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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. I agree with Blackflash here the idea that every generation is binded together by hate is ignorent and above all it's ineffective. Certainly in our case were our common hate has led to the distruction of our society and to our eternal division, now symbolised by the idea of 'federatiions'. As is our people our enable to live together as many here state. A generation or nation is binded together by common values and common ideals. I refuse to hate anyone, even Ethiopian people. Love and common understanding must be our answer and our driving force.
  2. we need to spread love between the peoples. Politics based on Love and mutual understanding. say no to those who trade in hate and fear, they are our real enemy.
  3. I am coming on Eid days to Xamar. inshallah
  4. Xaaji, I agree that Melez Zenawi is a dictator, wants to stay in power and wants to keep Somalia down. But does he represent the 80 million Ethiopian people and hundred of diffrent tribes. NO. I am talking about the Ethiopian people not the regime of Melez.
  5. Xaaji Xunjuf, adeer, nobody hates us or our sub/clan, entire clan, duriyada, Somaliland, Hargeysa, Somalis nor Somalia.
  6. MMA, its right thing to adress the bad and criminal policies of the goverments of Ethiopia, Kenya and even Somalia. And its even correct to hate or oppose the regime of Melez Zenawi, because he is a dictator. But its another to assume our neighbours and by that I mean the people have ill intentions or hate us like XX and many others say and keep repeating. On the issue of Pan Somalism. I have sait it before, we have to redefine the concept of pan/somalism, Invading neighbours now or in the future and claiming back ´our land´ is not the right way nor the right prospect to build a country on. For sure it will only create constant animosity between us and our neighours. Havent we learned anything by now from 1977. One does not invade countries without paying a price for it.
  7. They hate us! Is the most used sentence by the Somali hate ideologist who trade in fear and the cheap politics based on divide and rule. When they inject 'they hate us' ideology, they are for sure of suppoty and never have to argument, never have explain, never have to rationalize, never have to give accountability nor come with an alternative. as long as they keep injecting they hate us ideology in to the people. Somalis have experienced the result of this hate ideology, which has been injected for decades in to the society. How often do I have to explain to people that nobody hates their sub-clan, clan, enclave or has hate for Somalis or Somalia. There are not many people in the world who wake up in the morning and think 'I hate them'. Children are not born filled with hate or fear, they are injected by adults with fear and the 'they hate us' ideology. This ideology is based on ignorence, hate and fear and goes against our religion Islaam and against our own interest.
  8. Oradku waa cafimaad. nothing wrong with it.
  9. Xaaji, which people hate us? Koonfurions? Oromo's, Hererians, Amhara's or the small Tigrey tribe? be specific on who hates us. Xaaji, there are dozens of Somali clans living within Ethiopian people's territory. May I remind you Ali A...?
  10. He is a dictator. Almost half of the Ethiopians are muslim. there are even Amhara and Tigrey muslims. what is your point?
  11. MMA, ina si akhrisid eheed. I am talking about the old form Pan-Somalism, as bringing together all Somalis under one State. Not the connection, link, cooperation and solidarity that exist between the Somali people. aero, seeing Ethiopians as our enemy ama naga fog aint logic either. Chimera, Dabrow, why should we still regard the Ethiopian people as our enemy?
  12. Xaaji, I am talking about today and now. Not 800 years ago.
  13. Xaaji and Che, are denying the fact that Somali and Ethiopians live together, intermarry and even speak eachothers languages in regions like Dire Dawa?
  14. The old ideology of Pan-Somalism is dead. The new constitution only regards the former British and Italian parts as Somalia and the ideology and ambition of greater Somalia is completely removed from the new constitution. There is no more reason to see the Ethiopian people as our sole enemy, lets start a new beginning and recongnize that the Ethiopian people are our brothers. Melez Zenawi is a dictator, and he does not only obstruct Somalia, the rights of the Somali people in the Somali region but he mainly obstructs the will, rights and aspirations of the Ethiopian people. He is therefor the enemy of the Ethiopians themselves. Therefor his actions should not be regarded as that of the Ethiopians. Regions and cities like Dire Dawa and Harar are inhabited by Somali and Ethiopian people, they live together, intermarry and speak eachothers language. Hundred of thousands of Somali's live in Oromo region and have fully assimilated in to the Oromo family, just like hundred thousands have integrated with Somali society. Therefor I say, lets start a fresh beginning and welcome the Ethiopian people as our brothers who we share some painfull history with.
  15. Ethiopia is a multi ethnic and multi-religious country. Stop potraying the country as a christian nation waging war against muslim, because that is a untrue. Ethiopia has more muslim population then Somalia or any other Eastern African country.
  16. Caadi maha walee. I assume there is plenty of water as well
  17. I met this Eritrean girl called Dar es Salaam. I asked why her parents called her Seaport or Deked.
  18. Juxa, you forgat Paris, Afrika, Yurub, Asia,
  19. Carafaat;819165 wrote: The song is a remake of Cabdiqadirs Sanka's song.
  20. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  21. MMA, I recongnize the song. Liibaan sang it in Idols. amazing song indeed.
  22. Blue, I dont how why you assume I made this thread to ask you out. meesha wa isa soo dhex galisay. it's about grasshoper. Che, I dont want to ask out Blue. She has her hands full of herself. Grasshoper, sxb its a cool place. you should come and visit one day.
  23. How about the dirac? is it a local vietnamese mucawiis?
  24. waryara, dont insult Xiin. Xiin rubs shoulders with Faroole and other high level delegates. he would not waste time with turkish doormen.