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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Abtigiis;822372 wrote: Carafaat, Ducada Ngonge iyo tolka lagala bakhayli ee aniga la ii duceeyn soow duco ujeedo leh ma aha? Kolay tedyda wuxu igu so diray PM.
  2. What was the excuse? no transport? Doesnt he use public transport like he does in the UK?
  3. Carafaat;821971 wrote: Sheick Ayoub, Maanshallah what a noble cause. You truly remain dedicated to the spreading of the faith among brothers. Maybe one should describe the historic context and perspective to clarify your noble cause and duco's? Abtigiis, let me explain to you. Ayoub's great great great ancestor, Sheick Abdi Ismail Ayoub Duriyada ayuu u duceeya iyo kuwa ee dhaleen qarniyo ka hor. Anigu waan so siyaartay back in 2008. Wuxu ku aasan yahay Addis Abbeba oo xerweyn ayaa ku taala. ilaa maantada markaa Sheick Ayoub waa laga dhucestyta. markaa Duriyada waxa Ducada u leh Ayoub oo hadal lagama keeno. waa curadkii, waanu no duceeyay, Duriyada iyo kuwa ee Abtiga u yihiin ba.
  4. waryaa Alpha, isku xishoo. why are you so angry at Burco? Did some folks in Burco make fun of you and call you Cambe or Casiir boy!
  5. Alpha Blondy;822325 wrote: Hargeisa - April 2012 Suqaar breakfast at xaraf with liin macaan and bun? I miss it sxb. this is what I eat daily. dry bread with cheese.
  6. Abtigiis, Sheick Ayoub ducadiisa wee socotaa ee hadiidin.
  7. Odaygi Carabka ee Ngonge beerta ayuu galay. meeshan wuu joga, laakinse hadal aa kasoo bixi waayay. I blame Jaceylbaro, kuli fitna JB.
  8. MMA, markaa Mukulaal ma af maay uu nagu haroowsanaa?
  9. Mukulaalow;821609 wrote: :confused: Puntland thrive on attention and that is what you get. if you don't like the media spotlight, then PL should keep quite and keep low profile. Puntland State exist for 70-80procent in the media.
  10. The Zack;822219 wrote: This dude has no idea of what he is talking about. Why? Or is he from the another "maamul"?
  11. 1) Politically? Khatumo has succesfully ended most of the political division within the Garaad community. Even the Garowe Garaads, Xaabsade and Fuad Aden Cade support the political agenda of Khatumo. It ended the political leadership role some of the traditional elders took upon themselves. Khatumo has its own political leadership, structure and agenda. 2) Economically? Economicly ignited and activated the diaspora to take initiative. 3) Militarily? It call controls Taleex, Boocame, Buuhoodle, etc. I would say, its 3 times positive.
  12. Taleexi;822149 wrote: Our choices are limited .... Reality is forcing us to compromise and live together in peace. Our choices were always limited only this time reality has catched up.
  13. for a lawless country, we seem to show little interest in law. how come? Juxa, Norf, any other lawyers here in SOL?
  14. 2012 is so far so good. It has been only 4 months and all is going in the right direction. Somaliland and Somalia are talking, there is a Somali owned process to establish an central goverment in Somalia. there seems to be a concensus on the horizon, only details are being discussed. We agree the need for strong regional admins not based on clans. And we are atelast talking and discussing other issue without the old futile ideological debates, cause we know where everyone stands. now is the time for a deal. Inshallah, kheyr.
  15. Mintid Farayar;759439 wrote: To go back to the question at hand: Is a Somali consensus within reach? No, not yet. The strategy of the main players on the Somali side has not changed (referring here to the Sharif, his Prime Minister, Azania, ASWJ, AS, Gedo, etc.) - a strategy of relying on the backing of outside powers to enforce one's will and power. Rather than negotiating with each other to reach a difficult, yet more solid compromise. The foreign/Western junior analyst is given this same briefing/analysis on the Somalia situation upon his/her first day on the job. Unfortunate. Where is Mintid. Will Mintid admit that I was right and he was wrong.
  16. I was wrong and harsch on the Minister. I may have judged him to early in his period. He is quite a diplomat and has changed Somaliland´s diplomatic course with Somalia 180 degrees with consent of the people and their representatives in both Houses. Je suis désolé pour les accusations. Je regrette!
  17. My speculation that all these thousands of new recruit (mainly police) will be deployed in Somalia's city, once thay are cleared from al shabaab.
  18. Chimera;822065 wrote: The above would crumble in the face of any of the regional armies including Djibouti, because it lacks heavy hardware like tanks and jets. Only a unified Somali Army can sustain kingpin status, and project serious power. Puntland: 20 000 troops Somaliland: 20 000 troops Khatumo: 10000 troops Galmudug: 10000 troops South: 30 000 troops = 90 000 Somali troops, a lean and mean mechanised fighting force. However they are blocking the return of a strong Somali army for obvious reasons. I think if you give Somalis the military hardware of Libya or even Botswana they'll overrun the region as they did in the past. Somalis should play nice for a decade, get as much military manufacturing knowledge, and start churning out their own tanks and jets. This makes war actually a positive because it causes the economy to grow due to all the jobs that is generated by the build up. 3 star General Chimera.
  19. Even Djibouti is mentioned.
  20. Carafaat;822026 wrote: Dr.Osman, In the summer of 2000 on my first visit to Hargeysa, I was driving the car of a cousin. We were pulled aside by traffic police between Berbera and Hargeysa and our car was taken away for not paying road tax by the traffic Police. I didnt speak any Somali back then, I was a dhaqan celis like our friend Alpha here. Only think I could say to the Policen was, " aniga reer......, so celi baaburka". And eventhough they understood that I was telling them my clan and they were dealing with a laandheer, the traffic police showed no mercy. That was 12 years ago! Somaliland Somalia Dr.Osman, show us your Puntland Lisence plate's? they are not even mentioned here