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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Fiqi, Interesting thought. I haven't looked the TFG-Somaliland talks from a clan perspective. And the Garowe-Jigjiga as the answer to it. But I think its quite positive as long 'bahasha kor loo wado', oo dhaafto sub-clans and as long all these talks are political, trade and economic related. It would mean if these talks are succesfull we are one step away from Somaliweyn. All we need then is the two coalitions to talk and merge. Not bad all, me thinks.
  2. Sxb, I knew about the DAGs, MODs and SNM based clannism. But this HAG wee iga qarsoneed. I wonder what Shariif Hassan will come up with? Will it be a MAG(Maay Action Group) or worse a MIG(Maxaatiri Indhaha faraha ka Gali).
  3. mushaharkii ayaa raagay. Markaa nin naftiisa khatar galiniya ma jiro. But wait till end of june.
  4. Somalia, federalism waxa kasii daran, waxan cusub ee Mudug ka timi la dhaho 'HAG'. Waa bahashii oo qaawan, macaa dhar looma xirin. Alaay mexee foolxuntahay. @Ngonge, sxb yaa indhaha ka qarin kara waxaan oo kale oo ka amuusi kara. Adigu HAG sidaa oran leheed oo ku dhihi leheed?
  5. I always though those who belief 'Somali ine kala marmiiso' ama 'Somalia kala go'i karto' as ignorent and quite dumb, because it would be completely against ones own interest. Then there came those who belief in clan federlism and that you can build governance based On clan, seperate city admins based on clan. An idiotic idea, dumber that this we haven't heard before. Then lately you have some clannist who have organised themselves completely based on clannism in its purest form, without any governance nor administrative ambitions. Uniting and poisining those from Baraxley to Banadir with ideologies based on victimization and hate. Laying the foundations for Hutu based policies. It's the Dumbest form of clannism we have seen so far.
  6. XX, but still a bacaaac. dont you agree?
  7. Somaliland oo Dhabeysay in Somali uu Wadahadli Karta Somaliland (Waqooyi) iyo Somalia (Koonfur) oo Keliya Hawadana Raacisay Maamul Goboleedyadi Qabylaada Ku Dhisna. Waxaan Halkan Ka Salaamaya Saxaafada Somaliland aniga oo Maanta Ka Hadlaya Wadahadalada Somaliland iyo somalia ee Ka dhacay London. Waxa Tariikhda 21 Sano si Rasmi ah isko soo Horfadhiistay Labada Dal ee Somaliland iyo somalia Wadahadalo Lagaga Tashanayo Arrimaha Mustaqbalka ee Geeska Africa, Iyado Arrimahaasi ay ka Mid ahaayen Nabadgelyaada Labada Dal iyo Horumarka, iyo Kala Go´a Labada Dal oo ajanndaha weli lagu soo darin Laakin, ay tahay Qodobadada Dambe ee la isla soo Hadal qaadi doono. INkasto uu shirkani Guul uu aha Ummada Somaliyeed dhamaanteed oo ay ahayd Laga Maarman in Labada Dal ee Kala Go´ay ay marki uu Horeysay Isku soo Horfadhiistan Miis kuna wada Hadlaan si Dimplomaasiyadeed. Jamhuuriyada Somaliland aya Hore uu sheegtay Inay Iyago Midwogi somalia ay Hormood iyago ka ahaayen, aahyna Dalki Lagu Hor aqoonsaday 26june 1960, halka Dalka Somalia ay Xaroowday 1july1960, iyado Markaas Dalka Somaliland oo waagas aqoonsi ka Haystay 36 dal ee Dunida Caalamka, aya haddana si walaaltinimo ku jirto iyo wadaniyadi iyo weliba somalinimo ay Kula Midoobeen walaalahooda Koonfur ee somalia. Somaliland oo dhibaato Badan kala Kulantay Midowgaas, aya Dagaalo iyo Burbur hanti iyo Naf´ba Loo geystay ka Bacdi kaga arrinsatay inay la soo Noqoto Goni Isu Taagoodi, iyado Ku Guuleysatay Haddana Dhisnayd Muddo 21 Sano iyado waxi Dal Madax Banaan oo dhan laga Rabay Ku Guuleysatay Waxa Jirta Iyana inay Maamul Goboleedyo Ku dhisan Qabyaalad Laga Sameeyay Dalka Koonfurta ee Somalia, iyago Ula Kala Baxay Puntland, Galmudug, Hiran land iyo Al-shabaab Land Iyago Mar Kasta Maamuladan Lugaha Haysan Jireen Somaliland iyago Marka Hore Ba Loo Abuuray Naceyb Laga Qabay In Somaliland Gooni isutaagto, Si kastaba ha ahaate, Waxa Hadda Aduunka Caalamka iyo Ummada Somaliyeed Loo kala Cadeeyay Inay Somaliland Tahay Dalki ay 1960 isko Biiren Ummada Somaliyeed ee Koonfurta, Maantana ay dib ula Noqdeen Gooni istaageedi Dal Gooni ka ah Somalia´yna ay Tahay, ana Mid ahayn Maamul Goboleedyada Qabyaalada Ku suntan ee Loo abuuray Xaasidnimda iyo Lug ka Laaladka Somaliland. Xukummada Axmed Silaanyo oo Wada Tashi Badan La Sameysay Ummada Dalkeedi Ku Nool aya La Isla Qaatay In Somalia Lala galo wada Hadal iyado Wada Hadalkaasi ka Dhaxeeyo Somalia iyo Somaliland, Marki ay Maamulgoboleedyo Ka socda somali´yana ay soo Galeen, waati somaliland si cad ugu sheegtay inaaney Somaliland la gelayn wax wada hadal ah. Waxa Guul Horta ah ino Dalka Koonfurta ee Somalia Fahmay inay Somaliland tahay Dal Gooni ah, Loona wada Hadlayo ( Somaliland (Waqooyi) iyo Somalia (Koonfur) Inta Taas la isla Qirsanyahayna waa La wada Hadli Kara waana La is Fahmi kara, waxaanan Leenahay Shacbiga Koonfurta Somaliyeed Ixtraama Inay Somaliland Tahay Independent Nation! Guul iyo Gobanimo Somaliland Jaamac C/Laahi Biime London
  8. London Oo Wadahadaladaasi Ka Furmay Waxa Kaga Haboonayd In Lagu Qabto Hargeysa, Sheekh Shariif Iyo Cidii Wada-Hadal Doonaysaana Ay Halkan Inoogu Yimaadaan- Suldaan Maxamed Kampala- (HWN)-Suldaanka guud ee beelaha Somaliland Suldaan Maxamed Suldaan C/qaadir ayaa sheegay in Magaalada London ee uu
  9. Will London Talks dismantle Somaliland Stability? OPINION | JUNE 22, 2012 By Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye In 21 years since Abdirahman Tuur created Somaliland, a nation without recognition under duress, he made a brick without straw. Somaliland born out of armed bloody struggle that lasted almost decade from 1981 to 1991 with the disappearance of Somalia. Thousands of combatants lost their lives during the deadly war to liberate Somaliland. The founder as well as the first president and the last chairman of Somali National Movement knew the possible repercussions and forewarned the inherent dangers of any unilateral declaration that come with the secession: the dire consequences, the inevitable isolation and the subsequent suffering; therefore, he tried to change the course after realizing how difficult to get Somaliland recognized, but naysayers mobilized the masses against his ideal principles whereby they instigated a deadly civil war that foiled his mission in 1994. But leaders go off in new direction when things do not work out as planned. Anyone in his circumstance would do the same thing. We have been fighting for nationhood over the 21 years ; quarter of Somaliland population have died as result of gunshot or its aftermath, and many others maimed , on the other hand Somalia had fought to keep Somalia’s integrity intact but eventually plunged into ocean of blood and chaos . Tsunami of starvation and terrorism followed by devastating civil war of religious dimension and all these factors made the territorial unity of Somalia a joke. However, Somaliland ultimately won and captured its territories, though a political war of securing political recognition seems a pipedream. However, the said talks underway in London if aimed at restoring Somalia unity, are nonsense, simply, it does not make sense to lose thousands of our beloved people in the fight and then back to square one: negotiating to join Mogadishu whose paradise destruction was solely blamed on us. Somali National Movement (SNM) triggered the ongoing crisis in Somalia for instance besides the drivers of religious curse there. It is quite obvious to me and probably to anyone else that President Sheikh Sharif who believe the godly-union of Muslim Ummah , utopia of some kind, but conceded due to reasons we know after he was bombed back to Mogadishu after so many lonely days in the wild beast caves near Kismaayo, Somalia. It is also clear to us all that neither Somaliland nor Somalia would sit down the negotiation table until the other made startling concession: so either Somaliland conceded sovereignty or Somalia ignored the begging pleas calling the territorial unity of Somalia, a thing of past, nevertheless; Somaliland said it will never talk Somalia unless its sovereignty is respected, so Somalia might abandoned its rigid position of irrelevance. Somaliland will never yield to outside pressure. Moreover, Somaliland negotiators are not the right ones to talk on our behalf: a bunch of men from the diasporas and with the foreign passport are leading high level talks. Somaliland suffering people need someone whose blood is shed for the freedom they enjoy today. Besides, Somaliland delegates must grieved for and wept for the orphans whose father responded to the outcry of their people and widows whose husbands died for our cause. Does Dr Abdilahi Omar or Hirsi Gab or Faysal Warabe, members of the delegation, meet this criteria? Absolutely no, what bilateral talks are we offered when Esse Arab, Somalia TFG defense secretary, the only minister in the system from Somaliland was removed from the list? After military campaigns of several surnames ranging from TFG to Puntland, SCC and to Khatumo proved futile, enemies developed new methods of destabilizing in Somaliland, Kashmir was taken over through mere signature of its governor, not force, the notion that Somaliland would be appeased when given a prime minister or president is totally myth. We will remain Somaliland and we have always been Somaliland. We Somalilanders are not prepared to give up our dearly acquired freedom for free! We died for it, but that does not we hate Somalis but the regime the oppressed us all except the minority tribe whose survival rested on the crazy regime. However; many Somalis across the country celebrate 18 May and remember it as landmark day for all Somalis irrespective of their ethnicity. Exiled nationals returned to Somalia to celebrate the downfall of the regime, one of Africa’s most brutal regimes in the world, it was a moment of truth, a moment of contemplation and remembrance unless you are coward whose father died in defense of injustice and brutality that has gone. The armed struggle was not against a certain tribe or group, the country is shared by all despite diverse ethnic s but the loyalty of the country is shared by all. At this critical juncture, we Somalilanders must stand together against those who, from any tribe, who want to undermine what our beloved youth has died for – the freedom of the present and future generation. Dirye is Somaliland Volunteer and Activist based in Addis Ababa. He can be reached at:
  10. Don't worry about these kids. Its difficult to indoctrinate a Somali child. I too used to sing for the Kaacan during Octoberta, when I was their age. It only meant a nice day out and getting nacnac and toys.
  11. Somalia, good of you to support Prof. Samater.
  12. Somalia, sxb, si fiican ayaad u aragtay. marka shaqada aan stress ka qaado, ayaa wax kale isku jeediya.
  13. Alpha, are you friends with the arrested Governor of Hargeysa, who is arrested for selling food rations.
  14. Abtigiis;844128 wrote: Someone once told me if you hear the word D, them Puntlanders have an agenda! What is it that you want this time Fiqi? Abtigiis, waad la heshay. It´s the new power platform for Puntland. the coalition with ´unuka´ folks has come to and end, Farmaajo and Ali Khaliif Galeyr want the chair and have broken the might voting block of Puntland. So one needs to go around to a create a new power platform, and this time its a coalition between the cousins of Garowe/Garissa-Kismayo-Jigjiga block. Doesnt this block have a name, Kab.lalax or the anti Gedo/coalition.
  15. AYOUB;843086 wrote: ^ I like the "Carafat" generation because they so innocent they make my boring life dramatic. Eti "I saw a black girl on the train" is a story. Eti "Someone told not to eat McFood" is an awkward experience. loool@Carafaat generation. Sheick Ayoub, ma ciyaalkii yar yaraa aya ii raacisay.
  16. Caraafat....I think you are the one looking things from Western perspectives. Warias are indigenous to their society and not product of Western influence and if they ask for acceptance, that's not Western either but it's the right of every human being. If they are indigenous to their societies, then I am sure there is a way they live and found a fit in their indigenous society. seeking acceptance being part of ones human rights as you define it here, is a western concept. the geeljire is a free man and does not ask ones permission nor acceptance for ones existence. cuqdada aan jirin ayaad raadinisaa.
  17. Abwaan, mostly I do not belief internet writing. But something has changed with our beloved H community. Its being going for a while now, but has intensified lately. the number of meetings as well as their depth. And these young people are not the jobless mafrish kind. Could you place these development in a broader context. Should we see it as a form of reconciliation of reerka after being divided politicly for so long? Or is it a reaction on the clan based politics of Somaliland and Puntland and indeed opposed to certain clans?
  18. Abwaan, sual aan ku weydiiyo sxb. ONLF waa la ogyahay cida ee cadoow u aragto. Laakinse HAG yee cadow u aragtaa?
  19. Abtigiis;844077 wrote: So you are telling us HAG is the antithesis of MOD! That is what we are opposing. No MOD, No HAG. The crime of HAG, beyond the silly things they say, is that it is taking somalis back to clan-based political organisation at a time the emergence of Tayo, Hiil-Qaran, etc are starting to herald a new dawn of somali politics based on principles and beliefs and not on regions or clans. It is also serving as a scapegoat for other clannish outfits who would have similar agenda to that of HAG to mashroom! Now that I have given you my reasons and I see your preoccupation with MOD is blurring your objectivity, can you give me one reason why HAG has to exist? Indeed! It's not like HAG is advocating to build schools or an local administration.
  20. Jacaylbaro;843785 wrote: Hargeisa, June 27, 1960 (Reuters): The Somaliland Legislative Assembly today unanimously approved a Bill endorsing plans to unite the country with Somalia. The Assembly met a day earlier than originally arranged, because Ministers are anxious to go to Somalia to settle a number of details in connection with the union. There will be a new vote and this time mistakes of the past will be corrected.
  21. Che -Guevara;844055 wrote: Why is CEO of a company meeting the community? good question. I guess its to promote his company in the hope they buy his stock share that lost 70% of its value in less then 3 months. P.S. If the shares would be bought by foreigners I wouldnt care and would wish Burnt Money succes. But its these somali diaspora that are tryin their luck and loosing money at the end.
  22. Abtigiis;843891 wrote: If this Gabayare is related to the General Gabayare Siyaad is alleged to have eliminated, then it rings a bell, and it matches the narrative of vindictiveness that HAG is often associated with. By the way, one of the areas where HAG cells are most active is in Nairobi. Its danger is not only its exclusionary agenda and agenda, it is also creating a domino effect where others are emulating it, and using its existence to justify the assembling of another radical counter-HAG clan outifit! Loooool@ngonge. The HAG contingent in SOL will not react like the SL and PL ones. Already clannishness is the breakfast and dinner of the south nowadays, there is this unwritten code that clan issues must not be discussed openly. The southerners do not feel comfortable discussing clan matters. That does not mean they do not practice it, but yhey are certainly more civilized than SL and PL. Maybe the diversity of clans helped this commendable transformation. And it is precisely for this reason that i think the HAG is a dangerous novelty! All over Europe they are organising their secret meetings, cuqdad aan jirin la isku shubiyo. Their agenda is not based on what they share or want, but rather who they oppose. Most of them are young folks, many educated, who take clan politics much to serieuz. It's a pity that some haven't learned anything from 21 years of civil war. Oba, shame on you for defending this sinister Anarchist clan club!
  23. Working together on foreign affairs, international assistence, security, border and see control. Great!