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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. xiinfaniin;830363 wrote: ^^LOL@Clan Federalism Hasty affray u gasheen, xaajigu waa belo I totally understand secessionists fears as Allah refused to accept their prayers of more death and destruction of Somalis in the South and things are looking better in the capital. What I don't understand is other Somali's fear of the constitution. Federalism is the model of the current structure and it will be the model for the upcoming structure, it reflects the reality on the ground. Somaliland, Puntland are two realities that warrants federal structure to bring the country back to its feet by building confidence and trust among Somalis. Since when have you become a Federalist and what's up with this Puntlant vs other Somali's. Let me guess, the Makhirian campaign for Faroole's seat has started and these are just the obligated campaign lines to satisfy Qardho.
  2. xiinfaniin;830361 wrote: You are calling out Carafaat and Xaaji Xunjuf, iyagana tacsi baa u taalla waayo wax ka weyn waxay ka baqayeen baa Puntland kadhacay; oil is found waa wada sakaraat, xaaji gaa caloosha laga qabtay, Carafaatna waa khalkhalay Xiin, I am quite content that clan federalism died and is buried for ever. I assume your latest distraction is to keep your secessionist cousions on board. Let's hope Imaam Faroole counts his blessings and accepts his new role as one of the many many Somali governors.
  3. Adeer Xiin, I was led by some political speculation and maybe some prejudice. And I will be first to admit and apologize.
  4. Some us were told again and again that the TFG was working on a Federal Constitution for Somalia under the leadership of PM Abdiwali. And because most Somali´s oppose federalism and its bad for Somalia as a whol, we were led by the impression that PM Abdiwali was serving Faroole´s interest rather then the nations interest. This was enforced by the fact that the constitution was and still is kept secret from the public. If the constitution is based on the Unitary State structure, we may have judged the Prime Minister wrongly. And we will be the first to admit and apologize to the PM, once the constitution is adopted and made public. And I will be the first to do so.
  5. But that is quite soon, only few days left.
  6. Samafal;830347 wrote: Sxbayaal is dajiya, Puntland is not going anywhere as Somalia is Puntland and Puntland is Somalia. If anything, what you will see if the constituition is not passed and federalsm is not implemented is Puntland to give space and time to the South - Central Somalia to sort itself out and have a clear understanding of what kind of goverment structure best serve their interest. In the meantime, Puntland will enhance its autonomy, build its infrasture, economy, governance and extend its friendship with the international community through oil deals and trade. Having said that, the old ways where the power is concentrated in one area where the rest of the country is alienated is not an option and can never be repeated. Muslimka waxaa layiri god laba jeer lagama wada qaniino and repeating the same mistake again and again will be a disaster. Somalis and their consecutive goverments made Mogadishu our beloved capital the only city where anything happened. If you needed an ID card you had to come to Mogadishu, if you wanted X-ray you had to come to Mogadishu. Basically we put all our eggs in one basket and haven't diversified. So what happened any one with little education came Mogadishu to live, any one with some money came to Mogadishu, any one with any intellect came to Mogadishu. So those who could not afford to live in Mogadishu sought other ways to live the live of Mogadishu and what happened happen. Its madness that you urgue for same old failed system. That's where Puntland is coming from. Its got nothing to do with Somalialnd seccession, its a conviction and belief that the people of Puntland aspire to achieve and avoid regression. If the rest of the Somali people take their idea is well and good if not Puntland can go alone. Samafal, this is an ultimatum much like it is formulated in the constitution of Puntland, article 3. When I raised this point few weeks ago. Many like Che, Xiinfaniin, LST, Generale duke said the Puntland constitution will be harmonzed according to the national one.
  7. Gheelle, marki hore waxa la yiri waxa ka dambeeya kuwa kaso horjeeda peace process and they want to kill the constitution. that is what many here said. but now that we know the PM was working on a Unitary State constitution, who would want to assasinate the PM and stop the constitution. who are the real spoilers. wa sual u baahan ina la isweydiiyo. For sure it wasnt Sheick Shariif, the PM stayed at his place and was guarded by his guards after the attack.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;830278 wrote: 4.5 still exists for the next coming years read you're own Garowe principles u don't really think there are federal states in Somalia right now, power will be shared using the 4.5 formula. Xaaji, the question is if Faroole will accept his new position as Governor of Garowe or will he follow the Puntland constitution and call for secession.
  9. XX, Generale Duke and Xiinfaniin know Federal is no option for Somalia, they are on Adiwali´s side. But they want to prevent cousins like Dr.Osman and kingofkings from Qardho and Garowe call for secession. You know they can do that with the constitution of Puntland, article 3 gives them the right for Indepedence.
  10. Ahmed Ainab Apparently the draft constitution is not decentralized enough, and does not deal with state/federal resource, powers, people etc. thus since it’s not full constitution yet we need to have clear and definite guidelines of the powers between state/federal government. This includes resources, armies, welfare of the people etc. This draft does not make such guidelines, and is confusing and jumbled up. It seems those for strong states feel this draft is too much on the centralized control. Either way, it is going to be hectic, chaotic future. It’s some 70 pages, written in a boring tone. Many of the articles were clearly copied from other constitutions. Articles like citizenship & naturalization are familiar. Some Islamic articles are included to obviously mislead the average person into thinking this isn’t a secular constitution, which is not fit to the whole nation. Why did they distribute this constitution the last minute? This thing seems to be intentionally planned not to be read, commented, and passed in its current format. I didn’t think there were as many points that could be pointed out by Puntland. Give credit where its due, at least Puntland has to took the time and effort to review the draft and make suggestions democratically without ‘’huffing and puffing ‘’ especially ‘’Faroole’’. At the same time we need to read the draft constitution and leave our fears out of it, after all, our clan elders are in Mogadishu speaking on your behalf. This draft constitution belongs to Somalia if we want an amendment, we can send a text to our clan delegate, and we should all do the same President Faroole seems to not understand the process it’s a draft constitution, in our case, we the Students we can lodge our concerns and hope for the best. Our old constitution after independence had less than 200 people that had to approve it or reject it, which speaks volume. Fast forward 50 years later, different realities on the ground, we have 825 folks right now, they can amend it or approve it, there is nothing I or we can do about it. What matters is what happens to next. “Young Generations” Puntland People doesn’t want to give up its achievements for a faulty system that is not likely to succeed. Puntland has the right to lobby for the best possible solution for Somalia. Puntland is not the big bad wolf. Puntland knows if Somalia succeeds, they succeed. So it is high time we need to get out of this Puntland is out to destroy Somalia mentality. It’s time we need to play Diplomacy domestically and internationally. Finally, Puntland government says Somalia draft constitution ‘unrealistic and unsuitable’ at the same time we need to play Diplomatically, and democratically, as well without breathing in a noisy manner. ‘’Huff and Puff’’ Ahmed Ainab Master of Politics, Law and Public Policy
  11. Qandalawi when will the Puntland constitution be harmonized to the national
  12. Who ever tried to assasinate Prime Minister, tried to derail the constitutional process and spoil the peace process. Why we are all his guards suspected, why was the PM guarded by the Presidents guards and not by his own. who´s interest was it to kill the PM and burry this constitution which has a unitatry State Structure. And that will determine Somalia´s future for the coming 7 years and cant be changed in mean time. Just some questions.
  13. Xaaji, do you think Faroole will treat with secessioon? Or boycot TFG again.
  14. Xiin, you warned the spoilers when you made this thread. Or Did you had only Muqdisho folks in mind as spoilers. Now Faroole is the biggest spoilers of them all. The big question is what will happen with the spoilers? What did you had in mind?
  15. Xiin, you warned the spoilers. What to do with those opposing the consitution.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;827442 wrote: Allah ha u naxariisto cabdi xassan jimcaale. But also let's hope his visions of clan federalism also died with him iyadana allah ha u naxaristo It seems you were right. Federalism died definetly.
  17. Federalism is dead and buried. Including the so called State constitution.
  18. Qandalawi, Puntland opposed the constitution and left the venue. Clearly that is spoiling.
  19. Qandalawi, everyone opposing the constitution was labeled to be a spoiler.
  20. Qandalawi;830141 wrote: Some oppose it for good reasons others do it out of ignorance and hearsay.
  21. Nuune, Spoilerska Mahiga, UN, EU, US, Eedo Hillary, IGAD, AU, AMISOM ayaa daba dhigtay. Xiinfaniin, laguma sheegin sida spoilerska lo galiyo.
  22. So what shall we do with the spoilers? Throw them in jail or in the see. Any suggestions from Xiinfaniin and Paragon.
  23. Where is Xiinfaniin, Paragon, Samafal with they crusade on spoilers?