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Everything posted by sharma-arke451
@malika, raali waan kaa ahay. Thks the more ethics and morality we invest in our daughters, the more prosporous and shinning our future generation. The mother moulds the child, to who, he or she is. since the mother spends more time with the children than the father, the mother has more influence on the child. Dee waad aragteen, ilmaha yar, markii wax loo dhimo, wuxuu dhahaa '' hoyaan kuusheegi''' as if mom ey askari camal tahay, oo dadka utaliso, lol
Escalating divorce rates in our somali communities
sharma-arke451 replied to munirah's topic in General
munirah, the reason is failure to solve their differences out. unislamic start off. Be it the music, the dance, the video recording, the too high meher, and many more Boom boom, if you have nothing worth to say, better shut your **** -
Malika;744048 wrote: Sharmarke -If what you have so much contributed on this discussion is 'enlightement' , I would only say this much..enlightement xaal qaado. its not what i contributed that is enlighting, but rather the discussion. Adiga wax fahan noo malika, Maxa lakiin malika, its not the old you. What has changed?? Anyway, dhib malahan walalo,
Malika;743989 wrote: No wonder, non- Muslims have this assumption that we Muslim women are oppressed, unrespected and above all unvalued as human beings, ileen they read what our Muslim brothers say about us - How we are good for nothings except if we are serving them, how we dishonour them, if not with what is between our legs its..erm in this case by choosing to dress this or that way..ileen waxaan oo kale bee arkeen. As far as I know , a muslim woman is a human being whom has been given free will by her creator. She like the Muslim man choose how she lives her life, knowingly she will be questioned about it on the day of judgment. All this about how a Muslim woman should be or should not be is really an insult to the Muslim women's intelligence. Waxaa kaa digateen baa ineey xoolo yihiin Any decent, intelligent woman either be Muslim or non Muslim would know the importance of family - and would trive to build/sustain/maintain that stable family, without having to also neglect their own needs to extend their knowledge by seeking Education or by giving back to the community in the means of working. Marka naga daya nacnacdaan. War ileen taano kale. ma wax xun ayaa laga sheegay dumarka wa yaabe?? Maba fahmooyi nooh. Malika, its good to be in the defensive if you are being attacked, but why now?? To discuss the issues of our sisters, mothers, daughters,aunts and wives is not nacnac as malika is saying but rather enlighting. Marki horebo ma gaal ayaa axsan iyo wanaag noo haayay, what they think xaa naga galay? But what still remains a mystery is what makes an insult how a woman should be or not be?? How is this an insult??? I duno
Aaliyyah;743965 wrote: ^bal slow down, and respect blessed. She's a mother and knows what she's talking about as well..i'm sure she juggles between work, kids, and hubby (and with the right man its probably possible! and of course with a lot of patience from both sides).. salaam sas ma ahan aaliyyah, dee qofka waa la qadariyaa araadiisa. if your opinion is different from others, always there's a simple way of expressing yourself, than terming the hardly thought opinions of others tosh/non sense
aaliyyah, jamalo, and val cheers. to me, a girl child means the life of the coming generation. from their logic to living, is a process of life saving. whomever is blessed with the honour to rare a girl child, allah haooga baqo, and should bring them up islamically. its really sickening and disturbing to see an elderly mother walking besides her two adult girls, with fitting jeans and rolling hairs down on their back. amazingly the mom is covered. the ideals in the west aren't our way of life, we should at least resist the temptation of westernising, we should rather be steadfast in our deen. and may allah guide us all..................allahuma amiin
*Blessed;743959 wrote: Sorry but this is complete and and utter tosh. I have to admit the indifference of blessed. Bal hadee ufiirso, sorry ayeey kubilowday Walee tanaaa,,,
ngonge, sports minster kulahaa http://http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/58850-What-if........
@ ayoub you hit the nail on the head. @aaliyyah, nicely said. But most men don't appreciate much naag lacag leh, for the single reason of power sharing thing. Dee weey kugu guuri camal. That's what i have seen about some men, if not most. Age 18 is quite an adult, but not an absolute, because the peer pressure is at peak around this time, and many other factors are in play, like the curious mind that wants to see the every side of the coin. But at the end of the day, everything melts down to how the child grew up and what kind of morality his or her parents instilled in him or her. aaliiyah, there's nothing like over protection.girl child needs more protection and that makes sence. Gabar waa hilib bisil, surely you can't let her go. @jamalo can't accept more. What you said is the ideal life. i appreciate your golden contribution.
NGONGE;743612 wrote: p.s. Arsenal losing by eight goals is the height of entertainment, wax fahan. Gormaa fahan noogu dambeeysay sxb. Ishaanbo maxa noo yeelay
Juxa;743680 wrote: Unfortunate is the key word here, ileyn wixii xunba xaawaa lehe! funnily i never seen a dude posting Baraarujin for the lost men/boys Carry on walaalkiis equality armaan laga hadli heeynin?? I wonder why the gender issue is being raised here?? Hadee macnuhu ma in hadii laga hadlo gabdho arday ah xaalkooda, ragana ma laazimbaa in laga hadlo??? Mise, maadama this thread is about girls, waa in un arimaha girls-ka kaliya looga hadlaa?? Unukaa wax aragni!!!!
Juxa;743608 wrote: Sharmarke, your statement about caro iyo emotion shows how little you know about women. Marka anigu waxan ku dhihi lahaa, practice what you breach, first stop looking, lower your gaze. second remember qoftii ceeb muslim astura isagana tiisa alle baa astura. instead of pointing fingers, start the change with you first, then your surrounding Its really unfortunate and unrealistic of you juxa, to change the theme of thread or in that matter my intention to finger pointing. qof an ceebtiisa so bandhigay majiraan, ilaa waxaan soo bandhigay a social problem oon xalkiisa rabay in wax laga ifiyo. Saad ufahantay ma ahan walalo. Tan labaad, hadee armaadaan ogeyn in lower-gareeyo my gaze.?? Thats why i said emotions iyo carada. Its paramount to comprehend. I said '' time tested solution,,,,,,, There's a difference between cebeeyn iyo bararujin dhib bulsheed,
horta gabdhahaan ma dumarka ayeey naga xigaan waa yaabe?? Lol @ngonge, asoow yiri 'boring', may be its because arsenal lost, 8 goals miyaa horta?? @chocolate iyo juxa, carada iyo emotion-ka armaa labjeex laga qadaa?? Irony-ga idilay!!! Inta kalena, habluhu waa hooyga noolasha iyo nasiinaha mustaqbalka. Wanagooda iyo wacnantooda, waa shax shax. Girl policing kulahaa, as if ey soconeeso!!! Replica of somali intelect, chaotic and bias. soconeeso!!! Replica of somali intelect, chaotic and bias.
aaliyyah, lakiin should the worst come, wiilka intaad xaafada kafiijiso ad ku oran, nakala wareeji sxbow, lakiin toi gabar eheed, xaa lagu sameena hee??? above all gabar, if its getting bad like *****, nacuudu bilah iyo wixi lahal maalo,it will be back to the family, dee iyadaa dhali Anyway allah hanoo sakhiro dhamaan, wiil iyo gabarbo. The duca of the parents to their owlaad is the solution
Thirteen things are sunnah on the day of Eid ul-Fitr
sharma-arke451 replied to Farmaraa's topic in General
great reminder, may the almighty shower you with his blessing -
nuune;743360 wrote: Garnaqsi , no I don't live in Iran, but some people were celebrating Eid today, so no surprise on mine being Friday, Eid Mubarak to you too if you celebrate Eid and were fasting Ramadan, I am not implying you were not fasting, but most Solers here do believe you have somethi against Islam, so until you clear your position on Islam, we will have these doubts about you even if you pray 7 times a day(added 2 there since you are a Budha) Afkaada caana lagu qabay sxb. Wixi an dhihi lahaa camal umbaadbo isha katuurta nuune ilaahi amarkiii Calashan winbo yabanahaa camal War ninyahow nuune wadba igu banantahay sxb Ciid mubarak reer sol
Parting Farewell Advice of Ramadan - Nouman Ali Khan
sharma-arke451 replied to Aaliyyah's topic in General
masha allah that is really nice After ramadhan people have to be steadfast in the their diin. Thanks sis aaliyyah -
@inajad it aint right to say that. Irrespective of the gender, zinna is bad for both. Wa suale, ma amaanta an amaanay genius miyaan eeday?? Who will devour his promise so early, ??? He/she will go, as he/she said, me thought!!!
malika, another thread miyaan ubiloownaa ''campus boys''???? lol even the boys too.
he who gets aaliyyah is lucky, me thinks. lol anyway, of lately people are getting the importance to make the wedding affordable.
INSHA ALLAH sis aaliyyah. me is waiting you too many, lol otherwise lets be more helpful to our sister down there at the campus
laughable remarks. at least defeated you go. I really like people like genius, who make nothing the proud in the mind of people like garnaqsi. Dabeel ayaa igu mareeso markuu isdhiibo,
aaliyyah where are you? I hope you will post the rest, since then was 6. I really loved it. @gp and garnaqsi, in my understanding, one of you is insincere and the other smart enough to out-do the other. The latter has really loosed, and uses his comprehension as the only indicator of right and wrong. Having said that, i have to note that women are the cornerstone for the moral uprightness of the coming generation, since mothers are number one teacher's for the young ones gp, edit part is really funny.
Garnaqsi;743047 wrote: Let me get this straight then: what exactly is your opinion on Somali ladies who wear 'normal' jeans? before the demand, i think apology comes first,
Malika;743043 wrote: ^I think Garnaqsi is against the empasis put on clothes , whilst other moral issues are being neglected e.g teaching manners/responsibilities/humility etc - is that right Garnaqsi? no, no, no,,,,,,,,,,,. he/she is against faith in islam. because that what he advocates for in other threads http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/58442-Complex-Islamic-response-to-evolution-emerges?p=742551#post742551