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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Mahamed Abdullahi Omer needs to clarify the issue regarding the Air Control, before jumping to other issues. Besides he aint the FM, why is he still talking?
  2. He is right. Foreign interventions work counter productive. But Al Shabaab is even less constructive or willing to compromise. Markaa Godane muxuu la cabaadiyaa?
  3. nuune;971595 wrote: ^^ is that another way of endorsing them, that is a very weak points to make, Somalia doesn't need anyone, these contracts are being forced onto them, sign them, or else ......, and Somali government thinks it is the end of the world if they don't sign any paper contracts that says 50 years contracts and 150 years contracts, Siyaad Barre was always suspicious of paper contracts. I am not endorsing them. Just explaining their motives. No goverment should delegate, tender or "sell" its security tasks to companies, let alone foreign companies or merceneries. Its not sustainable, nor does it enforce the goverments power, independence. I think the only reason they have signed to this, is because of the 'Dutch' funding these activities.
  4. The Dutch own one the biggest shipping fleets and industry(insurance, port) in the world. Piracy has really terrified this industry. they have even deployed several Navy ships and even submarine in Somalias waters. And even convicted and jailed dozens of Somali pirates here in Holland. Funded jails in Somaliland and Puntland. They seem to be determined to eradicate piracy.
  5. Their Dutch press release offers better background information. It seems that they are not going to do those activities themselves, but rather support and train a Somali Coast Guard to do it. Persbericht Atlantic Marine and Offshore Groep Atlantic Marine and Offshore Groep bevestigt dat zij op Maandag 29 juli 2013 een meerjarig contract heeft getekend met de Federale Overheid van Somalië voor de ontwikkeling van de Somalische Kustwacht, waaronder de organisatie, het materieel, training en management. De hoofddoelen van de nieuwe Somalische Kustwacht zijn: Toezicht houden in de Somalische wateren Patrouilleren, controleren en het beveiligen territoriale wateren en de EEZ Beveiligen van handel en havens Beschermen van natuurlijke rijkdommen Tegengaan van illegale praktijken zoals het dumpen van (giftig) afval en smokkel Search en Rescue activiteiten De Atlantic Marine and Offshore Groep zal voor de Somalische Kustwacht een operationele basis met een Kustwacht Coördinatie Centrum opzetten en een kustbewakingssysteem ontwikkelen. Tevens wordt een scheepsreparatiewerf ingericht voor het onderhoud van de schepen. De uitvoering wordt onderbouwd met strategieën en operationele procedures. Specifiek voor de Somalische Kustwacht heeft de Atlantic Marine and Offshore Groep innovatieve lange-afstand?patrouilleschepen ontwikkeld. De schepen zijn uitgerust met hogesnelheid interceptievaartuigen. Daarnaast wordt een onderwijs? en trainingsprogramma geïnitieerd om het toekomstige Somalische personeel te onderwijzen, zodat zij bij de uiteindelijke overdracht over de juiste competenties en ervaring beschikken om de kustwachtschepen in eigen beheer te opereren. Uiteindelijk worden alle taken op de middellange termijn aan het Somalische Kustwacht Directoraat overgedragen. Het ontwikkelen van de Somalische Kustwacht is van essentieel belang voor het bewerkstelligen van een maritieme rechtshandhavingscapaciteit in Somalische territoriale wateren en de Exclusieve Economische Zone (EEZ). Tevens sluit het contract aan bij aan de politieke agenda van Somalië. Geldende embargo’s worden in acht genomen. De Atlantic Marine and Offshore Groep is opgericht in 2003 ten behoeve van serviceverlening in de maritieme en offshore industrie en heeft haar hoofdkantoor in Rotterdam Voor verdere informatie kunt u contact opnemen met: Atlantic Marine and Offshore Groep Dhr. P. Verstand Tel: +31107410030 Email:
  6. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa heshiis dhowr qodob ka kooban la saxiixatay shirkad ilaalisa xeebaha oo lagu magacaabo The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group oo fadhigeeda yahay dalka Holland. Heshiiskan ayaa ugu muhiimsan dib u dhiska iyo qalabeynta Ciidamada Badda Soomaaliya. War saxaafadeed ka soo baxay Xafiiska Madaxweynaha oo uu ku saxiixnaa Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada Eng. C/raxmaan Yariisow ayaa lagu sheegay in heshiiskan ay gaareen dowladda iyo shirkada fadhigeeda yahay Holland lagu muujiyay muhiimada ay leedahay aas aaska nidaam sahlata ilaalinta xeebaha Soomaaliya. Sidoo kale waxaa heshiiskan uu ahmiyad u siinaya in la helo sharci lagu xakameynayo dhibaatooyinka ka taagan biyaha Soomaaliya iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaka. Heshiiskani ayaa u horseedaya Soomaliya xasilooni iyo dib u soo kabashada ilaha dhaqaale ee dalka, waxaana uu taageeraya ayaa lagu yiri warka qoraalka ah Lixda tiir ee siyaasadda Soomaaliya. Qdobada heshiiskan ayaa waxaa ka mid ah:- 1-In lala socdo ilaha dhaqaale ee gaarka ah. 2- in lagu gaaf wareego lana kontroolo ama la ilaaliyo si loo suga ilaha dhaqaale . 3- la socodka dhaq dhaqaaqa ganacsi iyo dekedaha. 4- Difaaca qeyraadka dabiiciga ah. 5- difaaca kaluumaysiga sharcidarrada ah ee Maraakiibta ajaanibta ah iyo waxyaabaha saldhiga u ah. 6- ka hortaga sunta lagu daadinayo xeebaha Soomaaliya oo khatar ku ah dadka iyo kheyraadka dabiiciga ah. 7-In la sameeyo dabagallo ku aadan badbaadada iyo ka hortagga adeegyada kotorbaannada ah. Shirkadan lagu magacaabo The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group ayaa ka shaqeysa horumarinta nidaamyada caalamiga ee la xiriira marin biyooyad, iyadoo isticmaalaya doomo iyo maraakiib ka howl gala xeebaha, si lagu sugo ammaanka. Sidoo kale waxay taageerayaan hey'adaha ammaanka xeebaha Soomaaliya qaabilsan, isla markaana ka saacidaya barnaamijyo tababaro iyo sare u qaadida xirfadaha sare ee saraakiisha iyo Ciidamada Ilaalada xeebaha. Ugu dambeyn war saxaafadeedka ayaa lagu sheegay in Shirkadan ay ku howl geli karto kaliya fasax ay ka heysato dowladda Soomaaliya, iyadoo aanay ka marneyn in lagu howl galo nidaamka caalamiga ee ay dejisay Qaramada Midoobey, kaasoo quseeya arrimaha badaha. Somali news leader Somali Government signs landmark coastal protection contract The Minister of Defense for the Federal Government of Somalia has signed a contract with The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group to deliver structure, assets and services in order to develop an effective and sustainable Coast Guard in Somalia. Instituting a Coast Guard is essential for the establishment of the rule of law within Somali waters and the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This contract clearly contributes to the stability and economic recovery of Somalia and is supporting the Country’s Six Pillar Policy. With its Headquarters in The Netherlands, The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group has set out the main objectives for the new structured Somali Coast Guard: • Monitoring and Surveillance of the Exclusive Economic Zone • Patrolling, controlling and securing the Exclusive Economic Zone. • Securing trade and Ports • Protecting natural resources • Protection of fishing grounds from illegal foreign fishing boats • Prevention of dumping of toxic materials • Search, Rescue and Anti-Smuggling services The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group has developed a series of innovative Long Range Patrol Vessels, equipped with high speed intervention vessels. The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group will build, maintain and operate the Coast Guard Fleet in compliance with Somali Coast Guard Directorate in a safe, effective and cost efficient manner. The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group has developed an education and training programme for the Somali Coast Guard Directorate and will develop a Coast Guard Training Centre to train Somali Coast Guard personnel, security officers and shore based support personnel. The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group will aim to hand over all development, training and operations aspects within medium term to the Somali Coast Guard Directorate. The Atlantic Marine and Offshore Group will operate, on behalf of the authority and administrative command of the Federal Republic of Somalia - Somali Coast Guard Directorate and will adhere to all applicable embargoes and restrictions set by the United Nations. Somali news leader
  7. Tillamook, read this. There is more where that come from. P.S. Do you realize you hijacked your own thread?
  8. Tallaabo;971449 wrote: Saaxiib the problems of gangs and rape in Somaliland is out in the open and is being documented, analysed, and dealt with thanks to our increasingly progressive and sophisticated civil society and government institutions. No one in his or her right mind would say similar things do not take place in Puntland and elsewhere in the world, but that is where the similarities between Puntland and Somaliland end. In Somaliland we talk about our problems openly and loudly and as a result usually find effective solutions to address them but you guys have a primitive culture of sweeping them under the carpet hoping it goes away or stays there. +1
  9. Few years ago you could build these houses for less then 30k
  10. Hobbesian_Brute;971387 wrote: Somalia is not Mogadishu only. Huge mistake, not even one project outside the capital. Waxaan u maleeniya siyaasad ayaa ka dambeysa. By rebuilding the grand capital now you ensure the return of a strong centralized goverment. But if you further develop the regions now while centre is still weak, then that would be a formula for a weak central goverment and strong clan states.
  11. Gar_maqaate;971450 wrote: PROTECTORATE "Protectorates were protected territories in which: 1.there was no properly organised internal government; and 2.Britain not only controlled external matters, such as the protectorate's defence and foreign relations but also established an internal" example of this type of protectorate somaliland,Zanzibar and Aden. This type of protectorate should not be confused with a protected state. Protected states were places in which: 1.there was a properly organised internal government; and 2. Britain controlled only the state's external affairs. Examples of this type of protected state Qatar and omen.("Somalilanders" usually mistaken British Somaliland protectorate for a protected state and hence the talk about treaties and defined borders) Returning to our discussion, The premise of my argument is that, firstly, the treaties signed by the British with some of the tribes in North Somalia never established protectorate with defined borders. Secondly the treaty was not legal document under international law or in the eyes of the British. We have conclusively proven this, thus far. Iminka waxa leedahay Somaliland wexe eheed dhul banaan ah. Oo wax nidaam ah kamee jirin, maamul, tacliin, ciidan, cafimaad, barlaman, etc haba yaratee mee leheen. Heshiiska la galeen Britishkuna been ayee eheed oo 80 sano wexe ku joogeen bug ayee eheed?
  12. MoonLight1;970864 wrote: loooooooooool. Cambuulo sxb did you hear this Qowdhan who came to Holland to claim asylum and he lied to the immigration authorities that he was from xamar, the immigration officer interviewed him and asked him where does the river cut through Xamar, he replied (without hesitation) "in the middle of the city" and added, "and I come from the west bank".
  13. Sheick Dandaawi and Omer Aden made a lot of Qasaido together. post more inaar.
  14. Alpha Blondy;971262 wrote: inaadeero Arafat, thanks for posting this timely thread. as i've told you countless times before, i want to become a film director/screenwriter/producer inshallah. i've already written a few scripts but its nothing official. i want to pursue my dreams of becoming a famous producer/screenwriter/director. i'm in the process of setting up a production company with my friend. we want to start producing short and feature length films and documentaries. i'm very excited about this. i want to become like Nuri Bilge Ceylan or the legendary Iranian filmmaker maestro Abbas Kiarostami. :p maxaad talo ii heysa, inaadeero Arafat? Inaar Alpha, I didnt know you had ambitions as a film director/producer. I think you would do well in acting as well. What you say? Direct, Produce and Act in your own film?
  15. Johnny B;971246 wrote: Carafat , Is is not so or am i out of my mind , that the so called Somaliland Admin's biggest aim is to dismember Somalia , ( nowadays,The federal republic of Somalia ) ?, is is not so the major Somali clan in the north west is spearheading that secession, sometimes enforcing it by the Gun? Carafat, Is is not so or am i out of my mind , that Puntland was founded by/for and run by a specefic clan bacause they've been targetted by other Somali clan or clans, and its aim is safeguarding that specific clan's interest in the Somali politics? Do i need to prove that both Admins interests conflict with the federal national interest, allthough Puntland's is the lesser evil interest.? Do i need to prove that both Admin's territorial claims are non-existent ? In Somaliland, you have a Clan-dominated politics whose interest lies in the rest of Somalia remains chaotic, ie, against Somalia Johny, your exact words were that Somalilands interest lies in the rest of Somalia remaining chaotic(see your own quote). I have to disagree to that. Somaliland interest lies in a peaceful Somalia. Just like Somalia's interest lies in a peacefull Somaliland. Political, Security and Economic wise.
  16. Shortfilm by Abdiwali Jaceelow
  17. Johnny B;971233 wrote: How so? Do i have to denounce the Somali federal government ( the only entity that composes All Somali clans) to not seem portraying a biased view? Do i have No, you dont need to denounce the federal government. I am talking about what you said regarding Somaliland and Puntland. In Somaliland, you have a Clan-dominated politics whose interest lies in the rest of Somalia remains chaotic, ie, against Somalia In Puntland, you have a administration whose only policy is, what is best for Puntland's clan is best for Somalia, that is, toward Mogadishu Yet, you have not given any proof to support these statements. Something you have demanded from others regarding their statements on the federal government. Marka saxiib, so dheel oo la imoow cadeyn.
  18. Johnny B;971188 wrote: ^^ Jag har aldrig ifrågasatt vad du skall ha sett i Mogadishu, jag bara svarar och agerar på vad du skriver här, om du är inti-regeringen ? njäää, det återstår att se, frågan är nog snarare värför stödjade du regeringen i början ? klan, regeringens politisk program, Hat till Shabab ?, det kanske är där felet ligger, vad vet jag?! Angående beslut som fattades av Somaliska regeringen, utmana mig , visa mig ett beslut som har tagits av president Hassan eller regeringen av premiärministern Saacid som är förödande för Somalia's framtid i det minsta bemärkelsen,helst om du kan utveckla vidare och stödja dina påståenden med bevis, men om du bara tycker så är det inte värt besväret. Slutligen vill jag bara säga själv är jag inte så förtjust i Somalia's federala regering men vad är alternativet? I Somaliland har du en Klan dominerade politik vars intresse ligger i att resten av Somalia förblir kaotisk, det vill säga, mot Somalia I Puntland har du en admisitration vars enda politik är, det som är bästa för Puntland's klan är bästa för Somalia, det vill säga, mot Mogadishu Du verker tro farbröderna Hassan och Saacid har lätta job, tänk om. from ^ ^ I have never questioned what you must have seen in Mogadishu, I was just responding and acting on what you write here, if you are anti-government? it remains to be seen, the question is probably rather why choose you support the government in the beginning? clan, the government's political program, that to Shabab?, it might be where the problem is, what do I know?! Regarding decision taken by the Somali government, challenge me, show me a decision has been taken by President Hassan or the government of Prime Minister Saacid which is disastrous for Somalia's future in the slightest sense, especially if you can develop further and support your claims with evidence, but if you just think it's not worth it. Finally, I would just say I myself am not so fond of Somalia's federal government, but what is the alternative? In Somaliland, you have a Clan-dominated politics whose interest lies in the rest of Somalia remains chaotic, ie, against Somalia In Puntland, you have a admisitration whose only policy is, what is best for Puntland's clan is best for Somalia, that is, toward Mogadishu You verker faith uncles Hassan and Saacid have easy job, think again. You are accusing others of having a clan tainted view against the government. Yet in the same message you seem to portray the exactly same biased views you are accusing others off, without offering proof.
  19. Riyaale succeeded Egal after his death in 2002 and in 2003 he was the first elected Somali President, since Abdirashiid Ali Sharmaarke 40 years ago. He won fair and square against the same man(Silaanyo), that he would loose to in the second run off in 2010.
  20. Brave Prime-Minister for appointing her. Except for France's Minister for Oversea Territories, I dont think there has ever been a black Minister in all of Europe.