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Everything posted by Carafaat

  1. Another great dance song from Farax Murtiinle." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  2. Somalia;973179 wrote: I think this article is very flawed, too many qabiils are mentioned, I am just astonished and surprised at this kind of scholarly work, I have report it to the moderators, I see clan names here! Somalia, ma waxa diidan tahay xiriirkan Mafiyada Talyaaniya iyo Puntland ina la tilmaamo? Puntland has now successfully enmeshed the Italians in Somali clanism. Not only has Italy offered considerable aid, including a powerful radio transmitter, a local TV station and a number of infrastructure projects, but Italy has become a virtual ally of Puntland. For example, at a recent G-8 summit (June 17-18, 2013) in Northern Ireland, the Italians are alleged to have acted as spokesmen for Puntland. When some in the meeting referred to Hassan Sheikh Mahammed Culusow (the overweight) as president of Somalia, the Italian delegates jumped to their feet to express their doubt about Hassan’s claim. Having bought Faroole’s line that Turkey equals Iririism, the Italians allegedly lectured the conference that Hassan represented only a clan region, and went on to pontificate on their superior historical knowledge of the region as the former colonial owner of Somalia, in contrast to the patent regional ignorance of other attendees. (Or could the Italians be pampering Puntland with economic and political largesse because they are keen on getting a piece of the action in the current scramble for oil exploration in Somalia?).
  3. Ciyaalke reer Puntland waxaan leeyahay, iska dhaafa sheekadan yaree adeero Faroole attentionka iskaga duwiyo. Try to be more on the content. What is it that you exactly want? Try to formulate your exact expectations, so we can have a proper discussion on the content.
  4. Gar_marqaate, During the Borama Conference of 1993 the Somaliland Charter was adopted. You can find the document in the link below. The document was signed by the Presidium(see their names in the document) of the Conference which consisted of members who were elected by the 150 delegates to Chair the meeting and sign it on their behalf. Among the 150 delegates were for example Ali Khaliif Galeyr and Garaad Abdiqani(AUN).
  5. There are hardly any educated and experiwnced lawyers within Somalia. But we do have a significant number of islamic law experts and islamic scholars. It doesnt make sense to copy paste a western legal system that has never worked in Somalia and that Somalis hardly trust.
  6. As one can read most of these changes are minor textual, semantics and clarifications of interpretations. In order to make the document more coherent, this was implemented by a committe which was agreed upon by the stakeholders. Faroole was part of the stakeholders but is trying to ceate distraction from own opposition.
  7. Locals want security, governance and sercive delivery. Something which is impossible with a signle region Controlled by 3 diffrent factions with 3 diffrent armed militias. These have to be integrated in order to bring back Governance in Somalia.
  8. Galgaduud is now administered by ASWJ, Ximand and Xeeb and Al Shabaab. So far the goverment appointed the Governors for Gedo, Bay, Bakool, Middle and Lower Shabbele, Hiiraan, Banadir and Galgaduud.
  9. Axad, August 11, 2013 (HOL) — Wareegto kasoo baxday xafiiska madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa loogu magacaabay guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Galguduud, Xuseen Cali Wehliye (Cirfo) iyadoo la sheegay in lagu magacaabay soo jeedinta wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Soomaaliya. Guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Galguduud ayaa la sheegay in wixii maanta ka dambeeya uu la wareegayo xilka guddoomiyenimo ee gobolkaas oo ay ka kala taliyaan maamulllo dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Ahlusunna, Ximan iyo Xeeb iyo Al-shabaab. Magacaabiddan ayaa dhacday 27-kii bishii July ee lasoo dhaafay; laakiin uu maanta saxiixay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud isla maantana lana faafiyay. “Tallaabadan waa mid qayb ka ah horumarinta maamullada gobollada dalka, maadaama uu waqtigiisii dhammaaday maamulkii hore ee gobolkaa ay u magacowday dowladda Soomaaliya, waxaana magacaabiddan loo cuskaday qodobbada, 18-aad, 90-aad iyo 99-aad ee dastuurka dalka,” ayaa lagu yiri wareegtada. Dowladdii KMG ahayd ee Soomaaliya ayaa bishii July ee sannadkii hore u magacowday maamul KMG ah gobolka Galguduud, kaasoo uu madax looga dhigay, Axmed Yuusuf Xasan Ciyoow, kaasoo la sheegay inuu xilkiisii KMG ahaa uu dhammaaday. Maamulka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca iyo maamullada kale ee gobolkaas ka jira ayaan weli ka hadlin magacaabidda ay dowladdu u magacowday mas’uulka cusub maamulka gobolka Galguduud ee bartamaha Soomaaliya. Iyadoo wareegtada aan lagu sheegay mas'uuliyiinta kale ee maamulka gobolka Galguduud. Dhawaan ayay ahayd markii baarlamaanka Soomaaliya uu meel-mariyay sharciga sameynta maamullada gobollada dalka, inkastoo qodobbo ka tirsan uu diiday madaxweynaha, lagana sugayo baarlamaanku uu wax ka bedel ku sameeyo. Guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Galguduud, Xuseen Cali Weheliye (Cirfo) ayaa ahaa guddoomiyihii degmada Afgooye intii uu Koonfurta Soomaaliya ka talin jiray Jen. Maxamed Faarax Caydiid, waxaana xilkaas kala wareegay maamulkii Maxkamadaha Islaamka ee dalka ka curtay sannadkii 2006. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  10. Naxar, Good point. According to Xoosh, Faroole knew about these changed but is trying to use is as leverage and distraction from own opposition at home.
  11. Alpha, this is a wonderful article written by Prof Said SH Samater, Professor at Rutgers-Newark University not to be confused with the other Samater brothers.I suggest you take a minute to actually read and let us know what you think of it.
  12. Prof Said Sh. Samatar SOMALI CLANISM is a force in the land to be reckoned with. Don’t snicker! By the end of this animated screed, you will be thoroughly persuaded. Somali clanism is at once earth-shattering and globe-trotting, coming along as a happy camper wherever Somalis set foot, from Siberia to Senegal and from the North to the South Pole. It traverses all three tropics—Cancer, Equator and Capricorn, spewing out its lethal cocktail of clannish feud and vendetta. It arouses in the average Somali a primal, obsessive, compulsive onrush of ugly, blind, unthinking primordial urgings. Moreover, it contains within it a deadly load of enslaving properties, having captured the mind of some fifteen million Somalis who cringe and cower before its paralyzing transfixing embrace. A Somali intellectual once said to the author: “You know, I was born into this clan thing and I can’t extricate myself from its existential clutch, try hard as I may. Indeed I am loath to disengage from its soothing, seductive grip.” Hearing this confession, a minor chill went through me. If a learned man, no less a university professor, confesses to this thorough-going helplessness in the face of this potent force, what about the average Somali, doomed as he is to be devoured by the toxic fumes of this dangerous narcotic. Wittingly or unwittingly, this sense of utter helplessness envelops all Somalis, putting them in bondage to the unbreakable grip of clannish fixations, propelling them to turn into a nation of victims and criminals. Nowadays, the virus of Somali clanism threatens to penetrate the international community. Having conquered and colonized Somalis, clanism is on the march to score a number of conquests on the global community. For twenty and plus years, in the face of internecine clan killing and chaos, the world has striven mightily to “nationize” us (a neologism for “making us a nation”), funding and financing no fewer than twenty reconciliation conferences to restore the Somali Cassandra of Africa to nationhood. All to no avail. Instead, we have triumphantly succeeded in tribalizing the world. Employing the needle of your compass to draw an arc over the Somali peninsula, start with Puntland where Abdirahman Faroole, or Missing Fingers, has successfully outmaneuvered all opposition by successively co-opting the leading sub-clans of every major clan family. For example, in the upper Puntland region of Mudugh, he has neutralized the Reer Mahad by slicing off to his side the Warsame and Abdi Aadan sub-clans who really are the only ones that count, in terms, that is, of numerical strength. Similarly with the ********, he culled out the Reer Haaji, leaving the rest to their clan catcalls! A small Somali Machiavellian Faroole is. (Parenthetically, I praise him here in order to atone for my past savage criticism of him). The story of Somali clanism overwhelming a foreign interloper has a long precedent. For example, the punch line of Sayyid Mahammad’s poem (“Awal Maanso Waa Taan Balfoo, Buriyey Waayaha e”) (“Long Have I Abandoned the Art of Poetic Composition”) reads: Engriisku waa baaha qaad, baada no wada e, Talyaana soo baxyoo haatan waa baha Daraawiishe: The starving English have now brought us tribute of protection As for the Italians, they’ve now become a bonafide member of the Dervish clan Confederacy. Thus does the Sayyid brag of having clanized two major European powers! Puntland has now successfully enmeshed the Italians in Somali clanism. Not only has Italy offered considerable aid, including a powerful radio transmitter, a local TV station and a number of infrastructure projects, but Italy has become a virtual ally of Puntland. For example, at a recent G-8 summit (June 17-18, 2013) in Northern Ireland, the Italians are alleged to have acted as spokesmen for Puntland. When some in the meeting referred to Hassan Sheikh Mahammed Culusow (the overweight) as president of Somalia, the Italian delegates jumped to their feet to express their doubt about Hassan’s claim. Having bought Faroole’s line that Turkey equals Iririism, the Italians allegedly lectured the conference that Hassan represented only a clan region, and went on to pontificate on their superior historical knowledge of the region as the former colonial owner of Somalia, in contrast to the patent regional ignorance of other attendees. (Or could the Italians be pampering Puntland with economic and political largesse because they are keen on getting a piece of the action in the current scramble for oil exploration in Somalia?). Move on to Somaliland. In the old days of the British Raj in the Somaliland Protectorate, the English were universally acknowledged to have joined in alliance with the Muusa ‘Arre sub-clan of the Habar Yoonis clan-family, a relationship that was cemented by Resaldar Major Haaji Muusa Faarah (better known by the unflattering nickname of “Muuse Egarre”), the highest ranking officer in the Protectorate’s native administration. Mr. Faarah hailed from the Muusa ‘Arre sub-clan of the Habar Yoonis. Hence his success in grafting the English onto the Muusa ‘Arre sub-clan. As a result, the humor-gifted Somalilanders coined the fresh aphorism: “Muusa ‘Arre iyo Engriis ‘Arre,” or the (“New Muusa ‘Arre and English ‘Arre confederacy of clans!) Taking advantage of Somaliland’s historic relationship with Britain, British oil companies have now descended on Somaliland, mapping the entire territory into oil-exploration zones. Move on to the ******** region, comprising Ethiopia’s 5th Kilil (Somali State) where the Ethiopian overlords have become virtual ********is , chewing Chaat and drinking camel milk. When I was in Addis Ababa (2009), I was told by a reliable source that the late Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, had been the biggest chaat-chewer in town! Move on to Jubaland. Here the Jubalanders have co-opted both Ethiopia and Kenya as their new clan allies. Kenya, especially, has morphed into a ******* love fest. Uhuru Kenyatta, the new Kenya president has not only given the ******* top posts in his cabinet (including the crowning of a ******* female as Kenya’s Foreign Minister) but has so embraced the Jubaland Daaroods that he could intone with Elizabeth Barrett Browning, “How do I love thee? / Let me count the ways!” He has allegedly masterminded Jubaland’s recent smashing victory over a Mareehaan/****** clan alliance on the outskirts of the port city of Kisimayu. His commitment to the ******* Jubaland is immortalized in the coinage of a new word: “the new ******* Ismaa’iil and Uhuru Ismaa’iil clan!” Move on to central Somalia, principally Mogadishu and adjacent regions where a confederacy of ****** clans hold sway. The ****** went one better than either the ******* or the *****, having garnered the support of four foreign alliances, principally Turkey, Egypt, Djibouti and Uganda. Quite a remarkable achievement, though the fact that both Turkey and Egypt –the two that really count—are embroiled in their own social cataclysms that threaten their very existence does not bode well for the cause of Mogadishu. And, while you are at it, don’t forget ********* land, where the Rahanweynis have been triumphantly Rahanwenizing the Abyssinians for two decades—and counting. The genius of Somali clanism is so mighty and mysterious that it even, on occasion, exercises seasoned scholars. At the African Studies Association’s annual convention, held in Philadelphia (end of Nov. 2012), at a panel on Somalia chaired by Fowsia Abdulkadir, where Faisal Roble presented an excellent piece on the death of Maandeeq, Prof. Lidwien Kapteigns’ new book, Clan Cleansing in Somalia: the Ruinous Legacy of 1991, was featured and drew praise from Professor Lee Cassanelli as a top-quality work. As well, Cassanelli has penned a brief warm endorsement of the book in the dust jacket. Still, at the meeting, the normally mild-mannered Cassanelli thundered forth his strong disagreement with some claims in the book. I have yet to read the book in its entirety, but from what I’ve been able to skim through here and there, it advances the argument, expressed in the title, and backed by a formidable array of evidence, that a horrible “clan cleansing,” unparalleled in Somali history, had taken place in the months following the fall of Siyaad Barre’s regime early in January, 1991, and that victims of this barbaric massacre were largely members of the ******* ethnicity. The point of Dr. Cassanelli’s declamation was uncertain but the perception it left was unmistakable. He was perceived to be rooting for the ****** clan-family while Professor Kapteijns was seen to have drawn a pro-******* agenda! Thus does Somali clanism work up the allegiance and imagination of tried and tested professors? Still, it’d be a pity if Kapteijn’s well researched expose of massive clan killings and assorted crimes were crowded out by the obfuscating fog of clannish sentiments.
  13. Juxa;972613 wrote: Carafaat last time Islamic law was applied it was used to cut the limps of the poor and those who cannot afford justice. Sxb let's get the basics right. You need proper system in place. Good lawyers, well established prosecution service and judiciary that is above qabyaalad. Tallaabo waa runtaa Juxa, the last time Islamic Law was applied the rule and law returned to Mogadishu and people received back their properties, security returned and thieves were arrested. That was back in 2006. Now tell me when was the last time other laws were effectively applied in Somalia? I agreed that we could implement full Islamic Law in a later stage. But to introduce it now in phases and atleast appoint Islamic scholars as judges.
  14. Cabdiraxmaan Xoosh Jibriil oo ahaa Wasiirkii Dastuurka ee Federaalka Kumeelgaarka ah ee qaabilsanaa arrimaha Dastuurka ee dowladii hore ee soo diyaarisay dastuurka Federaalka ayaa ka hadlay eedaynta Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ku eedeeyey in la bedalay 24 qodob oo kamid ah Dastuurka. Qodobada uu Baarlamaankii hore ee Kumeelgaarka wax ka bedalay ayaa la sheegaa inay ku jiraa qodobada: 1-Dhismaha Aqalka Sare ee Baarlamaanka 2- Mudada Xilka Madaxweynaha 3- in dib loo eego Caasimada Soomaaliya Wasiirkii hore ee Dastuurka ayaa sheegay in wax laga bedalay sadex qodob oo la xariira Dastuurka midka ugu muhiimsan uu yahay qodobka Baarlamaanka golayaashiisa, oo ah Aqalka sare iyo Aqalka Hoose. Aqalka Sare (Senatorada) waxaa soo dooranaya Maamul gobaleedyada ee Federaalka, waxaana dastuurka ku qornaa in Madaxweynaha ay dooranayaan labada Aqal ee Baarlamaanka ee kan sare iyo kan Hoose. Arrintaas buu yiri baa keentay in qodobkaas laga saaro maadaama hadii aan saas la yeelin aan la qaban karin doorashadii Madaxweynaha iyo waliba in Dowlada ay ka baxdo Kumeelgaar- nimada. Dhamaan qodobadan ayuu sheegay in la ogaa xiligii wax laga bedalay oo ay joogtay dowladii hore ee Shiikh Shariif Axmed iyo Prof.Cabdiweli Gaas, qodobadaasina dib loogu dhigay inta lasoo dhisayo Dowlad gobaleedyada maadaama ay dood ka imaan karto mustaqbalka. Wasiirkii hore ayaa meesha ka saaray in ay jiraan qodobo kale oo Dastuurka laga saaray wuxuuna xusay in Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole uu hada doodan keenay xili ay heystaan culeys siyaasadeed oo ka jira gudaha Puntland, isla markaana doonayo inuu arrintan u weeciyo dhinaca Federaalka. Dhageyso Wareysigii oo dhameystiran:
  15. Khatumo reaction to sending back the food aid intended for Taleex and 2 other places. Khatumo Oo ku Toosay Cadaawada Faroole Kadib, Markuu Celiyey Markab Aug 10, 2013 - 25 Jawaabood Hogaamiyaha Maamulka Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa maanta celiyey markabkii deeqda u sidey shacabka Maamulka Khaatumo State iyo Qayb kamida deeganada Puntland. Deeqda Ayaa labada maamul waxaa si isku mid ah ugu Deeqday Dawlada Turkey. Waxaana arintaas Siwayn Uga Cadhooday Faroole, Markabkan ayaa looo magacaabay sadex wasiir oo faroole la shaqeeya, kuwaasoo kala Wasiirka Maaliyada, kan dekedaha Siciid Maxamed Raagge iyo Ahmed Jaamac Ilkajiir oo arimaha gudaha ah. Waxayna wada xaajood 3 maalmood kala lahaayeen dawladda Turkey inay ku qanciyaan in deeqda ku socota Khaatumo State PL lagu wareejiyo si ay u gaadhsiiso waxii ay u qoondayso ama ugu yaraan boqolkiiba shan iyo labaatan la siiyo, taasoo dawladda Turkey ay ganafkua ku dhufatay una sheegtay inaysan Deeqdan ay madaxda iyo siyaasiyiinta reer Khaatumo u cayintay aysan ka laaban doonin. Faroole ayaa aad marba walba ka shaqeeya dibin daabyada iyo Lugooyada shacabka Reer Khaatumo, waxayna markale arintani ka makhraati kacaysaa heerka cadaawaded ee uu u qabo shacabka Khaatumo State, oo xataa dekkedaha uu ka celinayo deeqdaas maxaa loo siiyey ee Turkey ugu gartay. Waxaa Haatan Gabal Cidla Ugu Baryey Kooxaha Kasoo Jeeda Deeganada SSC amaa Khaautumo ee Moodayey In Faroole uu Dan Uwado. Faroole oo Markabkii Turkeyga u celiyey sidee buu deeq toos ah u siiyaa Khaatumo State . C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa maanta celiyey markabkii deeqda u sidey shacabka Khaatumo State iyo kan deeganada Puntland, sidii horey shabakada Horufadhi u baahisay markabkan ayaa deeq wada jir ah u sidey labada maamul, kaasoo dawladda Turkey si isku mid ah ugu qaybisay. Waxaana arintaas ka cadhooday faroole, Markabkan ayaa looo magacaabay sadex wasiir oo faroole la shaqeeya, kuwaasoo kala Wasiirka Maaliyada, kan dekedaha Siciid Maxamed Raagge iyo Ahmed Jaamac Ilkajiir oo arimaha gudaha ah. Waxayna wada xaajood 3 maalmood kala lahaayeen dawladda Turkey inay ku qanciyaan in deeqda ku socota Khaatumo State PL lagu wareejiyo si ay u gaadhsiiso waxii ay u qoondayso ama ugu yaraan boqolkiiba shan iyo labaatan la siiyo, taasoo dawladda Turkey ay ganafkua ku dhufatay una sheegtay inaysan Deeqdan ay madaxda iyo siyaasiyiinta reer Khaatumo u cayintay aysan ka laaban doonin. Deeqdan ayaa ahayd Bariis, Saliid, Bur , Dawooyin iyo alaabo kale oo muhiim u ah umada Soomaaliyeed ee labada maamul ee deriska ah , Faroole ayaa aad marba walba ka shaqeeya dibin daabyada iyo Lugooyada shacabka Reer Khaatumo, waxayna markale arintani ka makhraati kacaysaa heerka cadaawaded ee uu u qabo shacabka Khaatumo State, oo xataa dekkedaha uu ka celinayo deeqdaas maxaa loo siiyey ee Turkey ugu gartay. Faroole oo u Tafaxaytay inuu dhaco Deeq dawladda Turkey siisay Khaatumo State,{Xog}. Wararka shabakada caalamiga ah ee horufadhi ka helayso magaalada Boossaaso ayaa sheegaya in halkaas uu taagan yahay Markab deeq u siday maamulada Khaatumo State iyo Puntland State, kaasoo ay ugu deeqday dawladda Turkey, deeqdan oo ah Raashin noocyadiisa kala duduwan ayaa ahaa midka dawladda Turkey ay u qoondaysay inay siiso shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ay garab taagan yihiin. Hadaba deeqdan ayaa shan boqol oo Ton waxaa loogu talo galay in la siiyo Khaatumo State halka intaas in le’egna loo qoondeeyey deeganada Puntland, taasoo Faroole si weyn uga cadhooday, asagoo ku andacoonaya in aysan u qalmin reer Khaatumo in deeqdaas wallaha Turkey ku deeqaan ay gaadho deeganada Khaatumo State. Wuxuuna u magacaabay sidii arintaas ay uga hortegi lahaayeen sadex nin oo laba ********** yihiin iyo nin ********** ah kuwaasoo kala ah wasiirka Maaliyada ugu magacaaban faroole, kan dekedaha ugu magacaaban iyo Ilkajiir oo asaguna arimaha gudaha u masala Faroole. Waxaa la sheegay in Faroole uu kooxdan ku maray inay si deg deg ah deeqdan Garoow eu keenana isla markaana aan waxba la gaadhisiin taleex iyo Buuhoodle oo maamulka Khaatumo u qoondeeyeen inay deeqda ugu qaybshaan shacabka Khaatumo State. Deeqdan ayaa waxaa aad uga soo shaqeeyey Dr. Abdulkareem Hassan Jaamac oo ku qancxiyey dawladda Turkey in deeqda loogu talo galay deeganada Khaatumo ay noqoto mid toos u abaarta deeganada maamulku maamulo ee Taleex, Buuhoodle iyo kuwa kale si loogu qaybsho si xaq ah oo sinaan ah. Waxaana jirey ururo aan dawli ahayn oo arintan loo igmaday inay si hufan u maamulaan, kuwaasoo dawladda Turkey ka caawinayso gadiidkii ay ku gaadhsiin lahaayeen, balse waxaa caqabad noqotay in Faroole Isbaaro u dhigtay deeqdan dawladdaasi ku taageertay, asagoo horey u dhuran jirey waxii taageero ah dadka Khaatumo lahaayeen. Sanadkii hore ayey ahady markii deeq waxbarasho oo toos ah dawladda Turkey uu sidan uga soo dhameeyey Dr. Abdulkareem Hassan Jaamac , taasoo in ka badan 15 ardey ay haatan wax ka bartaan Jamaacadaha waa weyn ee dalkaas, ayadoo lagu xasuusto Dr. Jaamac waxqabadyo kala duduwan iyo dedaal socodsiinta maamulka Khaatumo ah oo uu si madax banaan isugu xilqaamay tan iyo sanadkii 2009kii markuu uu ka soo dhexmuuqday siyaasada dalka Soomaaliya.
  16. This comes from Garoweonline. Somalia: ‘Puntland will split into regions and districts’-Former Puntland President Adde Muse 4 Aug 4, 2013 - 1:51:00 PM BOSSASO, Somalia Aug. 3, 2013 (Garowe Online) –Former Puntland President Gen. Mohamud Muse Hersi (Adde Muse) has told that Puntland will split into regions and districts on Saturday, Garowe Online report. Speaking on a Puntland radio station, Adde Muse said I travelled from my Diaspora home in Canada to “work for peace” and “help my people”. On the contrary, Adde Musse fled to Ceel-Afweyn district of Somaliland where he formed an armed clan militia who took part Puntland’s first-ever deadly civil war in 2002 and later, without bringing to account for his action was elected as Puntland President in 2005 Continuing, He added that “Puntland will crumple region by region and district by district”. Speaking about his view towards that Puntland Government suspended cooperation with the Somali Federal Government in Mogadishu until the country’s genuine constitution is restored; Gen. Adde Muse called the public decision as “Private one” as thousands of students who successfully took their PNEB (Puntland National Examination Board) exams are unlikely to join universities after the Somali Federal Government mishandled their Sudanese scholarships. On May 29, two weeks before Puntland’s suspended democratic elections, Puntland Information Minister Mohamud Aideed Dirir, who has now become Puntland’s Planning and International Cooperation Minister, criticized the negative role Gen. Adde Muse was playing to sabotage the Local Council Elections in Qardo. GAROWE ONLINE
  17. Isnt Taleex part of Khatumo? What did the Khatumo leadership say about this issue?
  18. Waryaara ciyaalka, Taleexi faraha ka qaada. Taleexi walee wa nin geesiya. Taleexi stood by Puntland till the end, while the rest of region all joined Somaliland. And he is the last men standing. Even his uncles website, is writing Taleex will join Somaliland after Khatumo 3. And that Khatumo 3 has been set-up by tolka whoes regions are part of Somaliland to enforce it upon Taleexi. Taleexiyoow, abti nooloow oo waligaa bilaash ha isku dhiibin!
  19. Gar_maqaate;973059 wrote: Four pages of utter garbage. Lets seperate the truth from the rubbish with facts. Northen somalia consists of 19 districts. in 10 of those districts, the overwhelming majority of the population is non SNM tribes, two of the districts are shared and 7 are majority SNM. the share of the districts is as follows, KHAATUMO Laascaanood District Taleex District Xudun District Buuhoodle District AWDAL Baki District Borama District Lughaya District Saylac District MAKHIR Dhahar District Laasqoray District SHARED DISTRICTS Ceerigaabo District Gabiley District SOMALILAND Ceel-Afweyn District Caynaba District Burao District Oodwayne District Sheikh District Hargeisa District Berbera District So back to the topic of the thread. Which of these districts is controlled by Puntland administration?
  20. Haatu;972959 wrote: So what are the ranks? Same as the old Somali Republic ones? PS: Why was your Suldaan unhappy with this? I heard him briefly complain about this yesterday. Sultan Mahamed Sultan Cabdiqadir believes officers from particular clans have been disadvantaged in the process of ranking.
  21. Suldaanka;972875 wrote: I, for one, think that Somaliland is not yet ready for independence. Many people don't know it but the lack of recognition for Somaliland is a blessing in disguise. We need to first live and learn to not just survive but rather thrive with what we have right now. We should not think that being a member of the UN will open us the gates of paradise for us. There are a lot of countries that already are members of the UN and they are not in any shape or form any better than Somaliland. So because of that fact we need to focus our effort on self help and self development rather than thinking that foreigners will help us build our country. That will not happen. +1 Absolutely, with recongnition comes foreign influences and interference in domestic issues. few African countries are strong enough to resist the foreign cultural, economic and political influences. Its been a blessing for Somaliland to develop its own model and in its own pace.
  22. If you ask me, then Abdiwali Gaas would be the best candidate to lead Puntland. Because he has proved himself by leading the goverment when the constitution was finalized, transition was made to a permanent post-transitional goverment and stayed calm and steady while Al Shabaab was targetting him personally and even committed a suicide attack in front of him. Any other man would have panicked and laidlow for a while. But he did not and continued his work. After a new President and PM were elected, he continued his work in Parliament while most Somali politicians are known to 'retire' and 'rest' in foreign lands. Under his watch there were no major corruption cases, as far we know. Boowe, the man has been tested and every Puntlander should welcome and support such a man for the leadership.
  23. Odey;972733 wrote: Has anyone noticed it is only Somalilanders that cant stand Gas and support Faroole at the same time?. That says a lot and simply confirms why Puntland needs him! I read diffrent articles in Puntland media statingGaas is supported/funded by Mogadishu to destablize and bring Puntland back to the fold of Xamar.. Waxaasi wa iska stuff and nonsense. Most important is what are the challenges Puntland is facing(reform of state, constitution/state relations with Federal goverment, job creation, federalism takes off in Somalia, etc) and who is the most capable to guide Puntland throught those rough waters.
  24. xiinfaniin;823323 wrote: Saa waxaa yiri xiinfaniin oo ah mudane laga soo doorto degmadda Ceel-buur Seriously, what is it in this constitution that people are opposed to? From what I have seen this is very comprehensive and well written constitution. Even if it has a shortcomings , there will be a time (4 years from now) when most Somalis will have an opportunity to ratify it. In 1960, when Somalia was about to regain its independence a constitution that was written in similar fashion was adopted. In 1964, Somali people got the opportunity to ratify it and permanently adopt it. We can exactly follow the same process with respect to this constitution. All the keyboard waranle out there come out and challenge this constitution so we can see if the objections are based on substance or there are other motivations behind the loud opposition against constitution amplified by VOA and BBC . Xiinfaniin, Have you told Faroole that any shortcoming in the Constitution can be solved in four years time?
  25. xiinfaniin;972582 wrote: Ciid Mubaarak brothers & sisters, It appears our Mintid Farayar brother has misinformed SOL readership about the implication of communique . If anyone doubted the incompetence of President Hassan Sheekh's team , the Kambala communique should suffice to dispel such doubt. The Chief achievement of Kambala meeting was Hassan's endorsement of troop contributing countries opposition of UN take over of AMISOM. Although IC finances the AMISOM operation and still has a leverage in that sense , the overwhelming agreement between Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and more importantly Somalia to reject 'rehating' of AMISOM is significant. Kismayo issue as we said many times is a political mustang, it is a reality that cannot be wished away. Needless to say , fighting Jubbaland with communique issued in foreign capitals is poorest of methods ... Eid Mubareek Xiin. Welcome back, I thought I would never say this. But your presence has been greatly missed.