: 1. Cabuudka ilahay iyo secularism wax iska horjeeda maha, shuqul ba iskama laha. 2. cedceeda iyo xayawaanka inta aan la gareen, beni adam horta ha hesheeyo lol. Guess who has won the International Secularist of the year Award, the founder of the UK council of ex-muslims.
  3. Naxaroow, Waxa aduunyo iyo samo kunool oo kamid ah sida Dhirta, xayawaanka, cadceeda, dayaxa, xidigaha, buuraha ayaa macaa ilaahay cabuuda oo secular eheen. Sidu marka bila ademku u noqon karaa 'secular'?
  4. Mintid Farayar;966607 wrote: Carafaat, For the past week, the feeling among anti-Morsi protesters has been that the U.S. and Obama, personally, support Mursi and the Muslim Brotherhood. There were countless posters all over Cairo saying "Obama, stop supporting the MB". The current U.S. Ambassador, Patterson, has been attacked in the mainstream Egyptian secular media as supporting the MB. This is a misunderstanding on the part of the Egyptian anti-MB elements. The U.S. administration has concerns regarding the precedent of coups being mounted on each successive elected leader after each sizeable demonstration on the streets. That's not democracy.... That's mob justice. Having said that, there is also the understanding that a large portion of Mursi's problems were self-inflected by his paranoid, somewhat authoritarian actions while in office for that one year. So I don't know what gave you the impression that this is a U.S.-supported coup. While not in Egypt itself, I'm currently in the region. The overwhelming majority of Egyptians I've asked in the past 3 days are ardently anti-Mursi and support the military mounting a coup(they range in backrounds from waiters to professionals, all of them Muslim). I've debated with them the merits of letting democratic processes take their course and allowing Mursi to serve out his term, after which he can easily be voted out of office. But they didn't care for that argument and wished for an immediate removal by any means. That's the current sentiment. You can see in the television footage how much larger the anti-Mursi crowds are compared to the pro-Mursi ones. Mob justice..... Saxiib, I am sure that there are many folks and certain cities and regions who oppose the elected leader of Egypt. And as every story has two sides. Your version was being aired on CNN. The other version couldnt be aired due to the censorship of Al jazeera and numerous other channels. Regarding the US support for the Egyptian military, 1.5 billion us dollar of annual military aid gave me the idea.
  5. LayZie G.;966709 wrote: According to the Egyptian Envoy to the United States, Morsi's fall from grace was not a coup, but a scoop. Mohamed Tawfik: Similarly, Obama and his generals have been debating about this very same issue, the coup or the scoop debate well passed midnight. 4 out of the 6 generals that were said to be in the meeting voted for the scoop, but Obama said he will have to sleep on it and will decide in the morning because the issue of whether or not to withdrawl the remaining aid for the Egyptian military has to be decided, which makes this really a scoop as he cant afford to cut off his allies. But the fact that this is even an issue baffles me. Somewhere between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, a low ranking Morsy(Morsi) official had difficulty sleeping well into the night and instead decided to write the following on his facebook page: If this was a 'military coup', we would have seen target assassinations, overthrow of the entire government apparatus. This was nothing like the Military coup of Nigeria in the 60s, 70s, 80, and well into the 90s, and not to mention, this so called "Military coup" was nowhere close to the Red October 1979 Coup in El Salvador. So, is this really a coup or a scoop? Since Canada day, the following actions were undertaken by high ranking member of the Egyptian Armed Forces The EGYPTIAN army called for an emergency session, and invited Morsi's gangs, along with leader ElBaradei, top Muslim cleric Sheik Ahmed el-Tayeb and the respected Coptic Pope Tawadros II, as well as opposition activists and some members of the ultraconservative Salafi movements. (aka Jihadists) But Morsi did not RSVP. Instead, he was reportedly making electronic wire transfer from the central bank...and making travel plans as he was tweeting about his bravery to remain resilient in the face of adversary. And to make matters worse, this supposed 'military coup' that dominated headlines for the last 18 hours had well over half a million people protesting for days leading to Morsi's ouster, while millions more followed on social media and television. Talk about it being a military coup when it was a civilian led protests. lol...(A protest that drew a record number of protests to naar square that chanted down with morsi and Islamists)..but that didn't stop twitter from blowing up, or facebook, including the AP , and reuters. Most headlines went with the sleep derived official's label of this madness that the average political scientist couldn't possibly begin to understand. If this was a coup and not a scoop, the military would not have offered ultimatum, instead, they could have shot Morsi. But the only killing that occured was on the hands of Morsi's stooges who shot unarmed protests days leading up to the ouster. So far, the allegations against the Military is unsubstantiated, and the Al Jazeera stooges are nothing short of a mouth piece for the Islamists, so you can't really count on them to be fair and balanced. Mida kale, the reports about possible censorship and the closing of TV Stations is half true. There is only one credible source that has been confirmed that suggests Niqabi TV(or as Morsi likes to call it "WOMEN TV) was reportedly raided by members of the military. A soldier was said to have entered the premise, and approached a lady with a mask like garment and proceeded to remove the garment from her face, and moved to the next female, until there were no garments. Is this really censorship? These women havent seen sunlight in months...... More updates to sure to be part of the coup or scoop debate. Hada Majnuun. bal wexe so qorisoo eeg.
  6. Thanks for sharing this beautiful recitation sister Aaliyah. He is so young, amazing wallahi.
  7. Beautifull Recitation of Surah Rahman by Qari Youssef Edghouc.
  8. We need to learn to discuss issues constructively without using it to finger point or take criticism as personal attacks on clans/groups of people. After all, we want the best thing for our people. I truly believe all Somalis want a country and people in peace with each other. And we can only achieve that if we discuss issues in a constructive way, only then can we work towards that same goal. Regarding this article and many other articles addressing issues in Mogadishu or Kismayo. These articles focus on finger pointing and accuse specific clans of ill intentions. No Somali clan has ill intentions for Somalia. Besides this kind of thinking is not constructive and it won't help us getting closer to more understanding nor how we could create the inclusive, diverse and effective government institutions we all want.
  9. For a long time it seemed very clear who were the real nationalist and who was not. But lately many of mine friends, who I always regarded as fellow nationalist turned out to be closeted HAG and Sahal members supporting their clan over the nation. So this leaves me wondering, who are the most Somali nationalist lot? Who are the true sons of the nation. Lets decide this for once and all. 1. HAG folks love and cherish the Somali capital like no other. No other clan has flooded the Capital like HAG has, nowadays HAG dominate the politics of all 16 districts of Mogadishu. 2. Puntland folks are the true leaders of the nation. They delivered the most Presidents and Prime-Ministers of the nation. No other sub-clan have supplied so many leaders to the nation as Puntland did. 3. Khaatumo folks fought the most fights and battles for the country. They have fought alongside the Dervish, alongside Siad Barre, alongside Morgan, alongside Abdullahi Yusuf, alongside Dahir Riyaale, alongside Cadde Muuse, 4. Somaliland folks are the true pioneers. They were the first to sign a treaty with the colonialist, the first to migrate in large numbers to foreign countries, the first to raise the Somali flag, the first to fight in cities, the first mass refugees, the first to raise a new flag, the first to create their own land, the first to organize popular elections, 5. Maay Maay, Bandiri, Somali-Bantu and Somali-arab Coastal folks have given Somalia the best and most beautiful traditions, culture and things the nation has to offer. The best food, the best music and dances(Niiko),the beautiful clothes, the most beautiful cities(Berbera, Mogadishu, Marka, Barawe, Kismayo), the architecture, the tradition of agriculture, hard work, tolerance, nonviolence, and peaceful coexistence. 6. Awdal folks are the most educated and most peaceful Somalis. They are the most educated lot. They never fought in their cities and they have build the first University in modern days.
  10. Dr.Abu-Salman, thanks for the usefull info and advice. I can recommend every Somali abroad(specially in the more colder areas) to take Vitamin D dosis on regular basis. It will for sure make you more effective and more energized.
  11. Alpha, hasn't this issue been solved by the factory owners. I heard it first couple years ago about possible pollution from the factory in to the soil water.
  12. Collection of the best classic wadani songs
  13. July 1st 1960 - Indipendenza della Somalia giorno dall 'Italia
  14. Somalia - Building a Nation 1960's" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  15. Somali independence Day 1960
  16. 1960: kaana siib kanna saar TIMACADE
  17. The hypocrisy of the US/West has no limits. When the democratic elected leader of a country isn't to their liking they support a coupe d'etat. And the Egyptian people fell into the trap. They first demonstrate for democracy and elections and less then a year later some of them protest the same democratic elected leader they choose, giving the US backed military a window of opportunity. This will lead only lead to more polarization and more dissatisfaction with their systems, institutions and decay of their cohesive society. I wonder if there are some lessons to be learned from this recent example in Egypt?
  18. Carafaat;966347 wrote: Isnt the Ministry of Finance the internal auditor of the goverment? So any shortcomings in the checks and balances of the system should be fixed by the internal auditor. The Central Banks only acts as the cashier/treasury of the goverment. The issue here is being politised. Not sure why. Shir jaraa’id oo Muqdisho ku qabtay Maareeyaha Banka dhexe ee Soomaaliya uguna Jawaabay UN-ka July 3, 2013 - Written by admin - Edited byadmin Guddoomiyaha bankiga dhexe, Cabdisalaan Cumar Hadliye ayaa maanta iska beri yeelay warbixin ay qaramada midoobay soo saartay oo ku saabsan in 80% lacagaha ku soo xarooday bankiga dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya ay qaateen shaqsiyaad gaar ah, oo aanay gaarin hay’adahii kala duwanaa ee dowladda. Warbixintan oo ay Qaramada Midoobay ku sheegtay in lacagaha bankiga dhexe inta badan loo adeegsado dano shaqsiyadeed, iyadoo intaa ku dartay in intii u dhexeysay bilihii September sannadkii hore iyo Abril ee sanadkan ay dad gaar ah kala baxeen bankiga saddex mooleed illaa afar meelood lacagihii bankiga soo galay. Sidoo kale, warbixinta ayaa lagu sheegay in Cabdullaahi Macalin Nuur oo ah madaxa saadka ciidamada xoogga dalka uu bankiga kala baxay lacag dhan shan milyan oo doollarka Mareykanka ah. Guddoomiyaha bankiga dhexe ayaa sheegay in xilka uu hayo afar bil iyo bar, isla markaana wixii lacago ah ee bangiga ka baxay ay ku baxeen qaab sharci ah, isagoo tilmaamay in warbixintan ka soo baxday qaramada midoobay ay tahay mid la soo dhoodhoobay oo dana gaar ah laga leeyahay. “Aniga waxaan guddoomiyaha bankiga dhexe ahaa afar bilood iyo bar, wax walba waxay ku baxeen hab sharci ah, mana jirin shaqsiyaad lacago si iskood ah ula baxay,” ayuu yiri Hadliye. Gudoomiyahu wuxuu sheegay in isaga aanu ku lug lahayn wixii horay u dhacay balse uu diyaar u yahay in lagula xisaabtamo wixii dhacay markii uu xilkan la wareegay oo afar bilood hada laga joogo. Hadliye ayaa ahaa xiligii DKM ahayd la taliyaha wasaarada maaliyadda,wana xiligaa waqtiga ay qaramada midoobay ku sheegtay warbixinteeda in lacagahan lagala baxay bankiga dhexe ee soomaaliya. I told you so the whole article is political and intended to damage the Central Bank director. The guy just started the new job 4 months ago.
  19. NGONGE;966431 wrote: I think I know what I'm going to do this Saturday. :D Jeudi soir is on thursday evening.
  20. When will this take effect.
  21. Jiir-Jiroole;966392 wrote: Afaar habro oo iis cuunaya kale ila daawadha I think you wanted to say, 'Afar Habrood oo is cuniya, kaalay ila daawo'. Cause 'dawada' means medicine. Unless you actually, wanted to say, "Afar Habrood oo is cuniya, kaalay ila daweeya".
  22. Somalia appoints accountancy firm Somalia's fragile government has hired the world's biggest accountancy firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers, to help ensure international aid is spent correctly. The embattled administration has been asked by donors to demonstrate that funds will be spent properly, and not embezzled by corrupt officials. PwC has undertaken similar work checking how donor funds are used across Africa. More than 200,000 people have fled clashes in Mogadishu since May. PwC staff will find a Somali capital rocked by fierce battles between radical Islamist insurgents and pro-government forces. "PricewaterhouseCoopers has been appointed to hold and manage the pledged and allocated funds for institutional capacity building and development [in Somalia]," the firm said in a statement. It declined to go into detail about the work, citing client confidentiality and security issues. But it is thought a team of at least 20 staff, based in Nairobi, capital of neighbouring Kenya, will operate in and out of Somalia, helped by local agents on the ground. They will administer via a central bank account some of the $213m (£132m) pledged by donors in Brussels in April towards boosting security in the failed Horn of Africa state. PwC will check Somali ministries' spending plans tally with donor expectations, before releasing the cash and ensuring it is spent transparently. It is understood the firm will receive a commission of between 2-4% on all funds that reach their intended destination. A spokesman for the Somali transitional federal government said in a statement: "This is a big step in reconstructing Somalia. In addition, this will enhance transparency and accountability." Somalia has not had a stable central government since Siad Barre was ousted in 1991. Naxar has a point here. PwC jobs was not only to function as the external auditor but was but in place by donors to function as the check and balance in the whole system as well and at the same time earning from each transfer.
  23. Naxar Nugaaleed;966054 wrote: The experts said Somali Finance Minister Mohamud Hassan Suleiman had tried to reduce the scale of the patronage system, but "it is so pervasive as to be beyond his control. According to Central Bank accounts, a cashier at the Ministry of Finance, Ahir Axmed Jumcaale, was responsible for withdrawing the greatest amount. The Central Bank is ordered by the Goverment for the paynents to the individuals mentioned in the report. Its the Minustry of Finance ordering and responsible for the financial system. When PwC is gone, it will still be the Ministry of Finance jobs to make sure a system is in place.
  24. NGONGE;966237 wrote: Their purpose was to ensure that the money goes to the right areas. However, their job is not to run the country. These are accountants, Naxar. As long as they get invoices, receipts and records of payment, they have no business in actually proving that such receipts are genuine. Otherwise, they'll be forced to run the Somali central bank and that is not their job. As for auditing; all they have to do is point the shortcomings to the Somali government (or donors) whenever an audit is done. And even there, it is not their job to publish their audits to the whole world (unless this was agreed to by the government and the donors). The problem is with Somalia's internal auditors and not the external ones, saaxib. Isnt the Ministry of Finance the internal auditor of the goverment? So any shortcomings in the checks and balances of the system should be fixed by the internal auditor. The Central Banks only acts as the cashier/treasury of the goverment. The issue here is being politised. Not sure why.
  25. STOIC;966038 wrote: Apophis, Heh. You are not gonna tell me anything about Eastleigh and its sewage filled crater roads. Many of the taxis were even refusing to take me to eastleigh because they have to dodge a pothole. One had to jib around manholes filled with human wastes. Saxiib I have no intention of having ill feeling towards the city but I report what I see. One may think there is a river that busted its banks when you see sewage water make a pool in the middle of the road. Heh I would have reported if i seen Eastleigh as a leafy suburb like some of the other places I have seen in Nairobi. One had to take circuitous routes just to get between the big Somali mall buildings to avoid stepping on human wAste potholes. Maybe. You confused me with someone who has never been to Nairobi before but I can school you on it STOIC, So Eastleigh doesnt have the best seawage system or roads for that matter. But its the safest neighbourhoud in Nairoberry, where you can roam the streets without getting mugged(even in the night), its has the best restaurants and hotels( best service, cheaper and better quality then down town), it has the biggest and best market for everything one wishes. I love Eastleigh. Sijuigs hortay mexee uga faanan Eastleigh?