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Everything posted by Xeefow

  1. Jacaylbaro;874144 wrote: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm This clearly shows that there are people that are sabotaging Somalia's political development.
  2. Abtigiis;874151 wrote: Somalia has seen 21 years of proper leadership under Siyaad, if it has 't seen a leader like Farmaajo for the last 21 years since the October 21 rvolution! So, isn't destiny that after a man from tormented Somalia for 21 years, another Gedo-an has to reign after 21 years of Siyad's legacy?? One can not miss the irony!! Please take the tribal motion out of your mind. Somalia has been a failed state for over 20 years now and on-going. Throughout those period Somalia did not get a competant, patriotic, sympathetic, genuine leader until Farmaajo came into political arena of Somalia. This is not something I'm inventing....its what thousands of Somalis if not millions have addressed throughout time. If the ordinary Somali citizen inside Somalia want him, I don't see how he is what many forumers are painting him as 'weak, power hungry, incompetant' etc.
  3. Jacaylbaro;874146 wrote: Don't be shocked ..... The faroole kids are suffering from a "PM fever" nowadayz ,,,, Faroole kids as in? His supporters you mean?
  4. ^^ Well clearly your envious of Farmaajo's popularities, and accusing him of being incompetant. Why else your mentioning IDP's? Aren't they the citizens of Somalia aren't they the most neediest? N.B. Its a indirect message 'of accusing Farmaajo for paying IDP', cause 1. You say IDPs want him and 2 you say he is incompetant. How can that happen?
  5. I'm really shocked at the amount of Anti-Farmaajo members in this forum. The amount of lies and cheap remarks against Farmaajo here is unbearable. This clearly show is that the hypothesus to the saying that every successful/popular person there is a pack of haters behind him/her. I'm not a frequent poster, but I do read here often. Back in Somalia every person is hoping the return of Farmaajo and in this forum we see the exact opposite. Cheap remarks like: 1. Farmaajo has paid IDP's for his protest 2. Farmaajo paid media about the false alaram This is just childish and silly. Come up with solid facts. N.B. Also face the reality.....Farmaajo is patriotic, genuine, popular and hard-worker. No amount of hating can deny this. Somalia hasn't seen such leader in the last 21 years of civil war, instead of hating him you should support him. That is if you want peace in Somalia and a functioning government. Or else quit hating and stay in your luxury western countries, and stop accusing innocent Somalis that have been in war-torn Somalia for the last 21 years for getting paid. FIX UP!!
  6. One of the government office employer leaked the presidents prime minister nomination, after photo-copying the letter of nomination and distributing them to radio stations, international TV stations such as PRESS TV and other media's. The pre-mature exposure has caused 2 hours of celebration in Muqdisho, including Somali National Soldiers to participate through gun celebration. According to close sources, the nomination was supposed to be officially declared after the UN summit in New York. Yesterdays celebration in video: Official jailed today for leaking documents: Wararka ka imaanaya Xarunta Madaxtooyada Villa Soomaliya ayaa Tibaaxaya in goordhow xabsiga loo taxaabay Mid Kamid ah Shaqaalaha Xafiiska Madaxwaynaha Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya kadib markii la ogaaday inuu shalay isagu siiyay warbaahinta Madaxwayne Xassan Shekh Maxamuud uu Farmaajo u magacaabay Raizul Wasaaraha Cusub ee Jamhuuriyada Federaalka Soomaaliya. Warar lagu kalsoonyahay oo naga soo garay Xarunta Madaxtooyada ayaa waxay sheegayaan in la xiray Madaxii hore ee Baritikoolka Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo hada kadib ahaa Baratikoolka Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud, ka gadaal markii la ogaaday inuu isagu siyay Saxaafada warar sheegaya in Farmaajo lagu dhawaaqay. Kulamo is daba jooga oo saacadihii lasoo dhaafay ka socday Xarunta Madaxtooyada ayaa waxaa ugu danbeyntii la ogaaday in Xafiiska madaxwaynaha ay ka baxeen wararka sheegaya in Farmaajo lagu dhawaaqay. Qofkani la xiray oo aan ka gaabsanay in aan halkan ku xusno Magaciisa ayaa waxaa uu haatan ku jiraa Xabsiga dhexe ee Magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana la sheegay inuu ahaa Qofkii saxaafada siiyay warar lagu kalsoonyahay ayaa sheegaya sababaha uu ku keenay in Farmaajo loo magacaabay Raizul Wasaare ay tahay inuu arkay Warqad ay ku qorantahay in Farmaajo yahay Raizul Wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya, waxaana la shegay inuu Copy ahaan u qaatay warqadaas isla markaana uu siiyay qaar kamid ah Saxaafada Mgaalada Muqdisho waxayna ku dhawaaqeen daqiiqado kadib in farmaajo yahay Raizul Wasaaraha Cusub ee Soomaaliya taasoo kentay shaki xogan oo soo kala dhex gala Xafiiska Madaxwaynaha shaqaalihiisii. Madaxwayne Xassan Sheekh ayaa gaaray isla markiba go’aan deg deg ah waxaana wararku shegayaan inuu iskugu yeeray dhamaan shaqaalaha ka shaqeeyay Xafiiska ugana digay qofkii lagu heli in uu warqadaasi faafiyay inuu mutaysan doono ciqaabteeda. Qofka warka Faafiyay ayaa la sheegay inuu oga danlahaa sidii Amaanka Magaalada Faraha oga sii bixi lahaa waxana warar kale sheegayaan in lacag Lagu siiyay si loo qaso Xafiiska madaxwaynaha inuu warqadaasi Warbaahinta u qaybiyo.
  7. HAHAHAH the tread starter must be idiotic to think a person would pay IDP's AND the government soldiers to demonstrate for him. Clearly your hate for the man is unbelievable to give cheap remarks as this.
  8. Out of the 25 candidates name only the one you think will win the election, without stating your reason. Do not refute or question others prediction. Just name your prediction only. Thanks My prediction: FARMAAJO
  9. Mooge;866121 wrote: farmaajo and his Tayo Party spreading the wealth again. :) If you must know, its not the people who are voting but the parliament. But then again Farmaajo doesn't need to buy of the parliament his work ethic is his currency.
  10. Mooge;866120 wrote: this is not true and cali dheere never said that. this was fabricated news few days ago and everyone knows about it. it is even illogical. why would shabaab say "we are destroyed and please don't elect the guy who destroyed us". loool. we are not little kids ninyoow. to give you some education, alshabab wars was started by Cumar Cabdirshiid. Farmaajo continued it after AMOSIM got more re-enforcement. Abdiweli took it to another level and completed the liberation of mogadishu which was 65% in the hands of Alshabaab when he came to office. If this news is fabricated or not, it does not mean Farmaajo's cabinet were not behind the weakening of Al-Shabab as many thousands of Somali civilians and international media's have pointed it out. During the cabinet of Omar Abdirashid, the TFG forces only controlled small parts of Mogadishu. TFG soldiers used to defect to Al-Shabaab, sell their weapons to Al-Shabaab. TFG forces were never paid their salary. TFG forces were never given morale support. TFG forces were not given food, clothing. Injured Soldiers were not taken care of. and endless other matters all due to: corruption during Omar Abdirashid's reign in cabinet. It was not the re-enforcement of AMISOM troops, but the strenghting of the Somali national army that has brought stability to some parts of Somalia. Give credit where its due. LOL @ abdiwali took it to another level. Is TFG soldiers not getting paid 'to another level'? loooooooool we can argue all day long, but there is nothing to hide as the truth is already out there.
  11. The spokesman of the islamist miltia group 'Al-Shabab' blames Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo for the weakening of their militia group. Days before the elections. Xoogaga Al-Shabaab ayaa waxa ay habaar aan haray loo maqlin ku riday Ra,isalwasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya haatanna ah Musharax u taagan qabashada Xilka Madaxtinimada Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed Farmaajo. Afhayeenka Guud ee Xoogaga Al-Shabaab Shiiq Cali Maxamuud Raage Cali Dheere ayaa waxa uu sheegay in awoodi ciidan iyo waliba midii dhaqaalaba uu bur-buriyay sida uu sheegay islamarkaana Farmaajo kahor ay heesteen inta badan Magaalada Muqdisho marka laga reebo Xaafado yar yar sida uu hadalka u dhigay Cali Dheere. Afhayeenka Guud ee Xoogaga Al-Shabaab Shiiq Cali Maxamuud Raage Cali Dheere ayaa waxa uu intaa raaciyay hadalkiisa in Farmaajo uu cafis u fidiyay saraakiishii katirsaneen Xoogaga Al-Shabaab taas oo u ula jeeday hadii ay isa soodhiibaan in cafis loo fidinaayo waxaana uu intaa raaciyay in uu ciidamada Al-Shabaab uu ku dhexyeeshay sida uu tilmaamay Basaasiin. Waxana uu ugu danbeentii cadeeyay Cali Dheere in uu sidoo kale uu ka hor isaagay hubkii ay sida qarsoodidaa ay kaga iibsan jireen Ciidamada Dowlada Soomaaliya islamarkaana uu niyadii uu u dhisay Ciidamada Dowlada Soomaaliya sidii ay ula dagaalami lahaayeen Al-Shabaab sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Hadalka Xoogaga Al-Shabaab ayaa waxa uu imaanayaa ama uu u muuqdaa in ay meesha kasiibaxeyso awoodii ay Al-Shabaab ay lahaayeen iyagoona ugu danbeentii ugu baaqay Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya in aysan Farmaajo u dooran Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya. Ra,isalwasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Maxamed Farmaajo oo haatanna ah Musharax u taagan xilka Madaxweynanimada Soomaaliya.
  12. One time their will be a time when we tell our grandchildren that there was a man called Farmaajo that brought unity and stability back to Somalia. What a hero! I wish Farmaajo all the best.
  13. Smart move by Farmaajo. His first visit was war veterans, next military authorities then Somali elders from many different clan sections.
  14. I sense lot of haters on this topic. Within the whole presidential speeches, Farmaajo had the most influence on the parliament, where the parliament reacted with continously agreement with their claps during his speech several times compared to other presidential speeches. His work ethics and his genuine characteristics is what will make him win, not if he is 'af-tahan'. You choose people not by their romantic words but their action, characteristics, popularity and genuine promises that people can rely on. Farmaajo got all that. So those commenting negatively on this topic, I guees your not being genuine.
  15. When Siad Barre and co left Mogadishu, there were few destruction. Mogadishu was heavly destroyed and looted after exit of the government. Mogadishu at its worst time was during the 6 months war between Caydiid and Ali Mahdi. History cannot be ignored and painted as the way you like to paint.
  17. Xaaladda degmada Luuq oo deggan Waxaa xaalad deganaansho laga soo sheegayaa degmada Luuq ee waqooyiga gobolka Gedo kaddib markii xalay weerar ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ah ay ku soo qaadeen maleeshiyada Al Shabaab, kuwaas oo madaafiic rayid waxyeeleeyay ku duquqeeyay halkaasi. Taliyaha ciidamada dowladda ee degmada Luug, Diyaad Cabdi Kaliil, oo la hadlay Bar-kulan ayaa sheegay in maleeshiyada Al Shabaab ay xalay weerar ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ah ku soo qaadeen ciidamada dowladda ee degmada Luuq, balse ay iska caabiyeen. Diyaad waxa uu sheegay in ay diyaarinayaan ciidamo loo diyaro goobaha ay falalka ammaan darro ay ka soo maleegayaan maleeshiyada. Taliyaha waxa uu sheegay in wax khasaare ah aanu ka soo gaarin weerarkii xalay marka laga reebo madaafiicda ay soo tureen oo waxyeeleeyay goobo ganacsi oo dad shacab ah ay leeyihiin. Maleeshiyada Al Shabaab ayaa weerarro ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ah ku qaado degmooyinka ay dowladda KMG ah kaga sugan yihiin gobolka Gedo, waxaana maleeshiyada oo degmooyin ay ka mid tahay Luuq laga saaray ay ku dhuumaaleysanayaan banaannada degmooyinkaasi. http://www.bar-kulan.com/2011/05/28/xaaladda-luuq-oo-deggan/
  18. Taleexi;723898 wrote: Work in progress. Indeed...work in progress...also many government buildings are being repaired...including the National Theatre....Mogadisho must be loving the new government.
  19. 1000 askari oo tababar loogu soo xiray Doolow Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG iyo kuwa Ahlu Sunna oo gaaraya kun askari ayaa tababar u socday mudo 3 bilood ah loogu soo gabagabeeyay degmada Doolow ee waqooyiga gobolka Gedo. Ciidamada tababarka dhameystay ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ay ku wajahan yihiin degmooyinka Beled-Xaawo iyo Garbahaarrey ee gobolka Gedo si loogu xoojiyo ciidamada dowladda iyo Ahlu Sunna ee dagaallada kula jira maleeshiyada Al Shabaab. Sheekh Maxamed Xuseen Isxaaq Al Qaadi oo ah afhayeenka Ahlu Sunna Wal-jamaaca ee gobolka Gedo, ayaa Bar-kulan u sheegay in ciidamada tababarka loo soo xiray ay ka howlgali doonaan deegaannada u dhaxeeya degmooyinka Garbahaarrey iyo Beled-Xaawo oo uu sheegay in ay ku dhuumanayaan qaar ka mid ah maleeshiyada Al Shabaab. Dagaallo DKMG iyo Ahlu Sunna ay maleeshiyada Al Shabaab kula galeen deegaanno ka tirsan gobolka Gedo ayay ka gaareen guulo la taaban karo, iyagoo gacanta ku dhigay dhul baaxad leh. http://www.bar-kulan.com/2011/05/27/1000-askari-oo-tababar-loogu-soo-xiray-doolow/
  20. General Duke;723717 wrote: Mahiga is to lead the meeting. Farmajo & Co are by standards, it should not be blocked by anyone least of all Puntland leadership. The protection of AMSIOM will cover everyone coming to the meeting. Xeefow , who ever you maybe lets be clear there will be no extension for Farmaajo & his cabinet. Who ever you maybe....go to sleep -->
  21. Gheelle.T;723713 wrote: ^Like Mahiga will spend overnight in Mog. Let's see if the two Shareefs or parliament will hold a meeting, let alone a conference. Conference in Mogadishu or anywhere else will not bring about changes as long as this nonsense leaders are on the helm. Let's keep dreaming. The meeting is being organised by the Cabinet.....! The...technocrats!....and Yes Mahiga and others will come to the meeting.....to listen to what Somalis want.....not corrupted Somalis but technocratic Somalis....
  22. General Duke;723711 wrote: Mahiga should stick with his plan. Host the meeting in Mogadishu and add Faroole to the list of bared candidates. Are you STUP1D.....? Mahiga never planned the meeting in Mogadishu....It was planned by the Cabinet (Xukumada Farmaajo) after they refused to take part in the 'shiirka wada tashiga' that took place in Kenya on 12-13 April. Once again Mahiga hasn't planned anything....this is Somalis work! LOL at Faroole being a candidate.....Maskiinsanidaa hahahhaha....horta forget about him being candidate will there even be a election....anyways Mahiga baad ku walaatay ee he ain't planning no SH*T