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Everything posted by Coofle

  1. Alpha ... Jarmal & Kooshin doesn't count as Qaraami.. Personal favorites... 1- Muuse Ismaaciil Qaline (geela-jooji) A legend that only comes once in a century. 2-Cumar Dhuule Cali 3-Boqorka iyo Boqorada Codka (Tubeec & magool) 4- The Mooge Brothers (Maxamed & Axmed) 5-Hibo maxamed Hudoon (Hibo nuura) 6-Maandeeq and Kinsi 7-Tahliil and Gacayte Then comes Xasan aadan Samatar and Cigaal.....
  2. waa baryihii aanu koonfurta ka soo qaxnay...kkkkk.... The sad thing is that there is no enough well written and documented literature about the events that happened at that vital but bloody part of somali history.....Ku tiri ku teen ayuun baa meel kasta taal...
  3. Can't sleep and I am supposed to wake up after 2 hours ...insomnia
  4. I don't see controlled clinical trials...or meta-analysis...As a healthcare professional I will say "Iska hadlaw ina iigaree"
  5. fadaaka al xub INFECTION.....Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Waar anigu nashiido ayaaban moodayay inaad soo galisay...Waaba Funny kkkkkk Made my night...
  6. Haatu;912276 wrote: I agree with Ngonge after reading this thread, women are mad We should post that xikmad everywhere kk
  7. Wadani;911848 wrote: From what i know dhanaan mean salty/sour and qadhaadh (qareer) means bitter. Waaba sidaas In the famous poem "Macaan iyo Qadhaadh" by the late poet Qaasin I qoute "Midina waa mindiyo xiirayiyo, murriyo deebaaqe" on the story of taste, Do you understand the two words Mur iyo Deebaaq
  8. Aaliyyah;911934 wrote: Seems like a sexist story to me. Odhahda ka samir ama u samir has no relevance to this story. Maxey ku sameesay? Waa yaab. Aaliyah, you can't understand waxay ku sameesay, because that is the are a woman, this is your normality... personally Haween kama samri karo, laakiin waan u samrayaa,,,,Ninkii labadaas diida madax-xanuun iyo dhakafaar buu isku furay...
  9. routine daily scenario between a miskiin faarax and his support of NGONGE's Woman are mad theory. Faarax :- Xaliimooy, aa kaalay ilmaha saxarada ka tir Xaliimo:- Anuu ilmaha ma kaligay baa dhalay, adba ka tir, busy baan ahaye Faarax:- waynu wada dhalnaye kaalay ka tir Xaliimo:- bas, dee ilmahaaga daryeelkiisa ka qayb qaado Faarax:- Huuno ma garanayee kaalay ka tir, urtiisaa guriga qabsataye. Xaliimo:- Ilmaha sida loo dhalo ayuun baad taqaan saw maaha Faarax:- Naa maxaa dhacay “Baroortu orgiga ka wayne” Xaliimo:- Maxaa dhici lahaa , anigu ma adoon baan kuu ahay horta Faarax:- Cawdu bilaah Xaliimo:- Wakaas hadii aan tabashadayda sheegto sidii shaydaanka ayaad iska kay naaraysaa Faarax:- kkkkkkk Xaliimo:- Walaahi sidii qof waalan baad iila dhaqantaa, Serious baan ahay adiguna waad iga maadsanaysaa (Iyada oo Cadho tii u danbsay ah ayay tidhi) Faarax:- waayahay macaan, ii soo dhiib xafaayada (pampers) Xaliimo:- oo markii hore sawdigii garan la’aa sida loo badalo Faarax:- Hadalka badan naga daa…..inta indhaha ku yara giiray. Xaliimo:- intay yara aamustay bay tidhi “Xaaji ma cadhootay, raali noqo , naagta xun een jaarka nahay ayaanu is huruufnaye. Faarax:- kkkkk .. dhib ma leh (((laakiin maankiisa waxa ka dhex dhawaaqaysay heestii maxamed mooge “Haween u samir Amaa ka samir Sidaa waxay ku dhaamaan Loomaba samayne”
  10. If you want to enjoy Quran and Hadith...Learn arabic,,,
  11. still ninkaa afka kala haya ayaa ila roon, at least his mouth have good ventilation,,,Nin aamusan balaayo ayuu la least his faking is a sign he is highly interested in pleasing the public...
  12. Blackflash;910876 wrote: Cramming for a calculus test while watching Netflix, plan on doing the same tonight. Calculus, oh Calculus....kkk..At one point I used to shine at those staff, ..Even in my sleep I used to dream about calculating calculus, Trigonometric proofs, complex numbers, matrix they are just titles to me...PS .. in our days calculators were not allowed in exams, you gotta work out everything, those days students have it easy , they take fat scientific calculators to exam.... Haatu, now if you ask me about a Mole!, I would think of the edges of a mole, its color, progression etc.kkkk not about chemical mole. Tonight was a cliche to me...
  13. On contrary,,,,Dhoolla-caddaynta iyo muusoodku waa sunne , The president Smiles a lot,,,Waa in loo bixiyo, Madaxwayne Xasan Dhoola-cadeeye,,, it shows he is people's person..... تبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقة Smile its sunnah... Adigu Bahal xun oo Aamusan, oo fuqa taagaya, oo afkiisu soo urayo miyaad rabtaa......
  14. inta raacday nabigee rafiiqiisa noqotee ee rumaysay noqonee ku salliya rasuulka Alaahuma salli wa sallim calayh
  15. Alpha's Cantarbarqash would be collected posthumously and made into "The Life of alpha; Disturbed and calm" (Biography from his personal statements) ...Just make sure SOL is up and running till the day your soul leaves your body....Inta kale aniga igu daa, Provided NGONGE will not interfere.
  16. You can differentiate Somalis only one they open their mouth...accents might help you to some extent... Looks can only differentiate Somali Bantu and the Reer Xamar Society,,,
  17. Coofle

    Today I....

    Today,,,I have done something big kkkk...Things you think are hard become easy when you come up with the guts..
  18. For a fact Somalis were slave traders and it was not only confined to the Jesus clan. Slavery was normal at some point in human history and as a part of the global intellectual evolution it was abolished. Every nation were subjects of slavery, even green eyed blonde Caucasians were a valuable slave commodities in the slave markets of Damascus. Even Arabs, including quraish were enslaved.... I am sure that many of our debasing practices today will be abolished in the future by our posterity and looked upon and they will despise us for that ,,,for instance the unjustified discrimination and hatred of Beelaha la hayb sooco.....our insincere support to end discrimination will be replaced by sincere support and our silly excuses will not be accepted by the next generation... another example,,Female genital mutilation was and still an important practice to purify a young female in the mindset of a somali senior citizen, but our generation oppose such barbaric act (albiet you can find some ignorant Jahils here and there who says waa dhaqan "well, it was dhaqan not to to have underwear and I don't see you bilaa nigis",,hypocrites ) My point is....Every practice is accepted and correct at its point of time... so stop bashing on ARabs... I
  19. Coofle

    Fanny Names

    LooooLzzz...Aniga iyo Xaajiga maad naga dhex Kicinaysaa, Waa nin Wayn Remember....Soomaalidu waxay tidhaa "Labaatan Jir lalama Lagdamo, Hadii uu ku legdana waa Kii yaraa baa dilay, Hadii aad ladagtana waa kii yaraa buu dilay" Markaa waxba makala dheefayno, Ee adigu barraxa is keen niyaw...
  20. its a crime...How could they sit infornt of each other, president to president , country to country,,,,its the US and Somalia!
  21. Afarta Waaxood = Four Directions....Waax Literally means Department,,Waaxda Dawlada Hoose ee Degmada 26 June Aramida Jacaylka = the injury of love
  22. Haatu;908637 wrote: The Islamic Brotherhood in their early days were very radical (as in anarchists). Violence is not an encouraged trait by the Islamic brotherhood, not since the days of Hassan Al-banna (founder of Islamic brotherhood) ... The movement witnessed the assassination and incarceration of its founders and did turn an eye, all of that to prevent fitna..
  23. Che -Guevara;908634 wrote: Coofle, wow such sweeping generalization. Balaayadu waa macalinka Qudha ee waad mahadsantahay la odhan ~Xasan sh. Muumin The only lesson we learned from our pre-1990s era is that morals are building blocks of a successful nation. the fruits of the previous generation have spoiled the country....most contemporary leaders were the breed of siyaad barre, his brood. (siilaanyo, Faroole etc) The next generation is now taking matters to their hands, but their biggest flaw is that wali dagaalkii 91-kii ayaa madaxa kaga xidhan oo psychological trauma ayay ka qaadeen, they are extra-cautious to freaking limits. Generation Y (those born at late 70s and beyond) are the country's last hope....Ina kiciya odayaasha aynu eryanee.