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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Tarzan is founding father of HAG. Thats why Anwar supports him. Aboowe, naga xishooda dee.
  2. Uchi, dont twist my words. I said ...and if you are lucky and Somaliland gets recongnition, another Faarax will represent Somaliland
  3. The sad part is that we used all that military capacity, equipment and muscles against our own.
  4. Indeed, we need to go back to the drawing board. We need to stop associating governance with clan. If Hasan Sheick pacifies and builds Xamar, then it is also in my benefit and the benefit of everyone else living there, irrespective of their clan. The same goes if Axmed Madoobe manages to pacify, develops and build an administration in Kismayo, then too we will all benefit from it.
  5. GAROODI;968073 wrote: Carafat in most African countries they hire people like her to meet the quota. Why are the vice speaker of Kenyan parliament somali, the defence minister etc. it's all to encorporate the various ethnic groups. If she was as tough as she is today but another Kenyan group would she have her job today lol I doubt it. She wore a Dirac today (claaapping) lool inabti, you dont get it. she(a Somali women) represents Kenya, while Hasan Sheick represents Somalia, Omer Guelleh(Djibouti). Few more years and there will be a Somali representing Ethiopia and if you are lucky and Somaliland gets recongnition, another Faarax will represent Somaliland. Bringing the total number of Somalis representing African Union countries up to, 5. We can rule Africa saxiib, but only hadaa joojino maangaabnimada inabti.
  6. Garoodi, thats nor true. Xamar wee ka buuxan, many didnt even leave. I have met few Habros from Xamar last summer in the plane. Macalinweyne is whole tribe they are still there, few relocated and sought refuge in Hargeysa.
  7. Dee marku Axmed Madobe joojiyo safaradan to Garowe, Addis iyo melahaas oo uu meesha no dhiso.
  8. Cambuulo, ka waran me, you, Haatu and Alpha taking the local Jubba airways from Mogadishu to Kismayo. Renting our own beach apartment, hanging on the beach, buying some souvenirs from local ********s with their camels on the beach, fridays we go to the mosque of the famous Sheick Haji Xared Yarow wearing white Khamiis We buy some traditional Zanzibaris on the market from Mushunguli traders friday evening we hit town and we date these girls. you have a date with the O girl, one Mushunguli girl for Alpha, Haatu will date the wild Gedo girl and for me one Puntlandi girl. On Saturdays we go to the local cafe shops in Guulwade neighbourhoud, have our cup of tea and engage in some good old fashion fadhikudirir with old Kacaan men from Puntland, Gedo and Hags. Ka waran saxiib?
  9. Cambuulo iyo bun;968059 wrote: interesting arafaat, Xaaji Xunjuf ma jecla inu tariikhdan ka hadlo. dhuuso walba oo reer Somaliland wuu sheega, laakinse marke noqota reer Somaliland iyo Somalia sida ee iskugu duuban yihiin wuu aamuso ama wuu dafiraa.
  10. Inaar, Kismayo is our City too. "Ethnic" Somalilanders live there and many HAGs as well. Lets support the development of Kismayo as well, if Axmed Madobe can build the city let him. I want it to become the new Mombasa, so we can go there for holidays and Eid and bashaal with local Sahal, HAGs, Lander and Mushunguli girls. The city has it all to become the new Mombasa, the new Dar es Salaam and the new Zanzibar.
  11. Waryaa Garoodi, its not about the Dirac. We are talking about the confidence of this women. She has a great deal of confidence and persistence. Its not easy to rise in ranks in other countries, you know.
  12. Cambuulo, ethnic Somalilanders were in Kismaayo even before many HAGs and Puntlanders settled there. There was even a certain neighborhood where they formed the majority, but most of them have fled the city during the civil war. This particular sub-clan live however still live in Lower, Middle Jubba and even Gedo and are called Macalin'weyne. They mostly live in rural parts and form a great number. They settled there nearly 200 years ago. I really don't understand why folks as Xaaji Xunjuf hide this kind of history??!!:mad:
  13. Cambuulo, don't hate inaar. Kismayo is beautiful.
  14. Xamar Cadeey, caadi maha. I cant wait till Shabaabi HAG and Shabaabi Sahal rivalry is buried, so we I can move back to Xamar in peace again.
  15. Can someone translate this gabay
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;968002 wrote: Carafaat waxasi wa iska sheekooyin dadka lugu so jiito that they want to correct they said the same when rayaale was in charge particularly ina xaashi and others. By the way the government said it will not allow such a council hilfaha ba loo laabaay maanta., faisal and i know xassan ciise jamac were all pro for the talks non of them is against it. Marka jooji unconfirmed newskaad fiidineysid. Xaaji, Listen to this audio with the new Minister of Interior Affairs Warancade giving a press conference on the recently established "platform for national dialogue"(Golaha Wadatashiga Iyo Toosinta Qaranka) illegal and against the law. This comes one day after the platform was established. the goverment is terrified by the opposition.
  17. Amina wearing a diract representing Kenya.
  18. Meeshan kacdoon ayaa ka socda. Ciyaalkii wee keceen. The youth are revolting against their leaders. Admin, please remove this thread before it leads to a Somali spring.
  19. Cambuulo iyo bun;967957 wrote: Who is Mohamed Ulusoow? The guy wearing nr 5. He is the HAG intellectual leader.
  20. Mad Mullah, I have to disagree with you. Countries consist of communities. Without livelyhood, unity and development in communities, you cannot build a solid country with strong foundations. There is nothing wrong with having colleges and Universities in every city and region, this will lead eventually to some of them becoming the top tier Universities based on quality of education. Xaaji, Hargeysa has already the Horn of Africa University.
  21. Tillamook, I beg to disagree saxiib. The institution that manages the passport office( The Ministry of Immigration or Immigration office) is not co-managed by a commiittee consistinf of soly Puntland and Somali Goverment officials. Its rather a sub-office of the Federal Goverment institutio. Just like the Immigration regional office in Lascanood. You may see it as just another Somali Goverment office, but its all about the way of governance governance saxiib. I think these talks have led to another level of governance. 1. The Union level: the two goverments of Somalia and Somaliland common instution on external issues. Governance will be based on bilateral Co-operation between Somalia and Somaliland. 2.National/Federal goverment level. See the constitutions of Somaliland and Somalia. 3.Federal level/Provincial: Jubbaland, Puntland, Ximan, Xeeb, Galmudug. Main mandate is on public services like Education, Health, Police, Water, Garbage collection. In Somaliland this happens on Provincial level: Awdal, Sool, Sanaag, Maroodi Jeex, Saaxil, Toghdeer all have their own puiblic services and governance structures. 4. The district level: local goverments have overall the same kind of mandate and working.
  22. Xaaji Xunjuf;968002 wrote: Carafaat waxasi wa iska sheekooyin dadka lugu so jiito that they want to correct they said the same when rayaale was in charge particularly ina xaashi and others. By the way the government said it will not allow such a council hilfaha ba loo laabaay maanta., faisal and i know xassan ciise jamac were all pro for the talks non of them is against it. Marka jooji unconfirmed newskaad fiidineysid. What unconfirmed news? Havent you seen the pictures of their gathering and their main agenda is on Somalilands direction in the international scene. Lets see how it works out.
  23. Tillamook;967998 wrote: Carafaat, I think Faisal is just taking the piss here...he isn't opposed to the talks, he's just mad he isn't one of the representatives...he knows Mogadishu will handing over alot of goodies to Somaliland and he wants to be the middleman and of course a cut... Tillamook, Thats what the goverment saying about Faisal in order to damage him. Cause he is opposed to the direction these talks have taken and as he has a lot of information they want to attack the messenger. But this issue aint about Faisal vs Xirsi, this issue is about the course of the relation between Somaliland and Somalia.
  24. Xaaji Xunjuf;967981 wrote: Thats good these men are one of the founding fathers of the rebirth of Somaliland in 1991.But they are not opposed to the talks where does it say they are against the talks mise adiga iska sameystey this does not belong in this thread? Xalaada guud ee dalku maraayo, Gooni isutaagii, qadayadii madaxbanaanida Somaliland oo madmadow la geliyay, isla markaasna dalkii go’doon laga geliyay beesha caalamka. Xaaji, Si fiican u akhri.
  25. Somaliland opposition have united under a common banner opposing the Somaliland-Somalia talks. The list of this banner includes some of the political heavy weights of Somaliland. Former Finance Minister, former Vice-President, former SNM military leaders, inteelectuals. Parliament in Somaliland Parliament has failed to do its jobs of controlling the goverments and its actionss/policies. It approves most crucial descinions without much debate, thats why the opposition and critical sounds have organized themselves in order to protest the goverments policies, specially the talks between Somalia and Somaliland.