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Everything posted by OdaySomali

  1. Che -Guevara;789151 wrote: ^Maybe two things you should communicate to his office, afterall he did ask for input? Perhaps I should. That is a very profound suggestion.
  2. Two things: - Firstly, one would have thought it to be in Somali. - Secondly, he makes it sound as if he is not confined to just Mogadishu. Anyhow, carry on.
  3. ^ Credit to SOL's Ismalura.
  4. When I was there I fell in love with this city. The weather is simply mesmorising, there is this permanent light breeze that is very soothing and gives this city an aura of tranquility. It is also a relatively large city that has a unique character of having a 'metropolis' feel to it whilst maintaining a semblance of 'country' comfort. Waking up to the noise and hustle and bustle of Hargeisa and going to bed late at night with the city still roaring, full of energy - in that respect it reminded me of Dubai, the 24/7 city. Hargeysaay, waa inoo mustaqbalka !
  5. The amount of times I 'facepalmed' during watching that video. This is why Somalia is in a mess.
  6. Integrated business model is the way to maximise job creation.
  7. NICE thread ! If you show people money, or where it is at, i can promise they will put the guns down
  8. Chimera;786929 wrote: Odaysomali, a clear dig at me. I care not. haha see page 1 sxb, see pg 1:D Lets make this more interesting. What is everyones last memory of being in Somalia. Mine would be being driven in a car, through the vast plains and bush as we made our way out of the country. The car stopping for prayer every so often. I remember finding the water in egypt was bitter!
  9. People be sure to distinguish between your earliest memory and stories youve been told about your child/infanthood. I find it hard to believe anyone could pinpiot the exact age they were at this 'first' memory. I have several 'first' memories. Mine would be sleeping inside an aqal soomaali, a few waxar and all, whilst hearing the rain hitting the inside. Climbing a tree (not very high) as the metal beker lay on the ground.
  10. Somalia;786426 wrote: Yung blud doing his thing. Response to haters while eating noodles with chopsticks. How does he do it, not the karbaashing, the eating with chopsticks? You've been making videos sxb ? ... :D
  11. ^ LooLIf I had bought that camera I would also be as bitter as you are coming across right about now Here have some batteries for your camera
  12. MoonLight1;784933 wrote: Jaalayaaloow soo dhawaada, Jaalayaaloow soo dhawaada, Jaalayaaloow soo dhawaada Misery...
  13. LOL sxb chill that was me trying to help but never mind For anyone else reading this, if you are buying an SLR, dont get FujiFilm and most certainly do not purchase a camera that [still] requires AA batteries (apparently they are still available).
  14. Canon PowerShot SX40 HS Digital Camera, HD 1080p, 12.1MP, 35x Optical Zoom, 2.7" LCD Screen, Black Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ45 Camera, HD 720p, 14.1MP, 24x Optical Zoom, 3" LCD Screen, Black
  15. Caano-geel, dude, ive checked out the website and the thing runs on AA batteries wth. That, the fact that it is Fuji-Film and its price (for a semi-SLR) should have been red warning signs sxb Its a nice spec but I told you there is a catch, and boy was it a big one. I will post a much better alternative. I hope you have not bought this...
  16. I'm sorry but Canon, Nikon and Panasonic (Leica) lenses are the best lenses. FujiFilm lost the game a long time ago. They have nnow resorted to producing and selling make-up LOL, rather than cameras. Its called fuji-film makeup The specification of the camera is very good ... but I still think there is a catch (Fuji). I'll check out the link.
  17. Caano_Geel;785469 wrote: :D qiimaha ayaad ka cararaysaa waar orod oo iska soo iibso kamarad fiican. looool I might just do that sxb. I still can't believe how much the prices have come down, I had given up but now there is hope 16 megapixels is very good and as is the zoom at a staggering 30, but I cant help but think there is a catch... there is always a catch, what you gain on the zoom you might loose on pixels or on the ISO and vice versa. So I take it the ISO maximum will be quite low ? Oh its Fujifilm... nuff said. Canon or Nikon, with Panasonic coming 3rd,, I wouldnt have thought FujiFilm was even in the race.
  18. Caano_Geel;785466 wrote: Do you mean lithium battery, yes it does. yh I thought so. Because all cameras come with lithium batteries now.
  19. :D I've just been browsing some websites and semi-SLR's have really come down in price. They used to be around the £400 pound mark but have come down to £250-300 mark... I may well be making a trip to the shops.
  20. Caano_Geel;785463 wrote: AA is over rated, waa waxaan ku doortay. im not following. So it does have a litium battery ?
  21. chubacka;784962 wrote: How much did it set u back? Iam looking for a good beginner's camera any recommendations? When you say beginner, what level are we talking. Because I would say don't waste your time on the typical average digital camera - they are terrible (compared to Semi-SLR). Are you thinking semi-SLR or SLR. Personally I think SLR's are too expensive to maintain. Mind you, a £1,000 on the camera, another few 100-1,000 on the lenses, if you want a decent flash that will set you back another couple hundred. It all depends on what your budget is. I would say go for a fixed lens semi-SLR. You will get the speed close to a proper SLR, you still have the large lens. You have the option to use automatic or full manual settings. The zoom go for something like 20-30. All that for a couple hundred.
  22. Caano_Geel;784941 wrote: Charger IncludedNo Battery Compatibility FittingAA :confused: wth Charger not included ?? Surely a lithium battery is included ?