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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> watch the song in 3rd clib.
  2. This thread is dedicated to Entertaintment Programs on TV. the only programs I like to watch on Somali TV. I am a big fan of Khadra Sinimo on HCTV, she is truly a TV Icon. I like the intervieuws of Cowke aswell.
  3. Why is that wyre? Do you think Alpha Alpha wants to expand his list of friends this way?
  4. wyre;850524 wrote: Jumce Wanaagsan, Masha Allah Carafaat Do You Pray??? Brother Wyre, Being among the non-believers its difficult to find the time to withdraw and pray. Now and then I tend to pray Maghrib, sometimes cishaa and sometimes if I have a hard time at work, I pray subax and pray for protection against the gaalo. But I hardly pray casar, and sometimes in weekends duhur if I am near a mosque. So my prayers are eradic. I hope Allah forgives me.
  5. Puntland is more then a nation. It's a great Kingdom. like Brunei is a Kingdom in Indonesia. Monaco in France.
  6. Just came back from Salaat. It was great maanshallah. Every time I pray, I feel somekind of a relief, as if I am relieved froma burdon, the burdon of the shaytaan. I went to the Turkish mosque. In my town we have a turkish, maroccan and a Indonesian mosque. The maroccans always ask for money donations, the indonesians have a weird smell, so I prefer the Turkish Mosque, eventhough I cant understand what the imaam is saying in turkish. Only understood the words 'Dunya' and 'ramadan'. So I guessed he is warning us from Aduunyo and remembers us for a the upcoming month of ramadan. The Turkish are a fine people, the whole prayer last even less then 15minutes, while the Maroccan Imam tends to speech 2 hours in Berber language. How was your Jimce brother Alpha?
  7. It has been quite a while when I went to Salaat Jimca. Sometimes I go to Magrib prayers. But Today I am off, and I thought its time to remember Allah, distentiate myself from Aduunyo and remember Akhiro. So I am prebaring to go to the mosque. I am wearing my black khamiis with white cimamad, UAE style! Jimcal kheyr ya jamaca Sheick Carafaat
  8. We tend to forget that eventhough one can be descendant from one ancestor or Sheick in terms of family name(abtirsi), but in terms of blood, culture, culture, etc there are many more ancestors relevent for the result. For example: Imagine a grandson of the arab Sheick. This grandson has 1 Arab grandfather and 3 non-Arabic granparents(the grandmother from fatherside and 2 grandparens from mothers side). So in fact he is one 25% arab and 75% non-arabic. Eventhough he is only a small fraction arabic, he still carries the abtirsi and the name of the Arabic grandfather, while in terms of DNA, blood, culture, language his non-Arabic heritage is far more significant. If you continue this with the son of the grandchild has only 1/8 arabic grand-grandparents and 7/8 non-arabic grandparents. So, while the Arabic Abtirsi remains important name wise, the non-arabic part is way more significant for his culture, upbringing, language, heritage.
  9. Ayoub, sxb, glad that you agree. Politicians have their flaws for they are only human too. And we Somalis tend to focus only on their clan, characters. But the political debate that Somalia today needs should not be about likebility but about about ideologies, content and achievements rather then how one perceives and judges individual personalities and characters. So tell us what you think of Hiilqarans idea's and their political program. In case you havent read it, here is the link. P.S. Hisbullah, atleast ideology ayee leeyihiin oo hirgaliyaan. wee dhamaan kaliya taliyasha heysta wadamada carabaha.
  10. Student enrollment increases in Somalia Posted on Saturday 9 January 2010 - 08:00 Muhyadin Ahmed Roble, AfricaNews reporter in Nairobi, Kenya School students has increased in Somalia breakaway state of Somaliland since 1991, moving the literacy rate from 20 percent to 45 percent, education ministry officials said. In Somaliland state, some 45,223 students went to school in 2009 while since 1991 at least 1,019 students enrolled in schools. Abdi Abdillahi Mohamed, the Director of Planning in Somaliland's Ministry of Education said: "School enrollment [in primary and secondary schools] has increased dramatically". "We hope to encourage high school leavers to be self-employed," he added. Ali Abdi Odowa, Director-General in the education ministry told IRIN that the rise in students enrollment was due to awareness and the construction of many primary schools. He said "Hundreds of schools have been built both in urban and rural areas and adult education has also started". He announced that Somaliland plans to guarantee that at least 75 percent of populations would be able to read and write by 2015. Mohamed said there were 225,853 learners in primary school and 21,331 others attended secondary school in 2008 and 2009, as 26,156 were in adult education. According to Mohamed, Some 6,820 students also attended technical colleges and professional schools . The Education ministry of the self-declared independent region added two social science subjects- - business and agriculture- in high school. Elementary and secondary education is free, according to Somaliland's constitution but displaced persons and pastoralists had argued that they still pay school fees. Abdi Abdillahi Mohamed said "there are no fees paid by students but of course there is what we call contributions paid by parents to support voluntary teachers and teachers' salaries". In rural areas, the ministry has begun a pilot project where teachers follow pastoralists and educate them in mobile schools."This project is in Togdheer region... Teachers and the school follow the pastoralists wherever they go, and we pay such teachers more than the others," he said. The north Somalia state of Somaliland declared its independent from the rest of Somalia in 1991 after warlords defeated long time dictator of Mohamed Siad Barre. An increase of 4500%. I cant wait to see the day when we all Somali kids enroll in to schools.
  11. AYOUB;850265 wrote: Carafat, so you do bombard Alpha with "inadeero" PM when out here you display Hiil-Daran nationalist card. Sheick Ayoub, I tried to 'recruit' Alpha for the unionist cause. But unfortuantly Alpha belongs to the same narrow hawkish "daan" of the spectrum as you do. Besides when I tried to reach out to you and send you one of my 'inadeero' PM telling you ' ina so siyaartay Sheick Abdi Ismail Ayoub'. You called me a 'grave worshipper'! What kind of a Somalilander are you when you dont even show respect to a fellow member of the Duriyad?
  12. NGONGE;849993 wrote: ^^ Random Somali men or just YOU? :D
  13. Somaliland has come a long way, wallahi. Nobody can deny that!
  14. NGONGE;850232 wrote: Warya Jb, I told you that you need to open up a PR agency in H town ninyaho. Just an office, a desk and someone to mind the phones for you will do the job. The rest is all the same as you've been doing for free already anyway. Wax fahan. edit: Welcome back Faheema. Bal eega dacayadan hoos nala soo galiniyo. Ma waxa leedahay Habar First hadal uun ayaa ka fulin iyo buun buunis(PR).
  15. I haven't even bothered to look at your FB. I assumed its filled with pictures from the usual fish and ships dhaqancelis kids That are hanging around Londen Bar in Hargeysa. And regarding this new cordial friendship with AYOUB, the Habro's own elder, you two have the same ideas you should start a SL own version of the BNP.
  16. Ayoub, HiilQaran is an actually party with an ideology, program, structure, members, a board and a elected party leader. Which party do you support again? UDUB, who is the leader nowadays?
  17. the author has some valid points but they are lost under the the clannish vieuws potrayed in this article. pity!
  18. This aint a political debate. This is fadhikudirir on TV rather then in a Majilis.
  19. Faroole has his own elections coming up in few months. He is creating fear to stay in power. Machiavelli somali style.
  20. Ngonge, Abdullahi Yusuf was President when Ethiopians invaded Muqdisho to figth the ICU. Sheick Shariif became President to unite the Asmara based ICU and the TFG. That integration has been completed. Sheick Shariif completed his task, what other reason would he serve today? Ayoub, I prefer to dream above real politics.
  21. Imagine all those civil servants, NGO's and business people from Hargeysa and Muqdisho meeting eachother. Where better to meet then in the middle of the country, Garowe!
  22. Narrow vieuw. If Faroole really would think in terms of Puntlands interest. He should have said: We welcome Somalia and Somaliland's cooperation, this makes Puntland the center of the Union.
  23. oba hiloowlow;849847 wrote: Xiin qodobada waa badan yihiin, like 5 sano baa lagu qaadan karaa citizienship, afti ayaa lagu bedeli karaa waxkabedilada dhulka soomaliyeed, Arinta Caasimadda afti in lagu qaadayo, ninka soomaliyeed hal xaas kaliya buu heeysan karaa iyo waxyaalo farabadan oo kale. Btw odayaasha waxey dhaheen dastuurkii 2010 mid ka bedelan baa loo keenay oo madaxda dalka ay ku bedeleen qodobadda qaar Oba, the issue regarding the citizenship. The constitution only defines minimum requirements, but the bylaws describe the actual full requirements. For example, the Dutch and Swiss constitution say the same about eligibility for citizenship, but the bylaws in Switzerland are much stricter then in Holland. hardly anyone receives citizenship in the Swiss, even if you are born there. more then 25% of its populations dont have a Swiss citizenship while the Dutch have granted millions of foreign the citizenship.
  24. looool@jaceylbaro an elderly man. loooooool@feminine Ngonge. loooool@Norf being Ngonge's slave.
  25. Does it have anything to do with the company that installs US telephone lines/numbers in Somalia, the one which my family uses to call for free day and night to Somalia. If so, it needs to be shut down. wee na wareeriyeen.