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Posts posted by Abdul

  1. suldaanka;879888 wrote:
    ^^reading the khaatumo-seeg media, i gather that most of them are not against xaglo getting a ministry as persay... Rather jagada ayaa la qawadsanayay. With a better position some of them will lean a little.


    Xaglo will claim up the ladder and get a better ministry if he proves his worth.


  2. oba hiloowlow;879658 wrote:
    Haa laakin its wrong dee ciyaal buu dagaal geliyay hadana switch sides buu sameeyay how do you think the parents of the young boys who died feel today? Somali leaders are axmaaq

    The boys are still in the frontlines and this guy switching sides will not change anything.

  3. General Duke;877576 wrote:
    The secessionists, expect utter failure, four years of inter regional discord, while having fruitful talks to get closer to that ever illusive recognition.


    Che, Maadey and defeated Al Shabaabites, expect rehabilitaion for uncles Fuad Shangoole & Xasan Dahir Aways.


    Khatumites, expect the new PM will liberate Laascanood for them.


    Puntlanders, expect Faroole to hold his ground and ignore the whole government.


    Abwan, expects Adow to run for office in 2016.


    Oba & Mogadishu is ours crew, expect Kismayu will be theirs two.


    We all expect something, let's see how it plays out.

    Sxb,expect the same defeat you have been dealt 4 years from now.

  4. peasant;855263 wrote:
    ^ Sharif will appreciate fresh pair of undies:D

    I hope you will have enough insults left after AAug 20 when your cousin Gas goes back to US to reclaim his old part time job and uncle faroole will keep himself busy looking for oil in a well full of water.

  5. LANDER;845727 wrote:
    Let it be known to the democratic and civilized societies of the world that we are a backward people stuck in the tribal mentalities of centuries past, we refuse to evolve or change our ways and come to grips with the only democratic and progressive state in the horn of Africa.


    Yours Truly,




    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@Only democratic and progressive state.If rejecting your one clan administration makes us backward people,so be it.