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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Safferz;966656 wrote: I read his comment as a suggestion that the holy month is not appropriate for his unholy, predator intentions for when I get to Hargeisa, waan is af garanay dee agah. Safferz was right about Alpha.
  2. Alpha Blondy;969128 wrote: i didnt call balse i text her the following: walalo, waan ku salamaya ee iga gudoon salaan qiimo leh. bacda salan, aad baad u mahadsantahay. liiskii waan gudbiyey. sida kale, soo ma fiicnid? Alz . i wrote the message with a sense of detachment and a fairly non-nonchalant posture (of course i didn't balse that's what i want her to think dee)...: and left it open-ended to solicit a response. . i didn't want to come across as being desperate. if y'all see her walahi. it was love at first sight. we started off on the wrong foot but we left on excellent terms. despite being ramadan, the chemistry between us was too strong. i think the boy is in love, walahi. Maanshallah, and all of that 'attraction' and fireworks in the month of ramadan. When you are suppose to lower your gaze. Who is she Inadeero? Is it Safferz? Or are you flirting with your maids again?
  3. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;968946 wrote: If you think your afur time is the longest or very long, thank Eebbe that you don't like in those following cities where other maryooleeys live. Afur time in Helsinki, from: 2:30 am to 10:30 pm Stockholm and other cities in Iswiidhan: 2 am to close 10 pm Oslo: 2:30 am to 10:30 pm Alaska: 3:40 am to 11:30 pm St. Petersburg: 3:00 am to 11:00 pm Moscow: 3 am to 10 pm Reer Australia iyo New Zealand have the easiest in the Western countries soonkaan. In Holland its from 3.30am to 10pm. Inshallah from next year the number of hour will decrease(I hope).
  4. Interesting intervieuw. Thanks for posting Zack. The man Geedi is an interesting figure. He seems to potray a strange form of realism with complete lack of any idealism for Somalia. he further potrays that he lacks trust in fellow Somalis. On every single issue mentioned, he choose the vieuw of the foreign perspective and soly blaming Somalia for any discord.
  5. Thanks for posting. What does this app exactly do?
  6. Good to know. I think fasting also strengthens ones one will of power, sekf control and self discipline.
  7. Alpha Blondy;969105 wrote: i want to direct Hargeisa's first ever somali adaptation of Les Miserables.......... despite the different settings, there are huge similarities between 19th century Paris and 2013 Hargeisa. i want to also play the part of Jean Valjean in a director/actor capacity. what do y'all think? Somalis have their own stories that can be turned in to a musical. Like Cilmi Boodheri, Xaawo Taako, etc. Is the theater construction almost finished?
  8. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;968959 wrote: War Haatu, waa saxsantahay Koonfur iyo Waqooyi siyaasad ahaan isku yimid. Dalkeena waa Soomaaliya. Dad cuqdad ka qabo magaca Soomaaliya yeynan ku wareerin. Magaca Soomaaliya gumeystihii Talyaaniga kagor uu jiray, waana tixraac ku saleysan Afka Soomaaliga. Sida Oromada dhulkooda ugu wacaan Oromiya. 'Miya' waxaa adeegsafo afafka Kushtika ah iyo afka Carabiga. Sida ee Sacuudiya, Turkiya loo dhaho. Anaga Sacuudiga iyo Turkiga ayaa dhahnaa because ku dhawaaqida Afsoomaaluga saas ku haboon. Sida Soomaaliga afka u dhahdo, dhulkana Soomaaliya. Oromiya ma ugu wici karno Oromiga yacni Carabka Soomaaliyeed kuma haboona, naxwi ahaana ma'aha. Marka dadkaan magaca Soomaaliyeed qal qal ka qabo ha isku wareerin. Xataa qaarkood waxaa dhibo inay dhahaan 'ummadda Soomaaliyeed.' Instead painfully saying 'dadka Afsoomaaliga ku hadlo.' Berina Soomaali ga ka sasi doonaan. Fiirso lee adi. Eritea, Ethiopia, Italia, Oromiya, Somalia, all come from the Italian synthax. It doesnt mean the word is Italian, but how its writteb is Italianised. Just like England, New Sealand, Swaziland, Puntland, Somaliland come from the British synthax. It doesnt mean Punt, Swazi or Somali are English names. The arabic synthax for Somaliland is 'Ardul Somal'. Somalia: The Dutch synthax is Somalie. The Czech synthax is Somalsko. The Croation synthax Somalija. The Somali synthax for Somalia is Soomaaliya. The Somali synthax for Somaliland would be Dhulka Soomaliyeed.
  9. Why meet in Nairobi and not in Mogadishu, Kismayo or Galkacyo.
  10. Meeting in Nairobi(Kenya) to oppose a Mogadishu(Somalia) based goverment. These guys should Be arrested the moment they enter Somalia for treason.
  11. Xaaji, most Puntlanders are to happy Farooles fake electiond didnt take off. Question is how will the opposition remove him.
  12. Tallaabo;968819 wrote: This is sad walaahi. People should give voting and democracy a chance:( People dont oppose voting or democracy. They oppose fake elections and Faroole's dictatorship.
  13. Zack, you still haven't addressed the issue of charcoal? So what is your view on this? give us your perspective. Do you think the charcoal export should continue? Dont try to distract with Jubbaland ha no laato, kpmg accountant reports on central bank iyo other issues non related to this thread.
  14. I have read the articles written about this report. And it didn't say that the Somali National Bank was corrupt and fraud. It said the government used the Bank as a 'slush fund', because the proper accountability and check and balances were not in places. I am sure this will have consequence for the government to put a proper system in place. At the end of the day, the government cant ignore its donors requirements and the UN's claims. So, what consequence will this have for the charcoal export and Kenya?
  15. Dr.Osman, what is your analysis of all this? And where to go from here?
  16. Somalia, if the people of Puntland rejected Faroole's version of governance, what makes you think the rest of Somalia will welcome it?
  17. Zack, the Kenyans are part of AMISOM troops and thus funded by those same UN donors. Dont you think Kenya will feel the pressure to stop the export of the charcoal now or they mights risk their fundings will be cut off?
  18. Clan federalism Qardho ayee ka timi, reer Qardho ayaana aasay oo yidhi "dooni meyno".
  19. 14 Jul 14, 2013 - 3:04:39 AM Puntland State of Somalia Dowladda Puntland waxay Joojisay Nidaamkii Federaalka Somalia ee u waday SAXAAFADEED 14 July 2013 Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxman Maxamad Maxamud Farole, markuu si qotodheer ah ula tashaday Madaxweyne ku xigeenka, Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada, Golaha Wasiirada iyo xubnaha Guddiga Nabadgelyada Dowladda Puntland, Gudoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashooyinka KMG ah, iyo dad xurmo ku leh Bulshada Rayidka ah, wuxuu soo saaray go’aankaan ku saabsan joojinta Nidaamkii Federaalka u Somalia u waday baryahan. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland: -Markuu qiimeeyey mas’uuliyadda iyo xilka weyn ee ka saaran ilaalinta amniga, xasiloonidda, iyo midnimada dadka Somalia; -Markuu arkay kooxo isu soo bahaystay khalkhalgelinta degenaanshaha iyo waxyeeleynta midnimada Somalia, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin argagaxiso doonaya inay si xun uga faa’idaystaan qabsoomidda Federalismka Somalia; -Markuu aqoonsaday dadaalkii dheeraa ee Somalia usoo gashay hirgalinta iyo meelmarinta nidaamka Dowladnumada iyo iyadoo tallaaboyin badan oo lagu guulaystay la soo maray ilaa hadeer; -Markuu qiimeeyey qaswadayaasha gudaha iyo khalkhalgeliyaasha dibedda oo maalgelin iyo abaabul uga qaybgalaya abuurida xasilooni-darro iyo isku dhac shacabka Somalia; -Markuu aqoonsaday khatar ku imaan karta amniga, nabadgelyada iyo xasiloonidda dadka Reer Somalia; -Markuu qiimeeyey himilooyinka dadka Reer Somalia ee dowlad-wanaaga, nabadda, iyo cadaaladda; Dowladda Puntland waxay si rasmi ah u joojisay Nidaamkii Federaalka ee Somalia u waday. Iyadoo la qaatay go’aankaan adag, Dowladda Puntland waxay shacabka usoo jeedinaysaa mahadnaq balaaran niyadda ay u hayaan una muujiyeen in geedi-socodka nidaamka dowladnimada, waxayna Dowladdu dadka u balanqaadaysaa inay weli ku taagan tahay nabad, dowladnimo iyo midnimo Dowladda Puntland waxay u mahadcelinaysaa Beesha Caalamka oo soo taageertay nidaamkaan muddo 10-sanno ku dhowaad ah, marxalado badan oo lagu guulaystay lasoo martay Dowladda ilaa wakhtigaan xaadirka ah. Dowladda Puntland waxay kalsooni ku qabtaa in Beesha Caalamka ka taageeri doonto sii wadida nidaamka dowladnimo saxa Somalia u hesho Dowladda Puntland waxay ugu yeeraysaa dadka Somalia oo nabadda jecel iyo Ciidamada Amniga inay daafacaan Dowladnimadooda, Midnimadooda, Amnigooda iyo Degenaanshahooda, si ay uga guulaystaan kuwa isu soo bahaystay burburinta Somalia
  20. Somalia;968752 wrote: Carafaat, elections were not scheduled to take place as said and was planned on being postponed when these riots happened, and it gave Faroole the opportunity to cancel them all together. Ballot boxes are not sent out to towns 3-7 days before the elections but that takes careful planning for months. The people protesting are not doing it because it's a scam but for self-entitlement and spoiling and they aren't a large group of opposition, they could easily be dispersed and these two towns have now created unnecessary chaos needed for some people. If elections were scheduled to happen they would have occurred as planned but it was never the intention this time around. In Sanaag half a dozen boxes were sent, for what? Somalia, I forget to include Iskushuban and Bursaalax where the people also burned the ballox boxes. In Buhoodle people demonstrated against these elections as well. Make that 5 cities then. Bursaalax today Buhoodle demonstration against these elections
  21. uchi;968745 wrote: What scam? Carafat, please inform us. What inside information do you have? Uchi, not my words. just read the various statements made by the elders of Puntland. this one is adressed to 'Interpeace". Puntland people are short of explanation of radical change of INTERPEACE from peace promoting to WAR making organization. It was our understanding that Interpeace is an independent and international peace building organization which promotes societies to manage conflict without resorting to violence. However, your current democratization project is being grossly abused by Puntland Administration and it is not totally in line with Interpeace’s philosophy and the principle of “Do No Harm” as well. Indeed, the current project does more harm than good. The operations in Puntland of farce election have caused 6 deaths and 25 wounded in Galkayo while more than four times Gardo has been at the edge of total war. The fighting in those two towns have caused high tensions in all Puntland areas. Countless human history events proved that there are many examples where farce has changed into tragedy. This press release by the below signatories of prominent personalities of Puntland is urging Interpeace to stop its operations labeled as democratization but are in reality triggering bloodshed. This Appeal is issued by prominent personalities from all regions and social sectors of Puntland comprising members from traditional elders, business people, politicians, intellectuals, religious leaders, and civil society activists.
  22. Somalia, its ramadan and I don't want to engage in any personal attacks. But I want to respond on your comparisement that I think is rather wrong on all fronts. Because the chaos and violence in Puntland was not because the elections were delayed, but because people didn't want these "scam" election to take place. From Galkacyo to Qardho it lead to violance, killings and many wounded. Fears of violance in Badhan, Buuhoodle, Bosasso and other places. And even people burning the ballot boxes. don't try to spin this issue, but rather address the underlying issue. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Qardho this morning Galkacyo this morning
  23. Mintid, Indeed you were right. Reading the above comments, its quite obvious certain SOL'ers from a particular corner tried to downplay the issue, even ridicule it, accusing the poster of this thread or distorting the whole issue.