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Samafal;845048 wrote: Hadaadan tagin waxaad ka sheegtaa waa ku tiritayn, iyo habar kuulay baa ii sheegtay. Labda maamul macno maleh waxaa muhiima nabadaa, dadka shacabka ahna ma kala xirxirna oo wax walba ayaa ka dhexeeya. Labada maamul waa wax ka dhashay dagaalkii sokeeye, dowlada central ah oo dadka ka wada dhaxaysa marka la helo way fududaanaysaa Inshallah. Su,aal: Adigu waxaa u olalaysaa qoyskiina in ay dawlad noqdaan oo Somali kala faquuqaan, taas miyay nay kaaga walawal badnayn in aad mar walba waxaadan aadan aqoon ka hadashid? Samafal, hortay ilma Farax Shirwac, kee ayaa kasii tahay. bal isku kee sheeg. ta labaad goormaan u ololayay iney reerkeygu Somali ka fuqaan? Somali marka ugu horeysa mee kala fuqi kartaa, Galkacyo ayaa mar hore kala tagi leheed, hadee cidi kala tagiso.
Most favourite city: Muqdisho. 2nd: Sheick
I smoke Benson & Hedges.
Samafal, wali maan tagin Galkacyo. Laakinse waxan ka xanaaqayaa magalo lagu leeyahay labo maamul ayee leedahay. qabiilku mar mar ayuuu na la tagaa, Galkacyo wuu la tagay. runta waa ina la isku sheeko, hadii kale wee na la sii tagisaa.
Moonlight, is yeel yeelka iska dhaaf. Somaliland and Puntland are not the same. you know that. Puntland is part of the TFG, TFI's and Somaliland is not. Puntland was accomodated through the whole proces of the constitution making draft. Somaliland wants independence and I think a Union between the two goverments is a reasonable compromise from both sides.This has nothing to do with my wished ideal situation, but its my prediction what will come out from Londen talks. And if one wants to seek a reasonable compromise, this is the closest. As you will see, the most Somalilanders will even reject this idea.
I have been once to Turkey on Holiday. No racism, specially when you mention them you are a 'Muselmen'(muslim). Make sure you go to a Turkish Hamaam, and take the full rought treatment. you will feel reborn.
Cadaado for the regions capital city. It's deserves more then Galkacyo.
The State of Israel has been issueing diaspora bonds since its early start in the 1950's. I think this idea could also be suited to finance the great infrastructurel challenges faced by our own country. http://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=diaspora%20bonds%20israel&source=web&cd=9&ved=0CHQQFjAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.leadinggroup.org%2FIMG%2Fppt%2FDiaspora_Bonds_for_Education_Presentation-2.ppt&ei=dS7oT8mWHI200QXAlKWJCQ&usg=AFQjCNGSxXEOvmnFvSUeHUavLXbh5S2JGg I am writing an article on this idea. Any input, comment is welcome.
Diaspora bonds How poor countries can tap emigrants’ savings Aug 20th 2011 | from the print edition HOW can emigrants help the countries they have left? The usual answer is: by sending money home to support their parents, put cousins through college, and so on. Such remittances are important, says Dilip Ratha of the World Bank, but it is not enough to tap the income of migrants abroad. Poor countries should also tap their savings. One way is to sell diaspora bonds. The idea is simple. Poor-country governments can issue bonds and market them to emigrants in rich countries. There are several advantages to milking members of a diaspora. They are often patriotic: they like the idea that their savings will pay for bridges and clinics at home. They are patient, since they have a long-term tie to the issuer. They are less jittery than other investors, too, since they have friends who can tell them whether political unrest is really as bloody as it looks on television. And they are sanguine about currency risk. If the Zambian kwacha crashes, an expat Zambian can buy his mother a cheap house. Israel and India have successfully issued diaspora bonds in the past. A desperate Greek government is pursuing the idea, too. Diasporas are larger than ever—more than 200m people live outside the countries where they were born. They are richer, too: migrants from developing countries have saved an estimated $400 billion. Thanks to cheap phone calls and flights, migrants often remain in close touch with their homelands. And they are not hard to reach: governments could approach them via the money-transfer companies that they already use. The World Bank is advising several nations about diaspora bonds. Kenya, Nigeria and the Philippines may soon set up pilot schemes. Nigeria’s incoming finance minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, is particularly keen. In the past, many poor countries were so fiscally profligate that no sane investor, even a patriotic one, would lend them his own money. Most are now reasonably creditworthy. Diaspora bonds will face obstacles. Migrants who fled oppressive governments, for example, can hardly be expected to bankroll the regimes that drove them away. This is perhaps why Ethiopia’s recent diaspora-bond issue flopped. But for many poor countries, the bonds are an idea worth trying.
My predidiction on the outcome of the Londen talks is: One country, two systems. Plus a referendum in 2015 for a definitive settlement. Much like the agreement between the Sudans.
I am a big fan of Oday Shirwac and Wiilwaal. They are the Aw Kuuku and Aw Koombe, the Ine Heebe Lambe and Boon Xirsi of our generation. I hope they get the chance to perform on a big stage one day, inshallah.
Somalia;844849 wrote: If only there was a Dhaqancelis Political Party. what would the political program be?
Blue, why did you restart this thread? Alpha and I have agreed to close down this thread. It was meant to acknowledge Alpha's long lineage and his place in the hierarchy of tolka. But the thread was hijacked by folks with smaller lineages.
Alpha, will you be hosting a get together for all the dysfunctional fools.
Marksmen, please enlighten us how a dedicated husband should be. All the do's and don't.
New Dhaanto for Bluelicious.
Once Somaliland and Somalia reach a deal. One should go to Garowe and talk to Faroole, and offer Garowe the traditional capital of Somalia and base the Somali wide Guurti in Garowe. Boqor Osman should become Head of the Guurti. What do you guys think?
What happened with the Puntland Marines. Faroole's military leverage in Bari region? Maybe Qandalawi can tell us more about it?
Mahamed Hashi muxu aaminsan yahay marku maalina kasoo horjeedo wada hadalka. Marna u leeyahay waa arin fiican?
Madaxweyne Faroole oo booqasho ku tegay magaalada Jig-jiga
Carafaat replied to Fiqikhayre's topic in Politics
Fiqikhayre;844358 wrote: So far the road-map is on track so is the constitution but if there's any disruption to it, Puntland with its new found wealth and political steel will be not accepting anything as an agreeable outcome nor a directive by an unlawful marriage of convenience between Mogadishu and Hargaysa sponsored by Djibouti Republic. Fiqi, tani malaa wee kasoo dhacday. midnimada umada Somaliyeed ma kasoo hor jeeda. -
oba hiloowlow;844291 wrote: looool jowhar kuye, Xarardheere wixii ka koreeysa aa ii waqooyi ah!! Oba, Koonfur iyo Waqooyi ma qabiil ayaa lagu noqdaa mise qofka ku dhasha ayaa ah?
oba hiloowlow;844267 wrote: Waryaa Carafaat HAG faraha ka qaad, ''unuka leh'' Oba,ilaahay ba og laakinse anigu reerka 'unuka' wa jeclahay. Muqdisho ayaa raba ina dhawaan u guuro, oo aan Reerka dhex dago. Aniga iguma baxdo geeljire folks from Waqooyi. Markaa ma ogolaan karo wax aan anigu ku jirin, Like this HAG think. So I suggest we abolish this HAG. And let's start a KAR(Koonfur Action and Reform) si aanu dhahno 'WAR(Waqooyi) KAR. Markaa wa so galaa.