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Posts posted by Dervish

  1. Abokor Omar;773172 wrote:
    Why hide and colour the tribalist venom with Somali unity and wrap it with the blue flag. This is a war for survival and if you wish to dismantle Somaliland, be prepared for a long merciless war. A bunch of old nomads meeting in a dusty small village in the middle of nowhere won't destroy Somaliland. The trabilist cowards, are desperate and totally redundant as too what they are able to do about Somaliland.


    Oh shutup you sound like a Jew pulling out the anti-Semite card when you have nothing else to say. Star people of SSC have spoken. Wake up

  2. My people were not foolish enough to be lead a dead end road by a high on opium mad mullah. For that I'm grateful my ancestors were smart enough to have avoided the death cult known as the Dervish. You my friend can repeat a thousand times, the made up history from the late dictators ministry of misinformation, but we know eachother, your people and mine. You could not free anyone today or yesterday, so save the cheap talk. My ancestors are the ones who allowed me to today own most of your land, so show some respect, lad[/quote



    And there you have it folks, The truth comes out. He agrees that his ancestors were cowards then he contradicts himself and says it never happened. And still found a way to claim his kin stole ancestral land from my tribe. Loool what a complete failure you are to your cause.

  3. They call themselves freedom fighters when in actuality they were and are still rebels. Freedom fighters were the Darwiish you people hate so much. They fought for freedom, for all Somalis against the British. Too bad your kin chose the side of the colonizers. Your kin helped the British Bomb taleex 100 years ago. So cut it out abokor don't get ish twisted

  4. Abokor Omar;773076 wrote:
    Dervish, only in your delusional head can you compare, the SNM freedom fighters, with this SSC thing. The same delusional head that concludes that you are somehow responsible for the unity of the Somali state, when the truth is, as footsoldiers and beneficiaries of the late dictator, you were instrumental in the implosion and eventual destruction of the former Somali republic. We have been kind enough to forget and forgive your past transgressions but we can only be pushed so far. This Somaliland child will be defended and nurtured with zero regard for anyone. Not my tribes feelings and certainly not yours..

    Looool wallahi the ethnic landers will blame anyone at this point. You probably typed that heart felt message teary eyed.

  5. burahadeer;772892 wrote:
    These somalia people r so desperate looking for victory everywhere.If you say" Hi or lets talk about illegal fishing in the ocean"..means somaliland gave up to thm.They dancing on nail head.


    "these Somalia people" ohh because you aren't Somali right? Your an ethnic lander somaha. I recognize somaliland recognize how much full of Sh*t they are.

  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;772865 wrote:
    The will of the people should be respected yes i agree

    But didn't president Siilaanyo suggest to hold a conference for the Garaad Clan didn't he say my door is always open for you

    I see the Khaatumo conference as a possible attempt to create more unity with in the clan and that is something positive.

    The Somaliland government allows Clans to hold their clan gatherings the south hargeysa Community held their Clan gathering in hargeysa last year the same with the saaxil Folks in dubur the same with the eastern borama Folks held also their Clan gathering in Xeego Awdal.

    That said the Somaliland government is authorized to protect the sovereignty and integrity and unity of the republic.

    Go back to the drawing board bro. Yea somaliland is sooo vehemently againsts Somalia right. You swear you left the union right? The irony is How you people behave when the people of ssc do the same to you. It's hilarious.

  7. burahadeer;772825 wrote:
    the wish of the people will be respected when they claim what's theirs & not otha people's land.It shows they just wana create trouble.

    Oh and what's "your territory" and what's ours. Don't let the last 20 years fool you, there are maps your British masters drew 100 years ago clearly stating "your territory". There has to be a couple missionaries still open in Berbera where you can do your research.

  8. MoonLight1;772820 wrote:
    Dervish first of all why the Maakhirians join you when you made you unilateral conference and declaration of State, how can they accept something you did not invite them to. Secondly even if you unite with them The capital of the region (Ceerigaabo) is very important, who ever rule Cerigaabo owns Sanaag, and to see you guys occupying Ceerigabo is a wide shot.

    This meeting was to unite a community my dude. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We can't ask others to join when our own house is a mess. Now that we have tangible change and unity don't rule out my option. I'm not about to say ceergabo belongs to only dblock and wrsngli that. Would be ignorance. It's a split city and we'll see what happens inshallah.

  9. Somalina;772801 wrote:
    You need to get out of my threads, your fake du'as are not accepted here. Go and compare the kids in Konfuria with the kids in SL.


    Expose these fake well wishers. One thread they're Bashing the south and other threads they're offering olive branches.

  10. Wrsngli and dulbnta are the majority in sanaag. Historically and culturally. What makes you think the maakhirs won't join us in a state union. With respect to both our traditional territories. With equal representation for all people. "ethnic landers" are a minority in sanaag don't let Erigaabo fool You. I was there last summer.

  11. How desperate is somaliland when they accept our regects with open arms? What kind of clout does a man who betrayed his own community Have? It's like when I see African American men with fat ugly white women. She may be fat and ugly but at least she's white. Have some pride Somaliland.

  12. Oodweyne;772697 wrote:


    No, I am afraid, you are well misinformed, for we had a
    "prior arrangement"
    and that is why we have allowed this conference to happen in
    ; other-wise, remember few years ago, when
    Garaad Saleebaan
    tried to do a conference of this kind in somewhere in
    , and we have to disbursed it, by force.


    Hence, it would have not taken that much of an effort to bring our forces from
    and shoo away any political chancers in meeting in
    , if there wasn't a gentleman agreement pertaining to this conference, struck earlier under the table.


    I hope you get my drift in here...



    LoooooooooL where'd they find this guy at?

  13. MoonLight1;772646 wrote:
    You are just creating new wars by talking about defining the border of the Beesha which does not exist, somali tribes are entangled and mingled and to talk about tribal borders is just a drum for newly created wars. Fahimta Yaa Darwiish.



    Don't be naive moonlight. Your reply oozes hypocrisy. We all have our historical territory now if we all just respected that fact no one would ever Need to organize militias. Las Anod was safer then hairgeisa before your militia came. Now we have to emass our own. Do you see the viscous Cycle?