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Posts posted by Abdul

  1. nuune;830005 wrote:
    lol, aniga personally qof diyaarad lee iska saaran mar kasta madaxweyne iima ahan, Kuwait darraato, waxa ka horeeyey suudaan, shalay Uganda(5 times a month), isla shalay Kenya(4 times in a month), isla maanta mareekan, isla barri masar, xageen u soconaa,


    I know diyaaradaas in ay kiro tahey from a company at Wilson airport, they are really in profit, and doing well business wise, having charged Sharifka for each trip one way for $250,000 thousand dollars, back, similar amount, I am not exaggerating this, I know for a fact and know the rented plane well and the company who owns it.


    This is more than rent, it means the plane goes where ever he goes and cost is even more, so that figure I mentioned is based on a rented plane similar to that from the company who owns it.

    if this true,then Shariff must spending millons of dollars each month on travel alone.This is un-acceptable for a country where two year olds are going to bed hungry.