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Everything posted by Dervish

  1. FreshPrince;774015 wrote: Khadar and the rest of the SSC crew you have no rights to speak as long as Lasanod is under the flag of Somaliland. Hadalku wuu iidin ka xidhanyahay! lol You are not a very good mold freshprince. You exposed yourself way too early, you got overwhelmed didn't you.
  2. What an absolute gimp this guy is. After 20+ years of war, some people haven't seemed to have enough. We'll see who's tough in the next coming months.
  3. Mashallah Xamar is back. We going going back back to xamar xamar lol
  4. When you landers realize somaliland won't come tO fruition we'll see how many pieces somaliland splits into. 1 for HY 1 for HJ one for blah bla blaaa
  5. Peace Action;773899 wrote: Another hint: Whining is a Northern habit. Loool you mean a Lander habit
  6. Oodweyne go back to maroodi jeex you're not from SSC
  7. Mintid Farayar;773931 wrote: 2. In aanay gobollada SSC ka tirsanyn maamulada Puntland & Somaliland, isla markaana la laalay shuruucdii iyo cahdiyadii lala galay labada maamul, An admission by the concerned clan that their leadership did sign on to Somaliland during its creation. Truth eventually comes to the surface... Didn't your clan sign on board to a united Somalia? Irony?
  8. Galia is an IDP living in Burco. She likes long walks On the beach and her hobbies include picking off the many flies that gravitate to her swollen malnourished body. Contact the admin @ Sol regarding donations to this brave IDP
  9. Was it your uncle on your mother or fathers side that molested you as a child galia
  10. Loool niiiice condom joke it really hurt.
  11. What's with you and Mogadishu? I've never brought up Mogadishu in any post. Who do you really work for?
  12. A private meeting amongst family has some people terrified. It's actually entertaining reading these doomsday posts
  13. Lool wallahi the landers are a pathetic people. Naya you are from somaliland not xamar, no spying on my watch
  14. SSC got these cowards contemplating life. What's wrong with this Gaalo I mean galia
  15. Your from Mogadishu and support somaliland? You must be a starving IDP because last time I checked the SNM were relocating IDPs out of Somaliland.
  16. Shut your face and mid your own business.
  17. The truth is I don't like you or your people. The sooner your wiped out of lasanod the better.
  18. galia;773666 wrote: Look, i am just tired of these fake people driven by tribal motivations attacking the republic of Somaliland and the people of Mogadishu. Sometimes someone has to stand up and speak the truth That's why you're mad because you're an *****.
  19. Freshprince is just another snm spy. Go move to hargaisa if you love them so much.
  20. Somalia;773482 wrote: A lot has changed about Galkacyo. I wish you'd get a proper education though. I'm an architect and minor in urban and regional planning. I'll be doing my masters in urban/real estate development. What exactly do you study?
  21. Such a simpleton Somalia. Obviously bosaso or galkayo no nothing about city planning. I'll give it to garowe tho, at least they have some Semblance of basic planning.
  22. I'm currently studying Urban & Regional Planning in university, I got one year left inshallah. My main motivation to study this program was to use what I learn in implementing structured plans for a city. Africa has historically been lacking in this department. We need to bring all urban planners, architects and engineers together and really focus on the future