Alpha Blondy

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Everything posted by Alpha Blondy

  1. Mad_Mullah;978533 wrote: Focus shouldn't be on women but on minorities, especially the Bantus who form the majority in the refugee camps. ^ wayooow, these folks are emigrating back to Tanzania, Mozambique and along coastal areas, maha? there's a family reunification mashruuc, taking these folks back to their roots. very similar to Somalis in the west. they must decide where they belong. check this vid.
  2. Haatu;978492 wrote: Alpha abti, what is this khuraafaad by the name of oiler that has joined this place? Haatu, abti, Oiler is somewhat of an unknown quantity. she/he's had the audacity to challenge the academic temptress and pseudo-intellectual Boqoraad she/he's not bad at all. maybe she/he's a oil masseur? maybe he's a Thai massage Parlour worker? ya oog?
  3. Haatu;978492 wrote: Apophis, how's business going? Are you a tycoon yet? (I saw your brother the other day, he told me). i knew it! despite his best efforts to dismiss my 'African Century' mantra, i'm glad to see he's actually contributing. mashallah. what sort of business is Apo in, i wonder? :cool:
  4. nuune;978449 wrote: Ibti As you said what did really happen was a flight.................. a chartered flights or otherwise, and I was tracking the movements of those flights whether they are assigned to Jubba with ET number on them in the ET system, this was my case (I did happen to have that system and know what and who charters what flights or assigns what and who), so they left for Djibouti to take passengers from there too(the scheduled flight that normally leaves Djibouti twice a day, morning and afternoon.) ^^^very different from the below........ nuune;978198 wrote: - The scheduled aircraft is DHC-8 Dash 8 , is ok with the current renovated runway Nuune how did you from the specific to there was ''a flight''. :cool: abti, you've lost legitimacy. you can't be taken serious in the field of civic aviation. isku xishood and please issue an apology as soon as possible to Alpha.
  5. AMISOM 'winning the hearts and minds' of locals, miyaa? Abbaas, please advise.
  6. Safferz;978410 wrote: I've been looking at photos of food on Pinterest and watching the Food Network all day so I can somehow eat foods I'm craving vicariously through the internet. I haven't had bariis or basto or bread/cereal for that matter in a month. I am hungry and cranky and want to fight people. Diets suck :mad: That said, I look awesome so I won't cave in just yet lol. waad isku booqday, ma istidhi? in Mauritania women eat subag saafiya to fatten their person, siba mid sii ficaan u gadhooday .
  7. Safferz;978403 wrote: I'm serious, they're trying to be inclusive so everyone feels represented :D
  8. Hobbesian_Brute;978406 wrote: :rolleyes::confused: it's not what it looks like. ;) this Abbaas guy is biyomaal and from Jubboyinka dheexe.
  9. Abbaas;978391 wrote: Alpha, inaar Wadki dhale is not something to make fun of, before it's too late, i would highly recommend you try the Wadaad-matchmaking that Haatu has mentioned, just ask Khayr to lend you his khamiis and cimaamad then walk to your nearst local mosque and ask if thee can save you from thy desperate. Waa iga talo LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@Alpha, inaar Wadki dhale is not something to make fun of, before it's too late caadi iska dhig, dee. i'm not that old. waxaan wa calaf ee sida uula soco.
  10. Cambuulo iyo bun;978376 wrote: My God what happened to this place? Ilma adeeryalal naga daaya lalabada . overstuffed with $1.8bn of the darwarsi, miyaa? aar baal 0.4% so d!r. :cool: caadi maha caawa
  11. Safferz;978387 wrote: Sadly I think knowing I'm a feminist only draws him more towards me, I'm not sure there's anything I could say at this point that would scare him off. I've tried. xayaysis socda 2500 miles away. :cool:
  12. nuune;978389 wrote: ^^ Q means Qasiis or Quwaar ama Quwiir add Qudun to that list
  13. Safferz;978390 wrote: There's also LGBTQQIAAP and LGBTTIQQ2SA, figure that one out The Q is LGBTQ is for queer. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. these ppl y'all. acronyms for everything. are you serious? i bet some feminist comes up with these pseudo-gay terms. :p
  14. ^^ Safferz;978380 wrote: LGBT Q people. Q? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL what's the Q for? Quasi-Hybrid? caajib. :cool:
  15. nuune;978375 wrote: Alpha , Ibleez waaxid, ii warran inaar, I can see your games improved, and ways and norms of how to approach and appreciate ladies, but one musbaar ayaa kugu jiro, and that needs Kiyaawo ingalees in lagu soo siibo, sida kale I am happy with your development, Alfiyoweesoow inaar-abti sareeye guuto, madax sare salute to saraakiisha sare ee SOL iyo akhbarta kula socda, marka hore. bacda salan, inaar, i haven't have a date in two months. my last date doesn't count because i don't want to lie to myself, dee. my game is lacking these days, ma garatay? what are you talking about, inaar? such is the level of desperation these days........i've been thinking about arranged marriages and stuff. they're all the same, maha? plus it's half your iman to marry, innit? i'll solicit Khayr inuu talo ka bixiyo arrimaha. i was having lunch at Imperial Hotel today and some guy who forced me to buy him waslad hilib ah iyo pasta isku dhex karis, randomly said...........''miyaad iska guusatid, abti. it's time, you know. you don't want to become a wadki dhale...''. killed my appetite, inaar. caajib.
  16. wadani, can we talk about your anti-SNM tirades, please? i'm not quite sure why you say these things but it doesn't make you any more cooler, you know. there are too many waloweyn folks on these boards and i'd much rather they weren't privy to our secrets.....marka ka waran PMs, abti?
  17. playing a Abdulkadir Jubba classic this jeudi soir. sidadaradeed, wa bashbash iyo barwaqo. p.s - Saffz, shacabkii hargeysa ma xasuusata? :cool:
  18. Khayr;978358 wrote: Hey don't hate the man, hate the game! you can't say things like that! wa ku sidee, abti? diintu is not a joke, you know.
  19. Khayr;978348 wrote: you should be banned! look at this islamo-fascist thug zealot. abti, you have more pet-like obedience to dune coons than a khawarij to a bomb, miyaa? :p:p abti, are you issuing fatwas now? p.s - abti, i'm playing around with you, innit. don't get angry. salams.
  20. y'all are taking this convo to an incestuous level, ma garateen? wadani, inantaad abtiga u tahay ayaad rabta, miyaa, abti? hence why 56% of sand dwellers are a result of inbreeding and stuff. e.g.....Ibrahim ''Buubaa'' Mahdi oo kale. akhas. wa isku faal. iyadaa aana wax ku fali eh.
  21. Tallaabo;978330 wrote: At other times he also seemed to be a Turkish aid coordinator, Somali Airlines agent, Ballot box dilaal, Villa Somalia insider, Silaanyo's right hand man, Berbera airport lobbyist, Kikuyu apologist, the list goes on. ninka wa a jack of all trades but the master of none, ma garatay? sort of reminds me of Del Boy from Only Fools and Horses.........cross-contaminated with a Sangub, before the allegations. :p i also seem to recall the time.................he delivered a baby Zebra by c-section near Beeraha Jamame, using only a ph-neutral Dettol hand sanitiser. caajiib.
  22. nuune;978226 wrote: Alpha, then you need to stop talking about aviation in general, you forgot you were a self-designated spokesperson for Somaliland Aviation for the past few weeks, inaar. abti, like i said many times before arrimaha SL Republic ka dhex bax. wa iga taalo. malaha vultures ayuu diyaarad la raaco u maleyey ninkan jinnka la sheekeysta. jinn ka sheekeeye jinn uu sheekeeye ha la sheekaysan, ma istidhi?