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Everything posted by Dervish

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;774912 wrote: ^^ Then why are you crying and threatening to bomb people if you won:D Because you clowns obviously haven't learned from your last so called genocide. The joy in your posts when Somalis are died is sick. Regardless it's your cousins that are dead now so at least get your story right
  2. What news source are you all getting this from? Your military are laid out scattered like dead rats thought buuhoodles outskirts. Are we allowed to post dead smelly SNM corpses on this forum?
  3. Your soldiers corpses are stretched out all over buuhoodle all for what. Goat herders handled them Lool that says a lot about your military
  4. Xaaji is Giggling like a little girl eh. I'm glad snm started this, it's gonna be fun
  5. The Hermet;774567 wrote: lets hope we know the eventual fate..its a given. its funny how these people keep slitting their own throats..but a wise man once said never stop your enemy making a keep at it.."Darwishland"..hahahaha Just don't slit your wrists when it's all said and done coward
  6. galia;774557 wrote: Used and abused by Puntland, thats the sad story of your people. Why don't Puntland help you, what happened, LOL You want my sympathy? LOL You sound like a very distraught victim. What happened in your life to sound soo victimized
  7. Looks awesome congrats to the landers for securing that investment.
  8. Someone send this IDP back to her refugee camp.
  9. I mean you aren't as obnoxious as some of your brethren in this forum. I'd read a lot of your stuff before I decided to start posting but I must say there are others that are a lot more ridiculous then you
  10. Abokor Omar;774542 wrote: Simple people equals simple ideas. Pirate boy, I dare you to go to any London street and claim you support the Taliban, and then see how free you Any threats to the state will be met with an iron fist.. ....siaad barre 20+ years ago. When there was an actual state. You sound dumb AF
  11. Loooool Xaaji seems soo normal compared to his cousins. Xaaji you're not as annoying as I once thought
  12. Walal you haven't heard a word not even a peep from your eastern neighbors. It has been your folks making all the noise in the last 20 years and I'd like to personally thank you and your people for being soo loud. We finally got the wax out of our ears to hear the threats.
  13. Sool SANAAG Cayn won't be apart of Somaliland.
  14. After we take LasAnod back ceerigabo will be next.
  15. The Ethnic Landers are acting like chickens with their heads cut off.
  16. Why do you people argue with Landers? They obviously don't understand the hypocrisy and irony of their seperatist thinking. At the end of the day I don't mind them seceding I just won't let them claim other people's land. If they want to secede We as Somalis should let them. Their somaliland minus awdal and ssc has nothing to offer Somalia so why keep them?
  17. Looool I really love how u support your governors. It's just a little over kill bro just a little.
  18. RedSea;774300 wrote: There WERE injustices commited(well documented too) against' Silanyu's 'clan', he didn't just "called it". The fact that you and others legtitmatize and proudly support Barre regime's criminal and genocidal actions against the civilian population of Somaliland is the real Irony in here. You need to admit the crimes of the somali govt and you need to distance yourselves from it if you expect any sympathy for your cause. Needless to say, you won't do that and we know why. Boohoooo you people have been crying for over 20 years. Get over it I mean for the love of God people are dying all over Somalia. And people have been dying before siad barres time so cut it out.
  19. They look good for rebels I can't lie. I wonder what they'll wear during their war tribunals in the Hague.