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Everything posted by OdaySomali

  1. I say that they are terrible things. How is one supposed to learn from one's mistakes when the matter is already a foregone conclusion. p.s. Yaa ii micnayn kara ereayga "nabsi"?
  2. Had I known then what I know now!... ciilkaambi is the worst thing.
  3. dugsi = malcaamad ^ This one had me laughing for a while. I would think why do they keep talking about "dugsi" are they cold or something
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;810967 wrote: Shinbir ma ogi anigu ma ihey Khaldaan intan ka aqaano luqada Somali guud ahaan uun baan sheegey. Shinbir Majabe;811139 wrote: Miyaadan ethnic Somalilander ahayn? khaldaan qoladaa ayaan u naqaane. The word khaldaan [used to] in the south used refer to the northern dialect, irrespective of the persons qabiil. Only recently has this changed. But eitherway I don't see why anyone in the right mind would think calling another person khaldaan (wrong) is acceptable... :confused: ...so I will have you both know, esp. XX, that ya'll should refrain from using that word, I for one find it incredibly offensive and if anyone called me that in RL I would have them know about it. :mad:
  5. Nice place nice pics. I'm pretty sure that the below pic is Asmara and not Djibouti.
  6. Che -Guevara;829084 wrote: I have concluded AT is functioning schizophrenic. I too think that something somewhere is not right.
  7. Download full document of foreign policy towards: somalia Eritrea Kenya Egypt Asia Eurpean countries etc
  8. And thanks Paragon for the video you posted. I'm liking the professor more and more.
  9. Here is another interesting debate. Not to do with the professort but I couldnt be bothered to create another thread.
  10. LasAnod Online gives the most accurate and valid reflection methinks Siyaasada Itoobiya Ee Ku Wajahan Somalia
  11. Ethiopian policy reveals new signs of animosity towards Somalia - SomalilandPress The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia recently announced its national security policy and strategy for Somalia with a principal focus on relations, extremist groups, trade and stability. In its presentation, Addis Ababa for the first time revealed its role in the collapse of Somalia by stating its efforts on disrupting, dismantling and defeating Somalia by “taking the war to Somalia and, along the way, aggravating the contradiction between the Somali clans.” Ethiopia also blamed the lack of foreign investment coming into the country on its Somali neighbor by claiming “our chances to attract investment have been reduced and the “Somalia effect” has contributed to the uncertainty about regional peace and the lack of economic linkages between the two countries.” Below is the full document which further reveals Ethiopia’s visible signs of its animosity towards Somalia: The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Foreign Affairs and National Security Policy and Strategy Ethiopia’s policy towards Somalia a) Historical background of relations The relation between Ethiopia and Somalia has not been a healthy one. In the recent historical period, one major and one lesser war were fought between the two countries. The empty dream of the so-called “Greater Somalia”, an expansionist policy, had brought to Somalia nothing but hostility and conflicts with all its neighbors, especially Ethiopia. Moreover, Somalia had always allied with all groups and countries it believed were anti-Ethiopian and had disturbed Ethiopia’s peace. On the other hand, Ethiopian Somalis had resisted the oppressive system in Ethiopia. Related to this, Somalia had succeeded in mobilizing a large number of Ethiopian Somalis as allays in its attempt to execute its expansionist policy. In this regard Ethiopia has been exposed to threats emanating from Somalia and other quarters. Ethiopia, for its part, rather than responding to the threat by respecting the right of Ethiopian Somalis and by fostering brotherhood between the peoples of Ethiopia, so Ethiopian Somalis could live in voluntary unity with their other fellow Ethiopians, resorted to dismantling Somalia to the extent possible. The policy was to respond to Somali aggression by taking the war to Somalia and, along the way, aggravating the contradiction between the Somali clans. The situation has now fundamentally changed. The “Greater Somalia” ideology has been discredited. It is now over ten years since Somalia has become stateless. On the other hand, in Ethiopia, a constitution in which peoples’ rights are guaranteed is being implemented. Ethiopian Somalis are living in brotherhood and voluntary unity with other Ethiopians in a newly defined, inclusive Ethiopian identity. Together with other Ethiopians, Ethio-Somalis are, in the spirit of equality, democracy, development and an Ethiopian identity, resting on strong foundations and contributing to the building of the country. Ethiopia’s vulnerability to the “Greater Somalia” ideology has been greatly diminished. On the other hand, the disintegration of Somalia has in itself brought ever-growing danger. The crisis in Somalia has allowed religious extremism to take hold. Somalia has become a haven and conduit for terrorists and extremists. Anti-peace elements are using the country as a base and place of transit in order to threaten Ethiopia’s peace. Somalia’s disintegration has brought danger to the peace in our country. b) Significance of the relations There is no condition whereby Somalia could contribute as a source of investment and financial development or as a significant market for Ethiopia. After a process of some length, followed by peace and stability in Somalia, there is the chance that it could become a significant market, but this is difficult to imagine in the short and medium term. Regarding natural resources, all the big rivers in Somalia flow from Ethiopia. The irrigation schemes in Somalia which effectively served the people are in a poor state. On the other hand, as our country steps up its development, we will have to dam the rivers for irrigation purposes. The harnessing of rivers in Ethiopia can help Somalia resist floods, and so the benefit would be mutual. But on the other hand, these rivers could be used in Ethiopia – mainly in the Somali region – for development purposes. This could create a minor conflict but the problem can be tackled by the principle of give and take in a way that takes into account the national interests of the two countries. As can be understood from the above, in the short and medium terms, Somalia does not have a positive or negative influence of note in the development of our country. And yet, in Somalia there are numerous ports that can provide services to Ethiopia. Starting from the port of Zeila which gave services to Ethiopia during its long history, all the way to Kismayo, there are no less than seven ports in Somalia that can be used by different parts of our country. These possibilities could significantly contribute to our development, but due to the “Greater Somalia”-driven conflict and national oppression in Ethiopia, they were never seriously considered (not to forget that Ethiopia had ports of its own). The current collapse of the state in Somalia makes it unrealistic to think of using the ports at the present time. Even if the chances to use the ports were to arise, and though that would increase Somalia’s relevance to our development, one cannot see a positive role that Somalia can play at this time. On the negative side, it is worth noting that the disintegration of Somalia has posed dangers for peace and stability in Ethiopia. This situation has spoilt the image of our sub-region, and the Horn is now perceived as an area of conflict. Our chances to attract investment have been reduced and the “Somalia effect” has contributed to the uncertainty about regional peace and the lack of economic linkages between the two countries. SomalilandPress
  12. Ethiopia's damage limitation policy for Somalia - GaroweOnline Ethiopia pushes for stronger relations with Somalia after peace and democracy are established, Radio Garowe reports. Ethiopia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a report titled Ethiopia's policy towards Somalia, in the report the government says that stability in the Horn of Africa could only be achieved if there is peace in Somalia. The current situation in Somalia has pushed Ethiopia into the direction of a damage-limitation policy. Which according to the report limiting the damage that may be caused by taking pre-emptive measures ensures that instability in Somalia does not further harm Ethiopia and the people of Somalia. Peace and stability in Somalia is attainable through a Somali government "committed to fighting, disorder, terrorism and extremism in cooperation with its neighbors," read the report. Stability in Somalia allows Ethiopia, a land locked country, much more access to Somalia's vast coastline. The Ministry Foreign Affairs said that if peace and democracy is achieved in Somalia then Ethiopia will have the oppurtunity to use Somali ports extensively. Adding together Ethiopia and a newly elected Somali Government would stamp out anti peace activies orginating in Somalia. The report indicates that democracy and peace in Somalia will take some time. Puntland and Somaliland were noted for there relative stability and development since the collapse of the government. More support to both autonomous regions to help eradicate threats, maintain and stregthen peace. An increase in trade, transport and hospitilaty to both regions was proposed in the report. However Ethiopia refused to recognize the north western breakaway region of Somaliland beacause it could cause a negative perception that Ethiopia is trying to break up Somalia, amongst Somalis. The Ethiopian government is worried that the negative suspicions could spark anger amongst a large number of Somalis living in Ethiopia. Support to stable regions in Somalia and closer cooperation with the Somali people in the region, in order to help counter or neutralize threats stemming from Somalia is the overall policy for Ethiopia towards Somalia. According to the report only the prevalence of democracy which Ethiopia is willing to provide full assistance to help reach a solution to Somalia and stability in the Horn of Africa. GAROWE ONLINE
  13. LlllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllL I just read various somali online news websites' interpertations of the report, Its very telling I must say. Its like GaroweOnline has read a completely different document and it gives an almost positive spin to the actions and policy of Ethiopia. Most Somali websites have reported it in a negative light though.
  14. Jacaylbaro;828651 wrote: Where in their website ?? ..... bal show me In Amharic: http://www.mfa.gov.et/policies/foreign_and_security_policy_and_strategy_amharic.pdf In English: http://www.mfa.gov.et/Foreign_Policy_And_Relation/Relations_With_Horn_Africa_Somalia.php
  15. ^^ http://www.somalitalk.com/2006/un/itoobiya.html
  16. Siyaasadda Itoobiya ee ku wajahan Soomaaliya a) Taariikhda iyo asalka xiriirka ka dhexeeya Itoobiya iyo SoomaaliyaRIYADA ITOOBIYA "Ethiopia's policy towards Somalia" Waa tarjumada qoraalka boggani xambaarsan yahay... "...nabad, dimuqoraaddiyad iyo horumar ay gaarto Soomaaliya waa dhibaatada Itoobiya"* Wasaradda Arrimaha dibadda Itoobiya Xiriirka ka dhexeeya dowladda Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya weligiisba ma aheyn mid caafimaad qaba. Marka la eego taariikhda dhow ee Soomaliya iyo Itoobiya, waxaa dhex marey hal dagaal oo yar iyo mid weyn. Riyada maran ee waxa loo yaqaan “Soomaali Weyn” oo ah Siyaasad is-ballaarin ah ayaa u keentey Soomaaliya wax aan ka aheyn colaad/din iyo iska hor-imaadyo ay la gashey dalalka la dariska ah, gaar ahaan dalka Itoobiya. Waxaa intaa dheer, Soomaaliya weligeedba waxay la safan jirtey kooxo iyo waddamo ay rumeysantahay in ay ka soo hor jeedaan dalka Itoobiya waddamadaas iyo kooxahaas oo carqaladeeyey Nabadda Itoobiya. Tan waxaa la sii xiriirtey, in Soomaaliya ay ku guuleysatey in ay kiciso tiro weyn oo Soomaalida Itoobiya ah si ay u noqdaan kuwa Soomaalida kala qayb gala in ay fuliyaan siyaasaddooda is-ballaarinta ku dhisan. Marka taas la eego, Itoobiya waxay weligeed u ballaqneyd hujuumaad cabsi leh oo uga imanayey Soomaaliya iyo goobo kaleba. Itoobiya, iyadu dhinaceeda, intii ay hujuumka uga yimid Soomaaliya uga jawaabi laheyd in ay ixtiraamto xuquuqda Soomaalida Itoobiya iyo in ay kobciso walaalnimada ka dhexeysa dadka Itoobiya si ay Soomaalida Itoobiya ugu dhex noolaadaan ugana mid ahaadaan iyagoo xor ah dalka Itoobiya, ayey dowladda Itoobiya waxay u jeesatey sidii ay u kala dhantaali laheyd Midnimadii Dadka iyo Dalka Soomaaliya iyadoo dowladda Itoobiya ay geed dheer iyo mid gaabanba u fuushey sidii ay arrintaas gurracan u fulin laheyd intey la gaartaba ama u suurta gasho. Siyaasaddan waxay aheyd mid looga jawaabayo gardarrada Soomaaliya si dagaalka loogu raro Soomaaliya dhexdeeda si ay markaa taa u suurta gashana waxaa la sii huriyey iska soo horjeedka ka dhexeeya qabaa’ilka Soomaaliyeed. Si asal ahaan ah oo laga noqon Karin ayuu xaalku haatan isu beddeley. Fikraddii “Soomaali Weyn” way fashilantey. Hadda waxaa la sii marayaa 10 sano Soomaaliyana weli dowlad iyo Qaran matala ma leh oo waa dowlad la’aan. Dhanka kalena, Itoobiya, Dastuur xuquuqda dadka Ilaaliya oo suga ayaa laga hirgalinayaa. Soomaalidii Itoobiyana waxay la nool yihiin walaalahooda kale iyagoo si xor ah ula midoobay Itoobiyada kale si wadajir ahna ula difaacaya Dhalashadaas Itoobiya iyo Jiritaankeeda. Si wadajir ah ayaa Itoobiyaanka iyo Soomaalida Itoobiya waxay ugu nool yihiin shucuur sinnaan, dimuqoraaddiyad, hormar iyo u dhalasho Itoobiya. Wadajirkaas oo ku taagan tiirar ad-adag oo wax ka taraya dhismaha waddanka. Unuglaanshadii Itoobiya ay u nugleyd khatarta fikradda “Soomaali Weyn” aad ayaa loo yareeyey. Dhanka kale, burburka iyo kala tagga Soomaalia laftigiisu wuxuu keeney khatar kale oo sii kordheysa marba marka ka danbeysa. Dhibaatada ka taagan Soomaaliya waxay oggolaatey in diin ku adeygga Soomaalidu uu xiddiddeysto. Soomaaliya waxay gabbaad iyo marin u noqotey argagixisada iyo kooxaha diintooda ku ad adag. Curiyayaal nabad diid ah ayaa Soomaaliya u isticmaalaya in ay saldhig iyo marin u noqoto si ay u hujuumaan nabadda Itoobiya. Sidaas darteed burburkii Soomaaliya khatar ayuu u keeney dalkeenna Itoobiya. b) Muhimadda xiriirka Itoobiya iyo Soomaliya Ma jirto xaalad ay haatan Soomaaliya wax ku soo kordhin karto iyadoo ah meel aan hanti gashan karno iyo meel aynu ku horumarin karno maaliyadda Itoobiya ama meel suuq u noqon karta wax soo saarka Itoobiya. Muddo ka dib oo weliba nabad iyo deggenaan Soomaaliya lagu soo dabbaala ayaa ay uun jiri kartaa fursad ay Soomaaliya Suuq muhiim ah noogu noqon karto. Hase yeeshee, way adagtahay in laguba riyoodo in ay nabadi ka dhacdo Soomaaliya mustaqbalka dhow iyo midka dhexeba. Marka la eego kheyraadka dabiiciga ah wabiyada waaweyn ee Soomaaliya waxay ka yimaadaan Itoobiya. Waraabin beereed oo habeysan maba kajiraan Soomaaliya sidaas darteed dadka saboolka ah ee Soomaalida waxay ku jiraan xaalad qallafsan. Dhanka kale markasta oo waddankeenna Itoobiya uu sii hormaraba waxay noqoneysaa in ay Biya Xireenno saarno wabiyada si aan warrab uga dhigno beeraheenn. Horumarinta wabiyada Itoobiya waxay caawin kartaa in ay daadadka ka caabbiso Soomaaliya sidaa darteedna ay faa’iidadu na wada gaarto. Laakiin dhanka kale, wabiyadan waxaa lagu isticmaali karaa Itoobiya dhexdeeda siiba gobalka Soomaalida Itoobiya iyadoo loo adeegsanayo hormarinta gobalkaas. Arrintan waxay abuuri kartaa iska hor-imaad fudud oo dhex marra Soomaliya iyo Itoobiya laakiin taas waxaa lagu xallin karaa xeer ah wax qaado oo waxna i sii taas oo tixgalin siineysa rabitaanka qaran ahaan ee labada waddan. Sida kor ku xusan waxaa cad in muddada dhow iyo muddada dhexeba, Dalka Soomaaliya uusan wax xun iyo wax samba uusan saameyn la taaban karo ku laheyn horumarka dalkeenna. Laakiin haddana, Soomaaliya waxay leedahay dekado aan xisaab laheyn kuwaas oo u adeegi kara dalka Itoobiya. Marka laga soo billaabo dakadda Saylac oo haatanba iyo ka horba taariikh ahaan u adeegi jirtey Itoobiya ilaa taas Kismaayo, waxaa jiro dekado aysan tiradoodu ka yareyn ilaa toddoba dekadood oo uu waddankeenna Itoobiya isticmaali karo looguna adeegi karo qaybaha kala duwan ee Itoobiya. Isticmaalka dekadahaas waxay wax weyn ku soo biirin karaan horumarkeenna dalkan Itoobiya, Laakiin maaddaama ay jirtey fikradda “Soomaali Weyn” iska hor-imaadka ka dhashey iyo cabburintii ka jirtey qaranka Itoobiya, weligeedba si dhab ah looma darsin isticmaalka dekadahaas (iyadoon la illaabi Karin in Itoobiya qudheedu leedahay dekedaheeda u gaarka ah “Assab & Asmara). Burburka haatan ka jira Soomaliya iyo qarankeedii ayaa ka dhigaya wax aan la taabba galin Karin in haatan lagu fikiro in la isticmaalo dekadahaas. Xitaa haddii fursadda lagu isticmaalayo dekadaha ay dhacdo in ay kor usoo kacdo, iyo iyadoo taas ay kor u dhigi karto sida Soomaaliya ay u saameyn karto horumarkeenna, ayaa haddana qofna u muuqan Karin door wanaag leh oo Soomaaliya ay maanta ciyaari karto. Dhinaca xumaha marka aad eegto, waa muhiim in la garowsado in burburka Soomaaliya uu keeney khatar ku wajahan nabadda iyo xasilloonida Itoobiya. Xaaladda Soomaaliya waxay qastey muuqaalka laga heysto gobalkeenna Geeska Afrika oo loo arko gobal dagaal uu ka aloosan yahay. Fursaddeennii aynu ku soo jiidan laheyn maalgalinta caalamiga ah aad ayey u yaraatey iyo “saameynta Xiisadda Soomaaliya” oo keentey in lagu jahawareero nabad gobalka ka dhalata iyo in la waayo xiriir dhaqaale oo ka dhexeeya labada waddan ee Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya. * c) Jihada Siyaasadda Itoobiya ee ku aaddan Soomaaliya Darisnimada aan wadaagno Soomaaliya waxay faa’iido u ahaan laheyd horumarkeenna haddii ay jiri laheyd nabad iyo xasillooni ka jirta Soomaaliya. Nabad waxay imaan kari lahayd gobalkeenna haddii dowlad u taagan in ay la dagaallanto fowdada, argagixisada, iyo kuwa diinta ku dheggen oo la shaqeysa waddamada dariska ah laga dhisi lahaa Soomaaliya. Dadka qaar ayaaba qaba dowlad noocaas ah oo Soomaaliya laga dhisaa waxay mar kale soo nooleyn doontaa fikraddoodii ahayd “Soomaali Weyn” oo markaas nabad, dimuqoraaddiyad iyo horumar ay gaarto Soomaaliya waa dhibaatada Itoobiya. Arigtada noocaas ah waa qalad waana khatar. Marka ugu horreysa hadda iyo wixii ka danbeeya waddankeennu wuxuu ilaalinayaa midnimada dadkiisa (oo ayku jirto Soomalida Itoobiya) iyadoon la inkireyn rabitaankooda (madaxbannaani doonka), laakiin la caawinayo in oo la aqoonsanayo, laguna dhaqayo rabitaan ku saleysan sinnaan, horumar loo dhan yahay iyo dimuquraaddiyad Maxsuulka habkaas kor ku xusan ayaa noqonaya in aynu abuurney xaalaadkii ay Soomaalida Itoobiya, ama fikraddii Soomaali Weyn ha la soo nooleeyo ama ha joogsatee, ku dooran laheyd in ay ku noolaadan sinnaan iyo midnimo dhexmarta iyaga iyo walaalahooda Itoobiya. Marka hormarkeenna iyo dimoqoraaddiyaddeenu sii korodhaba, u jilicsanaanteenn
  17. Somalia;828377 wrote: Stuff and horse crap ,,,,,,, Be more original waryaa...
  18. Some interesting news coming out... http://puntlandnews24.com/ http://oodweynenews.com/news/169237-sir-cusub-itoobiya-oo-u-qorshaysatay-somalida-somaliland-ma-aqoonsanayso-ethiopias-policy-towards-somalia.html http://sacadin.com/2012/05/08/ethiopia-oo-qirtay-ujeedka-ay-somaliya-ka-leedahayma-aqoonsanin-somaliland-warbixin-sir-ah/
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