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Everything posted by Somalicentric

  1. Nice, thanks MMA The link to listen didn't work for me. So i found it on youtube.
  2. How many microphones does the woman need?! my goodness
  3. Somali philosopher;872192 wrote: do you kno where i can watch the final season Are you still searching?
  4. Personally, Breaking Bad is where it is at for me!
  5. "The Karmel Management has been raking in tens of thousands of dollars yearly from the Somali community without an ounce of respect or appreciation. Can you tell me why we continue to allow this? When we have the power to bring them to their knees?"
  6. Showqi;843158 wrote: You are not the only one Somalicentric , I thought it was alligator too. Shimbirtii Qardho dad badan ayey indhosarcaad ku riday Haha, *phew*
  7. So the picture in this disputed avatar is a bird?! for some reason i always thought it was an alligator... haha seriously folks.
  8. Haha, i'm sorry, but i can't get past the reporter's voice & tone... whatever happened to just reporting the facts?! too many adjectives for me to pay attention haha.
  9. Nothing annoys me more than conspicuous consumptions :rolleyes: Add our already innate habit of kibir iyo isla weyni to being rich, & oh by what have we gotten ourselves lol
  10. SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN *Kevin Hart Voice*
  11. ^^ Not everything is peachy, unicorns & rainbows all the damn time. I love hate songs, nice change from the lalaboness
  12. Nice tune, your title gave me the wrong idea tho lol
  13. Haha, that is a good one... i haven't read the books, but i am obsessed with the show. As far as the correlation you made, i find it interesting... do elaborate some more please lol
  14. I love the fact that she references the Agency vs. Structure framework in the anecdote regarding issues in Somalia… We focus too much on individual tragedies (which is good/important) but beyond this immediate attention we forget the more complex & institutional problems that keep this cycle perpetual. I’m in love with this woman… mA
  15. Wow, she is amazing... masha'allah, may Allah (swt) reward her efforts.
  16. Can you imagine the Somali version of this?! loool
  17. ^^^ Hahaha beenta sanka bey iga sarantahay.
  18. ^^ LOOOL was reviving this thread necessary? Lord some people have been on here since Burger King was still a prince haha. People's age is showing.
  19. Usually the folks i exchange paragraphs with also have an equally entertaining imagination... the rest i just go over their heads LOL & at any rate if things get out of hand, i pull one of these moves. Haha APATHY.