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The latest work of Clan federalism Hiiraan to be divided into two
Carafaat replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
General Duke;821494 wrote: Hiiraan is a little but larger than the district of Hobyo. Dividing it makes no sense. Galgaduud,Hiiraan and South Mudug need to go together as one regional State. Add North Mudug to that. Ha is martiyeen. -
General Duke;821492 wrote: No one is opposing the unification of the triangle withthe rest of Somalia. Everyone supports the ending of the secessionist clan delusions. However the SNM clan can only negotiate for it's land and population it can not speak on behalf of equal free men who never wanted to secede. Thus come to the table lad and stop hiding behind excuses. Somaliland and Khatumo should definetly talk. But I have the idea your not advocating for Khatumo.
General Duke;821467 wrote: Puntland has for a long time been taking responsibility for the NE of Somalia and was and still is the vanguard of the Somali unity preventing the secessionist from breaking the nation into two. Duke, if that is true then why oppose Somaliland and Somalia uniting. Why not support the TFG talking with Somaliland.
Al Shabaab stole my CLAN's weapons cries Shiekh Xasan Dahir Aways...
Carafaat replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
We should be thankful to Al Shabaab for disarming these anti peace groups. -
AfricaOwn;821448 wrote: Which means, until the federal one is set (whenever the time) puntland is operating as an independent nation (just read your own constitution please) Drafting the federal one will be very complicated after the process is overtaken by bad faith. I wish all my Somali Unity dreamers a good-luck, really. Accoring to Duke, and Samafal, Puntland is an Independent till there is a federal constitution.
Che, I support democracy and the will of the people. But I dont support anarchy, secessionist tendecies, printing Somali shilling and like you do.
http://www.galgalanews.com/?p=11477 Puntland Halkaasi Sano ee Faroole Loogu Daray bay ku Bur Burin DHEGAYSO, Gen Samatar
Muqdisho oo laga soo dhaweeyay Go’aanka Somaliland ku Qadacday Wadahadalada, Mahiga oo Lad-qabo la shir yimi iyo Siilaanyo oo la filayo inuu Gaashaanka u daruuro Xamar waxay Leedahay Mahiiga waa Saaxiibka Faroole isagaana Somaliland doonaya inuu Boqnaha gooyo Hargeysa(Waaheen) Dadweynaha iyo Baarlamaanka Somaliya eek u sugan magaaladda Muqdisho ayaa si weyn u soo dhaweeyay Go’aankii ay xukuumadda Somaliland ku qaadacday Wadahadalada Somaliya ee Sh Shariif ku burburiyay labadii xubnood ee Faroole dartii ugu soo daray wadahadalada Somaliya inay ka qayb qaataan iyagoo Puntlan ku matalay Beelaha Somaliland. Soo dhaweynta dadweynaha Muqdisho ee go’aanka Somaliland ayay ku sababaynayaan in uu Aabo u yahay dhibaatada keentay Khilaafka Agotine Mahiga Wakiilka Somaliya ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada midoobay, kaasoo ay ku Eedaynayaan in uu Saaxiib dhaw la yahay Madaxweyne Faroolaha Puntland, kaasoo doonaya inuu Somaliya ka noqdo Madaxweyne. Fariimo kala duwan oo Waaheen ka soo gaadhayay dadweyne iyo Siyaasiyiin kala duwan oo Muqdisho ku sugan oo khadka Telefoonka kula soo xidhiidhay ayaa ugu baaqay inay iska ilaaliyaan dabinada Siyaasadeed ee ay u soo maleegeen Sh Shariif iyo Faroole, kuwaasoo ay sheegeen in ay u soo dhiibeen Mahiga huwan Shaadhka Qaramada Midoobay. Dhinaca kalena Mahiga oo shalay ka soo degay madaarka Hargeysa ayaa xalay casho la yeeshay Madaxweynaha Somaliland, inkasta oo aanu wax war ahi ka soo bixin kulankooda, hadana Xogaha laga helayo waxa ay sheegayaan in uu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo qaadaco Qorshaha Lad-qabada ah ee uu la socdo ilaa Sh Shariif ku soo noqdo Tubtii wadahadalada loogu talogalay ee ahayd inay u wadahadlaan Somaliya iyo Somaliland. Mahiga isla shalay markii uu Hargeysa soo gaadhayba waxa uu Warfidiyeenada Somaliland u sheegay in Booqashadiisu la xidhiidho sii xoojinta Geedi socodka Wadahadalada Somaliya isagoo ku mar-marsooday inuu Socdaalkiisu la xidhiidho hawlo xafiiska Hargeysa u yaala, hase yeeshee Socdaalkiisu waxa uu muujinaya Falaadha aanay filanayn ee ay Gantay Somaliland inay Shucaacd ku furtay Shaxda Siyaasadeed ee ay wadaagaan isaga, Faroole iyo Sh Shariif oo uu Gabalkiisu sii dhacayo. Qorshayaasha kale ee u qarsoon ee uu Mahiga Faraqa ku sito ee naga soo gaadhay magaaladda Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Nool-yayo Koox Salaadiin ah oo la sheegay in Hargeysa laga kaxaynayo oo Muqdisho loo gaynayo sidii ay u xuli lahaayeen xubno Buuxiya Baarlamaanka Somaliya oo khatar ku ah Ajandayaasha ay wataan Mahiga iyo Kooxdiisu, kuwaasoo ay doonayaan inay si dhakhso ah u kala diraan. Ilaa hada ma cada Salaadiinta Somaliland ee doonaya inay tagaan Xamar si ay u fuliyaan qorshayaasha Mahiga iyo Faroole, hase yeeshee sida ay wararku nagu soo gaadhayaan Suldaan Siciid C/salaam oo ka mid ah Madax dhaqameedka ugu facaweyn Gobolka Sanaag ayaa ku sugan Garoowe, waxaana la filayaa in uu u sii qaado dhinaca Muqdisho Dastuurka Faroole ee la Ansixiyay oo fure u noqon doona in Faroole iyo Sh Shariif ku shuraakoobaan sidii ay ugaga bixi lahaayeen Duufaanada Siyaasadeed ee ku Xeeran damacooda ah in ay somaliya markale taladeeda gacanta ku sii hayaan. Suldaanka Siciid ayaa intii aanu Garoowe u kicitimin Hargeysa ku sugnaa isagoo ka qayb qaatay wadahadaladii magaaladda Jigjiga ku dhex maray Maamulka Kililka Shanaad iyo Madax dhaqameedka Dadweynaha Gaashaamo oo uu dagaal dhex maray Liyuu Booliiska. Waxaana la sheegayaa in wakhtigaa uu hawshaas ku jiray bar-bar waday ajanadayaasha Somaliweynimada isla markaan ay Salaadiin Beesha ***** ka soo jeedana isla sii qaateen sidii ay u wada tagi lahaayeen Muqdisho. Ilaa hadana si rasmi ah looma Oga Salaadiinta la sheegayo inay u baxayaan Mashrrucaasi hase yeeshee waxa laga shaki qabaa Salaadiin Xidhiidh dhaw la leh Mawqifkaasi inay dhawaan Xamatra gaadhaan. Si kasta ha ahaatee Madaxweyne Siilaanyo iyo Xukuumaddiisa waxa looga fadhiyaa inay siyaasad Hufan oo Maskax furan kaga baxaan khataraha Siyaasadeed ee ku dhex Dahsoon wadahadalada Beesha Caalamku u furtay Somaliya oo ilaa hada u muuqda kuwo Wajiyo badan oo aan la saadaalin Karin halka ay ku Af-meermi doonaan.
Why Somaliland should not engage in talks with Somalia right now Comments (24) By Salma A Sheikh Somaliland wants Somalia to, finally, concede that Somaliland’s independence is irrevocable. The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, on the other hand, is in a blatant denial of Somaliland’s rights and decision to reclaim its sovereignty, and withdraw from the July 1st 1960’s, still bending for ratification, union. The TFG’s, current, standpoint undermines, with similar obliviousness, the political relationship of the two, if any exist. The TFG, constantly, and in every opportunity claims that Somaliland is part of what it represents. The truth, however, is that the TFG has no influence in Somaliland and, probably, considering the short period mandated for the TFG to last, it will have zero impact on Somaliland, in the future. Such are irreconcilable facts and, thus, Somaliland shouldn’t have, even, attempted an arbitration process with the TFG, at the moment. The decision president Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud (Silanyo) has, recently, taken on selecting five charismatic ministers from his government cabinet to engage a process of arbitration with the TFG on the issues of Somalia and Somaliland’s current political affairs, is hasty and, quite frankly, a baffling one. Such engagement is fruitless, at the moment, for both Somalia, who are in a transition, and Somaliland, who should, only, talk with a central and permanent government representing Somalia, not Mogadishu and/or Garoowe. Somalia’s TFG is in a twilight zone, right now. Sheikh Sharif’s team is in a desperate dash to create a portfolio of ‘being there and done that’ sort of entries to convince the 22nd February London Conference on Somalia signatories, who mandated the TFG to commit to positive changes, including forming a central and representative government for Somalia. Engaging talks with Somaliland is a recommendation issued at the London Conference’s Communiqué, it is not an obligation. This recommendation, however, would have served an admirable effort and top entry for the TFG and its portfolio, have they initiated the process, and followed legal and transparent procedures. Such effort from the TFG, furthermore, would have presented success, if the two countries [somalia and Somaliland] reach a mutual agreement. Indeed, a one less thing to thwart the efforts that the international community are making to restore law and order in Somalia, and huge success for the war against extremisms of terrorism, Sea piracy, famine, and mass migration, which, today, stem out from the region. Somaliland’s kick-start of this arbitration process is a policy, which seems to assist the antagonist administrations of Somalia, whom are doomed to fail. The TFG’s, recent and careless, meddling of Somaliland’s internal affairs has depicted Sheikh Sharif as an unfriendly political figure of Somalia. His policy is a hostile one for the peoples of Somalia and Somaliland. The TFG is in the way of many things that could lead the citizens of Somaliland and Somalia to attain peace and prosperity, and, thus, peacefully coexist as two brotherly nations. The TFG’s unjustifiable grip onto Somaliland and its independence and the deluded belief it is spearheading to represent who and what is Somalia, today, is just inexact and unwarranted account of the TFG’s contribution to the history of the Somali peoples. Such distorted history creates further discord between the peoples of Somalia and Somaliland, who, since the 1960’s rushed union, have burdened each other under the former totalitarian regime of late Mohamed Siyad Bare. The inconsiderate political agenda of the TFG, which has been, arguably, influenced by those who care less about Somali peoples’ cohesion and peaceful coexistence, is hostile and unacceptable one. When Sheikh Sharif was one of the leaders of the Islamic Courts, which was listed a terrorist group and was, consequently, dismantled by the West and their allies in the region, he, often, accused the international community of meddling with Somalia’s internal affairs and dividing the country. This was a stance that brought him support from many communities in Somalia. Sheikh Sharif’s, recent, involvement in Somaliland’s internal affairs is hypocritical, and it conspires the same political deviation he accused the West for. His attempt to cause fragmentation in Somaliland by, illegally, recognising regions of that country is devious. Sheikh Sharif praised Somaliland for its successes during his speech at the London Conference, and he is, arguably, the first TFG leader to, correctly, refer the Republic of Somaliland as Somaliland. Having said that, Sheikh Sharif, thoughtlessly, announced his recognition for the, so called, Khatumo State, which claims to represent regions in Somaliland. His move was a political detriment that could jeopardise any potential diplomatic relations between Somalia and Somaliland. The political gaffe of the Sharif’s move, or immaturity as some may argue, emerged after the TFG leader has met with one of the three presidents of Ali Galaydh’s scheme, and then, without consultation, of any sort, announced his recognition for it [Khatumo State]. His team was, somehow, quick to rectify their leader’s blunder, and dismissed his inadmissible decision. There are indications that such rectification might have came, too, late. The damage might be done, already. The odds of attaining any successes, in this arbitration process between the two [countries], are very slim. The international community recommended a dialogue between Somaliland and the TFG, where the two administrations, representing the two countries [somalia and Somaliland], to reach a mutual agreement in their political relations. The erratic personality and the political volatility of Sheikh Sharif ascended, again, when Mr Faroole, the president of Puntland, which is a regional state of Somalia, has, already, was allowed to interfere the process and publicly instructed, if not bullied, Sheikh Sharif and the TFG that his regional administration must be involved in any arbitration process between the TFG and Somaliland. Sheikh Sharif’s TFG has given in to Mr Faroole’s avowals and announced further number of ministerial committee [to the 5 he has announced in response to president Ahmed Silanyo’s decision] to engage in the arbitration process, which would be a partial representation of what is, now, known as Somalia. Somalia is to be represented by members of the TFG and Puntland officials, who, almost half of them, are in fact Somaliland origins. This one familial representational of the selected TFG committee to engage formal talks of, possibly, a recognisable parting of Somalia and Somaliland is, simply, unlawful and, most certainly, not a way forward for Somalia, which is mired with miscellaneous, conflicting, and confrontational politics. Sheikh Sharif’s misconception of Somaliland’s political sophistication led him to select his Internal Affairs minister to lead the [somalia] committee. An act that is not just an insult to the intelligence of Somalilanders, as a whole, but, also, an act that indicates his lack of interest in promoting better understanding between the two countries [somaliland and Somalia], and, thus, a fact that he lies, through his teeth, to the international community, whom he, constantly, pledges for his full cooperation to bring stability in the region. Somaliland, an exemplary of democratic state in the developing world, will not disregard the rights of the millions of Somalis, who, rightfully, call Somalia their country of origin. Somaliland has made a hasty decision, and compromised its own sovereignty and rights for a union that has long failed and brought nothing but burden for both countries, it will not make such risk, again. And, most certainly, Somaliland will not allow the future of Somalia’s relationship with Somaliland to be negotiated by those who, unlawfully, represent the country. I am glad to conclude my argument, here, that both the government of Somaliland and the public agreed that the arbitration process between Somaliland and Somalia is to be withdrawn, after Sheikh Sharif’s ill-advised scheme is exposed. Brief biography of the author of this article: Salma A Sheikh is a BSc with Honours of International Politics and Sociology holder from the City University of London. A political analyst and advocate for African women and youth in politics. Salma, currently, lives in London and works as a Youth Mentor. She is an active campaigner for Somaliland’s reinstatement of its June, 1960’s sovereignty.
I Didn’t Come Here To Mediate Says UN Envoy Comments (13) Somaliland (Somalilandpress) The United Nation special envoy to Somalia and Somaliland Mr Augustine Mahiga arrived in Hargeisa a day after Somaliland government announced its decision to pull out of the proposed talks with Somaliland. He was received by the Somaliland Foreign Minister Dr Mohamed Abdillahi Omar, speaking to reporters upon his arrival in the VIP lounge Mr. Augustine Mahiga told reporters he was on a regularly periodic visit to Somaliland, and that he was happy to visit the country. The UN envoy revealed the purpose of his visit was to the office (UNOPS) which has a permanent presence in the country, he add that it is always refreshing to visiting Somaliland because the continuous achievement taking place in and all round such as in the areas of peace stability and socio economic development . Ambassador Mahiga said Somaliland is a key player in both regional and international issues such piracy but at the same time we come to learn in Somaliland because of the many achievement ,said Mr. Mahiga and also to thank Somaliland government for the great effort it has undertaken in responding to drought and the famine in the past view months, not to forget the noble gesture by the government of Somaliland for allowing Its territory to be used for distribution of emergency relief assistance to other parts of the Horn of Africa. Envoy Mahiga said it is a pleasure for me to visiting Somaliland and that I always feel at home in Somaliland because it is a place that I draw in inspirational, and I also feel very much welcomed, he added during my stay I will be discussing wide range of issues with government officials. Somaliland press correspondent asked the UN envoy if he was in the country to convince the Somaliland government to come back to the table after the opted out of the talks with the TFG one day ago, after the TFG President Sh. Sharif appointed two more facilitators in addition to the previous seven. Ambassador Mahiga answered no, but this is a bilateral issue certainly do understand that in any kind of discussion there are always issues that preside the agenda I still believe the dialogue is still going on and before any serious discussions begin there are always modalities of how the talks should proceed and at these stage It is definitely an issue that rest with the two capital. I would be following any new developments with a keen interest, said the envoy but at the moment I don’t have any specific message that I bring with me regarding this matter but the whole world is watching with a keen eye to see what will come out of these and hopefully I think there will be a mutual agreeable formula arrangement to begin this talks. Somalilandpress Biggest English-Somali news portal Friday, April 20, 2012 Reported by Goth Mohamed, Somalilandpress, Hargeisa
it´s one man one vote system. that is the promise made to the people. anything else will not be accepted by the people
Duke, those times of creating Somaliland vs Somalia animosity are over. siyasada Garowe ku ganacsato waa la fahmay iminka. so stop trying to divide and creaty hostilit between Somaliland from other Somali´s. it hasnt brought Mudug and Galkacyo any unity, only some dollars to Garowe politicians. I asked you who is your favourite Puntland Presidential candidate? Any Makhirian candidate you support.
This thread is dedicated to the upcoming historic multi party elections in Puntland. it's still a year or more till the elections take place but the elections fever is raging through the land of Punt. And as the self appointed analyst of Garowe politics and senior correspondent from Bari, I don't want miss anything from these exciting elections. This thread will be updated with the latest reports, news, gossip and fadhikudirir.
Amin Amir iyo Diidmada Somaliland ee Wada-hadalka
Carafaat replied to Shinbir Majabe's topic in Politics
Amin Amiir gacan ayaan u taagay. the guy is hilarious. doorkan Somaliland ayuu la dhacay. cidna uma joojiyo. -
Duke, it wasnt me who was telling the whole world Galgala is a terrorist camp, requested CIA air support against Galgala and accusing Somaliland of harboring Sheick Atam. If you remember right, I told you waging a war against you own Faido maleh. But I am glad all is over. lets go back to politics. who is your favourite candidate for Puntland Presidency and VP?
Somaliland: 6 of the 15 new political groups have fulfilled registration
Carafaat replied to Wiil Cusub's topic in Politics
rudy-Diiriye;821233 wrote: Yo...We have registered our party there...its called DC--Daqan Cilis. Plz for vote for our party. We will provide you all with the synopsis of our party soon. Keep an eye for it. thnx Rudy who did you choose as your Vice? I suggest my cousin Alpha Blondy. a black snoby britton and black african-american yo man, would make a hell of a team. -
Generale, you seem agitated. how come? maybe its because Garowe surrendered to Sheick Atam's Galgala after waging war for years war against Galgala. now Garowe chooses the peace path and the Suldaan is being appeased. I suport that. to bad you didnt support the peace back then and were beating the drums of war.
Bitter analysis, article mentions the obvious, offers no polical alternatives except militarism, smells siyadist. not my taste.
General Duke;821388 wrote: Carafat is sad, adeer no one divides your communities in the SNM-Triangle, you should be ashamed of trying to divide the people of Puntland. Makhir were principle founders of the State, thus your asinine comments are just a reflection of your fears and loathing.. GD. what is the news then about 'Makhir Suldaan is having lunch' in Garowe. I am not dividing, you are showing the division.
The latest work of Clan federalism Hiiraan to be divided into two
Carafaat replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
I blame Somaliland and Puntland and specially Mudug for this slicing and dividing mentaliy. Look what you have done. please tusbaxa dib usoo xira. -
I don't know why Dr.Osman is celebreting. Somaliland and Somalia Union would make Puntland the center of the country rather then a dessert corner, Garowe could even become the legislative capital where the Somalia National Parlement seat is located.Thousands of politicians from all over Somalia would influx Garowe each month renting Hotels and appartments. And visit Qardho in the weekends for some relaxation, gulf and good old fadhikudirir. But now Qardho is only visited by uncle Faroole and he isn't even a real politicians. Millions from the north would travel through Puntland on their way to Muqdisho, Puntland could raise millions of Road Tax, build state of the Art 4 lane high way. But Dr.osman doesn't want that, he wants to lock himself up and be isolated with his 2 other cousins, one crazy seef la bood cousin and one badoow badiye cousin making him the smarter one. Declare Independence why the rest of Somalia moved on. Dr.Osman sidani si maha.
President Sheikh Sharif rejects the new Garowe clan enclave constitution
Carafaat replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
President Shariif supports clan constitutions and every clan State being Independent, printing the Somali Shilling, every clan State to mainntain its own international relations, and every clan instating its own nationality. Looooool. Only a confused soul would wish so. -
xiinfaniin;821110 wrote: Clan States? What clan states awoowe? I think you are being fed with too much negative propaganda against the progress Puntland made all clan states sxb, this goes also for Somaliland without Khatumo.i know they had a functioning in creating peace. but isnt it time to look beyond the clan regions/politics, and time to become real administration based on geographic parameters rathen then clan one?