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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Abtigiis, I was in Hargeysa myself a couple weeks ago and indeed the perception towards Somalia has changed from a couple years ago. But you forget to mention that this changing attitude is a direct related to the change taking in Somalia itself. Cause and effect. Action/Reaction. This correlation is nothing new and was for also the case when Abdiqasim Salaad was elected(Wax Somaliland la dhaho ma jirto) or when Abdullahi Yusuf AUN TFG vieuwpoint was (Nimanka Hargeysa xaran ku heysta wan usoo soconaa). Only back then it was a negative corelation and vicious circle down, while now there is a positive corelation and I hope this vicious circle up continue. Umada Somaliyeed wee isxu xirantahay. Ama gunta hoose aanu is la tagno, ama sara aanu isku dalacno.
  2. Indeed Xaaji, waa baby steps. But I was hoping for real 'adult' like steps. Till that happens I will continue to critize! P.S. I have met the new Presidents years ago, he is a decent, friendly, educated and good guy. My critism isnt about him.
  3. I knew Hiilqaran would never had a chance in a 4.5 appointed clan Parliament. The objective of Hiilqaran was to get in to Parliament and become a political force for change in Parliament, and they achieved that. My dissapointment has to do with the precedent of clan based institutionalisation that is being created. What will the people of Somalia think and belief now, that every institutions 'belongs' to certain clans. If this would create solutions, it would have done for the Hargeysa or Berbera Water Companies that have been 'owned' and dominated by specific sub clans. Clan and governance don't go hand in hand. P.S. Oba, you know I love shirib and 'unuka' folks. Laakinse cid uun wa ina tooshka lagu beega. Now its your turn.
  4. Culusoow is right to critize this clan based hybrid decentralized building block model. It won't work. Just have a look at Puntland, where Faroole's actual authorithy doesnt go beyond Garowe.
  5. war I call this governance system based on clan, xaar laga dhigiyo xalwo. those who eat it will be so dissapointed.
  6. JB, apparently you had some high expectations of the fellow Somalilanders.
  7. xiinfaniin;868494 wrote: Somalia’s New President: A Victory for Islamic Groups By Hassan M. Abukar Sept. 11, 2012 Muhubo?
  8. The Presidency is dominated by Unuka. The Parliament by Digir iyo Muufo. The Police is owned by the from Hobyo. The Army by the jaalle's from Janaale. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs by What I see the same clan based institutions that have been created in Puntland, where The Presidency is from The PIS is owned by The Marines owned by . etc Institutions should not be clased based. This aint governance.
  9. Mario B;868316 wrote: Lol, The tolka are poisoning Caarafat, soon he will be saying, to qoute Ngonge's infamous words " Clan is everything " . I wouldn't careless which "monkey" is running Mogadishu, so long as there is justice and and peace. That can only come from building instituitions that will serve the interest of all Somalis. So the task of the President is building a proffessional police force, Army, judicial system, tax collecting authority and a robust National Audit office to track down every penny that comes to the government coffers. Any national building has to be bottom up, with the government responding first, to the most neediest Somalis i.e. The hungry, the internally displaced, the homeless and the sick from the many women, children and eldery of beloved nation. How ignorent of you to expect justice. We just had an clan based "election", the choice was between two cousins.How will you build institutions when everything is based on clan?
  10. The Presidents is determined to continue the talks with Somaliland and remove any obstacle that stands in the way of these talks. That is the right direction. He has my blessings.
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;868052 wrote: Burah leave our friend Duke Alone he is still not over the loss of Cabdi Weli so one needs to let his frustrations out on Somaliland. waad la heshay.
  12. Faroole's term is ending on the 8th of January 2013. He has 3 months left.
  13. Abgitiis, how about the Somali leaders of the Kilinka. Man like Ileey, Daud Mohamed, Abdulahi Hassan, etc?
  14. Ever since Faroole came to power 4 years ago, the authority of Puntland has declined. The State is a crumbling stage. First you had the Galgala debacle, which is controlled by Atam militias who couldnt be defeated by Puntland forces that withdrew eventually. Atam took back control of Galgala. Then the Bosasso security got out of control. And promonent Sheicks, tribal leaders, politicians assasinated. Then there was the whole Ras Caseyr State which was established in Eastern Bari. Last year Buhoodle, Taleex and Boocame came under the control of Khatumo.Then you have the whole Galkacyo debacle of clan miliatia's attacking a neighbourhood. And golgodob folks establishing their own state in Mudug. Faroole never visited these regions, ever since he was elected he hasnt even visited Galkacyo, the most populated city in the reigon. Recently Faroole divided the Puntland Isims and elders during the Somali Constitutional Conference, when some elders were withdrawn and flew back to Garowe ordered by Faroole. Islaan Bashiir intervened and came to Muqdisho to unite the divided Puntland elders. Faroole is disaster for the region and for Somalia, he needs to go. His time is up in a couple of months on January 2013.
  15. Abtigiis has point. Faroole is holding the community at gunpoint. The man cant even visit Galkacyo. Puntland deserves better.
  16. The question is what do we mean with patriotism? What makes one more patriot then the other? Is it the number of songs(saado cali) or the number of wars against other Somalis(O folks), the number Of Presidents(puntland), number of singers(duriyada)?
  17. Faroole's days are numbered. Anyone willing to remove him will for sure get funding and the resources to do so from Muqdisho.
  18. Daqane;866682 wrote: Was this before or after your three week relationship with alicia keys poster......
  19. Carafaat;866666 wrote: The Parliament just voted on something. it gets a bit chaotic and hectic. Some parlementarians start yelling like hooligans. After 15min the order restored . DEG DEG: Xildhibaan C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil oo Laga Saaray Shirkii Baarlamaanka Muqdisho (RBC) Xildhibaan C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil oo horey u ahaa wasiirka dastuurka ee dawlada Soomaaliya ayaa goordhow laga saaray shirka baarlamaanka kadib markii buuq iyo gacantaag uu ka dhashay baarlamaanka dhexdiisa. Buuqa ayaa waxaa uu ka dambeeyay kadib markii cod loo qaaday in baarlamaanka lagu soo daro 20 xildhibaan oo ka mid ahaa xubnihii baarlamaanka horey loogu diiday inay ka mid noqdaan arintaasoo xildhibaan Xoosh iyo koox kale ay diideen. Cod ayaa loo qaaday in 20 xildhibaan oo saaka soo galay shirka iyadoo gudoomiyuhu baarlamaanka uu ku dhawaaqay in natiijada ay noqotay;- - 98 Haa ayey ku codeeyeen - 85 Maya ayey ku codeeyeen - 9 Way ka aamuseen - Waxaan codeynin 50 xildhibaan oo joogay baarlamaanka Waxaa arinta ka dhashay buuq iyadoo la diiday natiijada hase yeeshee gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka ayaa amray in dibadda loo saaro cid kasta oo buuq keenta waxaana la saaray xildhibaan C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil. Xildhibaanada la fasaxay waxaa ka mid ah Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo hadda kadib ah xildhibaan So, it was former Minister Xoosh who acted like a hooligan in Parliament. Screeming and yelling. He didnt want the 20 Parlementarians added to the Parliament. Bad looser, iga dheh.
  20. Waryaa, Beer-Gaal, I just apologized to Abdi Waraabe. I do respect the old man, eventhough we have some political diffrences. Ilaahay cafimaad ha siiyo.
  21. The Parliament just voted on something. it gets a bit chaotic and hectic. Some parlementarians start yelling like hooligans. After 15min the order restored. a lady called Maryan who is member of the election committee is reading out the rules of the elections. 3 candidates just withdrew: Husseen Qalib Jamac, Bashir Nuur Bidaar, Abdirahman Abdishakuur. there are 22 candidates left.
  22. Adeer Abdi, I didnt mean it. get better soon. Waxan kugu so duceeninaa cafimaad iyo cimri dheer. amiin Xaaji Cabdi Waraabe oo Xaalad Caafimaad-daro Awgeed Maanta Jabuuti loo Qaadi Doono Written by Qaran news Sep 09, 2012 at 08:08 AM Hargeysa(Qaran news)-Xaaji Cabdikariin Xuseen (Cabdi-Waraabe) oo ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Golaha Guurtidda Somaliland kuna suntan Odayaasha Ruug cadaaga ah ee Dhismaha Dawladnimada Somaliland saamynta ku leh, ayaa la filayaa Berri in loo qaado Dalka Jabuuti, kadib markii ay lasoo deristay xaalad Caafimaad daro si loogu soo daweeyo. Wasiir-ku-xigeenka Warfaafinta Md. Cabdulaahi Maxamed Daahir Cukuse, ayaa Saxaafada Xalay u xaqiijiyay in Xaajiga loo qaadi doono Cisbitaal dibadeed, waxaanu sheegay in ay Xukuumaddu iska xil saartay sidii Dhakhtar loogu diri lahaa. “..Haa, waa la qaadayaa Xaajiga waad la socoteen in maalmahanba xaaladiisa Caafimaad ay wax iska bedeleen, markaa Xukuumadda Somaliland waxay u soo kiraysay Diyaarad Charter ah aroortaana la qaadayaa oo Jabuuti oo la geynayaa Dhakhtar..”. Auu yidhi X Cabdi Xuseen waa Oday ku suntan Nabada, waxaanu hal hays u leeyahay markasta in uu ka istaago Nolosha dhinaca Nabadaynta, isagoo ka soo qayb qaatay kulamo badan oo lagu heshiisiinayo, iyadoo Xirfada Caaqilnimada kaga soo shaqeeyay arrintaasi, ilaa uu Heer Guurtinimo ku gaadhay. X Cabdi Waraabe waxa lagu tiriyaa Da’ ahaan inuu yahay Ninka ugu weyn Somaliland, balse marka loo eego Caafimaad ahaan ilaahay u dhaafay wax badan oo ay aynigiisu ka gaabiyeen.
  23. Mooge, Mahiga sokii Abdiwali taageriyay. maxaa is bedelay.