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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. This is what you get when you do things in the wrong order. It took nearly dozens of killing in Galkacyo and Qardho and standoffs everywhere for Faroole to realize that his Election scam wouldn't work and could lead to more violance and war. I wonder how many killings and wars does it take to make him realize clan federalism is the wrong proscription for Somalia. And deciding wich governance structure should have without evaluating what caused 22 yeats off is putting the card before the horse again.
  2. Dottore, what is good for Somalia, is good for Puntland as well. And this deal is good for Somalia. Same goes for UN moving from Nairobi to Mogadishu, the lifting of arms embargo, rebuilding of Mogadishu.
  3. Is this a merger of the SS sub-clans? Or is their intention to build a real inclusive administration With specific geography(Mudug, Galgaduud)?
  4. Inaar, Indeed I would love to support the country develop policies on Economics, Trade and Commerce. Inshallah, I will come soon inaar. My sister has been caling me lately and asking me to move back to SL. Inshallah before the end of the year, I will be back.
  5. Alpha Blondy;968212 wrote: jeudi soir, marka hore. ta labad, i've just come back from a VIP event organised on behalf of my good friend, who has been appointed as a Director General of one of key ministries, here in the nation's capital. congratulations are in order for my friends. join me in congratulating him on this awesome appointment and to wish him all the best in his new job. Excellent. hambalyo. Khadar ma laga qaaday DG nimadii?
  6. Alpha, Tell us more about this man. Is it true what the Khatumites say. Did Hagzoow kill a lion in Buuhoodle with his bare hands. Ninku ma balaayo? mise waxaasi wa iska sheeko cayn?
  7. Tillamook;968101 wrote: LOL @ "friday evening we hit town and we date these girls. you have a date with the O girl, one Mushunguli girl for Alpha, Haatu will date the wild Gedo girl and for me one Puntlandi girl. " :D:D Am I invited, mise Xamar cadeey baad igu reebaysaan? Tillamook, you are welcome saxiib. Maybe you can help out young Haatu and the Gedo girl. learn him few trics.
  8. Haatu;968120 wrote: Carafaat, I want you to swap with me. Those piratesses are cajaaib Sxb, maad joogtid. you are 18 years old and I dont want you to get hurt.
  9. Somalia, so you recognize the Wagosha ownership in the region. Its not good to deny peoples rights. I welcome that saxiib.
  10. Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has underlined the need for the Muslim world to unite against the West which has launched an open war on Muslims. Addressing a group of Qur’an scholars attending the 30th edition of the Tehran International Qur’an Competitions on Saturday, the Leader said "unity and agreement among Muslims is an urgent duty." Ayatollah Khamenei added that the Holy Qur’an invites Muslims to remain united and avoid division, and is against the colonialist way which creates discord among Muslims and fuels religious prejudices. The Leader said discord among Muslims would result in “bloodshed, blind terrorism and its horrible consequences” and serve the interests of the Israeli regime, urging Muslims and Islamic governments to keep vigilant in facing such threats. Pointing to the Islamophobia wave launched by the West, Ayatollah Khamenei said Western enemies have waged an open war on Muslims and therefore the Muslim world needs to strengthen its internal capabilities. The Leader emphasized that unity, solidarity and focusing on commonalities can further empower Muslims. AR/HGH/SL
  11. How can we get other Somali officials in other countries and international institutions(UN, AU, etc)? Like Abdulrahim Caabi Farah, who was the former UN under Secretary General and popular candidate for the Secretary General position, but couldn't get elected because the Somali government collapsed and Egype saw a chance to candidate Boutros Boutros Gaali.
  12. Taleexi, I kinda agree with you. Not that I support clan federalism. But we should engage and open dialogue with all those who want to establish governance in their own region and welcome such initiative. Irrelevant of the details. Somaliland is now officially recognized as a defacto independent Government now by the Government of Somalia. The details are being negotiated on. Next is on the regions within Somalia that fall under the government of Somalia.
  13. *ANWAR*;968158 wrote: hahah stick to the topic now hahah It is wrong and against humanity to decide people's future on the basis to save guard some other country's interest. It should be the people who live in that area to decide about their future like Somaliland people did back in 2001 when an internationally observed referendum was conducted and an overwhelming 97% decided to seperate from the rest of Somalia. The international world and rest of SOMALIA should respect the will of the Somaliland people & accept their country as they accepted South Sudan & Eriteria. Besides, Somaliland as ironically known to the whole world achieved the best deomcratic system on any African Soil with very strong peice & stability and good goverance with their own Passport & Currency. I wonder what more it takes for the world to recognize this country that is indeed a gem among stones. Is it human to reward peice & democracy or Chaos & Tyranny. Anwar, sir, I pay my respect to you. It takes a lot of courage to re-evaluate ones own point of vieuw, not follow the mainstream popular vieuws and try to understand things from a diffrent perspective. Ileyn, ila yooma qiyaamo isla meeshi ma taagnaan karno. That is the same reason why I have always said that I oppose Somalilands international recongnition. Hadii wallaalkey ii aqoonsan, waxba kuma faliyo imana dhadhamiso wallahi. Aqoonsi ajanabi muxuu tariyaa hadii dariskii iyo wallalihii aney u arkin faido. Aqoonsiga Somaliland wee iney ka doonato Somaliya. Which is what they are talking about.
  14. Haatu, Are you saying Tillamook is a Riyoole? P.S. I think most people in the country care about issues in their direct enviroment and Farooles stand wont change his popularity at home. But it could change it with the diaspora.
  15. Anwar, adna ma waxa ka naxday the air control institution moving to Hargeysa?
  16. Tillamook;968103 wrote: It seems this Ahmed Khayr guy is against the air-control operations being handed over to Somaliland. He says this is unconstitutional, and only through a parliamentary statute can this be handed over to Somaliland. I wonder, will Culosow have to defend this act along the many other things he's been defensive about lately. Only time will tell... Tillamook, It seems Silaanyo will have to answer questions as well. The opposition is furious. Wadani and Ucid have opposed the outcome. I dont know how Parliament will react on those agreements of Ankara. These negoitiated outcomes might backfire on the respective goverments. Its a trick issues that will need a lot of advocacy and some lobbying to gather support from both Parliaments.
  17. Haatu;968148 wrote: You forget I was born in a town on the banks of a river sxb. Rivers and farmlands iima faanaysid. Just look how Jamaame looks like. We are not taking Mandhera and Wajeer. These are permanent rivers not seasonal dry rivers.
  18. Haatu;968142 wrote: Crafaat, you're getting worked up over a god-forsaken wasteland. Go there if you want no one will say anything to you. Next to Geeljire, you are 18 year old and a Sijui NFD'ian. Meaning, you dont know how Jamaame and Jilib look like saxiib. Otherwise you would never say its a waste land.
  19. War Xaajiyoow, waa ramadan. Dulmi iyo Dafiraad ma fiicna. Apparently for political reasons ayaa umado dhan dafirisaa. Just to enforce your argument of having a cultural and ethnical distinct 'Somalilandernimo'.
  20. Some lessons and fact for you kids: 1. There was/is a neighbour mainly inhabited b Duriyada in Kismayo. They still own the houses, they intermarridd with Gedo folks and form an allience with Gedo folks. 2. Districts as Jamaame and Jilib are inhabited by Dhirta Koonfur, cousins of Duriyada. 3. Many villages as Hargeysa yareey are inhabited by Duriyada. 4. The local sub-clan of Macalinweyne(member of Dhigir iyo Muufo) are also art and parcel of Duriyada. They live in lower Jubba, middle jubba and Gedo. Many sub-clans have double memberships.
  21. Xaaji Xunjuf;968119 wrote: ^^ Xabashida weydi. Ethiopia never had a Somali FM. No wonder they are so narrow minded and have problems with all their neighbours(Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt, Somalia). A Somali diplomat could expand the horizon of the Xabashis. could really move
  22. Xaajiyoow, adiguna badoow kale oo geeljire ah ayaa tahay. War la isma koobo la ismana xadiyo.
  23. Haatu;968113 wrote: We ought to place signs on every highway entrance telling these crazy hordes that J/land has NO vacancies If even Durriyadda is claiming J/land was qiyaama gadoon Ever heard of 'Hargeysa yareey'? War Duriyadu weligood wee joogeen Kismayo together with many many other folks. Hayaay, war badowsana geeljiruhu. I sincerely hope Madobe is reer magaal. Hadii kale meesha wexe noqonisaa another Godey or Wardheer, dusty tuulo oo geeljireyaal habeen iyo malin isku heystaan. P.S. I sincerely apologize to Nuune, apparently he is one of the few reasonable and reer magaal of tolka. Nuune, excusi awoowe.
  24. Xaaji, Xabashida maxaa u diiday iney Wasiirka Kharajiga u dhiiban qof Somali ah?
  25. Haatu;968106 wrote: lol @every cali iyo ciise claiming J/land. War get lost waryaada. War geeljiruhu badowsanaa, magaal joog xumaa. Waryaa reer magaalku wee is sa so dhaweeyaan. Dadka waxa lagu dhahaa soo dhawada, 'minikeey minikaa waaye'.