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Everything posted by sharma-arke451

  1. this ain't political section. It beats logic to see xaaji xunjuf arguing for the course of somaliweyn, or the unity of somalia for that matter, and yet sees somaliland as a state oo jaar la ah somaliya, contradiction in terms. P.s. what do we call the phenomena of having multiple opinions concerning a single, single event???
  2. Dear aaliyyah, wel come back. Thought inaad guur kahadleesid, lol @ayoub, no hard feelings inadeer, happy new year.
  3. AYOUB;888933 wrote: Shar'arke, did you say something? Digtoorkii wacnaayow Sawdigan cidlada degey!
  4. AYOUB;888923 wrote: It's that time again yaa Xaaji. Just a bit special trivia, since 1st Muxarram 1380 was the actual date SL took its independence from Britain, we need to come up with some xalaal commemoration of it. a sacrilege as usual. sanad wanaagsan allah hanooga dhigo(aduun iyo akhirabo),,,,,,amiin.
  5. Che -Guevara;888794 wrote: SHar'marke..What tribal motivation do I have? "why is it important for you? What is behind your inquisitive project?" Is this really serious question. Just consequential project for Somalia and you ask why is it important che, i asked you, what is your motive? it's you to tell me, not me. p.s. if xx is in a moral upright position to comment on the issues of jubaland, then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.(just nothing).
  6. @che, why is it important for you? What is behind your inquisitive project? I Personally believe, those supporting it and those against it, do so on pure tribal reasons, ee what do u think?
  7. ~~hadaad maqasho ''hebel waa macalin'' it literally means wa beenaale,, may be that holds true for the macalinka. i won't believe no somali again as not being a tribal. Yakheey we are ALL THE SUBSETS OF OUR QABIIL, AND THEIR MOUTH PIECE. Waxaa kaaga daran indha-cadeeska iyo dulmiga,,,,, allow sahal umuuraha
  8. oba,,,,,,,,,cadyahow kucunay ama kuciideeyay ayaa socoto,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  9. Muqdisho (RBC) Isqabqabsiga u dhaxeeya Xulufada Madaxweyne Xassan iyo madaxda ciidamada deegaanka ee Raaskaambooni ayaa maalinba maalinta ka danbeysa sii xoogeysanaya, iyada oo hada dad badan oo indheer garad ah ay ku micneeyeen in dowlada xassan ay ku fududaaneyso arimaha jubooyinka oo ay arinka u wajaheyso qaab qabyaaladeysan. Muranka u dhexeeye labada qeybood ayaa hada ku soo biiray Jawaari oo hada u muuqda mid aan ka dhexdhexaad aheyn kadib markii uu si hordhac ah baarlamaanka uga waramay kulanka berito la isu diyaarinayo ee lagu wado in xukuumadda cusub kalsoonida ku weydiisato baarlamaanka, ayaa sheegay in dawlada looga baahan yahay inay ilaaliso qaranimada wadanka. Prof Jawaari isaga oo si dadban u taageeraya xulufada Madaxweyne Xasan ayaa waxa uu yiri “Waa waajib in wixii dhaawacaya qaranimada iyo madax bannaanida laga hortago oo la difaaco qaranimada Soomaaliyeed…” Yaa dalka laga daafacayaa? Ereygaan ee u adeegsaday Afhayeenka baarlamaanka Fedraalka Soomaaliya Prof Jawaari ayaa ah mid aan loo baahneyn maadaama Raaskaambooni ay dadka deegaanka ay sameysteen oo sahlay in laga saaro Al Shabaab. Ciidamada Kenya ee ku sugan Jubooyinka ayaa waxa ay kamid yihiin Ciidamada AMISOM, sidoo kale Ciidamada dalalka Ugandha , Jabuuti, Itoobiya iyo kuwo oo kale oo badan baa ku sugan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. Dr Maxamed Gacmadheere oo ku sugan gudaha Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxa prof jawaari ku edeeyey mid uu dabka sii hurinayo waxaana laga filayey in uu ka fiirsado erayada uu isticmaalayo. “Qofka haduu masuuliyada Somaliyeed oo weyn qaaday sida tan Jawaari loo igmaday waa in uu shacabka isku mid ugu adeegaa oo uu isqabqabsi ku saleysan qabiil iyo qurun kale uusan dhex galin.” ayuu yir Dr Gacmadheere
  10. oba hiloowlow;887601 wrote: wallee dad waa shayaadiin walaahi i see carafaat and xaaji xunjuf everywhere chearing to see a H vs D war.. :confused:
  11. Abwaan;886830 wrote: I repeat "Dad waxaa u doqonsan ninkii wixii uu soo maray aan xasuusan" haye, u.s.c.-da camal miyaa??? Walee qofkaan abwaan wato, iyo dadnima la'aanta kadhax guxeeso, ayaa layaab mudan
  12. Xaaji Xunjuf;886771 wrote: The President should show his political muscle diplomatically and to a lesser extend militarily in order to have his influence all over central and southern Somalia.He should pass a law using the parliament of Somalia which will make tribal militias warlords outlaws in Somalia. The rule of law needs to return in Somalia and right now Somalia has a weak federal government with little power and its being discard by certain elements in Somalia. Who are against President hassan sheikhs form of nation building in the country. So he needs to step up his game and show what he is made of. Like silaanyo camal, sow ma ahan xaaji? HORTA AXMED MADOOBE MA MORYAANBAA??
  13. abwaan and president hassan, are concentratres of 21st century qabileestayaal (using tribe for evil gains). It is pure tribal variable that is in play, when kismayo is mentioned. digtorki wacnayoow, sow tanaad meel dhow so dhacday!!
  14. in the waiting lounge, though i ain't being served!!! boring camal
  15. after the wedding arrangements, inantu wa lasoo galbinayaa, and the real life begins. the life of living as a married couple comes along with lots of challenges and obstacles, but the comfort outweighs, always. The marital life is what people call mustaqbal. everyone plans for it, irrespective of the gender, race, religion,region, e.t.c. the challenges and the obstacle shall be highlighted insha allah.
  16. jimco wanaagsan ngonge, and the rest ,,,,,,,,,,
  17. if you are in nairobi mr, sol men ayaa joogo meesha ee halagu maqlo camal
  18. caku iyo abtigiis, xa dumarka dawa dhigay,
  19. raula;883413 wrote: warya Nin-walaan dish dee..would love to know who the lady is so that i can pass some cookies to. Speaking of Safari-the one w/the becoming more stern being in front of the camera nowdays-I have seen him in some other community videos. **At first, my heart started beating...I was like..GOSH is this like TMZ..did Nin-waalan find some old videos of you back in your hay days then when you said "HE"..i was like alxamdulilah. we iko kenya sow ma ahan? lol
  20. ~~and che and somali and the rest of sol family. Waxaan idin leeyahay ciid saciid
  21. is this a different jihad from the one shabab is engaged in? I wonder what makes a somali mujahid,