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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Abtigiis;839692 wrote: You have ignorant and vulgar people everywhere!! But i am not sure the Os in kenya are different from the other kenyan Somalis. Dad soomalinimada ka carara oo qoowmiyad kale isu ekeeysiya Ehiopia laguma sheegin laakin Kenya way joogaan. Saxiib, your thread's title is 'tolka unyealding somali nationalism recongnized'. And now you state that Ethiopian O's are diffrent from Kenyan O's, because the later 'somalinimada ayee ka caraaran oo dadkale isku eekisiyaan'? arintii nationalismka ma subclans ayaa geysay.
  2. It's true. The time I have spend there where the most stress free and most happiest of my life. Never have I seen a more optimistic and gratitude people. Can't wait to move back. P.S. Wadani, don't mind Mooge, he doesn't speak for any Somali except for Puntland Secessionist crew.
  3. Amiir Godane and his al Shabaab were behind the Hargeysa bomb attacks in 2008. Were more then 30 people died. And behind numerous other bombings in Somalia. He should be trialed and jailed in the country rather then Guantanemo.
  4. Jugle, we nationalist hope Somalis can find a national solution among themselves. And the right direction is through talks? What other solution is there? Maybe you can enlighted us with your proposition?
  5. Cowke was banned. and came back as Dr.Osman.
  6. Mario B;838975 wrote: As long as your independence isn't recognised, you're a somali citizen of Somalia. You can go to any corner of the motherland and claim a peace of your land:cool: Mario, dadka waxaas ha u sheegin. hadii kale dhula ayee nala boobiyaan.
  7. Leave Saado alone. I think its good she speaks up for justice.
  8. Coofle;838634 wrote: Aniga ayaa u joogay iyada oo maalin Qabiil Qabiil kale lagu darayo adeer,,,,and it was in our beloved hargeisa,,,Khayaaliga ha la iska daayo oo runta aan iska sheegno, I can count 50 subclans with rumors saying that they were part of another clan and then changed sides... Malaha aniga ayaa imika baxar ku jira,,,Carafaat , I blame you for making me speak here, I was silently watching it before... Coofle, good for speaking up. You have been silent the whole time. Silence will only benefit ignorent. I am dissapointed in OdaySomali. He choose to silent on this issue. Unfortuanate.
  9. Saalax, you may agree or disagree with his research but arresting the man is silly and completely illogical.
  10. Qandalawi;838585 wrote: Carafaat, all I'm telling you is to look at the title of the thread and the content contained within the initiators post. Tell me if that is a view shared by all. It shows the whole thing is based on the SNM bravado and restricted and confined to one clan. Like I said before, Somaliland = SNM, and this is a chapter that one needs to overcome for the sake of greater good of the Somalis that live in SL. Sxb, your initial statement was that Somaliland is based on 'Siyasad ku dhisan Somali naceyb'. But I see you have withdrawn your initial statement.
  11. Xaaji, we are talking about a scientific book not abtirsi. is it a crime to do research
  12. Check the new constitution. No mentioning of Djibouti, NFD or Western Somalia neither of the citizens of those regions. So territorial Pan Somalism as we knew it, is officially dead. this requires a new approach towards the neighbouring countries, cq public diplomacy. No longer can one consider these countries or its people to be the enemy.
  13. Coofle;838533 wrote: I have a very simple life when it comes to fashion... Work = suit + Lab-coat. Indoors = Macawiis + garan Other = Jeans + T-shirt... My dress code as well. But I wear an overcoat with the suite. and baseball cap with jeans and shirt.
  14. Alpha Blondy;838542 wrote: lol@ former inadeero she's from half london. ma saas baa. maa kala goosanay? then call me ex-inadeero. half londen girls are cute and short. ha siideyn, besides half Londen is the best neighbourhood to live in quite, close to airport, amazing vieuw, nice hillside houses, far away from the monkey hills.
  15. Qandalawi;838538 wrote: Carafaat, in Somaliland the SNM struggle is on a full swing, the victimhood mentality still reigns supreme and the hostile policy towards the south is still as it was back when Barre was in power. These are things that will not be agreed upon even among all the people that settle in Somaliland. Qandalawi, why did Puntland again want to introduce Federalism? Or why was Galkacyo divided in two parts. talking about victimhood mentality.
  16. This is more your taste Alpha.
  17. Alpha, Inadeero, waa qoloma gabartu iyo hoyadeed. I can only advice based on the genealogy background of the subject.
  18. Sxb, your blaming one section of Somali society of 'politics based on hatred for Somalis' while this is practise in the Puntland that "move on". SOMALIA: Puntland Police deports people from South Somalia Shame on you sxb! have expected better from you then the cheap politics based on hypocracy.
  19. Waa runta Rudy. African tribal mentality and insticts needs to be chaneled, its in the blood. I have said it before let's create a diffrent field for this competitive tribal instict, something as Popular and energetic as American football. So goverments stay free of tribal mentality. I say let's compete on another ground.
  20. Rudy, stay on topic. This thread is on Habesha Unity not on leadership capacities of the negro.
  21. Qandalawi, Hadalka u fiirso sxb. Or explain SSDF love for Somali people and xagee taagan tahay? And explain while you are ad it, why Puntland deports people from Southern Somalia, mass murdering Somalis with Ethiopian support, deports ONLF leaders, etx when you are talkin about 'Siyasad ku dhisan Somali naceyb'.
  22. Yes, it matters a lot. If Habashi's want to Unite again after they seperated. Then one should ask, why Somali should seperate in the first place if they sentimentally will or want to Unite again later. And remember we are much more emotional and sentimental then these cold mountain Habesha's.