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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Waawaree, mudug aad usii dhex gashay. Mar hadaa arimihii hoose iyo probosaladii hose kala taqanid. Aboow is jir nooh, they tend to be hot temperered and sometimes even explode.
  2. Mukalalooow, arimihii mudug faraha ma lasoo gashay? Aboow xamar, ximan ama xingalaloow naga joog.
  3. After 4 Ministers failed to deliver, Xaabsade has done it. He will be heard from Hargeysa to Hafun, from Borama to Bosasso. I hope he doesn't used to ignite the people of Puntland against Faroole.
  4. Abwaan, Dr.osman ma wuxu raba 'warlord' uu jeebka wax ugu rido as neighbour. Amuu ka shaleeya.
  5. Marksman, Some somali's tend to be sceptical regarding those universal human rights. Fearing it might promote some non-somali and non-islamic values. I am sure those articles, you are refering to, will tend to compromise and balance between our religious and progressive values. We don't want our beloved Muqdisho to become another liberal bastion of 'sodom' and 'gomora' like city(read Amsterdam).
  6. One says the killed trainer is one American, another 2 south Africans, another says its one south african. What you seed is what you get. Saracen should stop arming Somali's and leave the country. Before all trainers are hunt down and killed by their trainees.
  7. Marksmen, those are minor issue's. We are talking about the future states structure most suited to bring peace and make Somalia governable. Dat zijn de kern prioritieten, mattie. Niet kinderarbeid, werkuren, arbeidsvoorwaaden.
  8. It's not about ceel afweyn peace deal. Dr.Osman, Why you want the outside world to think there is animosity, why actually You deal under the table with hargeysa as Qardho folks.
  9. Dr.Osman, why don't u want Mudug and Galgaduud folks to develop? Just like Hargeysa, Bosasso. Dr.Osman, tell Mudug folks about secret Qardho-Hargeysa deals.
  10. Somalia;823774 wrote: This is the president of Central State of Somalia. :cool: With the capital being Galkacyo. Somalia;823801 wrote: No, I support a central state for them I just realize it won't happen anytime soon because of the oil and water theory. We therefore need soap to get in the middle and make them talk but they ran out of it in August 1, 1996. I suggest you be the soap Somalia. I am sure you can do that. And They will mediate between you and Golgodob and Cabudwaaq when needed.
  11. Jacaylbaro;823866 wrote: I'm still looking for the FINAL DRAFT ... this one is from 2010 ,,, I don't think much has been changed from this draft. After 2010 the IFCC went on a PR campaign to promote it and now its up to a legislature to change it or/ and approve it.
  12. Aside from his usual rants, Faisal brokered and mediated 'peace' deals in some of the most difficult moments. He can be a diplomat when its for the bigger cause. President Siilanyo would not be sitting there if it wasn't for Faisal's 'dhex dhexaadnimo'.
  13. Dee adeer wa markaa dhoor heer kalahadashay. Oo main argumentkagi aan dalooliyay ee eheed " without dastuur, we won't past transitional phase". Oo run maha, ine Somalia ka bixiso transitional phase waa la go'amiyay, laakinse ine Somalia loo sameeniyo a Federal, Decentralized Unitary State, a centralized State or a Monarchy. Is up to us adeer, nothin to with passing the trasnitional phase in august. Adeer, laakinse no micnee why you support federalism, while you say its a hype which will pass in 5 years? Anigu labada sualood markaad ka jawaabtid, waan ka baxaya dooda. Oo aan ku deeniya qof iga culus.
  14. Dr.Osman, soon you have to vacate my chair. It aint big enough for two.But you can become Minister of Education and Culture, cause Gedo will get chair of Parliament and Khatumo Min of Foreign Affairs.
  15. Somalinimo ayee u arkaan isku dirka Somalida. Iminka waxa la arkay dadka kasoo horjeedo wada hadalka Somaliyeed. Even Xiin is a shamed of Faroole's politics. But his hands are tight.
  16. Adeer waxaan ku weydiiyay, waxan clan stateska oo leedihid waa hybe 5 sano looga baxayo, maxa u rabtaa ina Dastuurka laguu sharciyeeyo. Dastuurka Ma theraypii camal ayaa u aragtaa?
  17. Xiinfaniin, adeer been ha u sheegin reerka. Sidii daqada looga saari lahaa Faroole iyo Puntland ayaa lagu tashaniyaa adna waad la socotaaye.
  18. Adeer, dastuurkan aad u ololeenisid wexe sharciyeenisaa Federation of Clan States. Wa waxa dad badan ee ku diidan yihiin. Hortay ma akhrisayba? Shaki ayaa iga gashay. Adeer akhri rapportka lasocda dastuurka, page 44.
  19. Adeer, yours ears and mouth don't seem to be iincoherent. Cheering for clan States and this dastuur and then calling it a hype that will go away in 5 years wax isgala maha. Marka anaga ayaa na walisaa mise inadeeryaasha? Bal kala dooro.
  20. Aqoonsi cid rabto ma jirto. Waa la heshiiniya, wax aa ka qaban kartid ma jirto.
  21. Dee adeer cida aa shegisid malaa wa addero Faroole iyo Ilkajiir malaa, ileyn Galgala, Galkacyo,Beergaal uun ayaa seynta kaga istaga. Oo Dasturka Somalia iminka oo u ololeeya. Xiin, adeer maad kusoo labatid arintii dastuurka. Ileyn ada no furay sheekoyinkan buga ehe. No dhamee adeer.
  22. Adeer, cayda maxaa meesha keenay. Dastuur ayaa laga hadliyee. Mise sheekadii bugta ayaa laga qarxiyay ee "No dastuur, no end of transition."
  23. orf, wexe ku balameen Crown Plaza, beach side terras ayee fadhiyeen. Suuqa dahab is full of pirates middle men. And its supposed to be secret. Wax fahan.
  24. Chimera doesn't support Federal Clan States nor re-institutionalizing of past clan monarchies. He is atleast a real Somali nationalist with a vision. You and I could learn one or two from the man, ya Xiiny.