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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;827467 wrote: An election commission office of three storey's. These elections are already diverting Somaliland from working. All lections should be once in 4 years. no need for an annual election theatre
  2. list is fake sxb. most of tree block sultans on the list did not attend Muqadisho.
  3. Sxb, my stance was always clear. I oppose secession and I oppose clan States or Federalism as you call it. Neither of them will bring any real tangible results in terms of stability, development, good governance.
  4. Somalia, Iminka ma waxa no keenisaa warka sub-sub-sub-sub-sub clan State Doorasho dhiganiya? Please stay with the usual sub-sub-sub-sub clan State. that is far more interesting.
  5. “Ma jiro shir Soomaaliya ah oo aan tagayaa, ama la igu casuumay, wax iga khuseeyaana ma jirto Soomaaliya”Sul Xuseen X. Cabdi Written by: Editor Published: 06/05/2012 @21:13 Hargeysa (Togaherer)- Suldaan Xuseen X. Cabdi Cabdilaahi oo ka mid ah salaadiinta gobolka Hargeysa, ayaa caawa shaaca ka qaaday inaanu jirin wax shir ah oo Soomaaliya ah oo uu tagayo ama lagu casuumay. Suldaan Xuseen X. Cabdi Cabdilaahi oo la soo xidhiidhay Qaar Ka mid Ah Warbaahinta ayaa si adag u naqdiyay una beeniyay liiska salaadiin badan oo Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland-ba iskugu jiray oo magaciisu ku jiray oo wargeysyada ka soo baxa magaaladda Hargeysa qaarkood ay maanta daabaceen ka dib markii la sheegay in laga soo xigtay dawladda TFG-da Soomaaliya. “Saaka markii aan kacay ayaa la ila soo hadlay oo la ii sheegay in magacaygu ku jiro liiska salaadiin tagaya Muqdisho oo dawladda Soomaaliya casuuntay. Waxaan cadaynayaa inaanu jirin baahina aanan u qabin inaan tago shirarka dalka Soomaaliya. Ma jiro shir la igu casuumay ama aan aniguba tagayaa oo Soomaaliya ah, mana jirto wax iga khuseeya arrimaha dalkaasi,”ayuu yidhi Suldaan Xuseen X. Cabdi Cabdilaahi. Suldaanku wuxuu sheegay in Somaliland leedahay dawlad madax-banaan oo shacbigu ay si toos ah u soo doorteen, isagoo arrintaasi ka hadlayayna wuxuu yidhi “Somaliland waa dal madax-banaan oo leh dawlad shacbigu soo doorteen iyo dastuur umaddu ku ansixisay 97%, sidaasi darteed, waxaan u arkaa gef iyo meel ka dhac la igu sameeyay waxaanan cadaynteeddii ka rabaa Wargeysyadii warkan iga qoray.” Suldaan Xuseen X. Cabdi Cabdilaahi wuxuu sheegay in uu madax-banaanida dalkiisa lexjeclo weyn ka qabo, waxaanu tilmaamay inay xukuumadda kala shaqeeyaan dhinaca nabad-gelyadda iyo wada jirka dalka. Cumar Maxamed Faarax Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa
  6. Khatumo, Somaliland macaa we ka dartay. it even follows us to the General Section.
  7. Sxb, nobody can talk for them besides they themselves. What you are doing is, using others as a legitimacy for something you want yourself. That is ok, but just say you want it.
  8. JB, kuwaan cadcad hurdo wax kama tarto, only the holy quraan. laakinse ta ka shaqeysa qeybta shaqalaha ayaa i jacel, waa islaan 50 jir, wax kasta wee ii dhameysa, macaa "kastuumo" ma xirato, marka aan la balansanahay.
  9. ma odayga yar ee gaaban Abtigiis, ee Maharma Gaadhbi u eeg ayuu ka baqaniyay.
  10. wyre;827420 wrote: I knew dee, I was just making sure You guys Know much ab't me Waryaada Odayaashiina caloosha weyn leh Ha igu dirinina Inamada Lolz :D Waryaa, he is fishing. wax kasta waa la dafiraa?
  11. Jacaylbaro;827415 wrote: You think Ibti will be here at the same time with A&T ?? ,,,,, waad waalan tahay dee ,,, waar as soon as she heard his presense she had to take the first transport available to unknown locations ,,,, even her employer is looking for her now and true, Alpha did not only jump to see him but he was even sleeping when he heard the news, and in less than 10 minutes he was at Summer Time all dressed up, put eyeglasses and looking like he just came from somewhere fresh. But he was not alone, for some reason, he came with some suspecious bodyguard ... Yuu ilaaliniyay bodyguardku, yaa laga ilaaliniyay? Was Alpha concerned that his guest A&T would be deported to Ethiopia by Silanyo.
  12. Untill the meeting in Muqdisho is over, you mean.
  13. MoonLight1;827406 wrote: Federalism is a realty on the ground and its impossible to reverse it, you have SL who will not accept anything other than federalism if they decide to drop their request for secession , you have Puntland who are the god fathers of federalism and will not accept anything less, and you have the south who don't know what they want, federalism, decentralized unitary, centralized. Moonlight, Somaliland's case nor its motivation for 'secession' is based on the Somalia state structure nor 'power sharing'. I doubt if an eventual Union with Somalia would be based on 'federalist' princibles.
  14. wyre ma run baa? the left one is chubby,
  15. Ngonge, admit you have access to the closed staff section. Where you guys spy and gossip on SOL'ers? How else would you know Wyre is chubby.
  16. Ngonge, is an undercover MOD part of the SOL regime.
  17. nuune;827370 wrote: ^^ Carafad, are you sayin Siilaany's visit there got that huge welcome, naga daa niyahow, dowladnimadu wey macaantahey, visit that link I posted, you will know more, comes August, and permanent dowlad is waiting you, what are you offering for Somalia, your money to invest, or advise to give, leave everything else and think abot a second what you can do for Somalia, remember, the country is not asking you for money or donation, simply it asking you to invest in her and you can make money from it, simply, you are the winner. Marka siyaasadan waalan skaga hadh oo ka fakkir mustaqbalka iyo aayaha waxaad ku taageeri karto waddanka, nin yar baad tahey anagoo kale oo gaboowney ma tihid oo waqtigeeni dhamaadey, marka ka faa'iideeso jaaniskaad heesato oon anaga heesanin, maskaxdana ha i skaga wareerin siyaasad qarriban oo qudhun ah Adeer wax kale kama fikiro. Laakinse kala saar really content and shape. Every Somali leaders visits minimum once in their term the Emir of Kuwait. Faroole, Siilanyo, Riyaale, Geedi, AY, Omar Sharmaarke, Abdiwali, etc, etc, etc. All of them have visited the Emir. In fact this is not the first time Shariif visits. Such a visit will mean little diffrence in Somalia. But only some nice pictures for the shape of madaxtinimo. If they only put as much effort in visiting Deyniile, Daroor, Dadaab, Diinsoor or any other Deegaan. Shaking hands, meeting and listening to people, I am sure that would have made a bigger diffrence. Adeer, iska si tuma durbaanka aa dawladnimo u heysatid.
  18. Nuune, adeer, waan yaabanahay. is this dhakhda and dhakhle relation very common in Somali society. Is it accepted? or regarded as a taboo. I can imagine few would accept such sex-less relationships. I am a bit shocked myself. and curious about these dhakh relationships. where does one find a dhakh girl?
  19. French Socialist have no solutions. they will help only in the bankruptcy.
  20. Ambassadors in Kuwait will attend any event organised by the Emir. But they have no dealings with Somalia nor Somali issue's. So these hand shakes will mean little for Shariif as well for them.
  21. Alpha is handsome, JB is likeble, Abtigiis is friendly, bla, bla, bla. Spare us these friendly diplomatic formalities. War tell us more on the topics discussed, the verbal outbursts, the gossips, the irritations, tell us more on JB's dhakhdiisa. how she looks like. And what does a dhakh exactly do?
  22. Aaliyyah;827279 wrote: This is the worse thread on somaliaonline. It scares me subhanahalah. I don't think somalis in canada are violent..Many of them are hard working. But, in general the somali community is just starting to suffer from the outcome of living abroad 20 years.. for the most part it is the generation that was raised outside of Somalia that are involved in drugs and what not. I have met many ladies and walahi kuligood wiil ama labo baa laga xidhey my heart goes out to them. Just two weeks ago I was sitting with this lady who was telling my mom that her son is in jail and he's only 20 years old...Wiilasha ayaa faraha ka baxay. Waana dhib somaalida haysata.I blame the civil war and then the fathers for not being a good role model for their sons. salaam Aaliyah, I agree with your analysis. But we should not blame the messenger for rconfronting us. Only through confrontation, awareness can change come. Nin Yaaban, please do continue to confront and raise awarness.
  23. Alpha, who won the verbal battle. Did A&T throw in some of his Habashi quote's, stories from his Amharic playboy days or did he try to Slander Duriyada again. Tell us more on this historic encounter.