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Everything posted by Dervish

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;772491 wrote: What is the difference between Mamuul goboleedki Xaglatoosiye and this one? Overwhelming support from a united and organized community. No allegiance to the seperatists or our eastern neighbors. Our garaads aren't Pimping themselves anymore (our biggest challenge). We are an overall unit, tired of being sidelined just as your people had been in the past.
  2. The snm advances into kalshala and buuhoodle was repelled by a group of untrained nomads imagine what a determined advancing army can do. Hopefully it won't come to this Somalia doesn't need war. Inshallah dialogue and understanding will be the path to peace.
  3. MoonLight1;772635 wrote: How can they liberate Sanaag while they couldn't free a donkey in LA which is their heartland, even if they conquer Ceerigaabo which seems to be a wild dream what about the largest tribe in Sanaag aka the Maakhirian who are just happy to go fishing in Garowe and Hargeysa. I don't think you understand certain facts. The snm snaked their way into las Anod. Certain individuals within the community sold LA to the SNM. Our lack of unity was the main cause of this. You can obviously see that has changed after this khaatuumo. Las Anod will be evacuated without a single shot being fired and you can mark my words
  4. Try to stop the movement. The Darwiish state was the original government of Somalia while our neighbors were busy lifting their mac'wiis for the Gaalo.
  5. Ku fanfaanah inta yar aad haysataan. Snm got y'all looking through a box. You're Oblivious to the bigger picture
  6. What does saado Cali have to do with anything burahadeer? Are you hurt she's not making songs for the seperatists?
  7. The diaspora influence every single decision made in Somalia. We are their moral and financial lifeline so don't take that for granted somaliland. If it wasn't for the thousands of people in the UK receiving welfare your somaliland would be NOTHING.
  8. Oodweyne;772572 wrote: ^^ :D Well, I guess one can say that the rate in which these "internet-base-president" is going, then, very soon in here of SOL , we shall have our own self-styled president of Solland . And, therefore, it's needless to say, that, the folks in the TFG , back in Mogadishu will be thrill and honor-bound to unfold the red-carpet in welcoming them to their joint, indeed.. :D Don't forget that's how your current snm president came to power. Grassroots diaspora movements. Funny how u people forget historysometimes
  9. Somalia;772503 wrote: Will my parents get their properties back? NO. Build a new one like everyone else
  10. The "ethnic Somalilanders" are coming out the wood work Lool. I guess Losing half of your territory would make anyone sad. Now run along to Your holy trinity and be good seperatists.
  11. convenient amnesia from the seperatists. Taleex was bombed with the help of your kin. Does this mean hate your people, NO. The very Somaliland you claim as yours Was sacrificed by our people so respect history and let the past be the past. To judge an entire tribe by the actions of some is ignorance.
  12. burahadeer;772250 wrote: Wow keep rewriting history ..that's what you good at!.....lying to urslv hasn't helped you so far! Rewriting history like how your forefathers spied and supported the British while the mighty Dervishes fought a 20 plus year war against our would be colonizers. Rewriting history like how your forefathers fought againsts their own brothers in order to please the Queen? With the help of your fforefathers Taleex was the first place to be bombed from the sky in AFRiCA. Do they teach that History in the snm strong hold. Ohhhhh how Ssome forget history.
  13. Qandalawi;772278 wrote: Wait and see libaanyarow, SSC is Putland and will be part of the regional autonomous Putland state of Somalia. As for the shir it is good and progress, the unity of SSC is paramount and strengtherns Puntland. Relax puntland can't even secure its borders againsts ragtag pirates. You won't stop the Dervishes and you know this
  14. burahadeer;771948 wrote: Lasconod & Buhoodle were not bombed from air & land by tens of thousands of professional soldiers.What happened to somalilanders neva happened to you...don't wish for the worst.....and what's is this rape thing you talking about repeatedly,you trying to shame someone...boy you seem happened too,isn't it a crime? . Lasanod wasn't bombed because there wasn't a rebel group operating in our deegans. We didn't support seperatists rebels, the likes of your so called heroes. The truth is, it wasn't until the snm ventured into the cities using hargeisa and it's people as a shield. That's like holding a baby in Front of a drive-by. Your snm needs to take responsibility for their actions
  15. What missionary did you get your education from Abtigiis, you're soo well spoken
  16. They post these diagrams and fictitious maps written and published by their psuedo intellectual elite. Your people are a joke. It's like the snm took a copy of the North Korean Propaganda pamphlet. Wake uppp no one will recognize a somaliland. Do you know whyyy because the world is sick and tired of just 1 Somalia the last thing they want is another
  17. What do you expect from Salax. He is the progeny Of those who fought for the British queen and not their own people. Throughout history they've proven to be a liability to Somalia. Regardless the seperatists Kurds I mean Landers won't be granted their wish.
  18. Changing history is something you people in s/land know all too well. May Allah Swt pull the wool over your eyes.
  19. Whole families were murdered in their own homes, half of my direct family died, my uncle was 12 when he was kidnapped and murdered by the locals. And after all that I still Love my people. You see we don't cry about it. Only rape victims and widows hold grudges brother.
  20. Listen to you talk burahadeer. Do you really expect my people to join you bigots in a union?
  21. Is that the propaganda they feed you? You sound like a rape victim. "what I did to them"? What did I do to anyone. My people are from SSC I have nothing to do with the southerners. Oh and you give yourself too much credit the SNM took control of their hometown villages after the Somali military disintegrated. Your heroes wouldn't dare venture out of their caves prior
  22. We will take over and there is nothing you can do about it, do you know why? Because we are Somalia and you are an illegal rebel group equal to the separatists Kurds in Turkey. Oh and believe me the rest of our Somali brothers from bosaso to Ras Kambon are ready.
  23. No need to show muscle burahadeer we all know what ethnic somalilanders do when muscle is applied. You've been crying for the last 20 years. After this conference is over I guarantee your snm will leave LA without a shot fired.
  24. Sool and Sanaag belongs to all Somalis. Yes even "Ethnic Somalilanders". Salax your clan has lived under Sultans and Warriors for 300 years Your people have managed to breed like rabbits under our care, be thankful.
  25. The queens orphans live in Toghdeer and wagooyi galbeed. Sool and Sanaag are for Dervishes and Sultans.