Alpha Blondy

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Everything posted by Alpha Blondy

  1. *Ibtisam;722710 wrote: P.s: You did claim the moral high ground by implying you was there for unselfish reasons, which we both know is not the case. Run along now. :cool: i earn pittance and work like a dog. what could i possibly gain from this venture?
  2. there is no need to get personal here and call me names. contrary to what you've said, you do not know me well IBZ. all this is in fact figments of your own imagings. now, getting back to the issues at hand, what qualifies you to receive this award? its a legitimate question and one you've dodged.
  3. its exactly this type of sentiment that gives 'our' enemies, the launch pad to attack and question the whole concept of somaliland. you've never understood deference nor do you care about Somaliland. i will not argue with you IBZ, because unlike you, i will not try to claim the moral high-ground. you're a complete and utter waste of time.
  4. dont hide behind empty terms. what exactly qualifies you to receive this 'award'?
  5. *Ibtisam;722684 wrote: Cry me a river! what can I say less than two weeks of my time with worth 1year of yours Hater and a xaasiid!! YA salama you might want to rephrase that!!! there is nothing more influential and rewarding than lecturing at the university. your quick ''get-rich schemes'', which we are all familiar with, are not needed here. are you going to tell the women here how to dress with the spring islamo-chic collection. how dare you compare me to you IBZ. I'm looking at the longer term future of this country. I've invested my time and effort in Somaliland. you have no right to accuse me of anything. walahi you're pathetic and I will confront you about this if I ever see you in Somaliland.
  6. award for what? you haven't even been here for two weeks and you're already collecting awards. this is pathetic. you havent done anything for this country. just go back to England. what exactly have you done for somaliland IBZ?
  7. just came back from the presidential palace. was discussing important policy.
  8. yh but your offices are far dee. unless you want to meet half way.
  9. its about a horny little xalimo.
  10. i reckon its at least 600,000 people. of which about a sixth died in actual war and other protracted conflicts. the other half million died from maladministration, mis-management of resources, environmental degradation and other factors.
  11. *Ibtisam;722409 wrote: Atheer iga haad, I tell you get well soon, you tell me it was my fault and I did sixir on you, then one page later you want to have a normal convo, waan ka yaabey, bal iga leexo!!!! :eek: :eek: take a chill pill.
  12. *Ibtisam;722402 wrote: JB, daadka ha khaladiin, it is nice to keep safe and eat only in good places. dont bring that nanny-state culture here. there is no Health and Safety Executive here but if there was one - lets just say the whole country would come to a complete halt. there are far too many violations here.
  13. Jacaylbaro;722397 wrote: You guys come with a fragile stomachs and complain later ......... We even eat Cockroaches, Warms, Parasites, Snakes, Flies and all that moves and get more strength by the day ...... Even the only time i briefly went to the west, I was eating anything and everything and was Ok the whole time. The Shrimps at the Chinese restaurant, the duck meat at the french place, and McDonalds, the ,,, the .... Hmmmm ,,, ehem u sheeg! although imperial is not exactly bad!
  14. ^ thats a state of mind. snap out of it. awersome!
  15. Archdemos;722393 wrote: Easting out in SL is like playing Russian roulette with your health. There is only a handful of safe eateries, hence during my last trip there my food bill totalled almost $2600 for 5 months stay. Totally worth every penny, oh those potatoes’ salads and the choice;). I decided to ‘eat out’ where locals eat and well I was in hospital for 3 days. It turns out there was a parasite in my cake. Alpha get well soon buddy, I suggest you buy raw ingredients and cook for yourself mate if you can, much safer then eating out. Or just have something like oats for breaky, and for snacks throughout the day, stock up on tuna, mayo and the likes and well you know how cheap bread is. Good luck buddy. Archie, lol@raw ingreidents. how bourgeois! the only thing I take raw is ***********. i'm going for the whole authentic experience dee. how can I ever be considered ''local'' if I eat at fancy and expensive places, taking note of how much i spent everyday, whether its organic and fair-trade lol. archie, sxb thx for the headup. i should recover soon I/S. I have a secret ingredient.
  16. it was more of a pout, IBZ. did you have something to do with this assassination attempt. did you put something in my food. you know black-magic is rife here. i bet you had something to do with this and read some sixiir on it. now, i'll have bad luck for the next two and half years. i will have seizures and foam at the month. oh god, only the exorcist can only save me now.
  17. nuune;722386 wrote: Last night I had hilib faras for dinner, was invited to it, so waan ka noolaadey, and for the next few days, I don'ty feel like eating anything at all, I never believed before that whoever eats faras hilibkiis will not need food for few days, now that is true, will find out until Friday. yh, i didnt have hilib faras, but it must've been something i ate at aftaax's last night. oh god, i feel pathetic right now. in a terrible state. i cant even look myself in the mirror with my usual arrogance.
  18. lol@take the day off. you must be out of your mind juxy. there is no throwing a sicky here.
  19. oh dear! not feeling well at all. yet made an attempt to come to work. i feel very sick.
  20. ^ lets keep the militancy out of the thread. cheers naxar - ceseria evora is amazing somaha?
  21. i welcome all opinions. the very fact that people are able to express such opinion, if you can call it that, shows the SOL is a democratic forum of expression. cheers.
  22. You still in town? i was hoping we could talk about this.
  23. Axmed-InaJaad;721811 wrote: Originally Posted by *Ibtisam It is what forces some people to create 8 different accounts on SOL and multiple accounts in other sites and have discussions and debates with themselves [certain threads I have seen 4 different user names giving different opinions and arguing with each other despite it being the same person?!] Isn't THAT a little creativity mixed with depression mixed with conflicting thoughts and ideas?- shouldn't it at least be explored? . is there something you want to admit miss ibtisam aka alpha blondie? Axmed, its a good thing you quote this before IBZ edited her pathetic opinions. the simple facts are that IBZ is clinically obsessed with me. I cant seem to shake her off. IBZ - why are obsessed with me? please leave me alone. i don't want anything to do with you.