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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Waa iska caadi. Many western politicians do it. Makes the sharp and responsive. Better then Qat. Atleast he can do his job when using it with other foreign officials. The question is, is there any specif reason to doubt the man isn't doing his job?
  2. MMA, good point. I expect other rational Somalilanders to denounce this act of sheer ignorence. I call upon Ngonge, Caano Geel, OdaySomali, Coofle to reject this sillyness. People like Xaaji Xunjuf, Ayoub, Africaown, Saalax, would probably want to hang this man for questioning clan 'ancestory'. Where does our secular burahadheer stand on holyness of clan ancestoral theory?
  3. If you look back at Somalia's crumbling economy back then and its wicked policies and goverment budget which went for the biggest part to security. Then one would expect that the regime would have crumbled by itself or a succesful coupe d'etats would take place. SNM and SSDF wee deg degeen. No question about that. Afcourse, its easy to judge with the knowledge of 30 years later.
  4. Adeer Xaaji Xunjuf, We seldon agree. But on this one you are wrong old man. The man is an intellectual, he has done no crime, expressed no oponion, said nothing about politics or state matters, he is no goverment employee who violated rules, he insulted nobody. He is a outstanding citizend who has committed two decades building schools, health facilitaties, enviromental works and build the biggest, most reliable and most transparent NGO in Somaliland. Winning awards from Hillary Clinton and even declined to go himself out of sheer modest. His only crime was doing a historic research on ethnopology or antropology and write a book about it. If you or the goverment disagree's with his research work. The normal course would be to come with a own hypothesis or antithesis in this case, publish it and prove the man wrong.
  5. waxaanu ku xusay beelaha reer Somaliland qaar ka mid ah inay ka soo kala jeedaan Ormada, Uraagada iyo qawmiyado kale. I suspect that maybe even one or two clans might be linked to Amhara's. In Somaliland he is regarded as the Somali version of Hitler. I expect book burnings soon.
  6. quality of its systems Ngonge, Give this kids a lesson or two on audits, checks and balances and quality of systems to stay in 'control'. And maybe they will understand the issue is far bigger then 'who' is 'rightous' and who is a 'thief' or Farmaajo vs Sheick Shariif.
  7. Che -Guevara;838329 wrote: Questioning the silly story of Arab Sheikh impregnating local women is crime now? There is only one book forbidden in Holland. And that book is called 'Mein Kamf' wrote by Adolf Hitler. I read it immediatly when my teacher in high school told me it was forbidden. Mr.Cawaale is no Adolf Hitler but I am sure just as many will read the book. P.S. Che, the book states some Somali's being related with Ethiopians, That should excite you .
  8. Yes, he is the author of Qeylo Dhaan/Enviroment in Crisis.
  9. the writer of the book is the co-founder/director of Candle Light, an Award winning NGO.
  10. Reer waqooyi have silly tendencies. Why arrest a writer who wrote a book on ethnomology? Who cares if he questions the theory on Sheick of the Duriyad. If you disagree write your own book. Truly silly. It makes me wanna read this 'forbidden' book.
  11. Buug Ka Sheekaynaya Isirka Somalidu Xagay Kasoo Kala Jeedaan Oo Qorihii Buuga Xabsiga Loo Taxaabay Iyo Dadweynaha Oo Aragtiyo Kala Duwan Ka Bixiyay Hargeysa, June, 4, 2012 (Haatuf) – Buug uu qoray muwaadin reer Somaliland ah oo magaciisa la yidhaahdo Axmed Ibraahim Cawaale, isla markaana agaasime ka ah NGO-ga wadaniga ah ee Candalight ayay Ciidamada amaanka xabsiga u taxaabeen habeenkii Jimicuhu soo galayay xilli Buugaasi uu qoray loogu daah-furayay xaflada loo sameeyay kadib, kaas oo la sheegay in saluug laga muujiyay nuxurka Buugaasi oo qoruhu ku faaqiday Isir ahaan xaga ay ka soo jeedaan beelaha Soomaalidu, isla markaana beelo Somaliland ka soo jeeda uu qaarkood sheegayo inay ka soo jeedaan qoomiyaha dega dalka Itoobiya qaarkood. Qoraha buugaasi oo ugu magac daray Buugiisa Dirkii Sac-maalada, ayaa waxa uu kaga sheekaynayaa xagay ka soo jeedaan Soomaalidu Isir ahaan, sidoo kalena Badhxanka Isirka Soomaaliyeed la falgalay, Cadooyin iyo dhaqamo kala duwan oo dadka Soomaalida ku wajahan, waxaanu ku xusay beelaha reer Somaliland qaar ka mid ah inay ka soo kala jeedaan Ormada, Uraagada iyo qawmiyado kale. Hadaba maalmihii u dambeeyay ayaa hadal haynta buugaasi Isirka Soomaalida uu kaga sheekaynayo qoraha buugu ayaa dadweynaha reer Hargeysa goobaha bar kulan sida makhaayadaha iyo Huteelada ay isugu yimaadaan ay aragtiyo kala dawun kaga bixinayeen waxyaabaha uu xambaarsan yahay Buugaasi oo xafladii lagu soo bandhigi lahaa qorihii Buuga ay Ciidanka Bilaysku xabsiga uga taxaabeen. Ugu horayn Dayib Aadan oo ka mid ah waxgaradka reer Hargeysa oo wariye Haatuf ka tirsani aragtidiisa ku wajahan Buugaasi wax ka waydiiyey ayaa waxa uu yidhi “Ninka Buugaas qoray ee kaga sheekaynaya Isirka Soomaalida, xaqiiqda muu taaban, balse waxaan u arkaa Buugaasi mid uu mashruuc kaga qaatay cid imika aynaan garanayn oo lagu doonayo in bulshadan halka kaliya ee khalkhal laga dhex abuuri karo inay tahay xaga Beelaha oo la iskaga horkeeno qoraalo been abuura oo xambaarsan arrimo jiho habaabin ah, waxa uu ahaa qoraha buugu nin agaasime hay’adeed ah ilaa hadana ma garan karno waxa ka dambeeya, balse cid nacab ah uun baan u arkaa arrinkaa” “Horta buugan ninka qoray isaga laftiisu beesha uu ka soo jeedo ee qaybo ka mid ah waxa uu ku sheegay xagaa iyo Itoobiya qawmiyadaha dega qaar ka mid ah inay ka soo jeedaan, markaa horta buugiisa waxaad moodaa buug si kale ah, laakiin hada wuu xidhan yahay, markaa beesha uu ka soo jeedo ayaa-ba ogol in ninkaasi xidhnaado, sababo xaga amaanka ah awgeed, waayo looma baahna in qalinka iyo waxaad qoraysaa abuuro waxyaabo amaan daro keeni kara” sidaa waxa yidhi mid ka mid ah dhalinyarada reer Hargeysa oo sheegay in ninka buuga qoray ay isku beel ka soo wada jeedaan oo magaciisa ka cudur daartay in la shaaciyo. Sidoo kale dad farabadan oo ka mid ah bulshada reer Hargeysa ayaa dareen sas leh ka bixiyay Buugaasi, waxaanay sheegeen in buugaasi yahay mid dadkan lagu doonayo inay dhexdooda buuq ka abuurmo, isla markaana ay ka abuurmaan amaan daro. ***
  12. It's not funny. There are girls who act like that. :mad:
  13. Which campaign? the guns-are no-toys campaign will not be withdrawed.
  14. Ibtisam, I havent asked her out again on a date. it was an invitation as friends. dont you have any male friends. wyre, thanks for advice again. you are truly my only arab friend here next to Ngonge. And you both have warned me for Blue. Blue, I hereby withdraw my invitation to the grasshoper.
  15. Norf, in case you want to organise the first Somali Nomadic Fashion week. Check the Swahilli Fashion week as example.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1680&bih=894&wrapid=tlif133882266519210&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=EdDMT_GaGcLb0QW96qzEAQ#um=1&hl=nl&biw=1680&bih=894&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Q9DMT9ivFOTF0QWMrIDGAQ&ved=0CAUQvwUoAQ&q=swahili+fashion&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=da764bf54d820f42
  16. Norf, I was thinking the same thing last weekend. We are one of the most creative people. Yet, when it comes to specially male clothes, we have a horrible taste. We should be able to make and market own Nomadic Somali Style.
  17. Abu-Salman;838218 wrote: I was watching ina Samaleh at Wajaleh border visiting customs, Riyaleh era crooks did not care about the suffering of the masses and yes the finance minister is wadaad and is due to announce soon an even greater budget ($150 millions). And yet he was the only MP of 164 MP's/Guurti members present who yelled liar[/b](beenloow) at President Riyaale, while he was holding a speech in Parliament. liar/beenloow waa caay, that makes him someone caytama. ku dar taasna CV'ga wadaadka.
  18. Abtigiis, Politics should always be based on diffrent scerario's. However, those scerario's you have listed are B,C,D,E and I think the first possible outcome will be an unexpected but completely diffrent outcome.
  19. Somalia;838205 wrote: Though your argument is flawed, you are still too progressive for these folks. Somalia, explain yourself. How so is my argument flawed?
  20. Ngonge, what is it that unlocks such strong emotional reactions among our people when you say Ethiopia? And why dont we have the same motional reactions towards Kenyans? British, Americans, French or other (neo)colonial powers? I think it might be something to do with the logic of clannism. that the clan clossest to you, unlocks most emotional reactions??