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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. The constitution is still not made public. Some traditional clan elders who cant read or write will adopt the legal basis for Somalia's governance. Those advocating for this constitutional piracy never distentiated themselves from piracy on the high sea. Is this a clear attempt of afduub of Somalia.
  2. Paragon and Xiin, except for calling everyone a spoiler why dont try to answer the sincere points made by the many scholars and intellectuals?
  3. Ximan iyo xeeb, galmudug, the Mogadishu elder, Professor cali khalif galaydh, the peacefull demonstrators, the religious leaders Professor Samatars, over 60 Somali scholars Are all spoliers according to Xiin and Indhacade.
  4. I subscribe to the optimistic vision (where to go) of Chimera and Nuune. But Ngonge has a point and is talking about the strategical actions (how to do it). two diffrent things saaxibeyaal.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;828702 wrote: In any event, some of the following titles, which have all predicted the demise of Somaliland, were written by none other than yourself, Mohamed F Yabarag , Osman Hassan, and others. Yet Somaliland has made progress in every leap. Just revisit your previous “papers”: “The Declaration Of Awdal State Rattled “Somaliland” Establishment” “The last nail to the secessionists’ coffin” “Death Knell for Secessionists in “Somaliland” “Countdown to Somaliland’s collapse” “Somaliland on the Brink of Imminent Collapse” “18 May: A sad day in the History of Somalia” Wardheernews waa funny. Dont forget their other titles. How TFG, BBC, VOA and Mahiga sustain Somaliland's Claims. Somaliland: consequences of possible disintegration into tribal fiefdoms The Re-incarnation of SNM and Militia Mentality in Somaliland “Somaliland”: The Tide is Turning against Separatists
  6. Maanta maanta maanta waa maalin weyne maanta. Maanta maanta maanta madaxeen bannaane manta. With these majestic and unforgettable words, at least for those who lived during the glorious first decade after independence, the Somali and Somaliland nations used to wake up on the anniversary days of 26th of June and 1st of July 1960. These were the years of a Somali and Pan-African renaissance and nationalism (Midnimo). For many people this was a decade of great hopes and lofty dreams about uniting all Somali’s within one nation. Nowadays some Somali's stopped dreaming of unity but seek disunity or advocate for "federalism", the legalization of a permanent division between Somali clans and people. They argue "we can't live with eachother, we can't trust eachother therefor one needs to seperate and everyoneshould have his own state." I find this backword, reactionary and quite repulsive. It goes against everything we should be striving for, it goes against the same ideal that Somalia was founded on. Meeshii wax qor loo qaadi lahaa, ma xaq baa ina meesha ugu hoseesaa la geeyo.
  7. Somalia inshallah we hagaagisaa with or without, this so called "federal" constitution some are propagating.
  8. Somali galbeed yaabà ka hadliya. Si kale aan kugu sheego. Oromo, afar, Herrars waa unuka.
  9. Abtigiis;828247 wrote: Carafaat and the other illegal scripts crowding the site was the take away from tonight's gossip.
  10. Maxaana fahansaneen? Ma ina dariska dantaadu ku jirto. Mise daantadu deyniile ayee ku eegtahay?
  11. Oba, small Tigrey regime Somali galbeed kaliya uguma jirto gacanta. Macaa wallaaleheen dhulka Oromada, Afarta, Herreriinta, gacanta ayee ugu jirtaa. And they together form by far the majority population of Ethiopia. Mise dan(interest) kama lihid?
  12. Cambuulo, how you mean? havent you followed any news, 150 old traditional clan elders will get the draft during a meeting and then adopt at the same time. Its not like they read it before leaving to Muqdisho cause it wasnt public.
  13. asxaab, marke dadka qaar bahasha hoos u qadaan ee rabaan sub-sub-clan states. anaguna kor ayaanu u qadinaa. Ileyn Somali kuma midowiso federation of sub-clan, laga yaaba ine Somali afrikaanta kale dhexdooda ku midoowaan. From now on its all about Pan-Africanism and Pan-Cushictism for me from now on. Haatu, mapkii geeska afrika oo midowsan, so celi. fikirkeenu ma kala foga( except for -Amhara, Tigrey) . Xaaji Xunjuf runta aanu isku sheegno. Ethiopian oo ka kooban Afar, Oromo, Amharo, Tigrey, etc waa umadaha aduunka kuwa noogu dhoow. Ilaahay daris iyo wallaalo wax badan iskaga dhoow ayuu naga dhigay. markaa jooji daris neceebka. Mayaani, mar hore ayaanu Nuune kala baxnay. Turki ayuu raacay sagu, Ottomanians ayuu ka jeclaaday wallaaleheen Oromomianska. Che iyo Xiin idinku midnimo waxa raadisiin meelo hoose. Al Shabaab, 4.5 iyo clan based governance midnimo iyo dawladnimo ma keeniso. MMA adiga isku xisbi ayaanu nahay. oo kor u qaadis waa ogolatay hadaa ogalatay ina la midowno Afarland, Oromo-land, Djibouti, Eritrea iyo South Sudan. Moonlight , Qadafi riyadiise me xumeen, laakinse wexe ku dhisneed talo kaligiisa iyo buugisa kaliya. teydu wax waa lagu soo dari karaa. hadii wax kor loo qaadiyo kaliya.
  14. hope they get enough time to read and study the document and get some legal advice before they adopt anything.
  15. When the great poet Hadraawi visited Muqdisho last year he declared "waxaan ka jeclahay midnimada Somaliyeed ma jirto". Actually, I know something I would even more love then Somalia's Unity. And that is Unity with Ethiopia, Eritrea, South-Sudan, Djibouti. Yes, I would love unity of the Cushitic people of eastern Africa more then the unity of Somali's. Midnimada Somaliyeed waxaan kasii jeclaan lahaa midnimo Xabashi-Somali-Oromo-Afar- iyo kuuwa dhadheer ee south sudan ee madoow.
  16. Actually I meant Clan dividers. Waxaan ugala jeeda kuwa jecel kala qeybisga inehoos usii wadaan. Adeer Xaaji Xunjuf, waad I ogtahay. Anigu midnimo waxaan ka jecelahay ma jirto.Iska dhaaf ta Somaliyeed, ee ta Africa iyo Aduunk ayaan kasii hamiyaa.
  17. I wish ina isla jeclaan leheen midnimo. Khatumo's unity, Puntland's unity, Galkacyo's unity, Somaliland unity, Somalia's unity. Laakinse dadka jecel bahashan ine hoos usiwad waa waali aan laga bexeen.
  18. More annoying then those clan federalistare the clan-Unionist. Those who supports and chearladers of more and more clan divisions and clan federalization hoping that through division one can Unite. They belief that by creating more more animosity one will reach the bottom and this is needed to reach the surface of Unity. They are mistaken and misguided for animosity, hate and divisions know no end. Unless one and everyone speaks out and says enough!
  19. Xiin, xaabsade does visit Lascasnood and Cadami does visit Erigavo. Minister of Defense hometown is somewhere in Shabelle. Taking this to a clan matter only complicates things and makes clan unionist look quite desperate.
  20. Haatu, sawirkaas wa buurta carafaat. Fadlan sawirkii Somaliweyn so celi. Ta labaad, Somalia State of Somalia goorma la aas aasaa?
  21. This divide and rule tactic is getting boring. And at the same time it aint more shocking then one city with three maamuls. I am thinking of establishing a fourth maamul in Galkacyo, Tree's State of Somalia.
  22. Ilkajiir maxaa sheekada Turkey so dhex galiyay. Is this how one remains relevent ya Xiiny.
  23. XX, they will agree. SOL is ideologicly loaded and is filled with kids who think they know politics. Real governance and public adminstration is based on mutual interest rather then someone's beliefs. Showqi, adna maad ku darsatay kuwii tulooyinka kala qeybin jiray. cid kala goiysa ayaa iska yar. dont fall in to the Somaliland vs Somalia, Somaliland vs SSC, SSC vs Khatumo trap.
  24. Maybe it's linked to the MDG development goals that end in 2015. getting all children to schools, etc.
  25. 18th of May 1991 Somalia was more stable then Somaliland. So your assumption that secession is based on chaos in south and stability in North, is therefor wrong.