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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;824785 wrote: Well right now the Garowe clan enclave they have their own little army Galmudug state same story along with ximan iyo xeeb. Also the grave worshipers in Galguduud have their own little army, we also have the TFG they also have their own little army and we have the Alshabaab Militants. But the reason there is division is simply because of Clan federalism Somalia needs strong institutions and national unity. Some people really should understand this can throw Somalia in to her own dark middleages of fiefdoms waging war against another. We have seen the warlords, the Al qaida's, the warlord-politicians, and this will be ignite a period of clan fiefdoms waging war against another using flags rather then clan names. If folks propagating democracy and people voting for their leaders, I am sure democratic elected leaders would never propose this. Something only non-elected Faroole's, Caalin's and Sheick Hassan's could make up to permanently stay in power using fiefdoms.
  2. Muqdisho is recovering and rebuilding. many are slowly returning. Somalia is slowly being freed from AL Shabaab, AMISOM troops are still in the country. This attempt to divide, dominate and power grab Somali's and Somalia permanently by imposing federalism and a constitution is highly unappropriate and will cause a lot of damage. we have the old 1960 constitution. It can wait a couple years, till people understand this constitution and can vote in a referendum
  3. Imposing this document while Somalia is recovering and rebuilding is wrong. there is no single valid reason why it can be prosponed, unless Faroole and Co want to grab power and dictate Muqdisho by legalizing "federalism" state structure.
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;824773 wrote: And can you imagine the threats are coming from the Amisoms top general an Ugandan bal haday ciidanka xooga dalka ahaan lahayd ciil ba ma qabeen. Do they want to arrest people before or after the document is approved by 4.5 clan delegates send by Sheick Hassan, Faroole, Caalin?
  5. xiinfaniin;824671 wrote: Adeer dont worry about middle regions. They will ultimately realize that their interest lies in accepting temporary political arrangements to transition the country from the current status. Yours is a desperate measure to confuse the issues as you mistakenly think Somalia's problems will benefit you. Nice try, to play the secessionist card. But you seem to stand alone, Xiin. Even the President and former PM reject it. nuune;824700 wrote: Buhoodle elders reject garowe constitution President Sheikh Sharif rejects the new constitution Former Prime Minister of the TFG Ali Mohammad geedi rejects constitution Galmudug Community rejects the new Constitution. There are dozens of others similar to that, hebel rejected ......................
  6. Paragon, there is no animosity between the Somali people. They can work together irrelevent of clan diffrences. If they can do that in a 4.5 Parlement, for sure they can do that in regions, city's across the country. The Somali people have been dominated, divided and abducted by clan warlods who have their own personal intentions. I support strong (democratic) regional goverment who can guarantee the safety and security of the people. And the only thing Federalism would do is create official clan fiefdoms run by the same warlods, this time wearing suits and claiming souvereignity and independence and want to dictate the national instutitions using "federal states". More Faroole's in the rest of the country and 4.5 turpo. No thank you. I rather formulate a higher ambition and a better alternative.
  7. “Balanta waxay tahay qofka diida dastuurka in la xiro oo loo aqoonsado argagixiso ka soo horjeeda dowlad ka dhalata Soomaaliya, waxaan leeyahay Dastuurka yaan nalagu qasbin oo turubka ha nalaga baandheeyo” Shamefull!!! arresting people solely for the peaceful expression of their political beliefs, is dictatorial and itself considered a crime. It shows how flawd the intentions are and how little they belief in the rightousness of this consitutions, by threating to arrest people who oppose it.
  8. first of all I am against secession. And I want one Somalia in the world. Second, I dont want `to save southerners`. I belief that our destiny is interwined and its in the benefit of us all to find a solution for our common proplems. what happens in Muqdisho does effect Somaliland and what happens in Djibouti affects all the economy of Hawd. Our region has no economical, political nor social borders. People and animal cross move interregional. Only borders that exist is in our mind.
  9. nuune;824518 wrote: Last time I know(November last year), hashii geela waxey Soomaaliya ka joogtey $850-890 , of course it may differ in different regions, but I based my fact on exactly where most Somali camels are found(can't mention the location due to Solers are qabiil and region sensitive). Nuune, I bet your a rich by now.
  10. Jacaylbaro;824582 wrote: I almost forgot it is the International Labor day tomorrow ,,, Dont tell me its a national holiday in SL? Queensday in Amsterdam
  11. Sxb, have you ever tried to lift your shoes while you have them on and stand on it? It won't work. Cause your body weight puts the shoes firm against the ground, while your try to lift them up with with your weight. That's the situation you are describing, if one wants to build a central goverment and at the same time wants power to be controlled on State level. You get two opposing forces pulling both the other way. Wish will result in to no change of current state. In almost all federal countries. States came together and gave some power to a federal goverment. In Somalia peoole came together to form and central admin. And at the same time "states" were" trying to take power away from central admin.
  12. TFG has failed. From august on a new central admin will take charge. Give it a chance and I am sure it will be do much better when we all work together for a common cause. Instead of being paralyized by States and competing clans. Somaliland's case has nothing to do with federalism or power of State vs central goverment, neither with allocation of resources. I doubt Puintland will go anywhere if Somaliland engages with TFG.
  13. Jep, its Queensday. Everything is orange. Juxa, many Somali's folks are returning from UK. Adna maa iska so labatid. Lawyarad baan u bahanahay.
  14. Somalia;824511 wrote: It hasn't caused ANYTHING yet, however what you are proposing has caused 20 years of civil war. That's why you don't want peace, waa xaasidnimo la arkin. I am telling you, if the constitution fails, Somalia will be divided up, mark my words. 21 years, Carafaat, 21 years, the kid that was 9 years old is now 30. The same people are being an obstacle today like they were since 1991. Enough is enough. Somalia is already didived, sxb. Don't know what division you expect more without the constitution?
  15. Samafal, I haven't divided Puntland in to Ras Caseyr, western Puntland, Khatumo iyo Makhir. It's a result of clan thinking. And its what Federlism will do with Somalia, more dividions in to to sub-clan states. Like an onion disected layer for layer. Even those guys in Ximan, Gamudug, SWJ understand now that its better to work together in to a bigger admin, cause this clan think has no. Value for the people.
  16. Saudi Somali's caadi maha. I went to this houseparty with some Saudi girls once in hargeysa. They are wild. Like wild animals freed just released from a zoo.
  17. I might join a party later on the day. Salaams wyre, will this be your first dhaqan celis to hargeysa? I suggest Burco for the full 'cultural' package.
  18. Sxb, read and think about what I wrote. Its meant as a sarcastic extrapolation of an unwanted situation that can occur with 'federalism'. Just to proof you that federalim can cause inter-clan and States fighting, which already in exist in Somalia and one needs a strong central goverment to uphold the law, prefent or solve States fighting. And I really dont think a weak central goverment can solve a situation between 'states' like I described. Cause the power lies with the States. So don't wish for federalism in Somalia sxb.
  19. Good morning. It's a biggest national holiday today, Queensday. Dutch are drunk and going crazy.
  20. An alliance of two states is allowed according Federalism. They don't have to be divided all the time. In fact they can attack when Puntland tries to secessede. Somaliland can be in Garowe in less then then 15 minutes and you know how close Baraxles is to Galkacyo and from Galgala Sheick attam can attack Bosasso. Khatumo, Goldogob, Makhir, Rascaseyr will be neutral in this. All hope is then on the Qandala boys, who I suspect will look other way, so they can overtake and dominate Bosasso and kick out Qardho boys from Bosasso in the future. Ceesh calaa federalism. Lama kala dhamaniyo.
  21. Paragon;824444 wrote: So many years ago, I made my postion on federalism clear: I want it, welcome it and will uphold it. Why? Because its the confused and condensed nature of 'strong-man' centralised rule and power that actually creates wars. For a nation that is not known to have mastered the best of socio-political and administrative organisation and maintenance, each tuulo must be given the time and space they need to learn to settle their matters - without external pressure or influence. I endorsed the constitution, period. I eagerly welcome the talks between the TFG and Somaliland. I condone those who put obstacles before the talks. ...... Many yearts ago while in discussion with London solers and libaax who was visiting on future socio-political arrangements of Somalia, I suggested that the very clan must be legally codified into law, and made to account for the membership of each individual within it. Tax collection and law and ordinance implimentation should become enbolded and transparent. The truth is if you leave each clan to itself what you will find is that psychologically, the very competitive sensation which clannists exhibit that leads to tension simply disappears And familiarity and boredom usher in such change. Count them, tax them and rule them by their own clan's written by laws and within a short period of time they would cry out in desperation for the trivial intrigues and uncontrolled commotion of centralised power. They know they can hide within throngs and have their shady deals. Chaos and dhac dhac is the curse of the ill-grown and illiterate Somali psyche. Dawa ya moto ni moto , the Swahili say, now the cure of clan is through the introduction of stringent and ordered form of clanism. Ninkii waxar waydiinteeda kugu dhiba, wadiddeedaa lagu dhibaa adeer Imagine your sub clan/state support Federalism and imagine my clan/state all opposide it. And just imagine you would win and Federalism would be introduced because of your resourcefull PM, Because my clan-Minister was not alert. Naturally, my clan/State would denounce the new Federal system. While your says its been an transparent proces. We pick up arms. And because my Minister who is Accountable to his clan happens to be Minister of Defense and makes sure I have the biggest guns. What to do? Give up federalism or figth? Adeer ya nala kala saariya hadaa qabiilkii wada institutions laga dhigay? Umadiina lagu yiri qofkasta qabiilkiisa u taliya.
  22. Somalia;824227 wrote: My mom's family came to Kismayo 1890 and owned farms between Kismayo and Jamaame. And then the city wasn't even build and it was the second major clan to come in the vicinity of Kismayo, so yes, it does mean that her clan owns part of the city, in fact the southern part which it still lives. The fact that you didn't pass Baraxley shouldn't keep others back from the land they own by right. Somalia, clans dont own cities but people do(irrelevant of their clan). Kismayo is now ruled by Al Shabaab and belief me the last thing people in Kismayo want to see, is a return of clan based maamuls, inequality, nepotism and clan wars and dominations.
  23. Xaaji Xunjuf;824167 wrote: Prof Cali Max,ed Geedi oo Dhaliilay Dastuurka Cusub Ee Somaliya Apr 28, 2012 - jawaab Raisal Wasaarihii Hore Ee Xukuumadii Allaha u Naxariistee Marxuum Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed, Cali Maxaed Geedo oo Maanta ka Hadlay Suu U Arko Dastuurka Cusub Ee Soomaaliya. Cali Geedi oo la hadlay Idaacada VOA ayaa sheegay in Dowlada KMG looga fadhiyo sidii shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga dhaa dhicin laheed dastuurka la doonayo in la hirgaliyo sidoo kale loo baahanyahay in shacabka la baro micnaha dastuurkaasi. Cali Geedi ayaa sidoo kale ka hadlay marxalada kalka guurka uu dalka kujiro taa uu sheegay in ee muhiim tahay in wax laga qabto maraxladaas adag uu dalku galayo. waxa uu Mar uu soo hadal qaaday arimaha dastuurka ayaa Sidoo kale Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi waxa uu sheegay in dastuurka loo baahan yahay in wada tashiyo lala sameeye bulshada somaliyeed isla markaana aan lugo dag dagin ansixintiisa. Raisal Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya waxa tilmaamay in arrimaha Horumarrinta Siyaasadda Soomaaliya la billaabay mar horre, isla markaana shacabka ay u baahan yihiin la socoshada xaaladda halka ay mareyso, si ay tallooyinkooda ugu biirriyaan siyaasadda, maadaama aysan kala maarmi karrin dowladda iyo shacabka. Hadalka Cali Geedi ayaa imaanyaa xili la isku mari la yahay Bulshada iyo Siyaasiyiintana badi kasoo horejeesteen Dastuurka Qabyo qoraalka kaa oo la sheegay in ee wataan dad gaar ah oo dano siyaasadeed wata. its quite disturbing that some politicians would want to push a constitution effecting all Somali's while there isnt any consensus on the content. What kind of a country would you create when a large part of society reject their own constitution?
  24. Xaaji, they are Somali or Somali-Swedish MP's. They serve and represent their Somali community in Swedish politics. There is no Somaliland ethnicity in Sweden. That someone lives in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somaliland, Somalia or Xamar and identifies himself with and loves his region is one thing, but we should atleast try to show unity abroad and among foreigners. They dont need to know in Sweden who is Djibouti, Somalian, Somalilander, Somali-Ethiopian, O*****. They are and should be regarded as Somali.