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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Faroole together with his former neighbour Caalin was the sole supporter of the federal clan system under the banner of "Federalism". Caalin is gone and Faroole has 3 month left till his mandate finally ends. Over the past years the people of Khatumo, Makhir, Ras Caseyr and Golgodob have opposed his rule and vision of the State and practicly left Puntland. Lately the people from Bosasso, Qardho and Galkacyo are standing up against Faroole's rule and his clannist federal kingdom. The people of Galkacyo opposed Faroole from the beginning, reason why he never dared to visit Puntland largest city since his election 4 years ago. Now the 5 sub-clans living in Bari have called for elections to be held before coming January 2013. Since yesterday, the people of Qardho went to the streets to raise their voice against this dictatorial federal sub clan regime of Faroole. This is a clear momentum for all Somalis to support the people of Bari, Nugaal and Mudug to liberate themselves from Faroole's rule, end his regime and bury this federal clan system once and for all. Clearly the federal clan system failed, it failed to deliver democracy,it failed to deliver justice and it failed to deliver equality. The new goverment of Somalia should give a voice to the people of Bari, Nugaal and Mudug and support them to create their own seperate democratic Provincial goverments directly working with the Goverment of Somalia. And end clan federalism in Somalia once and for all Somali youth demonstrating against Faroole's failed experiment with Clan State Federlism
  2. Asha Gheelle has done well for the women of Puntland.
  3. xiinfaniin;872674 wrote: ^^Garowe will never secede. Never. For if it does it will be the end of Somalia as we know it. Somalinimaddu waa arrin muqaddas u ah dadka iqliimkaa deggan... What Garoowe will do however is to never allow a convenience political alliance to form and emerge on the expense of Somali unity, or, even worse, on the expense of justice and political equity. Read article 3 of the Puntland constitution.
  4. Abtigiis;872301 wrote: The so-called Somaliland-Somalia talks serve no purpose other than fortify the hard-core secessionist clique in Hargeisa while at the same time confusing the moderates in SNM and most of the distinctly unionist communities in the north. This is the verdict of Abtigiis and many faithful unionists who are aware of the fragility of the secession agenda. In the village, they say gossiping about the troubles of your neighbours does not gurantee a happy family life in your own home nor does it preclude the eruption of discord in own house. With the South showing signs of recovery, and Awdal, Khaatumo and Makhiir stealthily winking at Somalia to stimulate its national virility, Somaliland is not in a strong negotiating position. This is a fact . Which is why evertime the issue of Somaliland-Somalia talks are invoked, it is the Somaliland media who are feasting on it, fully aware that right now what is fatal for Somaliland is a conscious inattention by the south more than anything else. The talks are detrimental to the union cause and while the intentions behind these talks might be good they are unlikely to lead to any positive outcome. The right policy for the south would have been to ignore Somaliland right now and focus on getting the south right. If they succeed to pacify the South and work and business opportunities bloom as expected, Somaliland will implode from within politically and the hardliners will be isolated and gradually defeated. Saxiib, if you state that Somaliland is in a weak negoitiaten position then why state that talks derail the Union? you are contradicting yourself. You should make up your mind.
  5. Taleexi;872627 wrote: Boqoraddii waa xanaaqsan yihiin like LA folks. Arrintan Iimaanku wuxuu ka yidhi, muddaharaadkani waa sharci darro maxaa yeelay laylama soo socodsiin. Indeed Qardho is furious. If Faroole doesnt leave, Bari will go its own way as a Provincial region of Somalia, rather then being ruled by dictator Faroole in Garowe.
  6. Jb, L boogy yuu yahay? I hope he is not from our habro.
  7. Somalia, Faroole doesn't have any support in Mudug and he can't even visit the region. He has lost the support of the 5 sub clans in Bari. What makes you think they will take his orders after January?
  8. Faroole needs to go. If he stays after January 2013, Bari and Mudug will go their own seperate paths.
  9. Oba, Abdiwali was the PM of Somalia and he had support from all Somalis including those From Gedo. There is no signle reason why the next PM couldn't come from Gedo, Golgodob or Garowe. Ileyn Bootada Faroole ayaa rumeysata. Miskiin.
  10. Xaaji, do you support the independence of South Yemen?
  11. I think people are fed up with the federal form of politics in Somalia rather then specific clans. Politicians from Puntland symbolised this federalism because they championed for the federalism cause. If the next PM, from whatever regions he comes from, continues this path of clan "federalism" for sure he will loose the support.
  12. Lowering expectations, he. Same as Mahamed Hashi has done back in 2010.
  13. This is Al Shabaab tactics. divide and conquer.
  14. Macallinka;871650 wrote: ^ They won't let me out, (I'm locked up) They won't let me out, (I'm locked up) Cidlaa idishee, Ceelaan ku dhacee Ciidaan afka lagalee Caadiloow adaa awood lahee Meeshaan iga badaadi They won't let me out no, they won't let me out (I'm locked up) They won't let me out, they won't let me out (I'm locked up) oba hiloowlow;871656 wrote: Cunto waa cuni waaye Cawadii hurdi waaye Jeelaan ku dhacee ku cariirsamayee Seen ku ceymaan karaaaye Caziisweynoow iga caawi Xoriyadeyda aan helee :D They won't let me out, they won't let me out (I'm locked up) Cabitaan aa u oomay ceesh aa ka soomay cambaro iga gadhsiiya cashaqeedi tii ku dhacday sagoo calankii sida tii heshay Cusmaan ayaa cidla iga helay Cabitaan aa u oomay ceesh aa ka soomay ciise curudkiii igu riday calafkii sidan u noqday caqliga meeshan ikeenay cashaaqii meeshan ku aasay Cabitaan aa u oomay ceesh aa ka soomay
  15. NGONGE;871624 wrote: ^^ Xirsi can WRITE? Apparently he does. It was a short decree, it stated Suuqu wa xor.
  16. NGONGE;871622 wrote: ^^ The big fuss is always made about the visible kurasi not the background ones. All the stuff you're talking about are usually done by the mandarins. Sxb, All kursi's are filled with inadeero's. How else would Qat merchants become Director Generals of Ministries. Talking about Economic Policies, have you read Xirsi's latest decree on Free Trade. I wonder which 'manderin' wrote it.
  17. STOIC;871619 wrote: Ngonge, Since the election of make-believe parliament in Somalia Carafat has changed his tune of being for Somaliweyn..Just look all his recent posts and you will see some sense of defeat as his Hiilqaraan friend put it in a new article in Aljazeera the very corrupt nature of leading up to the election of the new president. STOIC, I am not that naive believing a non-clan based party would actually get elected in a clan based system.
  18. NGONGE;871615 wrote: ^^ Which kursi is that? Any kursi inadeero la keeno.
  19. Globecomm will provide the infrastructure that will allow Somcable to deliver voice, Internet, TV and video communication services to SCL subscribers with the goal of developing a framework of a carrier class communications service provider. I thought Somcable was the telecom infrastructure company? Not the actual telecom, internet and TV service provider. Another monopoly in the making?
  20. NGONGE;871607 wrote: ^^ What has the "inadeerkay kursi ha la siiyo" custom to do with having a functioning central bank or fiscal policies? Inadeerkay ku fadhiya kursiga ma fahansana wax la dhaho fiscal policy, montary policy ama currency boards.
  21. Gabbal;871529 wrote: Che- As cliche as it sounds (considering how used it is in this forum) but my source really is direct from the new President's innermost circle. The president from the beginning settled on the Gedo/Galgaduud/Jubba community and was vetting candidates. He has narrowed down to three and from what I hear has already chosen among them.. It makes sense. One needs to clean out ASWJ, Al Shabaab and Ethiopia and Kenya funded militia's from those areas.
  22. Jaamac1975;871548 wrote: The bigest investors in somaliland are the diaspora Somalilanders, it estimated by the last goverment of Riyaale that monthly the people from oustide of somaliland send 40 million back home. In economic terms that a 40 million dollars of trade imbalance regardless if somaliland produceses anything , in another word somaliland could invest 40 millions monthly in its own country.How? 1- The goverment should ban all private currency exchange and order all Xawalas to pay their customers in $$ as its sent from the outside. 2- Let the somaliland central bank do all exchanges of hard currencies, meaning the old grandmother will take her British p or $ and despoit in somaliland central bank and get her somaliland shillings. 3- monthly somaliland central bank would have at least 40 million in hard currency, 4- They could lend that out or they could purchase all the things they need to build the nation and creat jobs. 5- Somaliland should order all merchants to at least to deposit at least 20% of their profits with in somaliland banks. simple as that, never mind 17 million by Coca-Cola , we send 40 million every month to somaliland and the local merchant who manupilate the exchange rate do the exchang and then depsot all that money outside the country and the rest they purchasse new products from the outside to sell . Its a vendor economy, dollars goes in and with in a month goes out with no benefit to the people put price infaltion., To establish a so called Currency Board you will need a functioning central bank and a goverment that has a Economic, Fiscal and Monetary Policy. And this wont happen, as long as there is this mentality of 'inadeerkay' kursi ha la siiyo.
  23. All of this because of the PM Chair. Kursi jaceyl dhibteed ayee leedahay.